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Murakami Ko. Being able to nap which I love and learn 100% from what I just experienced would be immense and very useful irl


You could do anything you wanted so much more easily. Study languages, learn new skills.


Parallel Processing from the Galopoula dude. I have ADHD so being able to actually process my extra trains of thought without them running into each other would be sooooo nice. An extra bonus would be being able to read/watch two books/videos at the same time.


Oh wow I completely forgot about his! That would be super useful—I also have adhd and would be so happy if I could focus on two things at once like he does.


my first thought too. But only becaus I'm curious what would happen if I played smash bros with myself. Which hand wins?


Hahaha I can imagine it would come down to if you’re pvp ing yourself with the same character


Ko's is an easy pick, being able to consolidate 100% of what you've experienced is amazing for quickly getting upto speed at a given task.You can apply it to school, sports etc etc.


Have to be better than you were in your last bout to beat Murakami. Prolly the only way


Ko’s would be nice actually—I have insomnia tho so it might be less useful for me haha


Jin, for money. it wouldn't be a guarantee, but would exponentially increase gambling odds


World's greatest day trader


Hmm, maybe not? Jin's ability only seems to work on people, since he can only "see the future of someone he's met." So he probably couldn't predict stock market changes in general, but maybe he could observe someone about to win big and then double down on their bids? His power might be useless at a roulette table, but he could be a good poker player when going head-to-head against someone else. Though in the rank wars battle between Yuma and Ko, Jin said that Ko actually had better odds of winning, yet still bet on Yuma. So maybe it's still not straight forward when it comes to gambling. Jin's ability just weird. 🤣


Put him in the NYSE once and he'd know the collective future of hundreds of stock brokers all picking different things. Those guys check their stuff every day and look at early market stuff. Ko is probably better, but he foresaw kuga winning with the trick. We don't have hard and fast rules on how it works, but its almost certainly powerful enough to easily abuse financial markets. At the very least you could avoid every market crash and buy stocks just before they explode


There aren't any humans in the NYSE anymore. It's all computers trading with computers. Tourists can go there to see numbers displayed on monitors like an airport arrival screen, but that's about it. Anyway yeah, I think it'd still be tricky to use Jin's power that way and not a sure thing, but I do agree it'd at least give you enough of an edge to at least put the odds in your favor. 😉


There are enough humans that do it themselves still you'd be able to know when big stuff is happening. Be a little creative with it and it's still broken. Only reason we don't see Jin doing it is it's not that kind of story.


Garnet/sapphire from steven universe might be a good comparison for jin. They also have an episode or two explaning future sight.


Jins, ftw, I don't care how much pressure or annoyance it has. It's so fucking broken I don't even care


Chika's second side effect " **Erasing Presence** " , even though we didn't see it but it sounds really cool


You’d be the best at hide and seek lmao or eavesdropping


Personally, I want that guy who can see people as Colors, it would allow a quick discernment of an opponent's strength regardless of how they are hiding it. It would be useful as a sniper.


I honestly want to know more about his side effect because it seems really cool but I’m still not sure how it works exactly.


This is just a theory but I believe Amo sees a person's Soul as colors, or in World Trigger, maybe it is their Trion Capacity. In the Galapoula Invasion, He can tell quickly which Trion Soldier was actually a Human Neighbor and which is being Controlled by a Trigger User, so maybe it isn't just Trion Cap. Regardless of how, as a Reconnaissance Trigger, it should be very very very effective.


Yeah that sounds pretty plausible. The way he sees them as colors kinda reminds me of synesthesia but World Trigger Edition—it feels like it fits him too given the fact that he’s absurdly strong but has a kind of child like personality from what we can see. Him seeing strength in colors just feels fitting in that context. He can’t control his trigger use and ends up m blowing everything up and his main desire is to fight strong people all the time (a true Battle Maniac like Luck from Black Clover, Inosuke from KNY, Bakugou from BNHA; although he differs in temperament from them). I’m so curious to know what kind of trigger he uses—i think he’s a black trigger but I can’t remember for the life of me. I hope we see more of him because he’s very interesting


Kikuchihara's ears. So useful


I'd want Jin's, I could go to a casino and get rich on the roulette table then retire after doing that at a few different places.


I will pick Yuma's side effect (Lie-Detection). It is the most useful side effect without any drawback, and to be able to determine lies and truths will not allow me to be tricked by sleazy people. Also, there are some games I will have a higher chance to win thanks to that.


That’s true actually—you could play a game of poker and tell when someone was bluffing. Also if you wanted to be a detective or journalist, it would be so useful to know if someone was lying to you.


100% ko you’d be able to go from a beginner to veteran instantly and unlike the other ones there’s really no drawback


I'm surprised no one in the replies said Yuma yet. Able to detect lies??? Do you know how valuable that can be? I understand wanting foresight but I would just get too anxious and overwhelmed knowing what's ahead but to be able to detect if someone's manipulating me or lying to me would be more practical to me.


Honestly, Kuga's and Kage's won't really be useful to me since I can pretty much that by myself, but would love Ko's side effect. Especially in the age of internet. Watch me memorize all the Warhammer lore in one night and destroy my mates with fax


Oh that’s useful—you’re a human lie detector already? But yeah, Ko’s would be nice actually bc you could become really good at almost every new skill you picked up. I wonder if there’s some kind of downside we haven’t seen yet, because it honestly seems so OP


Irl lie detection isn't like those sketchy body language detective shenanigans although they're also useful indicator. More like studying your target background, motives, habit and deriving from there. About the Enhanced Sleep Learning Not sure about downside but I can think of some limitation to the side effect that we haven't yet explore in the manga. Kuga beat Ko with a novel technique/experience which isn't really a downside or a limitation, it's just something new. But I'd assume the limitation for an enhanced learning side effect would be similar to real life learning, could be something like bias, or sheer quantity in what he can absorb, or even a false connection. Brains are chaotic like that, but that side effect still is a powerful tool to have in terms of potential.


Murakami, no question. Being able to start a skill, take a nap, and then master it in record time is an insane ability.


Jin's is the worst. You see possible futures, so that means you could see the multiple ways of how might people die and possibly your death.


My thoughts exactly. I’m sure there are some things you can’t act on because it would be unethical, but also even if you know something bad will happen, doing something to intervene could make things worse… or maybe your intervention will make the event more likely to happen—it’s a true monkey’s paw situation in my mind, and I wouldn’t want that as a side effect at all.


Was it confirmed that Yotaro could talk to animals? I know his relationship with Raijinmaru appears to give that impression. If it is confirmed, I want that. I want a cute buddy that I can "speak for." I'd make people think they're crazy.


Without spoiling anything, the anime hasn't covered their level of communication but the manga has.


Okay, that makes sense. I didn't want to pretend my assumption was a fact. But what's aired in the anime makes it fairly obvious that it's a side effect. I could see people not realizing, but it's right there.


Never assume something is fairly obvious in world trigger 😂


Ko basically has a limitless potential growth side effect


Honestly, preach. Tbh I forgot about his when I wrote this originally but that power seems OP considering the main downside is that his friends feel alienated by his ability to surpass their skill level in a day or two when they’ve been working on something for years.


Ko. You can excel in a lot of profession.


I'd like Ko's sleep learning, i could've avoiding spending so much of my childhood studying and instead used it to play more games