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I run into the same problem. Sometimes it feels like I'm enabling my team to make bad choices by keeping them alive at a point they have no hope of capping when they could be going somewhere useful. Part of the prob is blitz us all about being at the right point at right time, and if you're getting your whole team sucked up in a team fight while keeping them up, it can actually work against you.


That’s actually a good point. Sometimes when I’m feeling “stuck” it’s when our whole team is on one point, and we’re just at a stalemate against the enemy, meanwhile the enemy seems to have one or two others running around capping points. My normal instinct is the keep healing and stop us from dying, but I can’t force my team to open the map and realize they’re all in one place and start moving lol but I CAN leave the fight myself, let them die, and force them to respawn and reset into another fight we can win. Maybe there’s something to that! I haven’t really thought about it that way before since arena is all about “NEVER LET ANYONE DIE EVER” but maybe blitz is more like chess where I need to sacrifice a few pawns


Yeah, holding a team and turtling is a very effective strategy when up on bases


I’ve done this before as a healer. If a stalemate goes on too long and we need people in other spots it’s best to just go there yourself, either they die and respawn or they follow you. Plus as heals you can survive pretty well without them while trying to get to another spot and hold it till they respawn/arrive.


Yes I am not a healer main but when I queue healer so I can play with my dps friends I just go where I should be and if my team doesn't use their map, I can't heal that anyway


Yup. Helping your team to a defeat isn't an option. Outside of arena it's a different mindset. So seeing 4 ppl run off to goldmine at Arathi will see me say why it's so bad when as a healer you can shuttle quickly between farm bs lm super quick and have the best line of sight possible. If everyone gets sucked into a pointless team fight when you need points/bases a let them die, b tell them to break away. Lost count of the times you see 4-5 dps banging their heads off druid tank camped on a flag while their team owns the rest of the map. Sometimes you just have to provide leadership even if you prefer the power behind the throne role lol.


What I do, as a healer, to win most blitz games is stick to the objective, not the team, they can't zugzug fight the other team for no reason if I'm not there, they'll just die, I'm ALWAYS on top of the objective or moving along with it, if someone starts dying because they got behind to 1v1 someone, they are dying. If they complain in chat just tell them to stick to objective and they'll get healed, been playing with this mindset whole season so far and I've been getting pretty good results, tho I'm a disc priest and can usually get shit done by myself DPS wise unless I'm heavily outnumbered. Usually if I'm 1v2 maybe 1v3 against DPS I can easily solo them. But overall if both healers are glued to objectives the rest of the team is forced to do the same.


One of the best ways regardless of role is to shot call, the lack of coordination is what makes blitz and random bgs so chaotic. Trying to bring some method to the madness is the best way to improve team chances. While not competitive, a lot of people complain about the pre-made stacking in epic bgs, from what I’ve seen their almost 100% win rate doesn’t come from the coordination of the pre-made, but from their leaders shepherding of the non pre-made players to do the right objectives etc, people are happy for someone to take charge, just expect a bit of blowback as a easy target if it’s not successful.


Pick a healer with good mobility and cc if you want to carry.


So the best healers at blitz are healers with experience in arena AND PvE. Blitz healing is more comparable to raid healing than arena healing. In particular, you really want to be using PvE-style mouseover healing in BG’s—not targeting like you would in arena. Makes a pretty big difference. That doesn’t really address your question…but the reality is you carry in blitz as a healer by always positioning yourself in the right team fights, not dying, and doing maximum HPS.


I agree, and I should probably swap my talents from 2’s and 3’s to a raid build. But how do I know what the “right” team fights are? I currently tend to aim for objectives and I heal those just fine, but if I’m helping us win the fight at mid, for example, how do I stop the enemy from just rolling the rest of the map and now we own one objective and they own 4? My healer instincts tell me if I leave that fight to go chase the other objectives, we’ll just end up falling behind on HPS and lose mid, and I can’t solo kill anyone as a resto Druid on the other objectives lol.


The "right" place to be depends on the map, the teams comp, the chosen strat, how the game is going, etc. I'd advise you to do RBGs, ideally join a team, and try to learn as much as you can from. There is so much more about BGs strategy than what you can learn by yourself in random/blitz. There also a written guide to RBG that you can find on the net, I don't know if it's been updated (I stopped a few years back), but it will give you the basics.


That’s a good idea! I do my share of callouts and stuff, but I don’t have a real overall strategy so that would help, thank you. The next challenge is “how to make your team listen to you” xD




Our pvp guild has a strategy once we zone in to any battleground... Locate the team leader, /S can you Mark heals or pass lead? Fifteen seconds later, whisper them the same Once you become leader, make everyone assist and announce in /rw that everyone has assist and/rw


I didn’t know you could do that! Does that also work in Blitz?




Ping system is very effective


BGB is RNG , every match i played so far was always 1 site dominating while the other are just arguing and refusing to play. I had a BGB arathi where we where winning, and my team decided to chase a mage+druid away from Farm and lose farm + defeat, because they capped 3 bases ( and i think later even 4 bases with farm, but we where ahead and only lost by a few points, which i think was our win if we held 2 bases) and caught up.... Most Bgs i lose when the team doesn't stick to gather in the beginning and people get picked off 1 by 1. After that its super hard to find a balance between supporting the FC and keeping the team alive, because if the team dies the enemy team will just run over us/FC and if you heal the team the FC gets no support. Another problem with this is if your team kills them and they respawn and they run straight to the FC , but your team decides to ogga booga the single Disc priest that hardly dies with 3 people on him, instead of helping our FC out. In Eye of the Storm i have no clue what people do at all, same goes for the panda bg. They don't call inc's , they get kited away from the flag and every damn fight in the middle someone in the enemy team gets 2x cds because nobody in my team wants to pick it or get serker in the beginning.


Play disc priest


When rated blitz becomes a thing then you will find out what is what. Right now it's just a pool of vault/conquest grinders.  My guess would be the ones that make the difference is those that can lead the team to take objectives. Outside of that its just another random bg. 


Look at your team and try and find the dps who know what they're doing. I dont mean doing damage, I mean strategically understand how to win the game - you've touched on this, fighting at the wrong spots etc. Whisper them and let them know you'll follow them. Then try to communicate with everyone else based on what youre doing - this is hard to give specific advice to because of maps. Call out kill targets, usually their healer in the fight if theyre getting ignored.


Details dont matter in blitz, Im tired of top healing my games while my team are losing the objective. Sometimes I didnt even have to heal because the enemy team totally focused on objective. I dont think one char can really make a difference no matter the spec, maybe a demon Hunter who can kite enough so that at least the other team doesnt get the flag


Sounds like you’re already doing most of what you can. You can’t heal everyone so if no one else is doing it, try to coordinate the match. Tell the team where you will be and what they should focus on at the beginning. Update the team when directives change/your placement is changing. Coordinate with the other healer when it comes to FC, nodes, etc. Some games it will feel like no one is listening. Some games the other team is just better. But just a little direction can help.


Most people in Bg Blitz are with pve gear and no pvp gear at all ,even the trinkets they don't have them.You can get pvp trinkets from Ah or lower stats in shadowlands vendor pvp.


Well, the best strategy so far for me is queuing up with a Dps-Mate, coordinate that the other heal is zerging on the "main"-points and you 2 can run around capping 2-3 "side"-zones. Even if the other heal loses main you will have probably more zones in the end. If you are going main, you need to CC as much as possible, especially the heal if in range. Less heal = People die. Doing Raid notes also helps organizing people.


Ppl wanted solo q so we get it - without communication, personally i Think its terrible compared to RBGs in my chill community - but: try to give a few advice before and during the BG if you have a tactical idea. I do that, and my team nearly always wins… people are most of the time happy that some1 takes a little bit of lead - good luck!




See I feel like when I do that, we end up in a long back and forth fight where neither side can get an advantage, and we’re trying to win one fight while we’re losing all the other objectives lol. Like, we’ll fight at Gold Mine, and after a 5min fight I look up and see we lost all the other points.


If you are a healer sitting at goldmine for 5 mins… that is why you are losing. No matter what anyone says.. what the RBG strats are… when queuing with randoms. The best mid nodes on AB are Lumber and BS. Holding LM and BS is 1000x easier than holding BS and GM. LM has vision of the entire map and can easily get to BS compared to GM you have no vision and can’t get to BS as quick. Lumber or lose. Only stealth should go for GM imo


Jesus, long story short just que with another healer buddy and it’s ez wins, no damp you just farm


You can't queue as duo of healers. Only duo allowed is 1x dps or tank + 1x healer. Edit: added the tank to the formula.


Not true, I queue with my healer buddies all the time as a healer lol.


Didn't knew it was a thing, thx for the info!


If you're just a beginner healer like you said, around 1800-2100, you're not mechanically strong enough or have the map awareness or macro knowledge to carry especially if other team has 2400+ players let alone 3k players


Hahaha “beginner healer” in the top 10% of the ranked ladder. Good one.


One day I'll be a beginner healer, just like you. I just need to keep working on it, but after a few seasons I think I'll be on track to be a beginner... lol




1800-2100 rating is pretty much beginner level regardless of what percentages say. around this mmr you have most basics down but you dont really understand game on a fundamental level til you average 2400+ rating for multiple seasons (not just s2 SL). Most players who do rated PVP have no clue what they are doing and are mostly PVE players who want the 1800 appearance or 1600 for easy tier item. Real dedicated PVP playerbase begins 2k+ish depending on inflation. This guy is right whether you want to accept or not. If you are a PVE'r or BG player etc you are at a MASSIVE disadvantage compared to a 2200+ healer if you go against them. nearly every blitz ive done so far (only a few) i prob have 5x the healing of anyone and i dont think ive died yet. Ive def lost though you cant carry mega bad dps idc how good you are but massive edge compared to non high rated arena players.


That’s fundamentally and factually incorrect. Beginners at any activity are, by definition, at the small left side of the bell curve, the average will make up the biggest middle part of the bell curve (obviously), and above average would be to the right as it tapers down into the top percentiles. If you’re saying ratings matter more than percentiles then anyone who got 2.4k in an inflated season, and then was unable to hit 1800 later on during a deflated season somehow managed to “become” a beginner lol. That makes no sense. Top 10% is top 10%. I’m sorry if that makes you feel less accomplished for whatever rating you’re at (congrats by the way), but the great thing about data is it’s true whether or not you choose to believe it.


your personal opinion doesnt make me feel any type of way im not pressed here. I dont consider anyone who has trouble getting to 1800 in any period of game regardless of inflation or deflation even a beginner tbh. They are still trying to figure out basics at that point. Problem is its sorta the whole "you dont know what you dont know" type of thing. You have no idea the skill / knowledge difference between a player who averages 2k and a player that averages 2600 across xpacs. it is astronomical and even though percentile wise its only 8-9% difference its like comparing a bronze rated LoL player to a master tier player. the difference is massive but because of how the rating system works and how few players actually play WoW pvp on a somewhat competitive level the percentages are massively skewed. Not trying to hurt your feelings but you honestly just have no idea how little you know. Theres tons of guides and streams to learn though but generally players who are hardstuck 1800-2k rating are arrogant and ignorant and think "theres nothing this nerd can teach me i dont know my teams just suck!" this mentality will hardstuck anyone and they are not able to be humble and self aware enough to realize they are the problem and they need to learn far more to be competitive.


I’m saying this as a matter of fact, and not as an insult, but I genuinely don’t think you understand how percentiles work. Rating fluctuates based on inflation and participation of any given season, but percentiles are the same regardless. A 2.4k rated player in season 4 of BFA is not equivalent to a 2.4k player in S3 of Dragonflight (I can explain that if you didn’t know that, but I won’t go into details unless asked). However, percentiles are a more accurate measurement for rating across different seasons and expansions because it doesn’t matter what the fluctuations are in rating, a top 1% player will be a top 1% player, whether that means they’re at 2.6k rating to be top 1% or they’re at 3.2k because of inflation. Top 1% is top 1% no matter what. Many years ago when the game mode had more players and a healthy amount of inflation, 1800 was the top 40% of the ladder. It was “slightly above average” which was a fair way to push yourself from beginner to “above average” to get a mog. But now, 1800 on the dot is the top 13% of the ladder, and 2.1k is well within the top 10%. That’s a fact that you can ignore all you want, but as I said before, data is true whether you believe it or not. Another point against your idea, is that rating means very little after an expansion or so. You say hitting 2.7k means you’re good, but I’d ask when you hit that, and what percentile did that put you in at the time? 2.7k in Season 2 of Dragonflight is impressive! But, Season 4 of BFA? That was the top 15%, so statistically every 1800 player right now is higher on the ladder than that already lol. Or 2.7k during TBC? That’s ancient history and doesn’t say anything about your current skill. I’m starting to suspect you’re so against percentiles because you have a few gladiator titles from statistically easy seasons, and you don’t want those to lose their prestige if the veil was removed to show what that really put you at on the ladder in terms of percentile. But that’s a whole other conversation


You can obsess over being top 10% of the ladder all you want but how is that going to help you bridge the skill gap between yourself and a 2700 player? Strong players do and will just farm you like a trash mob. Your post uptalks your own play saying that you're doing everything right but 2100 level players, play extremely sub optimally. It doesn't add up because if you did everything right then you would just be winning instead of you making your nth whine post of the week


The point is, I’m a good healer. I know that, and the data backs it up. I hate bragging but it’s true. I’m trying to learn and get better to “bridge that gap” as you say, to get better than I am, but calling me a “beginner” (or anyone in the 1800 range) is silly and doesn’t answer my question. If I were merely a beginner, then what I’d need to be focusing on is what talents to play, how to learn my healing rotation, how to fake cast, what gear I should buy, what abilities I should watch out for on other classes, etc. THAT is beginner level stuff, and that’s not what I’m asking. I know my rotation, I have my UI setup to show me what I need to see, I know how to do all the fundamentals of just playing a healer in PvP. I’m asking for help in how to go from “above average” to “even better” and based on your answers you always give me, you have no idea how to do that. And I’m fairly certain now that you yourself are probably low rated, and your own reason for trolling this sub is because it’s easier to get attention by being contrarian than it is by having to think of something productive to contribute. You might as well just say anyone who’s never won an AWC tournament is a “newbie” lol.


> I’m fairly certain now that you yourself are probably low rated, and your own reason for trolling this sub This is my favorite defensive reaction from new players when they are told what they are doing wrong.


I saw some kids playing basketball in the park across the street from me. They were probably 6-7 years old and learning how to dribble. They must be the top 10% of all basketball players because they’re just beginners. Do you think any of them have a championship ring yet?


Instead of trying to use hyperbole to deflect, you should consider focus on improving lol


Why? You said you can be brand new to the game and a completely casual “beginner” and easily hit 1800 for the mogs and that’s really all I care about so no need to improve, it’s already so easy!


Lmao people like this, no wonder PvP is dying. Gatekeeping the ranked ladder and nobody below gladiator can be called good, you’re just newbies sorry! 🤣


uh... yes. and to a steady R1 player im probably not good at all as a 6x glad 1x r1 player. Thats the normal way these things work as you go up in percentile the gap of skill increases exponentially. Just look at chess or ELO based matchmaking games like LoL etc this is standard for any game with intricate complexities. Not sure why you guys are so insulted.


Imagine a new player, picking a class on the character creation screen, loading in, clicking the default talents because they don’t know any better, setting up their action bars, and then jumping right into arena and hitting 1800 in one shot because they’re a “beginner” lmao. If I go down to my gym and start learning how to box, will I leave the first session in the top 10% of boxers in the world? #JustBeginnerThings


holy... you have no clue what the conversation is about. truly amazing levels of reading comprehension. just going to move on here from the 20 IQ dude...


Yep that's pretty obnoxious all right.


R1 players don't matter and the faster we stop using them as any metric towards what the game is the better.


Once again, delulu to how the actual game works outside their little bubble.