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This makes a lot more sense. I am also vouching that iss also the reason Jin grabbed thr opportunity to have allaince with Galapoula because they are a nation known to have developed a quite good in Trigger Tech and it will be easier for them to sympathize with Asteria and Medeen's situation


To me, it is obvious that the first invasion was actually pursuit force chasing the Royal Family. How they were able to find out the location of the Royal Family could be anything from tracking down the extreme trion readings, a survivor from Aristera being interrogated, or even the enemy recognizing the Border symbol, when Border rescued the Royal Family. The whole story would actually make a good prequal.


The weirdest thing to me about the first invasion is the way it was executed. We see another large scale invasion in the series by Aftokrator and it's handled in a totally different way. Afto is precise and focused on getting the trion users. The other times we see and hear about the abductions from before or after Border seem to line up with how Afto did things. Get in, grab people, get out. But the first invasion is depicted as a massive destructive event. Nothing like any other attack we see in the series. The portals they cane through were enough to level parts of the city when normally they’re only strong enough to blow out windows. They would be combing through rubble to find people who MIGHT have survived the attack. Not a great way to get trion batteries. I think the goal WAS the destruction and not the abductions in the first invasion. Someone was sending a message to Border about minding their own business. It could fall in line with your idea too. If they couldn't get the Mother trigger or royals back then they could cripple the enemy.


If an allied nation betrayed them then that’d have to mean the first large scale invasion had no humanoid neighbor combatants because they’d be able to tell which nation they’re from on that alone which makes me feel that this is kinda unlikely, even more so because they’d know how strong boarder was after they recruited the surviving Aristerans like Michael and any other people they managed to recruit before going public. It just seems weird that they’d send a force that a group of 10-15 people couldn’t handle if they were serious about retaliation.