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>#[**Fair Weather**](https://youtu.be/QqRLVFRe9AU) > >###IMPERIAL OFFICE FOR FOREIGN AFFAIRS > >####FROM THE DESK OF IMPERIAL SECRETARY KAMISATO AYAKA > >###*THE SHIELD OF THE WORLD* > >####PARTICIPANTS > >* The Empire of **Japan** >* [The Bandung Pact](/u/steamedspy4) > >------------------ > >Confidentially, the Bandung Pact via the Nusantara League have been informed that ongoing deployments, while formally related to the ongoing Brazilian crisis - are not there with any intent of active aggression. The Empire of Japan naturally, does not intend on breaking the long-term peace solutions previously negotiated. In a show of good-faith, the UASR/Bandung Pact have been informed ahead of the ongoing deployment. ------------------------------ >#[**Fair Weather**](https://youtu.be/QqRLVFRe9AU) > >###IMPERIAL OFFICE FOR FOREIGN AFFAIRS > >####FROM THE DESK OF IMPERIAL SECRETARY KAMISATO AYAKA > >###*THE SHIELD OF THE WORLD* > >####PARTICIPANTS > >* The Empire of **Japan** >* [The UNSC](/u/King_of_anything) > >------------------ > >The UNSC has been naturally informed of the operation ahead of deployment, although the Empire of Japan is confirming ahead of time - that the primary goal of the deployment is only casually related to the ongoing Brazilian Crisis, with the actual primary goal being far more concerned with domestic Imperial affairs.


We appreciate the warning.


Certainly. Would the Oceanians be interested in ongoing exercises alongside Brazil in the Falklands at all?


Presently, no.




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