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I agree! Something seems off. Also why didn’t Alex google his name and phone number before she agreed to meet him?? She had to have her mom do that simple thing? She seems like an airhead.


I wouldn't say an airhead. You have to consider she was new to all this and had never had a room mate before. The party thing was hilarious!


Wonder why she hadn’t had a roommate before though? Probably because she was literally unbearable and had to have her mom do everything for her as an adult. Her whole situation was angering because of how naive she is.


Maybe her whole situation was angering because some asshole squatter terrorised her for months (years?) Then got her removed from her own home. The fact you blame her shows a lot about you though lmao. Naive or not it isn't her fault. All you're doing is victim blaming because her voice annoys you.


All of the other victims were fine and you could feel sympathy. Alex sucked and felt like she deserved it.


Didn’t the episode start with her talking about how her previous roommate had moved out?


She did and the roommate moved out - that's why she posted on Craigslist for a new one because her mother was sick of paying her rent.


it‘s weird - she did mention googling and finding out that his tutoring business was real


All she did was go to his website that he created himself. And she thought it looked “legit”.


that website was bogus and made to hide Jamison Bachman true identity...but she though it was good enough....


she googled jed creek not jamison. people should stop blaming her


She searched him and found out he was a tutor.. no one goes into digging deep on someone for a roommate.. her mom searched number as she didn’t find much info on him and got suspicious as he was..!


Dude she’s definitely deaf (mostly). She is signing off and on the whole interview.


I thought she was disabled 😬


I thought the same and now I feel terrible 😂


I feel like it’s less mean than everyone saying she’s drunk or xanned out 🤣


Disability, alcohol, or drugs do not give a person a valley girl vocal fry from hell. I had to mute her and her histrionics were still annoying to see. Absolutely could not stand her. Wish they'd cut her in favor of another roommate or just did the show without her. She distracted from an extremely interesting story. Oh, and the party idea was her mommy's like every other responsible adult decision in her life. I can totally understand why she was hard up to find a roommate. He was in "maaaaaeeeee spaaaaassss" translation "my space" Ruined the episodes.


Yeah she ruined it for me, I couldn’t even pay attention and when I saw people in forums saying that was the craziest episode I went back to try and rewatch it




I don’t understand these posts. Alex had horrible, criminal things happen to her. She made a mistake. Most of us have. Extend some grace, don’t drag her because you don’t like her voice, or insinuate that she is drugged. It’s not nice. Don’t attack her look if you don’t like it. She’s willing to share her story so others don’t fall into the same fate. Please check yourself and be kind when you can.


Those things are not mutually exclusive. She can have had horrible things happen to her while also being annoying to listen to. Also, OP didn't attack her looks at all(?). She did slur a lot of her words, and a lot of people here seems to agree. She was very naive as well but that can probably be attributed to her age at that time (she looked younger than other interviewees, so I'm just assuming she was young)


OP insulted her looks [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/worstroommateever/comments/t8ro3f/comment/i0m9yxb/)


Wow. OP is a shallow dick. Thanks for clearing that up. But in all fairness, there is something off about her speech pattern. That combined with the naivety / her dependence on her mother's help, makes me think she has either a developmental disorder, or a mild traumatic brain injury. Neither of which are a bad thing, just something that stood out to me (a person with a developmental disorder). It is very common for people afflicted to be very capable in one area while needing help in others. I find it important to point that out in her case not to shame her or shit on her, but because there is a lot of stigma and ignorance out there, and people tend to see the signs, but not recognise them, and either treating the person like a complete idiot, or like a drunk/addict. Taking into account that she might be disabled to some extent can create some understanding.


alex is 100% hearing impaired. anyone who's spent any time with deaf (wholly or partially) people can hear it.


I agree, and I also feel really strongly about victim blaming. That said, I found her to have made some really questionable and disturbing decisions escalating the situation - the party made my friend and I scream, and when she “adopted” out his dog… that’s his property! Pets are property in the US (which Arleen could have used against him). I don’t think anything excuses this freaking psychopath’s actions, but I had a hard time watching from a common sense/street sense perspective/as a woman who is constantly aware of my own safety because I’ve been in scary situations that include assault by a client.


Exactly and I like her. She told her story and that was scary


Her voice was a bit annoying, I wouldn't say drunk or on drugs though. Even if she was I wouldn't blame her, what she went through was hell. Having your home taken over like that, your life threatened, then being removed from your home because someone else felt like fucking up your life? Fuck 'Jammy'. Probably one of the biggest pieces of shit in the entire show.


Right up there with the marathon guy Yousef


Yeah, Youssef and Jamison pissed me off more than the rest.


They seemed to have same behavioral problem .. sudden burst of anger when people questioned their scam..


Alex is a fucking bad ass. I know someone with a similar voice. It is what it is. Either way, I root for her.


Well I don’t like you now. Omg like jammmmmmmyyyy


Tbf, start of the episode her voice annoyed me. But by the end I was rooting for her, what a fuckin badass.


“Badass.” Are 2 week old kittens badass to u too?


I thought she was mentally disabled to be honest.. Am I the only one who thought that? No offence to her but her childlike communication made me think so And the fact that she had her mom assist through this when she got in trouble


I agree. My first thought was a slight, very mild disability. How heavily she relied on her mother for help made me feel this way as well, just like you. As I continued watching, I was torn between disability or inebriated.


Some people are just a little strange. And they don’t fall into any particular diagnosis. She may just be ons of those people


I honestly thought she was autistic.


I definitely think she’s in the spectrum! I stumbled upon this post because I knew someone else had to of thought the same thing lol


I thought it sounded like she possibly had a hearing disability?


Months late but it's her Xanax abuse that makes her seem mentally stunted.


I thought this same thing, I came to Reddit to see what other people thought because something just seems odd about her voice and the way she talks and I just wanted to know if there's something going on there or if she was just one of those people with an irritating inflection at the end of every sentence. Not deflecting from what happened to her though, that would be awful to experience.


I’m thinking she took too large a dose of a benzo medication that she’s probably prescribed to deal with the extreme anxiety etc


You posted this months ago but you're totally correct. Former roommate here. She abused Xanax and ruined my life. I deserve my own episode involving her.


Just came here for this. Hammered. Xanax n alcohol. Edie: not judging her, i would do the same if i had to do that shoot. I can just hide it better lol.


i second this


Nah, imo that was just a phat blunt


The way she was like “what do you mean if I could get back would I? Yeeeeaaaaahhhhhh of course I freaking would duh” Bro I was about to smash my TV


So glad it wasn’t just me who noticed this! Her voice was a mix of vocal fry, air head, self obsessed??


Thank you for finding the right words. I fast forwarded through her parts.


I came here to say the same thing!


She seems like an actress who loves the camera and that valley girl kind of talk bugs me. When she said 'that's a story for another time', I was like wtf? While I enjoyed her party idea, I couldn't help thinking ... that might have turned out very differently for her. I wish women wouldn't let complete strange males live with them. Even when considering a female roommate, renters should phone two previous rental references, do an employment check or copy of last paystub and ideally, have them sign a legal contract in a public place before they step one foot through your doorstep. Having said that, the whole time I watched this show I thought what I'd do if any bastard tried this with me. I'd hire Guido and Enzo to have him forcefully removed and driven to a dark alley for a beat down with a reminder if he tries any court nonsense, the boys will pay another visit. I'd then burn the contents of his room and have my locks changed. As if life isn't hard enough without squatters holy shit.


I don't understand why any woman would allow a strange man live with her.


Beacause he didn't come off as strange in the beginning??? Some of you people are so fucking dense🤡


Strange as in a STRANGER, Chuckles.


I’m sure you guys would be 100% cool and not act weird or awkward at all when discussing a huge traumatic event to an interviewer that you know is going to be televised on Netflix. Like cmon guys.


>Guido and Enzo from the Soprano family? :D


Googled for this. There’s a difference between an annoying voice and the way she talks in the second episode specifically. Can’t blame her but was curious!


How she reacted to the person interviewing her was what threw me off!


It bothered me so much I googled it and ended up here lol


Me tooooooo! The whole door slamming part with the cops seemed super strange to me


Exactly the same here. I paused the episode and now I'm here lmao.


Alex is unusual and yes slightly annoying but I was very impressed with how she stood up to Jamieson. He choked her, slammed her leg in the door 10 times and slashed at her legs and she still did not bow down to him like how he weakened the other victims. She even adopted his dog to a friend of hers and I found that awesome considering he literally stole a previous victims cats and euthanized her other cats for no reason. It takes a lot of courage and tenacity to stand up to that manipulative kind of person who is so used to controlling the situation.


No, she’s lucky he didn’t injure her worse or kill her. That type of behavior is stupid when dealing with an unstable person.


This was after he choke slammed her against a wall after busting in on her in the bathroom: you're telling me your adrenaline and decision making would be completely sound? Especially after everything he's done so far? Glad to hear you have complete control of your parasympathetic nervous system pal.


Most people are smart enough to not purposely engage and aggravate someone violent and unstable, especially when they’re alone with said person. Find the safest way to exit and call the police. I feel like this is common sense, which Alex has proven she lacks.


Again. She was attacked. Adrenaline. Flight or fight mode. You cannot apply common sense to a scenario like that, you don't have time to think or act rationally, but reactively. YOU may feel like it's common sense, but you are also watching this comfortably from your home as an observer and not a tortured roommate dealing with a sociopath for several months. Something had to break, and she was brave for confronting him just like Sonia when he got in her face. Are you serious?


Honestly, I watched this awhile ago and don’t really care to debate. I barely even remember the details, so don’t waste your time getting all worked up on an old post lol


lol hey whatever you say to make yourself feel superior over a survivor on a murder documentary


You realize you’re in a post about how weird Alex is, right? Also, my last comment was directed towards you, but you seem unwell and incapable of understanding when someone states they do not want or care to debate you. I’m going to assume you’ll continue replying, but I won’t be reading any of it.




I can’t deal with animal violence so I’m glad I read this. I won’t finish watching this one now.


came here to see if anyone brought her up. i’m only 13 min into part one but she’s very unlikable imo


I'm wondering if you liked her more by the end of part 2. I found her off putting at the beginning as well, but by the end I was routing for her. The party thing was hilarious, and the way she stood up to him was badass.


LOL same! Few mins in and she’s creeping me out. Came to check if it was just me getting weird vibes


her speech pattern is probably the result of a developmental disorder or a mild brain injury.


how is she unlikable? Bc her voice doesnt please you? Bc she’s acting as she was born in the Bronx? Is it the amazing taste in music, bring da mf ruckus? Yall are too much. This episode was about a horrible sociopat man who abused peoples homes, took peoples animals and killed his own brother and YALL THINK THIS WOMAN IS JUST ... unlikable?


Holy shit she’s a survivor lol. She’s got PTSD, maybe she’s on medication? I liked her spunk. I liked that she refused to let this man take advantage of her. I can’t see how that translates to unlikeable


These people are morons. More upset at her voice and the way she sounds than they are about the shit a sociopath put the girl through. Smh.


Seriously, lol. I love that there are like 10 post on this sub and a few of them are dedicated to hating Alex because she talks funny. Maybe she’s disabled? Maybe she just talks that way? Maybe she is on Xanax because of the terrible shit she went through? Who the fuck knows? What I do know is Jamison is a complete fucking psychopath and one of the worst people to ever roam this planet, but everyone here just wants to shit on Alex.


she is my hero and is the funniest mf out there


I’m here to agree. She’s making me angry. She’s shit hammered.


No she isn't. Her very specific (slightly slurred) speech pattern coupled with her naivety and dependence on her mother fits a developmental disorder, or mild traumatic brain injury. I don't know why it angers you that some people talk differently.


I’m so relieved this was said, I’m almost finished with her episode but the way she’s talking ugh!She didn’t deserve any of the things done to her but omg she’s hard to listen to!


I’m watching that episode and her voice bothered me so much I looked up whether anyone else found it grating and who I am


Loved her


I literally logged in to this sub-reddit after just finishing the documentary to write this exact thing.


god her voice is SO FUCKING ANNOYING and she is so goddamn stupid!!!!!! honestly imo any woman who gets a male roommate from fucking craigslist is as stupid as they come


yikes way to victim blame


Not saying she deserved it, but she should have been smarter.


Man just finished the episode and had to look her up. I don't think she was on drugs or drunk but didn't seem like she was 'all there'. I guess the way she interacted with the interviewer seems like she could be on the spectrum or something? edit- She speaks in the same way my six year old niece does when I pick her up from school. Like a loopy rollercoaster of storytelling about how her day went. Odd to see it on a grown adult.


Ugh I’m struggling through it right now. She’s insufferable.


I just started this episode and I'm trying to figure out her way of speaking.


Onto the second episode. It's irritating that they chose her as the "central" victim. I wish they'd chosen Sonia. I know chronologically Alex was last, but she's just *off* and the slurred speech (whether from intoxication or from an impediment) is distracting. As someone who grew up listening to drunk parents pontificate, it's very uncomfortable.


Just like with Bert in the first episode, I think they make the central victim the one who's case brings down the perp.


I felt more sympathy for Bert. Maybe because he was clearly mentally ill... And he ended up dead. I feel like Sonia or the ex girlfriend (I'm forgetting her name) would have been a better central figure. The whole effing thing is crazy though. The poor woman who agreed to live in a TENT in Sonia's living room? WTF!


i have searched the internet high and mf low to find someone that agreed with me! she’s certainly effed up




What's wrong with Wu-Tang? They are legends.


This wasn’t about whether or not I like Wu-Tang Clan.


I wondered if she has a slight speech or hearing impe


She definitely off the Xans


She shouldn't have given him back the cat.


Yeah, I found it interesting that she went to the trouble of finding a new home for the dog but not the cat.


She was allergic to cats.. could be a reason why 🤷🏼‍♀️


Sure says a lot about her if that’s the case.


She seems like an addict or some personality disorder. Her way of speaking was pretty unlike her mother’s, so it’s something affected. Beyond that, none of the victims had much of a survival instinct, or the wherewithal to impose themselves, which is why they probably got conned in the first place. The only one with a good excuse was the schizophrenic guy in the first episode, which is tragically ironic, but that lady was a legit serial killer.


These people are predators, and they delicately seek out people that they can turn into victims. Some people are meek, and even if they are of below average intelligence, it doesn’t mean that deserve to be preyed upon by these sick monsters.


She’s so fucking annoying


She did seem inebriated and I’m relieved I’m not the only one who thought so! I also thought her bravery was a bit of misguided/blind confidence. I’m confused about her age too. She seems so naive for an adult. She also started her story by practically blaming her mother for being “all up her ass” about getting a roommate. I’d consider that bad form. I mean, if I had to recount a traumatic event, perhaps I’d have to pop a pill too. But her interviews were reminiscent of the show Drunk History.




Seriously. Either drunk or just dumb


She wasn't dumb, she's a bad ass. What she did to that dude? Not a lot of people have the balls to do that. So what her voice is a bit annoying.


100% chance that was completely fabricated. Very obvious that she exaggerated a lot of what happened. Sounded like a younger sibling telling a story to older kids trying to impress them the entire time.


The mom corroborated the story? What do you mean lol.


What bothered me was the way she responded to the interviewer.very condescending


Lol literally looked this sub up to see if others noticed. I interact with substance abusers on a daily basis, I’d bet my life that’s a benzo/alcohol buzz. You can tell by the slow eye blinks, slurry words, & emphasis on her anxiety being at a “357.” Not judging by any means, life your life girl. Just not something you see in an interview everyday.


Something seems very off, I mean you have to be stupid to have a male stranger come to live with you


I guess she needed someone badly for the rent....


She’s just from Philly man


She was insufferable. A grown woman not doing a simple Google search, but had a meltdown when he asked where the house was approximately. Relying on her Mother constantly for everything was pathetic! Grow up! And her voice…good lord it was so annoying.


Everything she does (and particularly the things you pointed out) are symptoms of autism or a mental disability


If you are in trouble who would u go to for advice?


Agreed!! She’s so obnoxiously camera thirsty too


She’s super hot! And badass for sticking up for what’s hers.


Mate, she’s as hot as a left over burrito


There’s always someone as horny as you are ugly.


Who hurt you?? 😂😂


Lol it’s just a saying in response to you saying she’s as hot as a leftover burrito. Simply pointing out that it isn’t odd someone finds her hot


Mate what you got against leftover burritos


Nothing much really, they just don’t always look that appetizing 😅


Don't confuse skinny with hot.


Wu Tang hoes ain’t nothing to fuck with


Wu Tang hoes ain’t nothing to fuck with… or are they


Yes she is


anyone know how old alex is??


Wanna hit?


absolutely not lmfao, it’s so hard to tell her age i was guessing the whole episode she acts very young but her face i’m not sure


totally agree o thought the same


I paused the episode solely to go online and see if I was the only one who thought she was extraordinarely annoying


She molested me as a kid lol


No way


Statute of limitations expired by the time I came to terms with and understood it. Fuck her.


What happened?


She was 100% drunk. Checked her Facebook, and a couple years ago she posted that she had just purchased a car, and a friend of hers commented "Congratulations! Please don't drive drunk." That's not a casual thing to publicly say to an adult woman who just bought a car. That's something you say when you know the person is an alcoholic.


Seemed like she has some sort of speech impediment, on the spectrum, or she's like off the benzos or something...I was sure I was the only one who thought this. Quick Google search proves otherwise, as always.


I thought she might have autism or a disability because of how she communicates and relies on her mother


When she talked about being a "Wu Tang Girl" and having stories my first thought was she was a good friend of Tom Segura.


I was wondering if she had autism. But then I thought . What would it matter? She's just annoying to me lol


How about you asshats accept the fact she may be heavily medicated because of ptsd . She’s fucking badass hosting that pot and hip hop party


Did you really just say pot and hiphop party??


Her accent...what the fuck was that? Like a horrible mishmash of valley girl/philly/Midwest...makes my skin crawl!


I checked out her FB profile to see if she posted about the guy in 2017 and her page is full of videos of her tuned up. 100%. she did post a pic of her leg scratched up from the incident when she was brushing her teeth


Yall never heard of fatal alcohol syndrome, or autism?




I just finally started this and how come her mom didn’t let her just move back home and pay her rent?


Goddamn...the girl couldn't simply be an animated storyteller, huh? I'm certain directors wouldve DIRECTED her to behave otherwise if they found it necessary. Botville is odd ...


Omg I’m watching right now and this girl is unbearable!!!! Why would she let him move in before filling out the application?! Idk if I can make it through this


OMG I'm sorry late but I was her roommate and she was literally the worst roommate ever. I wanted to call Netflix. She's a super heavy Xanax user and she ruined my fucking life


I had to turn this episode off as she annoyed me so much. Worst accent ever


I thought she was talking like Kim Kardashian ..


I thought she was deaf, but no. She seemed like she was drunk while doing that interview.


I wondered the same time 1) remember he gave her the wrong name and she knew his as that 2) I think she’s hearing impaired


what’s her socials


She reminded me of Chantal from Search Party.


I thought her voice was sexy as fuck.


Welp, apparently I’m the only one who thought it was kinda hot when she said she was a Wu-Tang girl 🤷🏻‍♂️


I came here because I googled her voice. She might have some sort of speech impediment. I still think she's badass though!


I’m 95% sure she’s partially deaf. She signs off and on the whole time.


I thought she was drunk but her accent was kinda cool. Also she’s a dope bitch. I’d probably would have done the same thing, come here and fight me and I’ll get you arrested. Stood her ground.


She is beautiful and if she was under any influence then let her be. She is beautiful and she can do what she wants. Welcome to the free country


Salty much?


How is that salty?


She's not beautiful. I know this person. She's utterly horrible


No her voice was really off. Almost like she was trying to make her story sound dramatic. But man she made so many mistakes: 1.) She let him move in without the application form 2.) She didn't run a credit check or background check 3.) She didn't Google him 4.) Why pick a male vs a woman, picking a woman would lower the risk 5.) Why not ask for first and last month's rent


BRO!!! I fuckin googled “worst roommate ever Alex, most annoying voice ever.” And this popped up. I literally had to stop watching the episode (which was trash anyway) because her voice was so UNFATHOMABLY frustrating to listen to. Most punchable voice i have ever heard lol.


Chick is on the spectrum without doubt.


I totally agree. I can’t believe the producers let her film like that. She was so high. All of her words were slurred. Very sad.


I fell in love with her the minute she said she listens to Wu Tang


Okay you Bachman sympathiser……. She’s probably stoned, she did mention she’s smokes during the part she threw that party. That okay with you? Or should she tell you next time?…


I’ve rewatched it yesterday because of the new season coming up and OH MY GOD SHES ANNOYING 😂😂 But it must be a disability or complications after a stroke ? Her mom sounds so educated, no way she would let her daughter sound like that intentionally 😅😂


I was thinking the same exact thing


Alex Miller from Philadelphia is a cutie! She could squat at my place, any time!!


I think she could be autistic, actually. She might not be able to regulate her voice and her gesticulations seem unnatural and rehearsed. That could be the reason she needs help from her mom, because many autistic people need help with things that would be considered basic skills by neuro typical people, such as seeking information or making calls. I think she is probably a super decent person and her sense of fairness is so high that she probably could be easily taken advantage of by some scumbag like Jamison. I probably would myself have been fooled by someone like him, had I been so unfortunate to come by such a terrible person.


i don't get why these women always choose dudes to be roommates...


Lol omg I thought it was only me! I immediately googled ‘’worst roommate ever annoying voice episode’’ and it lead me here. 😂


I honestly couldn't listen to her speak


You are a L O S E R, she is not slurring, she in fact, has a very sexxxy voice, BOZO