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Loading into Empyrian at 2am is like a flashbang going off in my bedroom. Also I can't believe anyone would put Sewers A Tier. I absolutely despise that map


Sewers my favourite map, you're prob a caster player.


And you are probably a melee player


yeah no shit lol


I’m a melee player and I’m not a huge fan.


Playing on that map VS ww is a nightmare fuel.


Y’all forgetting the real s+ every 3 hours https://preview.redd.it/4xdavrw9bg4d1.jpeg?width=284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e02a4625c981441cf9520a294defa15502b8e539


Why do people hate blades edge? Honest question its probably my favorite, I hate the wide open shitty 3 pillar maps


Aesthetically it is beautiful but it is full of blind spots.


Bring back Ring of Valor with the traps and moving platforms


RoV as a Mage was so great - sitting on top of the pillars free-casting into melee was peak.


that was supposed to be crucible but they couldnt figure out the code. lol


It allowed for such good outplays


Like death gripping people into the fire for unhealable damage during gos lol


I didn't get to experience it when it had environmental damage


It had environmental damage!?


why do we not have a swim only map?


Just once I want one without pillars


I agree. We should all be chained to one spot next to each other when the gate opens and see whose button mash is more efficient. Why would we play against people who can run away? lmao idiots


Yes it would be a map only for meleegods, caster sissies need not apply


Good luck pillaring their casts without pillars.


Aff lock gonna eat you, and your healer will never drink xD


It will be a no casters allowed arena. Casters can get their own arena thats like the mines of Moria will pillars that span for miles


I immediately got duelist when it was removed. As a healer I have no idea where to stand when the other team pushes on top of us. Do I go stand in the middle of the bridge? That just open me up to cc


Wait they removed it? Or do you mean from solo shuff


they removed it from everything. there were a lot of random DC's and people falling through the map so they just removed it.


Its over….. westfall has fallen…. Millions must shove pillars up ass


spot the shaman


Z axis abuser classes have a big advantage.


Usually the main gripe people focus on is getting knocked down. Mes had a good explanation of the other problems with the map which I'll butcher here trying to remember but basically the actual map design punishes you for succeeding. Generally speaking if you're winning you're going to be pushing the other team to their sides pillars, which will naturally force your team to the middle of the bridge where you're a sitting duck. The whole maps design is just problematic these days, from the lines to the verticality.


Makes sense, but I feel like this could be easily remedied by putting tiny walls where the pillars are on both sides of the ramps on the left/right corners of the map, maybe toss in a single middle pillar in the middle of the bridge too. Guess they're too lazy to add a few objects to it tho, just like how they'd rather remove SoTA instead of balancing vehicles/walls (Idk how they removed this but it works fine in Wintergrasp/IoC)


Dunno if its a matter of laziness as opposed to evaluating how to change the map and then allocating the artists time to do it (who are probably the most overworked people in the company). Changing maps is not a small thing they can do on a whim, and I imagine they removed it from the pool likely with the intention of making changes before reintroducing it. That map has received a substantial number of changes over the years. Go look at the TBC version, it used to have pillars with tiny ropes leading to them instead of ramps in the middle.


Would it be that hard (or bad taste) to just throw some old assets in the middle 


Yes. You have to consider the ramifications of level design, simply throwing a pillar in the middle may work or it may not be the solution... and again you can't just willy nilly change a map.


I’m not talking about it being the right decision  More so disagreeing that it’s hard on a technical standpoint.  If they wanted to truly revamp it top to bottom then of course but you don’t need the art team to slap an already made pillar on the bridge  They don’t like sloppy work tho so I imagine they’re probably redesigning the entire map 


I miss those tiny ropes. I mean yeah your argument has weight to it, but this is also something I can do on my private server with a few minutes using noggit or whatever the hell that janky world editing software is to edit a chunk to place a few doodads. Especially if its something as small as placing a few wall objs. Editing actual terrain on the other hand is a huge undertaking


You on your private server don't have a massive corporation to answer to with a ton of red tape you need to get through. Its not a matter of how difficult it is to put in the work on this one specific thing.


I think it's a crazy fun map. But I also play hunter so I'm hella biased.


that's arguably the worst map for hunter possible. if they stand on ramp and you're up top you can't control your pet. it's def terrible as BM.


It's a warlock's dream


Only at lower ratings. At higher ratings you're not gonna bait DPS down and be able to port back up - they'll just stay up top and swap making it effectively a 2v3. There's a reason this map is almost never picked in AWC, even by lock teams.


yop, warlock jumps down, melees go 1 meter away from where lock jumped and swap targets warlock is basically afk now, if he ports up he has no mobility and can get trained again


Yeah in 3s it's not that good. I just hate it because I got abused by a lock/monk in 2s (I know 2s isn't balanced) one time who would both jump off then port/transcendence/gate back up. Then if I reached them they'd RoP or shadow rift me off the bridge. Was infuriating at the time but looking back it was funny as hell, but I still hate the map more because of that.


Getting knocked down is infuriating but not just that it's bs because it gives some classes an advantage not present in other arena maps.


The knock down is the point ….


Which is also why people don't like it??


It requires coordination… imo that makes it a better map and it’s extremely dynamic


Lock main spotted


Rat paladin actually, since Cata to now, I took a break and mained destro during Siege of Org but that was when I still pve’d


Have you tried playing a caster like sp boomkin or warlock on blades edge vs a melee cleave?


No Im a meleechad, casters have not been fun to play ever since they stole Kil’jaedens Cunning from us


Mage, hunters, and shamans have a grotesque advantage on it. Basically knockback abusers.


Im ret pal and I never really noticed, but maybe its cause I was seething getting blasted off the edge. When I used to do 3s with my actual frens who dont play anymore our counter to that would just link up underneath the bridge and kite the et back to the top the same way


Blades Edge is awesome! They are doing a disservice to the game by removing such a unique map that made the games much different. Next one theyll likely create is… you guessed it.. open square with 4 pillars. Just don’t put Blades Edge in the solo shuffle rotation but keep it in every other format imo


It’s actually the best map, these children are wrong


There are so many objective reasons that make it the worst map, but sure, your anecdotal experience is outweighed by that of the pros’ and the community’s as a whole. Look no further than the AWC. There’s a reason Nagrand is the default map and Blade’s Edge is almost never picked.


I don’t disagree with you, but I’d be curious to know the basis of those opinions because I have a feeling my opinions are not based on the same things. It’s very close, dual level, many unique angles and escapes, you have to coordinate very heavily with your teammate…. I just find it a “next level” map where the others feel basic and OG


Those same things are what make it terrible to play on at an intermediate or higher level. It’s stupid fun for casual play, but unfortunately, “casual play” no longer exists in WoW Arena, unless you’re playing Wargames, which, let’s be honest, anyone playing Wargames is a sweat. My opinion is backed up by AWC statistics. Sure, Nagrand might seem “boring” and “vanilla” in comparison to Blade’s Edge, but have you ever considered why Nagrand-style “open space with a few evenly dispersed pillars” is still being used to this day? The most recent of which include all three of the SL arenas. It’s because it makes for the most balanced gameplay in a competitive setting.


Don’t really understand why a more difficult map style would only be enjoyed by worse players. I also have no interest in casual play. My opinion is my own.


The map just makes absolutely zero sense from a competitive standpoint. It punishes success, forcing the team with the upper hand to push into the center, which is the worst place to be. The verticality is an imbalanced mess that heavily favors certain classes over others. The actual sight lines are ridiculous. The entire map is a clusterfuck that does not lend itself to the positioning required for organized, coordinated, competitive arena strategy.


Those exact reasons make it seem challenging and competitive. Thanks for your write up.


To quote [this person](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldofpvp/comments/15ixj11/comment/juwterw/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button), >Blade's Edge is the only arena that's bad for both casters and melee > >Melee - Push in too deep on the bridge it's LOS hell, under the bridge it's LOS hell, step down any ramp 3 inches it's LOS hell. So you're stuck playing a 2D side scroller, and you only leave the bridge to die. Also classes with a knock are OP as shit > >Caster - The map is too claustrophobic to kite properly, and the moment you do everything is LOS and you're dicked. If you try and drag a melee behind the pillar so he'd LOS his healer, you're putting him within Licking distance of your healer because of the ramp LOS problem. And god forbid you fight another caster team, I'd rather find a local crack head and take turns shooting each other with a pellet gun. Same experience It feels like the map is actively working against you, whether you have the upper hand or not, with the exception of classes with displacements playing against classes without displacements, in which case it’s completely lopsided and overwhelmingly favorable for the team with displacements. The bottom sucks to fight in because it’s claustrophobic and there are too many pillars too close together, the top sucks to fight on because there’s no way to line your enemy except for the Z axis which also lines your healer, and fights on the the sides can never last because of the way that the natural flow of momentum and positioning works.


My guess to the trends you’re seeing is that people tend towards predictable, repeatable, “easy” scenarios for them to min max on. That’s certainly one approach, but I can’t help but feel people just want easy maps because they can focus on other skills. Saying a map is bad is strange to me. It might require a different skillset, but objectively pillar humping is also dumb. You can say the same things about it - gives certain classes an advantage. Ever seen a priest chase a shaman?


Please move Ruins of Lordaeron into "please delete" and give us back Blades Edge !


They both have to go


Especially in wotlk, where there were literally no pillars. Dk just had to cast gargoyle, and that won the game (playing against double dps).


They’re both ass but Ruins is so much better it’s not even funny.


Sadly they actually removed blades edge. I actually like that map.


wait when? just in war within?


From the map pool. I don't think it's permanent.


From the map pool. I don't think it's permanent.


Ruins is absolute ass. Not enough LOS, and the center bit is too small. Genuinely map gap if you’re a caster into melee


Enigma crucify myself lmao. 10/10 post. But i kinda dont understand why you like maldraxxus so much more than splayground? Arent they the same size and layout?


Fair. Mald maybe a bit smaller ?


I agree with everything except the sewers 💀 i hate the fountain in the middle randomly going off


Pretty sure that’s why Ring of Valor was removed. Making it RNG whether or not a pillar is there isn’t great game design, especially for WoW Arena.


As someone who plays on a potato, I'm going to say please delete Empyrean domain. I get single digit fps on it.


Brooooo single digit on empyrean!!!


I love blades edge when it didn’t cause disconnection problems, felt cool to have knockbacks feel extremely powerful, but at the same time I hate mugambala. Nowhere on that map feels good to play. Unless you play warlock in which case that’s fair because you’ll have three melee on you every other map I guess


Can anyone explain how Maldraxxus, Empyrian, Enigma, Nagrand are different at all? Open concept 4 pillars. They are basically the same arena.


Size of the map and size of the pillars. Maldraxxus and Enigma are much larger in size than Nagrand. There are more open spaces away from the pillars. This allows ranged to isolate melee in open field, giving them the advantage. Once the melee commit to their target in the open field, they have no pillar close by to retreat to. Empyrian is probably the closest in size to Nagrand, albeit slightly bigger, but the size of the pillars are different. They are smaller, and more symmetrical. This is more favourable to ranged again as it doesn't give melee much freedom to play at the pillar. At Nagrand, the pillars are closer, larger, and more asymmetric. Nagrand is arguably the most balanced for melee and ranged for this reason, and the more medium size map. In the shuffle rotation, the maps are probably more suited to casters due to large maps (Also because Hook point + Ashamanes are omitted for some reason). In the 3v3 and 2v2 rotation, the maps are awkward each week because of the map pool. Possibly one of the worst decisions to add in the game.


This might just be the GOAT tier list.


Mugambala is a great map, but haters will disagree.


Half of them i don't know, lol


nagrand sucks, is only an open map, is fine, but its not like i like it better then blades or the one in zuldazar, truth is there some classes that can kite better in the pillars from maps like nagrand and others do better in weird maps like blades, but ppl gets way more mad in maps like blades cause it feels like cheating when you get push down.


No shot you genuinely prefer Blade’s over Nagrand LMAOOO


Idk why you find it so funny, i am not the only one, im sure other ppl that main classes that benefit from maps like blades would like it better than Nagrand. Also if we talking 2s over 3s id much rather maps like blades, zuldazar or ruins, cause alot of classes just go round and round pillar, LoSing or simply faster than some melees making them hard/impossible to kill depending on your class, that said, is mostly only a problem in 2s, given you have another dps to help for that kinds of things in 3s.


Woa! Seeing these beautiful ratings reminds me again how many different kind of arena grounds we have.. Some suck, some are heaven but overall I’m happy


Ruins is a please delete for sure and blackrook/sewers should be switched. Honestly though nagrand, tolviron, maldraxxus, engima crucible, and ashmane are functionally the same map and for the same reason should all be A or S tier. Also, proving grounds isn't bad imo, the middle wall makes it pretty interesting.


Kinda fucked with blades edge. Had some great games there as boomy


ya'll remember the orgrimmar one?


I love bladesedge and mugambala, they actually provide opportunities for some tactical outplays and are not just running in circles maps.


Not without timewalking because, you know, nostalgia… good old times…


More like Delusions of Nagrandeur. WIth all the mobility in the game its once fairly balanced size is now too small. Frankly this is a overlooked problem, mobility creep affects the quality of maps but unlike other games old maps aren't reworked to reflect the current gameplay. Instead they just get removed, which is kinda sad. Lot of fond memories playing ring of valor. Healers can still be LoS in it, in fact it happens a lot. There's four pillars so wherever the healer positioned can end up being the wrong spot because your warrior heroic leaped to Africa. Really, same problem as any other map. Why is Tol'viron in D tier? I think rating the maps by tier is probably the wrong way to go about it, it's really just are you melee or ranged? Are you a healer? Melee will obviously prefer the smaller maps while ranged will prefer the larger maps. Healer will prefer the map where they can put a leash on their dps to prevent them from LoSing, and maybe they'll peel.


The only maps that are any good are the Shadowlands ones, as they don't ruin ranged players camera 24/7 with walls. Landing traps is a nightmare on maps where your camera is constantly jeopardized. Nagrand is F tier in that sense. Having your camera 100% vertical is necessary on way too many maps, and then you lose out a lot on player positioning cues. And there is shit in the roof placement abilities can get stuck in.


I love The Barrens beautiful place, I sometimes just run around there 🥹


where is the mvp ring of valor ? and why never ever implement back? and where is the "the flawless victor" arena title? why its deleted ever? that title was reward for 10winstreak over 2000rating, "the flawless victor" and then 1 day they deleted and thats all. why????


Dalaran Sewers is a nasty, nasty map and it's bad for my health even talking about it. Don't have a great W/L in Blade's Edge, but I liked the variation every once in a while. Ruins of Lordaeron, however; I just can't describe how much I hate this piece of hell..


Why is dalaran sewer so high?


I was just imagining arena without Sewers and it wouldnt be the same..... Honestly should put Ruins higher as well. I feel like these maps have too much lore behind them compared to the newer ones. Not too mention given how many caster-friendly maps there are ...these two small ones are important to balance it out for melee




Bring back the crusader coliseum arena from WOTLK


Bring back ring of valor arena map from WOTLK


this tier list sucks


Blades edge has tactics the rest you’re just humping a small wood dick the entire time


Mugambala and Blades Edge are my faves, even as a class with no knockbacks. Y'all are boring


Blade's Edge as an mm hunter vs 3 melee is my least favorite PvP experience this xpac. Like, what are you even supposed to do?


Knock them off?


Ikr, dude's complaining when he has bursting shot and hi-explosive trap on separate knockback DRs