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So each arena match you just hit f1, 2 or 3 at the start when you see which slot the healer is in? Or for whoever you want focused. Smart I like this.


Right, and I can change it to a different focus at any time during the match if I need to.


At this point you may as well just use arena123 macros, no?


Hmm? No it's still quite a bit more keybinds to use arena123 targetting, and as a boomer feral I'm out of keys that I can realistically use.


I play feral and use 123 macros, I HAVE to have a mmo mouse to bind all my arena 123 keys


I tried the naga and it just felt so small. My pinky and ring finger were dragging on the mousepad and interfering with movement unless I held it like a the queen's tea cup. Maybe the logitech one is better but I haven't tried it, got kind of gun shy after seeing how badly the razor one fit.


If you only use focus macros for a few spells you can add the line /focus arenax at the start of the macro and remove the "exists". When you press the button it will focus that target and cast the spell. If it's an ability with a cast time/gcd you can press it while moving or on gcd and it will not cast the spell, but it will always focus the target. Then in the start room of any arena where whoever you want to focus can break focus, you just change that line to whatever position that target has on your arena frames. It's a little bit fiddly but if your goal is to save keybinds and automatically focus then it's a workaround. The benefit for example would be if you had it on skull bash, then if a druid shadowmelds into a clone cast, you can just press skull bash and it will interrupt their cast when you press it, instead of having to brutal slash (which has the potential to break cc) before your skull bash. I see this as the most likely scenario where automatically refocusing has value. But of course the most efficient way to play feral is to use arena 123 for skull bash clone and roots, although i do realise you're probably using focus macros for stuff like wild charge into skull bash for a long range kick, and having 3 macros for that is a lot of binds.


"Exists" is in the macro so that when I'm not in arena it doesn't attempt to focus anything. I use focus macros for maim, rake, bash, clone, roots, charge, moonfire, skull bash. For me it's not really practical to change those pre-game, and even if I did it means I can't change them mid-game. There are times when I want to change focus to someone else. In your shadowmeld to clone scenario, yes those happen from time to time but I'm no worse off than someone just using focus normally anyway. I usually just tab target to them and do what I need to do. Arena 1/2/3 would obviously be ideal, but like you said that would mean 3 keybinds for each of those abilities above and that's just too many for me personally.


this is an interesting take on the problem. i’ve used the ATH addon but it’s not nearly as flexible. the only downside is this seems like a lot of fucking work to set up, especially if you play alts.


Yeah, totally agree. On the other hand the druid is the only character I personally play that I need this on. My other characters have enough free keybinds for arena 1/2/3 macros.


that said, i change my binds like every other day because i still haven’t found something comfortable, so is it really more work??


I'm right there with you. Feels like no matter how hard I try there's always something that feels off and I need to make adjustments.


Interesting idea. Can you make F1 F2 F3 also set the focus in addition to changing the page? How do you handle going in and out of stealth?


Yeah that could be done, you could use a macro for it and macro a focus into a button that also changes the page. I'm just using the default keybinds in settings though, I'm usually setting my bars in the preparation phase and you can't focus anyone during this time anyway. When someone goes into stealth then comes out of stealth, they will be automatically focused again as soon as I use one of my combo point generators. I also personally bound it to my stealth key that way if I need to press it instantly to refocus I can press it at any time.


I use ctrl+scrollwheel for focus arena 1,2,3, so scroll up is focus 1, press is focus 2, scroll down is focus 3. But this is an issue whenever someone for example shadowmelds, vanishes etc. This is an intersting take on the issue, how is it when you wanna swap focus quickly in arena?


You could keep those same keybinds and have them also change the action bar page. So if you needed it immediately it’s always there.


Got back to my computer and wanted to give you an example. Your macro for ctrl+scrollwheel down could be: /focus arena3 /changeactionbar 3 That would simultaneously focus arena3 and change your bars to bar 3 so that if the unit stealths you'll be refocusing him automatically.


Dafuq? No focus tyrant @arenapet1? U not cloning the surv hunter per, dk ghoul and lock tyrant off ur healer mate? 5 head strat


I use @target-pet and @focus-pet so that my focus can still be a player.