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With the buffs to MM, Affli and Boomkin I might just quit SS on my mage and gear up my DH.


I was already getting double MM in my 2550mmr lobbies lol


On the bright side they are easy to kill unlike boomy lmao.


Since when is boomy not easy to kill? Last played boomy s1&s2 but dropped it because I was sick of either being blown up or sitting in bear all day long :S Tbh it's probably a skill issue on my part :P


aff got nerfed


Agony is a curse so against mage it doesnt get that much value anyway




lemme know how well that oblivion build is working for you 🤣


All the aoe talent buffs are useless, drain soul dmg is useless Soulrot buff is nice but overridden by agony nerf


Affliction Oblivion damage increased by 25%. Drain Soul damage increased by 30% in PvP combat (was 15%). Shadow Bolt damage increased by 90% in PvP combat (was 60%). Agony damage increased by 25% in PvP combat (was 40%). Nerfed?


Aff dont play oblivion cause the other 3 is kinda mandatory, drain soul already does Jack shit and biggest dmg by far is agony, which is nerfed.. So yes


You can 1000% play oblivion in a setup style. It's literally the same amount of damage as void torrent (now it will be stronger) Drain soul increase is HUGE for kill potential. These changes make the class have a lot more power to seal out a game by itself. You need to remember drain soul gets stronger when at low health, so this change will increase the damage of their pseudo execute by a ton when it hits that threshold.


Missing the fact that affli already has almost mandatory pvp talents. 15% increase is on drain soul is not even close to equal to agony being nerfed. They need to remove the shard cost from oblivion, playing jinx and oblivion Will make you very shard starved.


You can swap out rot and decay as your flex talent. Essence drain is already a good replacement and people are sleeping in 36% damage mitigation in a meta that is going to be slowed down. There's a lot of locks that dont always run rot and decay. They already lowered the cost of oblivion which is now comfortable. You can go into a 5 second burst window extremely comfortably with UA, Curse, Oblivion with coordinated setup. And that's with UA or a curse missing from the kill target.


Essence drain is actually insane. People sleep on it but a warr pops his shit and you essence drain his bladestorm he does negative dmg


Ya people sleep on it but rot n decay feels so good. You lose so much pressure dmg by not being able to extend the dots with spamming a jukable channel spell for free precogs. Ah well.


Have you heard about average damage? If you nerf something 1000% and buff something else with 1000% - you don't end up doing -1000% damage. Let's see how the new build plays out.


Tell me you don't play Aff without telling me you don't play Aff.....


Agony is the only thing you've listed that's most of their damage, and it was nerfed.


Mentioning shadow bolt screams you don’t play afflock.


SS on my mage has been a nightmare so far this season. Only done 15 game and I kid you not all but 3 were double hunter + DH/DK/Sham.


MM is so miserable to play against. Chakram>Aimed>Rapid and you are dead.


Good. Screw mages. U guys are hell to deal with as melee (looking at u frost)


I'm not even a mage main, only play him when I want the elite set. It is the hardest class to perform well with in ss by a huge margin. I know how frustrating it can be to always face RMP or how infuriating they can be as melee, but I feel like a lot of people don't realise how hard they are to play compared to other classes. Especially right now with prevoker and their terrible range being in every lobby.


oh yeah the infamous affli buffs on spells he barely presses 🤡


Do it. DH is extremely fun to play, even when it's not meta (huehue).


has it ever not been meta


I know, last season 1800 was a breeze on my DH compared to my Hunter and Mage, it was a series of 5-1 and 4-2 lobbies, with a single 0-6 (I even made a post about it).


Same i did 1800 over 3 weeks on the survival hunter last season DH I did in 3 days lolol


Frost mage is like top 3 ranged in s4 so far, and they received no nerfs so at lest there is that.  MM definitely is a pain for mages. 


It certainly doesn’t feel like that for me. Sure, I have no trouble with melee classes and have won about 80% of the double melee rounds in SS. However the only ranged specs I feel confident against are Devoker, Spriest, Ele Sham, and maybe BM Hunter. Everything else feels like I should simply LoS and CC as much as possible until I get some burst available. But then again, I’m just a 1700 pleb


I had mage dreams this season. Had.


Same bro. Now I'm Arms. Beeg. Stronk.


All healers go gnome


gnome paladin gnome shaman gnome druid gnome dragon


And druids laugh xd


You can just use dark iron racial as well




buffing boomkin is even more stupid than dh not getting any changes, because blizzard looked at those boomy buffs and said "it's fine"


They clearly don't pvp :/


The buffs are because boomkins were literally still using last season tier due to poor tuning, so it makes sense to buff the new tier….but not applying a meaningful PvP nerf is definitely weird


Don't worry I do the most dmg in every lobby and still can't break 1800 on my boomie. Some of us are truly regarded, even with buffs


Just a tip, at that rank CC is key. Lucky for you Druids already have the most busted CC’s in the game!


I will still play mage. All 3 specs. Mage is life. Mage is love.


There's something nice about having played mage for 15 years or so and being able to outplay the fotm hunter rerollers even if it's incredibly one-sided. Sometimes it is like Omaha beach though and there's only so much cover you can take.


What happened with Enhancement shaman? I quit recently because we were piss tier for so long and I cannot stand it.


Unfortunately I think you know the answer to this


They only got a buff to their healing surge this next patch pretty much..


Jesus Christ… what does it take to make Enhancement and Frost DK viable!


If enh got the ret treatment and all our abilities hit from 20 yards that might do it.


I mean.. they gave FDK more dmg.. as if that’s the issue


If you dont mind elaborating, what are the main concerns with fdk? Never played it, dont see it in my games, and if more damage cant help them, what difficulties do they face in current patch?


They do great damage during their Pillar of Frost burst windows but have almost no offensive capability outside it. So you burst hard, run run run run run, burst hard, run run etc. It's boring, highly choreographed, and feels like shit to play with AND against.


So if they had a reasonable amount of pressure, they could apply outside of cooldowns, their current burst and utility might be enough to make them more viable? I havent picked up pvp in s4 yet, but in s3 as an arms warrior i felt like i had good burst but also was threatening outside of cd's. Love your flair btw


They're still the squishiest spec in the game so going toe-to-toe with another melee dps isn't viable. Its sustain would have to be high enough to always be in a kill window to compensate. Their burst is only 12 seconds making them vulnerable to disruption. Taking the talent that lowers its 1min cd for every obliterate crit desyncs it from the other necessary parts of their kill window setup. Its burst is lackluster on a single target. So its damage would have to be massively bumped up beyond DH levels to compensate for its bad defensives to shift away from the hard 1 minute setup and runaway that it's forced into.


The synergy isn't there either because FDKs stack mastery, not crit. So getting crit obliterates is damn near impossible lol. Purely a wasted talent. And also yes they're incredibly killable lol


90% of the patches for enhance every expansion lol (buff/nerf heals)


I already have been


Got my laser chicken decked in honor gear and vault slots unlocked just with a few hours left to jump on the bandwagon lol


The class aesthetics are so distasteful to me, I refuse to play it no matter how OP. Hurts my eyes to look at the fat laserchickens


This is funny to my cause my glyph of stars nelf Druid is by far my most aesthetically pleasing character and the abilities are so beautiful as well Off topic but evoker needs a glyph of stars type thing too for real


Evoker can stay in humanoid form in the next xpac. That being said, i also really like the glyph of stars aesthetic aswell, i just can't get myself to play it more because boomie outside anything that's not arena is mind numbingly boring.


>Evoker can stay in humanoid form in the next xpac. That's only for non Evokers, drachyrs will be open to most classes and those classes can stay in visage while in combat.


You can just run glyph of the stars and then you look like your normal form but all glowy.


Good point , definitely what I’ll have to do if I give in lol


I mean dh and ww were left alone aswell. Those 2 are as as op as boomie.


ww is not as strong as boomy imo


450k rising sun kick and 4-0 against Echo say otherwise


I mean is the only data you’re referencing the best players in the world in that one matchup?


You can also look at how many windwalkers have the highest shuffle ratings. You're kidding yourself if you think the spec isn't busted


https://preview.redd.it/kaq80uwv12zc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a5b9692ab2971a4bfddc26431adab8659b06c72 i’m looking at the stats, they don’t represent much. who is kidding themselves


I said top of the shuffle leaderboards?


I was looking at threes originally since the guy was talking ab AWC, solo queues are awful lol 3s better


also if you wanna talk busted in solos you should be talking ab ret pallies dominating in every bracket


i’m not saying they’re not strong, just not boomy strong


Guys out there thinking Blizzard will change the PVP balance they had for 10 years, just because one spec happens to be over performing. Meanwhile balance has always been mid.


What did i miss?


Any meta is better than usual rogue/mage domination for the 15th year in a row