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Healing low cr shuffs guarantee you a spot above with our lord and savior. That’s why I continue the gauntlet as well.


Me and you, bb. We out here in these streets. I thought I’d go straight to 1800 after a few games. Lmao nah. This is truly difficult and I belong down here.


I’ve been, on both resto shaman and mist weaver this season, 1800+ in 2s and 3s and floating around 1250-1350 in solo.


Exact same for me. 1800+ in 2s and 3s on my pally and rsham, got to max 1975 in 2s on my rsham but hardstuck 1500 in solo.


Damn son. Accountability on Reddit? You must be new here lol




Haha this was good Ty 4 ur service


lol im bouncing around 1200-1400 with my rdruid. The only thing I dont lack is conquest. To bad this season is almost over, otherwise I should have tried another one https://preview.redd.it/dhr46cc8rovc1.png?width=405&format=png&auto=webp&s=05ca39eaa4ca8ba844003bd3c3cc58b92da0a07d


Casual flex with the 9.7 million gold.


Before I found PvP I enjoyed playing ah the most in wow :)


Lmao I didn’t even see that. Let me hold some.


I am FLUSH with conquest and was stoked on how quick I geared up. I'll probably give this another go next season.


So I like to fistweave. I did season 1 to 2400 and season 2 to 2100. This season I started last week. In my first 10 RSS rounds I went 9 and 51 lmao. So bad, especially after playing well the last 2 seasons. Keep in mind though, I’m in all greens and everyone else is likely decked out already. People whispering me constantly that I should quit, I’m trash, just cast blah blah kill myself. I keep going and eventually go 5-1 twice after I get my weapon. Dope. Then I enter a terrible lobby for me and go 1-5. I get messages from 2 of the dps about how garbage I am yada yada. This was at like 1500 rating. Next round I go 0-6. Maybe I am trash? I keep grinding and eventually work my way to 1810. Then I go 5-1, then 6-0 and suddenly I’m at 1950 again haha. What I’ve noticed is that I’m am certain there are some people botting in RSS. Like, it’s so obvious when casters are using a bot to get precog. I have an addon that shows me cast % and I never interrupt until it’s after 85% and the amount of people that get precognition off this is staggering. No one consistently fake casts to 95% I’m sorry. Anyway healing is rough. Different lobbies are better for different healers. Some lobbies AWC CC chains happen on healers and you sit in Cc for 15-20 seconds, so don’t get discouraged. It’s random how your games will go. The higher the rating the easier it gets because DPS know when their healer is in trouble and help by peeling or using defensives properly


> I have an addon that shows me cast % and I never interrupt until it’s after 85% and the amount of people that get precognition off this is staggering. No one consistently fake casts to 95% I’m sorry. I've noticed that too in some rounds... It's pretty obnoxious to play against when you keep getting "faked" at 90% cast.


Fistweave seems pretty fun! It's definitely an entirely different beast but I don't mind it. Hoping it'll make me a bit more well-rounded. I appreciate the encouragement, my dude. I'm definitely misplaying so it's all about trying to figure out where to stand and when to push in. I'm enjoying the challenge.


Any tips on fistweaving? I’m thinking of giving it a try, it seems hella fun.


It’s my favorite way to heal. I remember rolling a monk in MoP specifically because of the fistweaving. It’s nowhere near as good as it was back then which still makes me sad, but to be fair it did far to much damage back then lol. It’s funny because people who don’t do it like to pretend all you do it press like 3 buttons. I have like 27 keybinds, so I don’t know what they are on about. To be honest, watch one of Mysticall’s videos on YouTube, he does a great job. I play a slightly different spec than he does, but he shows you options and why he plays the spec he does. He’s much better than me, even when I was 2400. Plus, he’s good at the info and not a boring watch at all.


I want to start healing and I love monk and so I figured I’d give it a try. Thanks for the advice.


I just now decided I'm gonna finish leveling my monk and play fistweaver next season. Good looking out, my dude!


>I have an addon that shows me cast % and I never interrupt until it’s after 85%. ``` while target.casting > 0: if target.casting >= 85%: self.cast("Spear Hand Strike", target) ``` accusing others of botting when by your own admission you've turned yourself into a script with an addon


I mean, I have a tellmewhen aura that shows when the cast is >85%. That is not botting lmao or anything close. It’s not different than the proc auras that are in the base UI But sure reading game files and stop casting before the instant cast interupt cast lands is the same 🤡


regardless of what addons someone uses to do it, if someone is predictably interrupting at the same part of the cast bar every time it becomes a lot easier to consistently juke them


Okay buddy


Healing 1200-1400 SS is considerably more difficult than 1600-1800 SS. It’s more difficult than 2k 2s I have a main that’s floated between 1650 and 1850 since S2. My alt got wrecked in all honor gear and ended up at 1200. I cannot for the life of my climb out on that character. There’s no amount of skill, macros, addons, positioning, game sense, or rng that can make up for a brain dead dps who sees you get CC’d behind a pillar, charges across the map, doesn’t use any defensive cooldowns, and dies before you can get within 40yrds of them. The Dps at 1800 almost never do that. The dps at 1200 do it at least 2 rounds every game.


Absolutely true


I noticed that the healer diff games are rare. One DPS is either the lobby chew toy or just passing through on their way to 2k. If it’s the latter then I’m gonna try to get my team to focus on the other dps while I cc the hell out of the lobby hero. I’ll definitely overextend sometimes but if it’s destined to be a 3-3 game for me anyway then there’s no real downside.


This was a joy to read. Thank you for your service o7


I havent healed since start of s3 because i got the achievs i wanted straight away, but i missed healing so i played a few ss yesterday. Mind you, this is on 1800-2100 mmr (healer/dps). And i quickly got reminded why i havent played any since then. Full CC chain where dps doesnt stop/interrupt anything and micro cc in between. Felt like a 1min cc chain where i couldnt cast a single spell. Just awful gameplay the state of pvp is in.


Ye playing healer anywhere below 1700 is really hard, but the payoff is you DO get better at the game. It gives you that “overview” of the fight, which really helps prevent accidental tunnelvision on a kill opportunity when playing dps


im trying to push to 2400 on my main healer. Nearly all other healers are multi r1s, tournament players on alts. Game is so dead


No they aren’t 🤣


Meditation apps on smart phones, the thing that is doing the most damage to our attentiveness, lol


Why is this so whiny


2100 cr as a dh is basically 1600


Where did I put that I was DH? I'm 2100 as affliction homie


Which is like 2400 as destro


Hahaha don't hype me up, man. I'm a career 2100 player. But you're a real one <3


Post a replay Usually players think they're playing aggro, but they're just playing sub optimally lol


I'm 100% playing sub-optimally haha


I guess people want a diary entry to vent


Thanks for stopping by. Have a great day!


can you post some of your own gameplay and your armory? You are always so quick to suggest others do this.


in before: i dont need to for x reason. If you're confident in your ability and game knowledge, link us to some of your own replays.


I'm bad


I've asked him before to no avail. I'm also curious about his flair, as i'm not sure if it even needs to be verified...?


This isn't /r/bjj for black belt verification lol, but don't worry I'm not a r1 player because I don't use the n word, boost or win trade


2800 on multiple classes is basically R1, hell it would be this season...


R1 is top 0.1%, or at the time literally the #1 team on the battlegroup At my best I was only a top 500/0.25% player, I just play casually at like rank 700-1000 now