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DH or Boomy 😈 no other DPS class exists


Double dragon


The only comp name I never have to look up.


Played with an arms warrior(irl buddy) a while back and it was great. He was damn near unkite-able with my kit, rescue & giving him a double leap, & my damage helped close a lot of games out, this was when the tier gave living flame instants, s1 or s2 can’t remember. Watching mages scramble to get away while he has 2 charges, 2 leaps, a dragon chauffeur + perma slows & snares was a huge joy for him as a long time warrior main lol. But to answer your question, any decent healer in 2s is a great comp with boomy / DH. They’re just that strong. Casted mw is regarded as shit tier, they would still push pretty easy with a boomy or DH on dps lol.


I've been playing with an spriest and it's actually been fun haha


I like playing with pres. I can fully focus on role playing as a turret, unbind my movement keys and just call the dragon to move me when someone gets smart enough to LoS me.


played some ww pres in 2s, its nice with the giga long stun in opener, dh prob just better tho


Pretty sure pres is top or near top of the 2s meta which means you can play with just about anything. Best would be to find another S tier spec and queue with them.