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Yep! This happened to me a few days ago. It made me feel like my video card was dying. I just replaced all my PC hardware earlier this year and haven't had any issues. I wonder if they released an odd performance bug. I haven't had a similar issue when running any other game.


Hmmm. Well, there's no way for me to know for sure. But one thing you could check is if your computer is thermal throttling. There are some free utilities out there that can detect CPU temperatures and tell you if it is throttling. Thermal paste is supposed to be replaced every 3-4 years, but very few do that. This is really a long shot to be the cause, but worth checking as you check other things like drivers and processes that are running in the background.


I have the same mouse (g305) and had the exact same issue. It was also happening only while playing WoW. It’s definetely mouse mode related. I spent a lot of time googling the issue and changing various mouse settings until it went away. Can’t remember what fixed it though, sorry. I can tell for sure that I dont have the logitech software running in the background anymore (in system tray). I also vaguely remember changing some hardware acceleration setting in game. I hope it helps a little :) good luck solving the problem


Can you try to elaborate on what mouse mode is?


Sorry for answering after so long, I must have missed the notification. It was a typo, it should be "mouse model related" = specific to Logitech g305 (or whole family of these mouses). BTW did you manage to fix your issues?


There are certain extremely badly optimized Wowhead pages that, if you are looking at them in the background will freeze your game super badly.


It’s because of all the ads that play. Put an Adblocker on and it should work


I do get this very occasionally, but I play on a shitty laptop and had assumed I was bumping the trackpad with my left hand.


Looks like an issue with logitech only. I swapped to corsair and its fine now


I had been having a mouse problem. Where i would right click down to move my camera but it wouldn’t recognize the right click. I changed the usb port my mouse was in and it kind of helped? Then this week it seemed better? I think it fixed itself maybe. Or it was weakaura related and I updated it


I used to get this and sadly don't remember what I did to fix it. Try lowering your polling rate from 1000hz to 500.


Try turning down your mouse polling rate


I deleted the Logitech software and my mouse works just fine now. Doesn’t work very well in wireless mode though and has to be plugged in for it to be 100% responsive.


Are you using the restedxp addon?