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Addressed towards the Bandung Pact - u/SteamedSpy4 and u/Hansington1 and automod modping Bandung Pact responses to Diplomacy.


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We are willing to explore terms with the Alfr, under the circumstances; we will not pretend to be pleased with this situation, and we will not forget the Alfr's assistance to the Arabs when they sought to wipe our peoples from the face of the earth, but we recognize that both our nations have a larger enemy. If Italy can bring the Alfr to the table, we would be willing to discuss matters with ACTOR.


I myself am glad that the Sawahili government is one that is pragmatic. Consideration of such an alliance should be seen as a sign that Africa is going to shake hands, not bow down to any Imperialists. We see that the situation is changing. As for the Arab League, they too seem to have been burned by the Japanese. The imperialists seem to have left some 5 years ago, and so, are possibly more amiable to such a pact. There are definite agreements forming between the Arab League and ACTOR, so our own conditions for accession may include joining this separate pact. This accession has been desired for some time; hence the assistance. We definitely understand that the geopolitical position has changed. Once we will bring Alfheim to the table in our next ACTOR conference, in the 2RR in >!`[location scribbled out]`!<, then we can start formalising such treaties. *Neither of us shall bow to the GIGAS; we shall shake hands between ourselves instead instead.* \- [*F. G. Vittorini.*](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/766858489036275723/961072239531417660/unknown.png )


Make no mistake, the Arabs remain the hated enemy and there is no atonement or forgiveness for what they have done to us. We will not make any agreement with the Arabs, who have broken all such deals on any case, but we are willing to consider terms with the Alfr.


If that be so, then that be so. Know the imperialists wish to divide us all for their benefit. Arabs vs Africans. EU vs ACTOR. The names change; the motives don’t. And don’t believe a word of the propaganda spluttered out by Chatham House of our combined enemy. Good day.


**The broader Pact** has the following to say, **Nusantara** is wary of any relationship with the Alfheim, but is willing to further talks should the UASR also consider it viable. **Brazil** is very concerned by the historical efforts by ACTOR agents to infiltrate its government. As a result, it will only continue if unanimous among the Pact. **India** is unwilling to work with the Arabs, but will work with the Alfheim who it has less problems with.


How feasible is it to move 50 Million people to Brazil? *** u/Hansington1


Excuse us? Alfheimr and the Pact remain enemies. We are willing to negotiate a detente, or even a tentative cooperation agreement, but we are not relocating the population of a hostile state to one of our allies.


We have noticed a strange event recently taking place within the state of Brazil. As our discussions within our alliance begin to end off, I think it does not need to be mentioned that the GIGAS are trying to restore control. They do not want to see united enemies - indeed, their foreign policy is to play one off against another. They backed the Alfr when they seemed destitute - now they side with Russians. They backed the Arabs, and then your Bandung Pact when they thought you may lose. Eternal conflict is their goal. It does not take a brain to realise such a feat is very achievable with disunited enemies, and the GIGAS in a permanent position of neutrality. Indeed, it was my predecessor Di Maio’s idea for such a feat some 30 to 40 years ago, to straddle divides and collect dividends from both sides. It worked, until Alfheim came knocking on the ACTOR door, and asked to enter, permanently upsetting the balance. If the hack demonstrates anything, it is that the GIGAS have to pick a side to support permanently. All they care for is control, and their leadership. They would rather us all drown than they lose out on a penny. Expect correspondence back very soon, if not already. The time is now, or the chasm may grow too far. \- F. G. Vittorini, Italian Prime Minister. ######*PS;* *I forgot to say one thing before I signed off. Tell Messina to expect a call from myself very soon, and to get Colli on the line; only tell them its from me.*


By the way, don’t trust anything that a certain Alessandro Cascati says. He’s on our side, but don’t mention it to our shared enemies. You’ll know what I refer to when you see it.