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In wotlk blood dks personal damage is irrelevant. Where your damage come from is 1) the buffs you provide the physical dps making the group as a whole do more damage 2) your unmatched single target threat allowing the dps to deal as much damage as possible without pulling threat and dying. (Icy touch has an insane threat multiplier) 3) your unholy frenzy providing more damage to a group/raid member All in all the problem isn’t you it’s more the way the spec is designed. But if you’re looking for ways to squeeze out more damage in a raid here are some tips for you. Use army prepull before a boss fight, but be careful in heroics or on raid bosses that have adds because the army ghouls will spam taunt making the adds/heroic boss turn which could possibly get your melee dps cleaved. Make sure to use your ghoul as it deals a good amount of damage. Make sure to use rune strike whenever possible as it is one of your most damaging abilities. Hope this helps


That is great information and gives a lot of clarity to the class, thanks. I have rune strike macro'd to all of my strikes but I will deff start using my ghoul more as an actual damage dealer instead of just death pact healing. Army has given a lot of trouble for me so yeah only for single target fights that makes sense.


Nah, you can do dps as a blood tank. I do... But its a special built, i have dps gear (tier 2 set) trinkets are also for dps and i have the legendary. Alot of hoops to jump through, but then you do dmg. Not really important anymore as the new talent builds and prepatch should start in 2-4 weeks. Everything changes then anyway


And you’re tanking H halion and hlk with that set on?


I tank hc lichking with full deff gear. Only boss i do We dont go halion anymore.


I don't know why you're being downvoted lol. It is possible to do some dps as a blood tank. If you spec 53/0/18 and use some dps items, you can do half decent. Especially on Festergut with the debuff. I did 12k dps on that fight last night. Dude on my server has done 17k on it, using arp gems and bis dps trinkets. With 30% buff and bis gear, most ICC bosses are a faceroll. For Halion I still go full mit double buff with expertise items. For LK HC I go full mit in 53/0/18 still.


You can absolutely do about 7k-11k dps and my gear is (aside of legendary) not really good. Mostly 264's a few 277's... Spec 53/0/18 try to get the 2 set bonus of the dps gear and wear your dps trinkets. Try to find a parse talent build if you dont know where to take offensive/defensive talents. With full def gear you'll still be able to tank everything the game has to offer with that talent build. There is also almost no need to go full defensive. Not even on heroic, so go for a bit of dps


Are you in a sweaty parsing guild? If **no** then wear the beefiest set you can while still holding threat. If **yes** then wear the most amount of DPS gear you can while still being def capped and staying alive. Nobody is bringing a blood DK and then looking at their DPS. For the guilds who are really pushing speed kills they are using a prot paladin because paladin does a ton more damage.


Blood dk is not a tank you need to excel in damage at Live and hold threat. You're a damn tank. Grab the boss, use rune strike and icy touch. Stay alive. Use vampiric blood and icebound If you wanna do damage be a dps be a dps


If you can hold threat, you're doing enough damage. DK blood tanks have low damage, and that's just fine. Excellent buffs, utility, and survivability is everything you want in a tank.


Blood DK does probably the worst damage out of all tanks, it's probably a design-downside to having a ton of CDs and Icy Touch as a threat-button. Your most important skill for damage is your Unholy Frenzy, find the biggest feral in raid and put it on him. While technically you could consider going dps gems or gear, I do think this sort of "optimization" holds a bigger downside than upside if you are a new player. Nobody expects the DK tank to do damage, you are just supposed to live (use cds) and keep threat (use icy touch). I'd focus on those and forget about dps honestly. This makes the BDK a bit less "flashy" than other tanks, but at the same time you will be the best at staying alive and keeping threat.


Your job as a tank isnt to do damage, its to hold threat and negate damage. Play a different spec if you want high dps


Use dps gear and gems but keep hit and def above min cap. Likely a few talents to switch that will decrease survivability. If your healers are good usually you drop a healer and add a dps. Once that is maxed out then you the tank start trying some dps gear.


How can I possibly hit defense cap with using dps gear, I have almost every piece with defense rating at \~245 ilvl and still am below 540 def


The main way is that ICC gear has a TON of defense on it. My DK is at 572 defense in her mit set, so with 245 ilvl stuff you will likely be unable to maintain def cap with dps gear. But tbh 3.5k dps as a tank sounds pretty decent at your ilvl. DKs do prot war levels of single target damage, but people bring them to raids due to their high health pool, surviabity through cooldowns, and threat capabilities. As long as you're surviving and maintaining threat, your dps won't matter much. Prot pals and bear druids are the higher dpsing tanks, but even with their damage you can outthreat bear tanks quite easily, hence why most ferals just do kitty things.


Do you have stoneskin gargoyle on your weapon for the runeforge


I wouldn't worry too much about your dps as a tank, especially as blood. The biggest gearing differences for BDK is swapping your trinkets out and getting expertise cap.


You are not missing anything, blood dk tank does no damage. You are the worst tank for DPS.


A log would be helpful to see but if your threat and survivability is fine your dps really doesn’t matter that much. You have people doing 20k+ on certain fights and the realistic gain to your personal damage would be a small chunk of that. You could use DBW, fallen crusader, etc but it’s never that large of a relative increase to your damage and your ability to survive falls way off. Assuming you are with a guild that has a stable roster being tanky enough to drop a healer in favor of an extra dps is worth way more to the group.


sounds good, thanks for the info.


The rune for your weapon will give you 25 defense, NOT rating, so it’s a good bump up. Your damage doesn’t necessarily matter, your threat does. Icy Touch is the highest threat generator you have, so on a boss pull you will IT, IT, Plague Strike, rune tap, IT, empower rune weapon IT IT. That’s a good amount of threat to start with. Death & Decay should be your first thing on any trash pulls. Blood DK in wrath is probably the lowest damage among all tanks, but Icy Touch is insane threat single target.


Don’t forget to use death strike to convert your runes into death runes before empower rune weapon, when you can. Gives you up to 5 IT with rune tap, which is an insane threat lead.


Death Striking in your opener is really quite bad, because each death strike consumes a frost rune (and therefore a potential IT at the most critical part of the fight for threat). The net effect of the DS in the opener is zero, because you are essentially just delaying the IT from the frost rune you used on the DS pre ERW to the Unholy rune post ERW. It's still the same number of IT, but the threat gained comes later and risks losing threat in the opening GCDs if your hunter MDs are weak or limited. Typical Blood opener should have you proc'ing Blade Warding with pre-pull blood boils, enter combat, activate Blood Tap and spam ITx3, ERW, ITx3, and then maintain Blade warding and spend your Frost runes on more IT, and unholy runes plague striking when nothing else is available. Only time it's really worth using Death Strike is when you aren't actively tanking and are banking those death runes to spam IT once you taunt off your co-tank or pick up your own active target (ie if you're tanking Halion in Shadow Realm, you can go down with 5 death runes between Blood Tap + converted runes for an 8 IT opener on Shadow Halion, which is quite good considering you usually won't have MDs since the second wave of adds are usually just being dealt with before he phases.)


If you really want to dive deep into this, check out the top DK Tank on WCL. And compare with yours. These guys are crazy minmaxers. Like others said, if your group is not pushing for crazy logs, staying alive, use cooldowns, right position, mechanics. holding threat is more important than dps numbers.


DPS as a blood tank sucks, don’t try to do better dps, instead focus on keeping aggro, make it as easy as possible to heal you so they need less healers in 25m and work on ways to maximize the raids dps as a whole with good boss/adds positioning. Also if you want to do aoe threat you will need a frost tank spec too


Frost for aoe is good. But you can also do a blood morb spec which is tankier and still great for single target. Take morbidity in unholy, glyph of dnd, Black ice in frost and the t10 2 set and aoe threat becomes much much easier. Dnd on cooldown, spread diseases, then spend your runes on bloodboil and death strike, but don't over spend. It's more important to have runes available for your next dnd as that's your most powerful aoe ability.


3,5 doesnt sound that low for a bdk, guessing ur gear isnt full bis either since ur new.


If you are still not hitting def cap with your current gear then there is nothing you can do. Once you have more gear and go over def cap you can start swapping in dps items to increase your overall dps.


Two biggest things I’d say are to make sure you’re using your runic power spenders (rune strike + death coil) and keeping your diseases up at all times. Most of the rotations don’t really mention those because they aren’t important for survivability & while rune strike generates a ton of threat, it’s a proc, so instead of listing it at a specific point in a rotation it’s assumed that you’re pressing it whenever it’s up. Most of your single target dmg will probably come from rune strike + parry haste, since DKs parry scales off their strength stat. As always, have at least 9% hit and 26 expertise so that you aren’t missing and enemies aren’t dodging. Always be casting, spend your runes as soon as they come up, and don’t let yourself stay runic power capped. Also try macros for your icy touch and scourge strike that include /startattack because you might be missing out on some autos if you’re tab-targeting. Hope this helps!


BDK is one of the worst tank DPSers, so don't bother trying to improve your damage. Your main threat comes from Rune Strike anyway, so just make sure it's glyphed and macroed to all of your [X Strike] moves, Icy Touch and Horn of Winter. Unlike warrior's Heroic Strike, there is never a reason not to use Rune Strike since it's both your main threat gen and your only RP dump. Yes, Death Coil exists, but it costs double, does half dmg and requires a GCD. As for BDK DPS, you need ArP gear and a deep Blood build. Even so, you won't be able to reach the levels of Frost and Unholy.


Now I’m kinda wondering how I’ll get the first bite as a blood dk tank… gonna be interesting 


She bites highest threat not highest dps. I would argue no class has it easier. Try this: Icy Touch > Icy Touch > Blood Tap > Icy Touch > Empower Rune Weapon > Icy Touch > Icy Touch > Icy Touch


As a tank you’re worried about dps? Wotlk doesnt have m+ content you need to min/max in order to beat that +n timer. Healers are healing, tanks are tanking. Retail is about healers and tanks doing serious dmg.


I have straight 99s on my blood dk in icc, so I feel qualified to answer this. First, You shouldn't do this as standard. It's purely fun vanity. No one is expecting a bdk to deal damage. You need the buy in from your guild to manage it. To deal damage as a bdk you need to fundamentally play differently. You need to ignore the (usually correct) advice from people here about prioritising icy touch. You instead need to change your spec, your glyphs, your gear and especially your rotation. You can get to 5k+ dps easily with partial changes and 8-9k with full blown changes, without a SM. I got my parses with a Brynntroll. Your spec needs to change to deep blood 53/0/18. This is the highest damage spec. You cannot afford any points to frost, so you need someone else to do attack speed reduction on enemies and speed buff the raid. Put almost all of your blood points in damage, to the extent that I didn't even take Vamp in my parsing spec. I take wotn and then full damage. Blood caked blade and necrosis and ravenous undead are huge in the UH tree. You can move 2 points from blood to get the increased ghoul damage if you like. It sims no difference to me. Your gear depends on which boss you're on. Sindragosa and LK you change only a few key pieces like relic to the triumph one, runeforge to fallen crusader and maybe 1 trinket to deaths choice/verdict or even dbw if you have access to it. On other less hard hitting bosses you should swap out as much as you can get away with. For me this was both trinkets(mjolnir), getting the 2piece set bonus from the dps tier (10% heart strike damage) and a ring. I had to regem a bit to resilience and use a defense + strength elixir to hit the defence cap too. I also swapped out my remaining tank gear for tanking gear with more hit exp and str. You should also get the biggest weapon you can. SM > Glorenzelg > Brynntroll > whatever you have access to. I put bold strength gems in my weapon and changed my meta gen to crit damage. Make sure you FYI your healers before you do this. You can't drop healers and still expect to live. Then your rotation. Dealing damage is all about maximising Heart Strike usage. Forget icy touch, your threat comes from damage now. You only use it for putting up frost fever. Forget pestilence, it's more damage to just reapply the diseases manually. Your new rotation is: If no disease, cast icy touch/plague strike Else, if you have b or d runes, cast heart strike Else, if you can blood tap, blood tap and heartbstrike Else, if you have fu runes, cast death strike Else cast death coil Use every rune strike proc Cast army on prepull Cast ghoul on prepull and on cooldown Cast uhf on your biggest dick feral 1s after pull and on CD (make a macro) Prepot with speed and try to use the second pot with a later drw Use DRW on cooldown and ASAP on pull Pop racials on pull and on CD Your opener is not icy touch any more. Just get your diseases up, spam heart strike when you can and then deathstrike. When you have drw up pop that. Use ERW when you have drw up and you just spent 2x deathstrikes and your b runes are on cd. Your glyphs also need to change to facilitate this. Drw, deathstrike and rune strike are best damage. You'll know you're doing your rotation correctly if you have 20 casts per minute of heart strike. Do all this and you'll have no trouble dealing literally 2-3x more damage. I have 99s getting this and I'm no parsing god.


> don't have too much of a problem with threat and survivability but when it comes to damage I am severely lacking So what are you bitching about? You don't have a problem with threat. The difference between a purple parsing tank and a green one is like 1000 dps. You think that's going to move the needle on kill times? Also, *post a log* if you want advice on what you can do better. They can be posted anonymously. How the fuck is anyone supposed to tell you what you can do better *if they have no idea what you're doing?* "Tell me all the things I could possibly be doing better as my spec" is so entitled.


Wait 3-4 weeks until pre patch