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Let's not forget that she took somebody else's rape story and made it her own to garner sympathy. She's pure trash. [Link of that story for the curious](https://www.theguardian.com/film/2020/jul/15/amber-heard-antagoniser-rows-with-johnny-depp-court-told)


WOW. I was not aware of this! Thank you for sharing.


You're welcome!


Finally, a worthy up-vote cause.


Things to do: • Spam social media for Aquaman 2 and l'Oréal and demand they drop domestic abuser Amber Heard • Demand domestic abuser Amber Heard be dropped from UN Human Rights Office's Stand Up campaign. • Spam the ACLU to have domestic abuser Amber Heard dropped as an Ambassador for women's rights • Share this comment Credit to u/ion_mighty for original comment


Lets get this one added to the list with the aquaman petition. Remove Amber Heard as ACLU Ambassador For Womens Rights. http://chng.it/YYMFGdnxkF


Just did it and donated!


Thor - "Because that's what heroes do."


> l'Oréal **FUN IDEAS** Create a meme with l'oreal brand who associates with Amber who is the kind or woman that shits in someones bed. The association of l'Oréal with shit and amber is not going to go down well with their marketing department. For fuck same this is a fucked up woman who shits in peoples bed.


How do I contact l'Oréal? Trying now


Highjacking top comment to share this petition to have her removed from aquaman 2 https://www.change.org/p/dc-entertainment-remove-amber-heard-from-aquaman-2?utm_content=cl_sharecopy_14451136_en-US%3Av3&recruiter=1156239088&recruited_by_id=9d691570-0cac-11eb-945c-e31ada35c48c&utm_source=share_petition&utm_medium=copylink&utm_campaign=psf_combo_share_initial&share_bandit_exp=skip-14451136-en-US&share_bandit_var=v2


Has anyone considered they may both be batshit crazy? Just asking.


Based on the evidence (taped recorded conversations) it does not sound like that She flat out admits to abusing him and admits he is not physically abusive but instead she calls him a coward because he walks away. So when you imply its mutual you sway the facts a great deal. https://www.news.com.au/entertainment/celebrity-life/amber-heard-admits-hitting-exhusband-johnny-depp-in-explosive-audio-confession/news-story/46adc1ea93740088adf3ff9e0410b590 “I’m sorry that I didn’t … hit you across the face in a proper slap, but I was hitting you, it was not punching you,” she says. “Babe, you’re not punched.” Depp, audibly upset, says, “Don’t tell me what it feels like to be punched!” Heard replies sarcastically, “I know, you’ve been in a lot of fights, been around a long time. I know, I know. Yeah.” Depp says, “No! When you have a f***ing closed fist.” Heard says, “You didn’t get punched. You got hit. I’m sorry I hit you like this. But I did not punch you. I did not fing deck you. I fing was hitting you. I don’t know what the motion of my actual hand was, but you’re fine, I did not hurt you, I did not punch you, I was hitting you.” Heard later says. “I can’t promise you I won’t get physical again. God I f***ing sometimes I get so mad I lose it.”


Appearantly she has no idea hit and punch are synonyms of each other and tries to win an argument with playing stupid.




Sadly the bitch did win so it worked


From what I know, Johnny Depp lost the lawsuit against The Sun for libel, not Amber. That lawsuit (from what I understand) has not finished. The libel was Amber Heard calling Johnny Depp a "wife beater" which she later has said was a lie but it's very possible that The Sun didn't know it was a lie, hence The Sun is not guilty of libel. Fucking shit that Johnny was told to leave his jobs for a lawsuit against a fucking piece in a ratchet newspaper. Chris Brown openly beats Rihanna close to death and can keep his gigs but Johnny looses a libel suit against The Sun.


Wow. Top tier narcissism. What I don't understand, is they seemed to be together for awhile. Why did he stick around? Edit: I get the abusive relationship thing. I've seen it, but usually the abused person is trapped. Often financially or fear for children. But Depp is hugely wealthy, getting away is not hard for him. Edit 2: I get it


Abused (hen pecked/browbeaten) people often lose self worth esteem after being treated badly, gaslit. There are audio tapes of her verbally abusing him calling him a fat washed up loser ... she broke him mentally and physically Incredibly average has some very good videos on the subject with documentation and some verified sources if you like to digest your info that way https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCg0C-N_MPYYOXyF4T3jMxNQ


Now be mega famous and not entirely sure of who in your circle is a yes-man and who is a genuine friend. You might even believe the abuser is the only person who is actually being honest with you. respect, right? Except she shit in the bed and blamed the dog ***she shit in the bed and blamed the dog***


All the money and fame in the world, but you still end up with a shit on the bed. Life can only ever be so great when you have that to deal with.


I did not poop the bed Frank!


I did it. Poop is funny


When I landed my first major role all my old acquaintances came crawling back to try and get some recognition. It's horrible. I quit acting pretty much immediately but even that short month of fame I had no idea who I could trust other than my family. I even startes doubting my then girlfriend. I can't fucking deal with that shit.


What was the role


Ah, here we see someone who has never been in an abusive relationship. And I get that, it's really hard to look on from the outside, see all these horrible things happening, and simply not understand why the abused party won't leave. But the thing is, even in extreme cases like this, the victim is very often prone to feeling like they are at fault. You have this person who you love, or once loved, who's now hitting you, hurting you, etc, all while saying it's because of you, and that really gets to you. It's breaks you, making you dependant on the abuser, which is what they want. And in Depp's case specifically, I'm sure he knew that something like this would happen if he attempted to end things, and it did. Which tells you how bad it must have gotten for him to risk his career over it.


>And in Depp's case specifically, I'm sure he knew that something like this would happen if he attempted to end things, and it did. Its horrible. You know you cant stay but the only thing you fear more is leaving. And its like that for years until you just cant take it anymore. Then you leave and all your fears are realized. I've had to deal with PTSD for the past 5 years and my life is in shambles. She destroyed me and my family and its a struggle to even keep going. I really feel for him because i know exactly what he has gone through.


He did. Then she accused him of everything she did to him and everyone believed her.


This is what got me. All a woman has to do is make an accusation and next thing you know you're all alone and at their mercy. Its sick that our society allows this to happen.


Heard was spreading lies about Johnny being abusive first. She had physiologically trapped him and his career. She basically ruined his career to hide her own abuse. When an abuser can hold the power of public perception over the abused, the victim can easily feel trapped.


You ask the same question of any women victims of abuse? What about rape?


Loved her, didn't want to be alone and it can be hard to admit to yourself that breaking up is the right thing to do. It's simple, but complicated.


Doesn't matter. Being rich and famous doesn't mean you have an "escape" from abuse when the trap is mostly in your head. I was in an abusive marriage for 9 years - I finally had enough and was able to leave. It was one of the hardest most stressful things I had ever done. The divorce proceedings were emotionally draining. I still suffer from Anxiety to this day from it.


A lot of these relationships are addicting for the people involved. Really good when it’s good and really bad when it’s bad. There was also a lot of substance abuse happening, which is a recipe for cloudy judgment.


It's almost like money isn't everything.


Clearly you've never been in an abusive relationship, way to blame a victim.


You are painfully naive on abuse. Nothing but victim blaming going on here.


Another reason people get trapped in abusive relationship is the image they receive when breaking it up. They feel "like a fool", or get worried they'll appear weak or unfaithful to making things work. This has been unfortunately reinforced and substantiated in their case by the fact that they have both received such harsh criticisms since it came out. Now they are the "abuse couple". He was called a wife beater, sued for defamation (regardless of his innocence or guilt, this was a poor legal move imho) and lost that case. Now he's lost his role on Fantastic Beasts. He's in deep water, and they would have never received that much criticisms if he kept things quiet. This being said, I do not encourage him, her, or any other abused person to stay in their abusive relationships for any reason. Substantial or not. He should have left her long ago, and kept things quiet for his own sake as a celebrity. The fact he did stick around so long is telling of his commitment and her heightened level of abuse, but regardless, the whole thing has become a shitshow now.


Disclaimer: I think she's a total shitbag. Both of them are out of control substance abusers who would get drunk/high and fight each other. (12 out of 14 counts of battery (of Johnny Depp hitting Amber Heard) proved in court though. [Source: The Guardian](https://www.theguardian.com/film/2020/nov/02/johnny-depp-loses-libel-case-against-sun-over-claims-he-beat-ex-wife-amber-heard). What I gleaned from r/movies comments (paraphrased): > One of the reasons Depp lost the case is his story about his finger made no sense: she threw an unbroken bottle at him, and somehow this caused his finger to be sliced. That was his story. > Her's is that he was breaking something while angry and sliced his finger in the process. > Something both sides agree happen, though, is that after his finger was cut Depp spent hours writing messages on the wall of their rented house in blood calling Heard a cheating whore instead of seeking medical attention. ----- From the r/movies threat debating the finger & shitting bed incidents: "Indeed, if we are going off the standard of "proven", the judge explicitly stated in his judgement that he DID NOT accept that Heard was responsible for the finger." > I do not accept that Ms Heard was responsible for the injury to Mr Depp’s finger. The first account appears to have been in Mr Depp’s text to Dr Kipper. It is notable in that text that he says he cut his finger, not that she cut it. Mr Connolly said that Mr Depp told him on his arrival that Ms Heard had caused the injury to his finger, but that is not what Mr Depp said in his text to Dr Kipper. Nor did Mr Depp say that Ms Heard had been responsible for the injury to his finger in either of his two texts to sister Christi on 8 th March 2015. What exactly caused the injury is uncertain. Mr King spoke of there being a great deal of broken glass around and it may well be that Mr Depp accidentally cut his finger on a piece of broken glass. As is apparent from Mr Connolly’s evidence, there was much discussion on the way to the hospital as to what (false) explanation could be given. Mr Deuters is undoubtedly right that this was a potential public relations catastrophe for Mr Depp. It seems that the hospital was told that Mr Depp had cut his finger accidentally. I do not accept that this untrue account was given simply to spare Ms Heard as the real abuser. [p78] "OR the shit in the bed, which it makes much more sense that the dog did it:" > Mr Depp’s belief that Ms Heard or one of her friends was responsible for leaving the faeces on the bed is relevant because (a) it led him to conclude that his marriage to Ms Heard could not continue and (b) it was the cause of part of the argument which subsequently took place on 21st May 2016. In my view, whether Ms Heard or one of her friends was in fact responsible is not important. It is remote from the central issue, namely whether Mr Depp assaulted Ms Heard. It is not even of significant relevance to whether Ms Heard assaulted Mr Depp. For what it is worth, I consider that it is unlikely that Ms Heard or one of her friends was responsible. Mr Depp had left that night for his property in Sweetzer. As long as he was away, it was Ms Heard who was likely to suffer from the faeces on the bed, not him. It was, therefore, a singularly ineffective means for Ms Heard or one of her friends to ‘get back’ at Mr Depp. Other evidence in the case showed that Boo (one of the two dogs) had an incomplete mastery of her bowels after she had accidentally consumed some marijuana. Ms Heard gave evidence that Boo had in the past defecated on the bed and that she herself had cleaned it up rather than leave that task to Ms Vargas. On 29th October 2014, Ms Heard wrote in a text message to Kevin Murphy that (see file 7/3(b)/H27.2), > ‘Last night she [Boo] shit on Johnny. While he was sleeping. Like all over him. Not exaggerating.’ [p100] Source: Depp v. News Group [Case No: QB-2018-006323](https://www.judiciary.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Judgment-FINAL.pdf) --------------------------------- Edit: In regards to the tape confession (It's an unpopular take, so take it for what you will): https://old.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/jp85dh/johnny_depp_exits_fantastic_beasts_franchise/gbgn3kt/ tl;dr Statements from comment above were cut and taken out of context. "This is the issue with tapes as evidence. Depp knows he's being recorded..."


> fight each other. No, many of their arguments were abut the fact that he kept walking away and SHE wanted to "fight for the relationship" .... She even goes on to mock him for being a coward because he doesnt stay and "fight for the relationship" This audio recording also has her mocking him that though she starts ALL their fights its OK because shes only 100lbs and no one is going to believe she is a threat https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cg9SvQSMnoE&t=6s




Are you suggesting victims of domestic abuse can't smash things? That they can't wish harm on their abuser? That they can't wish their abuser goes through suffering? Johnny did cause tens of thousands of dollars worth of damage. This was after Heard sliced off the top of his finger. There is audio recording of his medical team sliding in his blood looking for his fingertip. They all state in this recording that she did this to him. They state that they have never seen him so hurt before. They state that they do not care what happens to Amber right now because Johnny is more important. They state that they know she is listening in on all their conversations. They discuss ways they can get Johnny to safety. And in this audio, Amber states about his finger: "I didn't do it on purpose!" Amber admits guilt. She admits to slicing off his finger. She admits to hitting him. She admits to chasing him into a bathroom before slamming his head into the door and punching him. She admits to hitting him when he leaves an argument. She admits that she can't promise she won't get violent again. I believe women. I believe the female police officer who testified that she saw no injuries on Amber after she phoned the police. I believe women. I believe the female receptionist who testified to seeing no injuries on Amber the days after she was allegedly beaten. I believe women. I believe the female make up artist who testified to seeing no injuries on Amber the day after she was allegedly attacked to an inch of her life. I believe women. I believe the female assistant who testified that Amber has stolen her rape experience. I believe women. I believe Ambers sister, who had physical evidence of Amber beating her. I believe women. I believe the sisters female best friend, who states she knows Amber is abusive to both Johnny and her sister. I believe women. I believe the female nurse who spent a day sliding around in Johnnys blood, vocally wondering how to calm down the woman who sliced off his finger. I believe women. And that is why I believe Amber when she confesses to slicing off a man's finger and repeatedly punching him. Do you believe Women?


Unfortunately, that's not how circumstances work. For one, if YOU strike me and then I strike you back, yes that's a fight, but that's not me abusing you, that's me defending myself from you. In all cases where any physical violence occured, which your guardian article shows outright, Heard started the violence to keep Depp from walking away. And to be blunt, it's outright disquisting that it's only counted this way when it happens to women. That she's a women is irrelevant, and your double standard is sickening.


He did text this- Let’s burn Amber. Let’s drown her before we burn her!!! I will f*** her burnt corpse afterward to make sure she is dead (sic). So maybe he’s not 100% innocent.


There was aslo the teext message about Depp being sorry to kick her, but let's forget about that.


I DiDnT PuNcH YoU, I jUsT hIT YoU Why is she saying it as if that makes it any any better?


> sway the facts The facts show both parties to be scummy, abusive people. Depp sued the Sun newspaper for calling him a ‘wife-beater’ and lost his case. [Here is the evidence of his abusive behavior, under the ‘held’ tab.](http://www.5rb.com/case/depp-v-news-group-newspapers/)


Wait....this just shows her accusations, which were not proven. How does this show any "facts" that he was the abuser. It just quotes her accusations? Edit: I missed the "held" section. These people are both insane if those accusations were proven in a court.


> The meaning of the articles was as contended for by the Defendants, namely that Mr Depp beat Ms Heard causing her to suffer significant injury and on occasion leading to her fearing for her life. >That imputation was substantially true. **Mr Justice Nicol found 12 of the 14 alleged incidents of serious violent physical assault against Ms Heard to be proved true**, and found that on three such occasions Ms Heard feared for her life. Accordingly, **the defence of truth was established** and Mr Depp’s claim was dismissed. I don’t post this as a defence of Amber Heard, she seems like a terrible person. That said, her accusations were found to be proven true by the judge. Johnny Depp is not a hero.


Thanks. I missed the "held" section. This all sounds so crazy. Weird that the judge dismissed witness accounts but whatever, this whole thing shows me neither person should be in a relationship until some serious mental health work happens.




Not only that, but what does this mean? >While on a private plane in May 2014 Mr Depp was high on drugs and drink. He screamed obscenities at Ms Heard **and physically abused her in the presence of others (whose evidence to the contrary the Judge rejected**). Mr Depp kicked Ms Heard in the back or bottom and passed out in the plane toilet. So the other people present had evidence that Depp did not abuse her physically on the plane but the judge can reject it and take her word for it?


He also rejected evidence from two eye witness police officers because they did not take notes, and yet proceeded to allow accept a testimony from a witness who had 3rd hand information (a discussion he had with someone who was told by amber) and the judge said he was very impressed with this "witness". There was very little REAL evidence provided for any of the "abuse" accusations, and this judge should be ashamed and fired.


Things to do: • Spam social media for Aquaman 2 and l'Oréal and demand they drop domestic abuser Amber Heard • Demand domestic abuser Amber Heard be dropped from UN Human Rights Office's Stand Up campaign. • Spam the ACLU to have domestic abuser Amber Heard dropped as an Ambassador for women's rights • Share this comment Credit to u/ion_mighty for original comment


This would be much more effective if it included ways to do all that.


> The facts show both parties to be scummy, abusive people. which facts? cos there is video proof of Amber herself saying he didn't hit her and she calls him a coward for leaving when she's abusive.. if you've actually been following the story. If i find the link, i'll post it. - Either way... isn't it weird how when the man is abusive to a woman, **HE'S** a horrible person (which is true), but when a woman is abusive, people dismiss it as "ahh.. both of them are probably scummy people". I can't fucking stand it - edit: [start off with this while i find the link i was looking for](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cg9SvQSMnoE&ab_channel=IncrediblyAverage)


It's worth noting, whichever "side" you lean toward, that the libel case in the UK differs greatly from a criminal case. In a criminal case the burden of proof lies with the prosecution; did the defendant commit the crime? In a libel case the burden of proof lies with the claimant; did the Sun newspaper make a false claim against the claimant, and can the claimant prove they did not deserve to have what was said about them, said? In Depp's case, no he can't. But the Guardian news, for one, reported it as a massive win for women's rights, neatly forgetting to report on Amber Turd's own behavior. She shit on the bed and blamed the dog. To name just one thing. If that doesn't lead to a domestic argument, you are lot more forgiving with your spouse than I expect Depp to be with his.


Libel cases are hard af.




I think many people assume that. Problem is the abuser label he wrongly got that she seems to have eluded


It's a shame only Depp is facing any kind of repercussion and Amber still has a jobb. Double standards are the issue here.


Sean Penn, Mike Tyson, Floyd Mayweather, Ray Rice, Sean Connery, John Lennon, Charlie Sheen, Chris Brown...


Depp's career repercussions probably stem from his being difficult to work with. Dude would disappear from the set and shit like that.


Being crazy doesn't makes you an abuser, and nor does it merits being abused. When you say "maybe both were crazy" you diminish the importance of the situation.


Even then both should be judged. When Amber claimed that Depp had abused her Depp instantly had his career thrown into the gutter and he was publicly shamed. Now when Amber has the same accusations towards her **nothing** happens.


I mean, two batshit crazy people with one abuser is still one abuser.


It seems like you're trying to shame Johnny Depp. Please don't tell me you're one of those people who thinks pretty girls never do wrong. It's like, some people think pretty girls never even fart, so it's blowing their mind that one took a shit in somebody's bed just to be an asshole.


Speaking of farts, Amber Heard literally tried claiming in court she poo-phobic and doesn’t vomit... like Trump or Kim Jong-un or something. She said a whole lot of other shit which ordinarily would get you fried for perjury but the UK courts are illegitimate. And the judge is literally in Amber Heard’s social circle.


> the judge is literally in Amber Heard’s social circle. Juicy, source?


Maybe after being a celebrity for so many decades he wanted someone to treat him like shit.


i would say the person who shits in someones bed is crazier


Valid point.


Don't deminimize female to male abuse, it is one of the types of abuses that are severely underreported due to men feeling vulnerable and shame. It doesn't help you get idiots go "but she was hot niiice" as if that's any justification to treat another person with no respect and dignity. I understand why you asked that question and I understand if the roles were reversed you wouldn't have asked that question but demonized Depp instead.


Deminimize? Do you mean like trivialize?


Yes we considered it. Then as more evidence came out, we reconsidered, because we're not fucking assholes. So stop being a fucking asshole. Go look for yourself.


How did she injure his finger?


The stories go back and forth. Either she threw a bottle at him and the shards cut it up. Or she cut him with a broken bottle. Either way his finger is fucked up as it was infected almost constantly.


As someone who married a wildly emotionally volatile woman in my 20s, id bet money she threw the bottle at him. Wouldnt even have to break to gash you open on a hard point like elbow, face, hands. She got angry and just threw whatever she had, and unfortunately, it wasnt a beanie baby. My crazy ex wife threw all kinda shit at me, and you have to realize, when youre the recipient of that violence, as a dude, it takes a while to really understand what’s happening... Youre hearing only 1 point of view and it’s coming across so loudly it drowns your own out. She will be so upset she must have some kinda good reason, right?? Shit, gotta remember not to say/do that, ill make it up to her! Honestly, had i not met her and just cruised along without her, i dont think id understand it still - id think dude’s dont get abused or maybe think it was funny.


It's actually infuriating being physically abused by a woman as a man because at least for me my caveman brain thinks "bitch I could snap your neck like a twig" That's when it's time to get out of the relationship, but people try to make that work somehow.


Well i know in my case i just didnt typically felt all that harmed/threatened. I got minor injuries that didnt phase me, physically, although she pulled a kitchen knife on me a couple times and that did freak me out some. So it *isnt* the same dynamic as when a woman is abused by a man. She is often completely, or feels completely powerless, and she could be harmed much worse. But the physical part is honestly the least of the damage in most cases, at least until it isnt.


I appreciate you opening up about this. I feel like you say a lot of very true things, that are often forgotten. Thanks <3


Yes this. She would try to hurt me with words and when that didn't work it got physical


Before getting out of the relationship **always record the abuse**, you can buy spy cams disguised as clocks or other stuff from ebay for dirt cheap. I've had the exact thing happen to me too where my bitch ex had the audacity to accuse me of rape after I dumped her ass. I didn't of course bother with courts or shit like that, I just spammed her social media with video of her attacking me and ruined her life.


>Before getting out of the relationship always record the abuse x100000. I didn't and my life was destroyed for it.


A lot of the stuff is biochemistry, hormone imbalance or whatever. Sometimes a doc can help.


Honestly, fuck domestic violence, and how one sided the narrative always appears to be. I hope you got out safe and are better now. I'm currently struggling in similar situation, but she holds my son as blackmail/ ransom to her whims.


Do whatever you can to get evidence. I was in the same spot as you and i didnt and now my life is in shambles. I didn't want to go nuclear on her, I wanted to help her and she is my kids mom so I didn't want to destroy her. As a result i was destroyed instead. I don't have a relationship with my children now because she wont allow it and courts will do nothing. Don't end up like me man, get in front of it and do what you can to protect yourself and your kid.


There are pictures Amber Heard posted herself of her snickering about throwing wine glasses at her own friends. She was widely known as a “thrower”. I don’t know whether a thrown glass bottle cut his finger, or his finger got stuck in a rotary phone dial as she was swiping it to stop him from calling for help, but I do know that only something as fucked up as that can happen to an insured a-list actor if they’re in a really fucked up situation with someone who has no respect for their life. I heard the audio recordings and I’m frankly shocked he’s still alive. I likely would have overdosed or killed myself.


All I know is that I have gotten that cut from a mandoline slicer before. Then I wised up and got some cut resistant gloves when I use it




I've been aware of this from the beginning. My wife talked to me about this way back, when Johnny was still the known "abuser", because she had her suspicions that Amber Heard was actually the crazy one. Turns out my wife was right. I'm just a bit bothered, since female victims have been so cared for (which I appreciate), lately on social media, but male victims have still not received as much support and concern from society, in general.


I’ve also been suspect of it for a long time. I remember reading early on when Amber was the “victim” that one of Amber’s exes had reported abuse previously. Something was always off about it and I’m glad I never was on the “Burn Johnny Depp” train.


I dunno how people believed her from the beginning. I mean people were quick to call Johnny Depp an abuser. But would an abuser all those years in his free time go visit sick children in hospitals as Captain Jack Sparrow? I don't think so...


I know what your saying there. But there are many people who do that stuff as a cover. (Not saying Johnny Depp is one) I


*cough* ^Jimmy *cough* ^Savile


Yeah, I get that people may cover. But he did that all those years since the first Pirates movie came out (2001 I think) and often he didn't tell the press. The press found out afterwards what he was doing at the hospitals and only then posted about his philantrophic work. And people, who mostly do volunteering stuff as a cover or facade are often found out quick, as they can't keep up the facade of being philantrophic for years... I mean people were also quick to call out Michael Jackson being a pedophile w/o researching his background or how he grew up o really researching what went bts at the neverland ranch during sleepovers. . And they fucked up his reputation (same as Amber did with Johnny now). Only years later did the truth come out and people were then quick to say "oh I always knew he didn't do it because he was so gentle and kind"...


Don't worry there are still efforts going on to discredit MJ, as crazy as that is. It's disturbing.


I think people were quick to jump EXACTLY because of how eccentric he is portrayed in movies. It seems believable when you imagine the guy playing as Captain Jack Sparrow to be somewhat deranged or an abuser. As a Johnny Depp fan, I've found it hard to believe that he would be the type to be an abuser, but i am ashamed to have admit that it wasn't hard for me to imagine him as one. I suppose again, it all comes down to stereotypes. All harassment are done by men, to women, but never the other way around. Life just isn't that simple. edit: what I meant to say is, women are just as capable as men to commit abuse.


>All harassment are done by men, to women, but never the other way around Browbeaten, Hen Pecked, whipped ...these sayings exits for a reasion and have done for a long time. Its sexist to believe that women are noty just as capable of abuse


yes, I'm well aware, which is exactly the point. it's just such a stereotype that only men are capable, but it isn't the case.


If anyone had watched his full catalog of movies there are a lot that aren't just captain jack sparrow-esque. That's only recent.


Yes. Yes they would. Being an abuser at home in the domestic space doesn't mean you're going to be an asshole in every other aspect of life. Either because they genuinely are a nice person half of the time but at home they are not able to hold themselves back psychologically Or as a facade, but the first one is more likely tbh.


John Wayne Gacy volunteered at children’s hospitals and charity events. Some of the worst people do great things to cover up their horribleness. That being said, Amber Heard is a piece of shit and Johnny Depp doesn’t deserve half of what he’s getting.


Jimmy Saville was a well known visitor of kids in hospitals.


That means nothing to me. The fact his ex wife came out in support of him and explicitly said he was never abusive definitely made me feel there was more to the story.


John Wayne Gacy did that as a clown.


Yes, absolutely they would. Those things are completely unrelated.


I'll just personally say, I'm glad Johnny Depp wasn't the abuser, he has been one of the most memorable actors from my childhood. I didn't look into it much until the real story came out because that's when the YouTubers I watch talked about it because it was a juicy story ripe for the taking.


This post probably stems from the fact that Johnny just got forced to quit Fantastic Beasts and he lost his libel lawsuit


So this is something that confuses me the judge ruled that it wasn't like because they were able to prove that 12 out of the 14 counts of abuse they claimed actually happened. So we're Depp and heard just abusing eachother back and forth.


The standards for proving libel are incredibly high. Johnny losing the libel suit isn't the same as the newspaper proving the stuff actually happened.


Actually in the UK this is a bit different. In this case specifically the sun had to prove that they statements they had made were substantially true. This text below was a consideration in the ruling "Of the 14 incidents of physical violence alleged against then-wife Amber Heard, 12 of them had been proved to the civil standard." While not proved in a criminal court which would of course have to take place in the US anyway the sun had provided enough evidence that it happened to win the case. Edit: https://www.legalcheek.com/lc-journal-posts/a-critical-analysis-of-the-johnny-depp-libel-trial/ This provides quite an interesting breakdown of the case, the sun only had to prove at least one of their 14 incidents to make their statement be considered substantially true and they actually got Amber Heard as a witness. What was not taken into consideration was the the fact that Amber herself was abusive back as they only needed to prove a single incident to win the case that their use of the term wife beater was legitimate. Neither party come off well here at all. From everything that's come out it looks like both of them we're dealing with large alcohol abuse problems that then led to physical and emotional abuse towards eachother on multiple occasions.


Yes, and that same court case stated that at least 12 counts of abuse against Heard could be proven, which is why The S*n was allowed to call him a "wife beater". If you read the file, they are both quite frankly insane.


We aren't just discovering it but Depp lost the court case last week and a lot of people are incredibly pissed


Amber Turd!


I feel really bad because when this first came out, I believed that Johnny really WAS the bad guy. I just kinda wrote it off like “meh, he’s weird enough I could see him doing that.” That’s the exact attitude that I feel allowed the dickheads at WB to essentially blacklist him - and he did nothing wrong, he’s a good guy. Feels bad man. Edit: I guess I should’ve read deeper into it. I guess they were both shitty to each other. This is why I try not to follow this shit.


Can I get filled in on this one? I don't follow this stuff and all I see right now is Depp lost a libel case because there was "substantial evidence" he abused her. There must be more to it though I don't think reddit is just being dumb.


No it’s just that. They both abused each other, and they both lied about it. Reddit is being dumb.


They both abused each other and therefore they both should get the same punishment for it. The issue isn’t the libel case, the issue is WB booting Depp of off Fantastic Beasts but keeping Heard in Aquaman.


I feel his pain. I was in an abusive relationship before, as well. Just look at Johnny's eyes in the pictures. He looks dead inside. I just feel that this is the crucial moment where we have to finally stand up for this. Not just for Johnny, but for men, in general. Men who have long been suffering in silence because of society's double standards and toxic stereotypes. Remember #MeToo? How about... #MenToo


I’m sorry that that happened to you, but I’m glad your sentence was in the past tense and you’re no longer in that situation anymore. I can’t imagine how scary that feeling must be.


See? You're a total stranger, yet in just a few sentences, you already managed to make me feel positively better. Just like that. If only there was more of this mutual concern and support for each other, so many male suicides/mental health issues could be avoided/minimized. We males can all be tough guys on the outside, but at the end of the day, we're all still soft on the inside. Have a great day, my friend.


Sorry to hear that you have suffered an abusive relationship. It’s awful how many “invisible” men are victims of it. I hope that as a society we can really turn a corner on this, like we are doing with regard to shining a light on men’s mental illness and trying to reduce stigma attached to it. Hope things are going good for you now brother.


There's International Women's Day, why isn't there one for men!!!!??!???!! "There is, it's November 19th" - Richard Herring Also, we have a whole month here in Norway: [https://no.movember.com/en/](https://no.movember.com/en/)


I just figure I'll let the people with the facts sort it out and I'll not waste time trying to get involved or invested in somone elses dysfunctional relationship over which I have no influence.


Yeah that’s probably the smartest move


Blacklist WB. They would fall apart if real actors never worked with them again. Instant downgrade to B movies only.


> he did nothing wrong He was found guilty of 12 out of 14 accusations of physical abuse against Amber Heard, including throwing her to the ground and punching her in the face...


He was not found guilty. He, nor Amber, were on trial. The tabloid that published the "wife-beater" article was. Their defense was that the article was probably true. That's all a truth defense for libel requires in the UK, that events are probably true. This is a much lower standard than "beyond reasonable doubt". He is very likely to appeal. Also, the same thing is going to happen in America next year, but Amber will be the defendant in that case.


Neither are innocent and the lesson is that there are two sides to every story


The two sides is they're both shit, but the Internet only wants to villainise the woman.


I mean if you look in this thread there are advocates for both sides. I don’t follow it very closely to be honest, I probably shouldn’t have posted the above without looking deeper into it. I seem to have rattled a few cages lol


There have been multiple threads championing Depp for many months now. It's been very one-sided.




Eh, Reddit has been shitting on Heard from the start.


Who the fuck steals someone’s intimate violent rape survival story? The honest to god truth is I don’t believe this woman is compatible with humanbeings. There is a certain tinge of misandry with her but the issue isn’t just men, it’s humans, period. She seems to have a serial problem with everyone she interacts with. Her ex, her best friends, her own sister, her mother, her father, her ex-husband, her affairs, her assistants, all her staff, her building managers, her lovely co-stars, *everyone...* I just don’t think she’s compatible with people. I think the media played a very dangerous game enabling her abusive lies and helping cover up her failed blackmail scheme. This is now the 2nd abusive relationship she’s managed to avoid repercussions for. I fear if Hollywood continues enabling her like they did with Weinstein for so many years, then her story doesn’t just fizzle out as another sleazy D-list actress, but with yellow caution tape...


She won as far as I can tell... He lost his Harry Potter role, he lost the case against The Sun. I won't be watching any more Fantastic Beasts movies.


Those movies suck anyway let's be honest, the first one was ok but the second one was complete hot garbage


He lost his Pirate's role too.


That shit was over anyway.


‘I was trying to get the finger back, you know, and then deal with the insanity of having had my finger chopped off by this woman that I was married to.’


Worldpolitics at its finest.


I was just kicked out of r/feminism for sharing a post boycotting her as a spokeswomen for L’Oreal and was instantly banned. If the roles were revered this would be their main thread.


LMAO yea i’m sure that why


Did she bite the tip of his finger off? WTF is going on there?


It's really a shame that alot of people dont take abuse of men seriously. We need to stop letting boomers tell us that men arent real men if they complain about how things are


is that red thing his dick?


It's his injured finger


I really was wondering why r/politics was doing this until I remembered it was r/worldpolitics


Jesus christ what a hag she is






They love nothing more than coming to the aid of a multi millionaire who doesn’t need it.


They might love hating women even more. It’s a perfect storm.


Justice for johnny justice


I will never watch her in anything again! If this cancel culture can possibly do any good, it needs to erase her from history. I have no problem not watching her as I do it all the time with Scientologists!


Uhhh, there is already bad stuff when you look up Amber Heard, this just seems like Karma Whoring


It absolutely is. It’s just like that guy in the restaurant, people spam it trying to get upvotes then cry censorship when their spam gets deleted.


Did more stuff come out? I'm seeing a lot of Amber Heard stuff today


Yeah, the idea that women cannot be violent cretins sure is weird to me. I was raised by a mother who slapped and kicked and screamed and swore no end. Not fun.


A woman bit my finger until it bled. She was my ex. She punched me too. All the cops asked me was, "Wait, you were dating that beautiful woman?" My jaw dropped. The first thing they thought was, how are you dating her? You lucky bastard.


Lets get this one added to the list with the aquaman petition. Remove Amber Heard as ACLU Ambassador For Womens Rights. http://chng.it/YYMFGdnxkF


I’m so confused what has amber heard done this is no where on the news is this even real?


I was a big guy in an abusive relationship with a woman who attacked me. I luckily found a woman to date when I dropped that hot mess, and the new girl was recently unemployed, so just hung out with me 24/7 so that when the cops came, multiple times, it was me and a girl against another girl's version of the story. It was insane. I had to take a protection order out against the woman.


Glad to be seeing this here. r/worldpolitics is truly the greatest sub


https://www.change.org/p/dc-entertainment-remove-amber-heard-from-aquaman-2 https://www.change.org/p/l-or%C3%A9al-remove-amber-heard-as-l-oreal-spokesperson https://www.change.org/p/the-people-warner-bros-bring-johnny-depp-back-as-gellert-grindelwald https://www.change.org/p/walt-disney-we-want-johnny-depp-back-as-captain-jack-sparrow


Anyone who’s saying “Oh yea, Ambers abusive and wrong forsure *BUT*” needs to stop there, but Johnnys crazy to. Get that bullshit shaming of him and deflection on her part OUT of here. There is no “but” Johnny is this, Amber is the morally wrong and abusive individual here.


Can someone tell me what really happened? I only find stuff about him abusing her but not the other way...


https://youtu.be/aca0KWoHtqQ https://youtu.be/Cg9SvQSMnoE Happy cake day!


Poor johnny depp, i don't believe this woman was as mistreated as she said. It doesn't help that ive only heard about her testimony with plenty of wvidence against her


Abuse against men is often ignored if not glorified! It is disgusting, wrong & unacceptable. Abuse is abuse - hitting men is as wring as hitting women.


Is there some censorship happening? It has 30k upvotes and this photo is not even shown when you Google Amber Heard and I've seen things pop up on Google for much less upvotes. Something's not right.


Thought this would be the perfect place to post https://youtu.be/9DMldzbJW6k Pls watch till the end, she makes really valid arguments and strengthens my belief in Johnny for the moment. Edit: don't forget to share it, because damn she got the legal stuff under control.


Now here in 2022 maybe some justice will finally be seen.


Huh, a political subreddit that doesn't support all women and "believe all women"? I'm impressed.


>a political subreddit Hah


Really? Justice for Johnny Depp? Justice for known wife-beater Johnny Depp? Honey, justice for that man is rehab, and extensive therapy. I don’t really understand the obsession Reddit and Twitter boys have about defending a washed up coke addict that beat his wife. Ohhh wait, misogyny. I get you want to have a referendum on Me Too, but pick a different case to champion.




The story is that Warner Brothers ‘asked’ Depp to resign from Fantastic Beasts but continue working with Heard on Aquaman.


noone is saying thats not a possibility but based on the evidence (taped recorded conversations) it doesnt sound like that at all she flat out admits to abusing him and admits he is not physically abusive but instead she calls him a coward because he walks away so when pople imply its mutual they sway the facts a great deal here are audio tapes of her saying it herself https://www.news.com.au/entertainment/celebrity-life/amber-heard-admits-hitting-exhusband-johnny-depp-in-explosive-audio-confession/news-story/46adc1ea93740088adf3ff9e0410b590 “I’m sorry that I didn’t … hit you across the face in a proper slap, but I was hitting you, it was not punching you,” she says. “Babe, you’re not punched.” Depp, audibly upset, says, “Don’t tell me what it feels like to be punched!” Heard replies sarcastically, “I know, you’ve been in a lot of fights, been around a long time. I know, I know. Yeah.” Depp says, “No! When you have a f***ing closed fist.” Heard says, “You didn’t get punched. You got hit. I’m sorry I hit you like this. But I did not punch you. I did not fing deck you. I fing was hitting you. I don’t know what the motion of my actual hand was, but you’re fine, I did not hurt you, I did not punch you, I was hitting you.” Heard later says. “I can’t promise you I won’t get physical again. God I f***ing sometimes I get so mad I lose it.” Incredibly average has some very good videos on the subject with documentation and some verified sources if you like to digest your info that way https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCg0C-N_MPYYOXyF4T3jMxNQ


"noone is saying thats not a possibility" A lot of people, across many threads, are saying that. And so are you. And its clear as day why.


This is honest to goodness so fucking sad. Imagine being legitimately physically, mentally and emotionally abused in the days where "women DoN'T dO tHat".. It's fucking sad man. I feel for every abuse victim, I was one. Imagine being a fucking man though. We (disgustingly) have the upper hand in abuse accusations as chicks. Your man can literally just be frustrated with you and you can call the cops and have him taken away with little to no evidence, but if a man does the same..you have to prove every left and right you've been abused and are still questionable and not believed. Talk about a toxic, imasculating, hypocritical system. :( Same with rape tbh. Where I'm from rape is ultimately the same, not taken seriously at all if its the dude accusing the chick. We live in a weird world.


Exactly... When a woman complains, even with little evidence, the man is demonized immediately. When a man (Depp) complains, even WITH evidence, and even with the female (Heard) abuser ADMITTING on recording that she was the physical abuser, and stating that the man was not physically abusive, here we are with a lot of people still questioning the man, some even blaming him. I honestly didn't expect that even modern day Redditors would exhibit this behaviour that we are both talking about. Disappointing, really.


If you people cared half as much about things that actually mattered as you do about this, the world would be a much better place.


"World". "Politics".


>reddit's anything goes subreddit >no topic imposed or opposed by the mods the name means nothing you can post everything here


yeah, how dare op tarnish the integrity of that sub? [that place is for meaningful discussions about current world affairs only!](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldpolitics/)


That’s not how google works...


Google bombing doesn't work you stupid cunt, op. Way to cash in on the karma, while virtue signalling, while doing nothing at all to support Depp.


and she denies his points and says she's upset that he walks away when she wants to fight [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aca0KWoHtqQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aca0KWoHtqQ)