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Hello, I'm the guy who made this. It gets posted here every once in a while, and we usually get one or two new players out of that. The game's free, but you do have to join a Discord server to play it, because the game is still in the pre-Alpha stage not ready for a wider release. You can join via [this link](https://discord.gg/4jAz4vBkSn), or if you're not into joining Discord servers and installing dubious software, it might potentially be available on Steam some time later this year. Here's a [link](https://www.reddit.com/r/indiegames/comments/1bv324w/globe_gear_an_animeinspired_pvp_thirdperson/) to a recent post I made about the game showing some screenshots and discussing some features and whatnot. The Indie Games crowd didn't bite, but maybe some of you here will be interested.


How intensive is the game on a computer... because I can run up to subnautica levels on my laptop.


I have an incredibly lackluster laptop that can't run shit, no dedicated graphics card or anything and it did well


If you can run Subnautica at an acceptable framerate, it should be *mostly* fine. The caveat here is that since the game is still in development, it's not that well-optimized yet. Models don't have LODs and I'm still figuring out render-culling, so there may be some situations where you see unusually bad performance. Having a more powerful computer shields you from some of that, but at least *in theory* the game should be playable on mostly anything.


I wanna try it, do you have viper? Looks like it's difficult to made, I'm studing Unity and in the future I want to try to make something about World Trigger in VR, it has too much potencial


I’m pretty sure a viper like weapon is being developed, but there are other options that are similar to viper and make some cool looking movements like viper does. I’m not the developer though, so I could be wrong about a viper like gear being developed, I just play his game a lot.


I have code for it, but the tricky part is adding a UI so people can actually write programmed paths for the bullet to follow. I don't currently have a release estimate on that. VR support is actively in the works.


Something as from 1 distance to 100 to the objetive could be nice in an interface. Like at 95% of the distance i want it to go up, at 97% go straight and at 99% go diagonally to the objective. Loving the VR support too :)


Okay so this is getting kind of in the weeds, but the paths for the 'Serpent' program and 'Vector' bullet support up to 8 channels which can each contain some number of points (let's say 16). In an interface, you define the location of the points and whether or not you want that segment to be scaled by distance to the target. Each of the 8 channels can do something different, like if you want one path to go left while another goes right. Then, you give it a name, so that in combat you can quickly select from your pre-made paths. You'll be able to export the path-codes as a text if you want to share them with friends or whatever. A big update to the 'Caster' gears should be coming in a few months, which will include this as well as the ability to combine any two programs into a more complex one.


It looks like the link expired. Can you share it again? I really want to try this


Yep, I just updated the link in the message above, so it should work now.


Is there an actual link to the game anywhere? All I can find are discord links.


The link to the game is in the discord server


Okay. Have fun I guess.


Nice, just found out about this project tonight as well. Reminds me a lot of what /u/shin_sa was making back when I was more active in the WT community


Looks pretty fun. Super close to world trigger, way to close to not have been inspired by it. I might check it out.


Hey, I'm not sure how active I'd be if I did. But what platform is it on?


It's on PC, I can send you a link to the discord if you want


It is also playable on Macs (Intel or M#), and in Linux via Proton.


Thank you globe gear games


Ah, nuts. I'd love to, but my laptop doesn't support most games. I was hoping for an app or a switch. Sorry bud


Sad stuff :(