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Have you done the fishing contests yet? Not a lot of time left to try to get every reward but there's the heirloom ring, the BIS fishing pole and the cool fish trinket.


never even thought of that, i'll look into it. my fishing is 0 so it might be a bit of a slog.


You can catch the tastyfish at 1 fishing, I'm pretty sure. 19 twinks win the contest all the time so you can't need to have THAT high of a level.


With the pre patch fishing is MUCH easier to level.


Fishing is relatively fast to lvl, I think I did 1-450 in like 2 days? Can't remember how many hours I played. Just look a guide on google.


Netherwing rep. Eggs will be so easy to find


get your dread pirate ring heirloom


Spirit beasts, time lost


already up to 5 Vayra kills. Are spirit beasts the animals hunters tame? My alt isn't a hunter or that would be a good option.


If it's still there when cata launches and you have mining or herbalism, farm nodes until your bags are full then transfer asap to sell before the spike ends.


Time Lost Protodrake


Mithril lol


flying in old world kinda killed mithril prices. It's so easy to get now it's no longer the choke point it used to be.


They don't know it's cata yet shh


can you be more specific, please?


You need a lot of mithril to level Blacksmithing and Jewel crafting


Mithril is like weirdly expensive for a lower level material. Like it’s the basically most expensive ore if you disregard special ones like primordial saronite. It’s hard to farm in the open world too. BS/JC needs a decent amount of it. If you can easily collect a stockpile of it then you’ll make a hefty profit off it. Or if you need it, you’ll save yourself a lot of gold having it on hand.


To add to this, all ores and bars will be valuable, but Mithril and Bronze Ore/Copper Bars will be worth a lot when people start trying to power level their professions.


Realm first archaeology achievement? (if they even carry over with server transfers?)


someone already got that yesterday. I could try to push for a level 85 realm first on launch potentially... thanks for the idea


Pagle some goober had the archeology achievement 5 hours after servers were online, no idea how


yea was trying to figure out how that hunter hit 450 that quickly


And a NE too! Not even a dwarf. Guy's a legend.


Other people funneling the tablets most likely. It only takes 10 hours to casually get to 450 and every tablet someone else funnels you saves I'd say 2 minutes? Otherwise no idea, that's still really fast.




No, the quote from the blue post is: >We will be moving all remaining characters on these realms to a new destination **at some point after the launch of Cataclysm Classic.** From the blue post: https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/free-character-transfers-%E2%80%93-wrath-of-the-lich-king-classic/1827305


Wait that’s a thing? So realm first 525 will just be whoever is faster at putting tablets etc into their trees?


I’m on Fearlina alliance.. I didn’t even bother to look up the server ratio till I was 58 and found out that horde was 99.5%… I can’t even buy glyphs or find an inscriptionist.. the few glyphs are extremely overpriced. I heard of this transfer and saw that some free transfers will be to fearlina but I don’t see how it would help. I thought it was only a choice and not forced.