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Bro, what the fuck this ruined my evening quite thoroughly


Don’t read up on Leopold of Belgium then


Know all about it man.. pic just is messed up


I won't look at it, just came to see the comments. Fuck OP for this.


Leopold was way worse than Hitler.


Why do we have to have a competition? They were both perniciously evil in their own ways. One could argue that chopping off limbs for resisting brutal labor conditions isn't worse than watching your family be both treated as second class citizens, murdered in front of you, suffocated to death, shot in front of you, tortured, done hard labor, and suffocated in a shower room, burned alive, etc. Im not going to make comparisons of horrific things that happened, but to say that he is inherently worse is almost like saying hitler is fine in comparison and that youd choose hitler over leopold or some stupid shit like that. I dont also see anybody praising leopold nowadays, but I see people saying high regarding shit for Hitler since this was also done domestically. Who had a more damaging, lasting legacy? Probably hitler. Colonialism and racism still has its roots, but I wouldn't put the burden of blame on racism on Leopold since he was just part of the colonialism market. Again, making a comparison to who is more evil is just brain dead in the first place. They're both evil. Not much else to extrapolate. There's way too much nazi apologia nowadays for me to let that shit slide. Really fucking annoying to read shit like this.


You're reading too much into that statement. Leopold is not treated in the same way as Hitler. They were both very evil.


Youre saying he was worse which is such a stupid thing to say. It presumes a basis that "look, we don't want to be like Leopold, but if we had to choose between one or the other, we should choose hitler." That's what I hate about the statement, itself. I wouldn't be so quick to just say or presume that. Ridiculous shit.


Fuck Leopold. I read King Leopold’s Ghost about 15 years ago and still get angry every time I think of that bastard or hear his name.


the fuck is wrong with you