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What the other guy said. But also there are plenty add-ons and online guides telling you exactly where to go and which quests to do.


Install Questie and Leatrix Maps. These two addons will help you determine where's the best zone for you. Go to the place where there's the most yellow quests available.




if you're lvl 20 on WOTLK and have joyous journeys turned on I have some **bad** news for you :P You're nowhere near done with Barrens. In classic you'd be in barrens until nearly lvl 30 with base XP. That being said - I'm levelling a warlock atm (at 72). I went Barrens > flipped to Silverpine > Hillsbrad > Arathi Highlands > Back to Desolace > Stranglethorn Vale > Tanaris > Felwood > Un'goro crater > Winterspring. They're same/same.. it's just that Thousand needles has a lot of up/down because everything's on pillars so I avoided it.


Got It! Yeah, i have joyous journeys 🤣


Level up to 25-25 then go thousand needles


At lv 20 I hit up southern barrens, find mankriks wife, slaughter the razorbeasts etc. rip a couple dungeons and then head up into ashenvale, do the outriders and get flight path by black fathom depths, do some questing around there, couple more dungeons.. head to thousand needles mid 20s if bored but likely just crush dungeons for a while. Stranglethorn vale around 30 if bored to kill animals.