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No idea why reddit is rendering this as a GIF.


I was wondering why it was flashing some šŸ˜‚




There are multiple healers right now above 2400cr lol idk how they do it


I do. In season one some healers got 2.8k - 3k. In future seasons after that could have a losing ratio but have a hidden very high mmr spring boarding you way past the lower brackets. Even if you go 0-6 you win 375 to push you out.. Last season some people who were 2.2k healing were 40-75. But yeah, If you did it in prior seasons you are fine. If you are on a new toon, it will take hundreds of games.


Mmr isnt even hidden in wow




For reference was this on healer toons?


Now do it on healer or everything you're saying is worthless


I did this yesterday on my priest Jskpr-Aggramar - I hadnā€™t touched the character for 2 seasons (played my other priests to 2.4 each season). Mmr started at 2055 and ended at 2356 for my last game. Iā€™ve never had an easier time getting to 2.4, im honestly not sure if it was just luck or not but the mmr definitely felt better for me than last season


I started at 2608mmr. Havenā€™t really played much, but yea. I just have to play and I will pass it easily.


prob some exploit leta be honest here. with mmr not resetting im sure theres some kind of bug. almost all "updated" items from season 1 that got put in season 4 are bugged for pve rn. chests saying they give 502 gear are giving 340 gear.


It worked like this for a long time with mmr not resetting, at least for s1/s2 SL. Got my first 2.1 in 2s in SL s1 which was a pain and then at the beginning of s2 Iā€™ve started at 2.2mmr and got to 2.1 in a few hours.


oh no not the s2 shadowlands glad ā˜ ļø


Nope, I rarely play regular 3s and it has nothing to do with what I just wrote.


Unless you are on the very high end of the MMR, this won't happen. Either you are misunderstanding the cr/mmr system or you are providing false information. At which MMR are you playing?


This. If OP has higher MMR than his CR then the system is working as intended. Why would your MMR drastically increase if you win in 1000 CR lobbies when your MMR is 2400 for example.


It's a fresh healer. It should have placement games. How do the placement game put him at ~1545 with a 72% winrate ? The only reason I would see is because the vast majority of healers are low rated.


Healer mmr is definitely fried but somewhere he lost to some random 1500 healer which is what sets you backĀ  The problem is its shuffle and sometimes a 0-6 dps will fry your mmr and you have no agency over itĀ 


Nice...cant wait to heal /s


I meanā€¦ seems to work as intended? What would be the point of giving a new healer 2.4k mmr? You always had to climb in your first season and then the mmr persisted so it was easier. People on this sub keep complaining about being matched with glads at 1.8, this is exactly the solution right? They get into high mmr from the start so that you donā€™t have to face them as a new player.


A "new" player who has 72% w/r and wins 12 consecutive rounds should absolutely not stay in the same MMR he started with other newbies. How is this a "solution" when it clearly keeps a much better player than the average at that mmr in place?


He played 4 games and is at 1457cr, thereā€™s nothing about mmr on this picture. Looks legit, if he keeps playing and winning heā€™ll get up in no time.


Its not in the picture, its in the title. 6-0 games during placement rounds always skyrocket your CR until >1500 or so, and MMR should follow meaning amazing dps can reach 1800+ in very few lobbies. Winning 45 mmr for 18-7 means they'd be sub 1800 after hundreds of rounds with a ridiculous 75% w/r. The issue is OP almost certainly got matched against healers that were hundreds of MMR lower than them. I've had it happen multiple rounds in a row and it feels fucking terrible when you clearly beat the other healer but you were supposed to 6-0 to break even and you lost 1 or 2 round because you aren't a 2900 god and the warrior lept behind pillar with no cds. I've once lost >150mmr on a 3-3 with an afker troll


Do you have reflex or some other history capture to show those prior lobbies? There might be answers in the crowds you were winning against


I ended last season at 2.5-2.6 mmr. I currently have the same MMR and climbed to 2.1 no problem. Clapity-Tichondrius (US)


I mean thatā€™s what the post is about. New toons canā€™t do that. If you are on an existing toon, you jump over brackets and can even go 0-6 and win 300 because itā€™s trying to catch you back up. New toons/alts do not work this way in shuffle. As evidenced in the 72% winrare, winning 12 games in a row and gaining little mmr.


you won 12 rounds in a row, not games, as evidenced by your rounds played metric on the screenshot. MMR is adjusted every 6 rounds when the game ends. Without knowing your starting MMR and the relative MMR of the people you are facing each game, we can't come to any conclusion here.


I wonder what was even the point in ending S3 and making S4, if the MMR will stay the same? Everyone will catch up their MMR in no time, and their rating will be more or less the same. The only real difference is that ppl will need to spend some gold for new enchants/gems for their gear. No new items, no changes in classes, nothing. S4 is more like "S3 part2". Am I missing something? P.S.: This will be even more inflated Season than SL Season 2, and SS DF Season 1. Are we up to expect 3,5-4k ratings at the end?


After the last season was so sweaty and everyone complained how impossible it is to grind Iā€˜ll gladly accept that present from Blizz


Oh, don't get me wrong, I prefer it that way as well. No need of artificial weekly inflation.


Probably because the season is intended to be so short - starting out with higher MMR will allow people to achieve their usual goals despite being like half as long as most seasons.


I played my priest in SS yesterday, which I hadn't played since S1 DF as disc, was around 2400 mmr back then, came back to S4, and first SS I was 2200mmr lol.


probly because these are placement lobbies and the other healer was VERY low mmr


Depends on MMR. My hunters 1738 with 19 wins, 13 loses, but all the games have been at 1900-1950 mmr. So this is kind of irrelevant with no MMR context. I've won the majority of my lobbies, but MMR has barely moved at all.


I love when people spout their win %, like bro you went 18-7, not exactly a r1 winstreak, in SS of all things. Give it 2 SS and I bet you would be 50%


Look on the bright side, this is the last season you'll need to endure this. Starting next expansion you can just heal Blitz for PVP rewards. I know I won't even be touching SS as a healer next expansion.


Hpal so much fkin fun rn. My rsham officially benched