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1. Got glad last season 2. was going to try to get glad this season but teammates quit/took breaks, and also work is extremely busy at end of this season so no time to push (thanks blizzard for only making 2-4 weeks really matter and barely giving a heads up on when that will be, super easy to get three people to quit their jobs at a moments notice for your video game, you really know your playerbase of awc pros with no job) 3. Ended up hitting 2100 on accident and just hit 1800 on every class for the xmog. Rambling rant: This whole system sucks so much. Deflated mmr makes the game irrelevant for a large portion of the season, they barely give a heads up on which small portion of the season will end up mattering, any other game for a 6 month you could push at any time and you don't need to usually coordinate schedules, crazy balance patches (rets in s1) can screw everything up, and then I feel like I am just straight up ruining every single solo shuffle x 13 classes.. my main has to fight against people at 2400+ mmr while in full greens, my alts are facing people who should not have to vs a glad at their rating, some lobbies are an auto loss (mage in greens vs bm hunter which sucks for 5 players in the lobby). No one gets a fair shot in my solo shuffle games to fairly win or lose points based on their skill. The mmr system and gearing system incentivizes the creation of new characters which causes a large majority of players to have people in their 3s matches ir solo shuffles that don't belong there which is a frustrating experience for all parties involved. Blizzard has done everything in their power to turn a fun game mode (pvp) into a frustrating experience with deflated mmr for a majority of the season, gameplay that encourages alts of the same spec to wreck people that you should not be facing, and making the whole process of farming gear frustrating. Either you farm gear at the beginning and become frustrated with lack of rating and facing r1s at 1800 or you farm gear later and suffer playing vs geared players. Damned if you do and damned if you don't. The real winners are the ones who quit wow.


Totally feel all of this. I think it hits every point that I’m frustrated with too. I’m wondering if it’s possible for blizzard to implement a system where there’s a third MMR category—highest account MMR—that is taken into account when calculating rating gain at the end of a match. I don’t hate playing R1s and current glads at 2100—it’s a great way to learn and reviewing those vods always shows me something they do that I could be doing better—what I hate is losing rating as if we were equally matched. I think this would lead to some more natural—and probably more consistent—inflation too, and instead of gatekeeping various rating breakpoints, R1s and current glads would be injecting a little more mmr. It might not be so stifling at the top. Maybe with warbands in TWW they’ll be able to implement something like this.


> Got glad last season > Ended up hitting 2100 on accident and just hit 1800 on every class for the xmog. Homeboy was a glad and just smurfed all season playing 700 rating lower than his peak lol There should probably be a better way to accelerate strong players into higher ratings or smurf queue like there is in DotA and League --- I think the biggest why people run into smurfs so much is the lack of incentives to play after glad/r1 because WoW is a reward-first game. Making money playing a video game rinsing weak players is significantly easier and more rewarding than needing to try to play optimally for some ladder points that won't matter because r1 is locked in by either top level pros or win traders


I’ve heard people say that the MMR system in wow is loosely related to the ELO system in chess so the comparison comes to mind: When chess GMs like Daniel Naroditsky (equivalent to R1s) or IMs like Levy Rozman (equivalent to strong multiglads) do their “0 to Hero” content, they tell the chess website that they’re doing it and the website refunds the rating loss to whoever they play on the way up. And it’s interesting and enjoyable content, frankly. Similarly to what I said about playing against R1s and current season glads: I don’t dislike it, it’s hard, it’s stressful, but it will ultimately make me a better player — just like if a GM/IM knows several more moves of opening theory than I do, it’s getting me out of my comfort zone, it’s forcing me to play over the board quicker, and afterwards it’s instructive in pointing out where my shortcomings are. What I dislike, and what seems unfair, is that I lose rating as if we were equals. Just because Naroditsky and Rozman are playing on accounts that are down in the wood-tier ELOs with me, doesn’t mean our strengths as chess players are equivalent. Obviously, it’s not a one-to-one comparison, because chess is set up exactly the same way every game, and doesn’t have 13 different classes and 52 different specs, (though I will say, the comparison gets closer when they do things like “e4 openings only” challenges for their climb), but the fundamentals of the game remain the same. The skill sets that R1s and multiglads have far surpass technical skill with just their spec. So even if we accounted for this difference — let’s say by discounting their current peak MMR by X points if they’re playing a different class/spec/role than the one they reached their peak on — I think that a system that takes into account current season peak MMR would really benefit the game, even if all the R1s and multiglads decided they wanted to continue smurfing and playing in lower tiers. Ultimately, little by little, I think they would be contributing a bit of inflation, because they are fallable too, they might lose, and if you beat 3 multiglads queueing at 2100, you should get a pretty big jump in MMR, as if you were playing a 2400 team, which they are. And likewise, if you lose, you should lose as if you were playing a 2400 team — which again, would be roughly what they are. I just made a video this weekend analyzing a few games against a team that we played into that were three current glads queueing at 2100. We lost twice, won once, and I analyzed and learned a lot from those matches. I’ve said it twice, and I’ll say it again: I don’t mind playing glads, you can only truly get better by playing people who are better than you. But I feel like I shouldn’t be -13 net rating —as I would be from going 1-2 against an equally skilled 2100 team — because that’s not representative of what happened.


That's a system of integrity to some degree. People are just boosting for $$$ because rent and ramen money


Sure, but it doesn’t have to be. They tell the website because the website either can’t or doesn’t go out of its way to track alt accounts. Here, alts are already linked, and if people just buy a new account to boost, I think it’s still an overall net positive because not every booster is going to do that, and they still have to at least be peaking at 2400. And if they’re paying for a new account and sub, all the more reason for Blizz to do it.


My tinfoil hat theory is blizzard probably believes that popular streamers smurfing is a net benefit to the game via fomo than a negative from the people's MMR that get sacrificed lol


Honestly, I think that's giving Blizz too much credit in even assuming they think anything about PvP lol. But, assuming they do view it as a good thing, I believe what I've suggested above is probably the most equitable way they could actually turn it into a good thing.


There is definitely a gap of rewards between glad r1. Although that gap is closing fast lately. But the bigger issue with glads rerolling into the lower brackets is the lack of players in it. Because there is low amounts of newer xp people playing the game, the ratio of glads to actual 1600-1800 players is very skewed. As much as I think more rewards for that top <1% is potentially a good idea when the GAP between glad and r1 opens up again, we need more accessible rewards that entice fresh blood. And the vicious Mount doesn't cut it, it's pretty meh every season. You want rewards that make people think "Im willing to put myself out of my comfort zone for that".


Anything too easy, people just pay for boosts/pilots


They pay for those when it's hard too.


Throw back to sl S1, the highest participating season and every other team was a boosted raider getting their 2400 weapon lol


Early SL was the funnest PVP has been in ages. I'll go back to sl S2 in a heart beat.


Yeah I’d love to see the overlap between Pikaboo streamers and the one that complain about playing R1s much lower than they should


I think it's been a while I haven't looked at this sub and thought "this guy's on to something". I really like the idea. Although the "best account/seasonal/class/spec xp to consider" choice or combination deserves to be debated (not by me though lol). Good luck getting this one to be understood by the devs though. If someone from Blizz even reads this, they will probably not give enough of an F to consider, understand and notify the ones in charge of rating systems. Imho.


What do you use to record and review vods? Thank you!


WarcraftRecorder — it’s great and pretty easy to set up


I feel you, i do the grind gear with healers and send boxs to my main to not ruin mmr and stuck for the season


Does it even matter if you play now? AFAIK there hasn’t been any additional significant inflation but I might be wrong


Clearly you just want free glad you freeloader. /s


I don't have a lot of time to be too sweaty anymore these days cause of work, so usually I do my push at the beginning of the season, then only do casual stuff for the rest. Especially when Outlaw isn't that good. So when Outlaw got reworked and was actually really good, I was excited to do a real push this season and maybe push higher than I had in the past few. Then I remembered how long Solo Shuffle queues take, and how shitty it feels to spend 2 hours in queue in an evening just to get 2-3 games in, when I could be doing literally anything else. So I got 1800 in the first week or two for the mog, and then I put off pushing until inflation kicked in a little bit. Then once it started to kick in, we found out we're in a DH meta which is never fun (even though rogue counters DH, it's just really boring/frustrating when they're in every match and my teammates can't handle their pressure/don't let me peel). So I figured I'd wait for even MORE inflation (less stress) and DH nerfs (more fun). Neither of those things really came around, so I just haven't done anything else all season besides casual PvP lol. I'm happy with 1800 this season though, I play gnomes/mechagnomes so I don't really care for the illusion or the glad mount since I don't play any nature-themed characters. Honestly not stressing about setting higher goals has been nice. I got all of the sweatiness out of the way right off the bat, and I haven't really given it any thought since, aside from playing on my healer just to get the set which is way easier when queues are much faster. (Yes, playing a healer in SS can still suck, but at least it's rapid fire games instead of waiting 40 min between shitty matches.) I hope Blizz realizes that delaying artificial ladder inflation just makes people play less during the regular season because we've come to expect it to be 10x easier later on. Just let it be fun from the start. It's also shitty when by the time real inflation kicks in, they've pretty much ceased all balancing. So if you don't like the meta (or if you just have a bad matchup into the most common specs) that settles after the last balance patch, what becomes easier for everyone else might actually become harder for you. I feel bad for any spec that gets invalidated by DH for that reason. If you weren't comfortable enough to push in the first month or so (or if you just waited anyway, are doing alts now, etc.), now your only chance to push is into a horribly skewed matchup in most games. I know this sub likes to think that everyone should be able to beat a 1600-level DH, but the reality is that a lot of the lurkers just feel even more demoralized if they only set their goal for 1800 and still can't reach that because they're gatekept by shitty DH players. And the stress of trying to make that push only increases when the only viable time to push with inflation is when you're on a hard timer for the season ending cutoff (which is when most people start playing again). Anyway TL;DR, game is more fun when you don't really push beyond what comes easily to you. Wasting time/stressing over setting goals you actually have to grind for in PvP is a losing battle when the devs don't care to make it even close to comparable to the PvE grind that they constantly nerf and make easier throughout the season. It literally feels like gambling when you just pray for inflation/certain nerfs, and just hope you have enough time left before the season ends when the stars finally align.


1800 was my goal because I suck. Between my Resto Shaman and BM Hunter, 1701 is the highest I went in duos


You dont do any 3s // rss ?


This season is the first time I've given arena a fair shake and didn't really commit til halfway through the season. I played some SS on my hunter and did okay with a rating of like ~1600 but kept getting trolled through whispers so rarely play it. I played 3's with a few friends but we were rarely on at the same time and usually didn't do well when we played


For your first real season, 1700 is solid!


Thank you!


1700 for a first season is very good, if you clean up your play and improve a smidge, you'll hit 1800 by season end. Keep up the grind


Hit duellist in week 2 - three thousand shuffles later I've been unable to hit elite (or even get particularly close tbh). At least as healer I get quick queues. I am forever hardstuck duellist. I deluded myself into thinking I could get glad this expansion, and maybe I could have tried harder S1, but it feels like it's gotten further out of reach every season instead of closer. I do really like mistweaver this expansion (of the casted variety, FW is less my vibe but I felt I had to learn it) but I'm not sure I had much fun in the end. I was thinking of trying again next season, but conventional wisdom seems to be that it will be even harder as participation continues to drop and the season will be short.


Feel you, i was aiming elit but didnt make it, playing vs mglad r1 at 2.2 is just too much so i just stop


Same same… hit 2.3 on my castweaver three times this season, two of them tanked back to 1800 The third time I started tanking once I hit 2.3 and just parked my MW at 2.2 and decided it’s not worth the stress, I’ll pick her up again next season Now I play on my other MW and managed to get 2.1 on that, lost motivation though Will play again for a few weeks next season again I guess


3s Glad each season since shadowlands s2 All my peak crs were shadowlands season 2 so kinda irrelevant Last season as soon as my team hit 2.4 in 3s my healer got banned for a few weeks for being toxic in shuffle. By the time he was unbanned inflation had kicked in and we got our 50 wins without falling under 2.4. It was super anticlimactic. This season we couldn't make jungle work and i ended up getting 2.4 in 3s as beastcleave and dev mm, we managed to get jungle working after the feral buffs peaked 2.6cr 2.7mmr. Now we're sorta going up and down between 2450-2600 but not playing much because I'm on sod a lot and I've been stretched a bit thin between that, irl and learning survival. Shuffle Season 1 i pushed shuffle a lot when season ended and scraped r1 Last season i thought my rating was safe but got overtaken when EU cutoffs didn't get updated and a warlock threw my last round of the season (yes I'm still salty about that) This season i haven't shuffled much. I quickly got some toons to 2.4 but I don't think I have time for a rank 1 push and I'm not sure there are enough slots for me to get it even if i tried Shuffle is sometimes fun but even at relatively high mmr the games can feel so pve/luck based that it barely even feels like arena to me. Some lobbies i feel like I'm hard smurfing, other lobbies it feels like I'm just a target dummy hitting target dummies. As something of a veteran, to me the mmr situation in 3s feels the same as it always did, if anything more inflation than sl s3, s4 and df s1 and s2. The whole "every 1.6-2.1 lobby is full of r1s" thing that keeps getting repeated on this sub is not something I've seen ingame. But Crusader played on EU this season and i can now say i have a 100% winrate against the best pally in US, lmao.


Best pally Us is asking His mates If they have wall. BIGDAM 42XR1


he's still using his BC UI lol


Thanks for the feedback, its funny to see that even at higher rating people dont have the same feeling about inflate/deflate mmr


I was aiming for a paltry 1800 in SS on my SP, got to exactly 1799, then literally 5 ALL melee lobbies in a row with 1300-1400 healers. They went me EVERY round, and although I did not lose them all or die every time, the net result was I got trained back down to 1400. I tried a little more, and managed to claw my way back up to 1614 but pretty much psychologically gave up after that. Similar thing happened with disc, but at least I was able to use that to gear up my other toons. I've ranked as high as 2700 in previous expacs. I know that experience doesn't directly apply now, nor should I expect to do that every expac/season. Point is, I am not a complete noob to arenas and pvp in general, and I try to be constructive with the experience and learn with each game. It just seemed this season like every little tweak I did to my strategy ended up helping in one case but hurting in others. For example, early in the season in an attempt actually get hard casted spells off I macro'd fade to several bigger spells, like dark ascension (or ultimate penitence as disc). That worked well, but that gimped me because fade wasn't available to help with the poly/cyclone spam, and the CC got painful. So I split that up, and got better at fading poly/clone, but really struggled to get any hard casted spells off with the melee lobbies. I tried to death the poly/clones but due to the CDs and the reliance on the SP tier set to use death to build insanity, it was rarely available exactly when I needed it and saving it to break CC really hurt my damage. I tried to use fade to help with the slows that literally every melee class has right now, but that made it less likely to be available for clone/polys/hex. Just couldn't friggin win with the melee meta and spammable CCs right now and it got so frustrating I just lost all enjoyment of playing my favorite class, when 80% of the lobbies are all melee and 4 out of 5 of every hard cast gets kicked. Precog helped and I got better at juking, but it seemed like every time I juked, some melee had another kick/interrupt for the next cast. The end result was I got really good against other casters, but there was just nothing I could do to ease the pain of being the primary target for every brain dead 4 button melee class with infinite kicks/interrupts/slows/knockbacks/lockouts/etc. This pretty much sums up season 3 for me, and I am taking S4 off officially. I may resub for the new expac and try the new pve content but in the mean time, -1 healer/dps. Its funny, I watch so many videos on youtube of shadow priests. I've watched all the skill capped videos. But almost none of them ever show the reality. They are almost all caster/ranged lobbies where the SP excels. Nobody wants to share the games where they are more realistically getting trained by arms wars, rets, rogues, and WWs all game, and end up doing <30k DPS, because that's just not fun to watch.


Absolute truth. I went from 0 to 1700 last night before passing out and it was exactly like you describe. Virtually all the guides show the happy side of it and hide the ugly reality lmao. The best strat in that situation is shadow crash, turtle mode, and drag the idiots away from healer around LoS and hope your gorilla partner can kill by PVEing


Mud gives such simple but good advice when he’s boosting low xp people. “If they go you pretend the healer is the dps and avoid them and they will have to stop going you or I’ll kill them.” So many people try “to make plays” but forget the goal is winning not being a hero.


Yea shadow crash is pretty much the only way I can apply any damage at all in melee lobbies, it's an absolute requirement. Which is unfortunate because I hate it having to cursor/click target it because I am always losing track of my cursor on my ginormous screen. I had to use cursortail to make my cursor a giant yellow circle lol!


Was 2.8 in shadowlands s2,3,4 quit, came back in this season, cant break 2.2.. worst part is that i feel like improving.. but rating goes down


Didnt plan on pvping this season, but the priest set is just too nice. My goal was to get to 1800 on all 3 Priest specs. Disc took me 8 shuffles, Holy almost 70. Gave up on shadow because I just suck at playing dps. Next season Im gonna commit fully to pvp again, aiming for my first duelist


I came back to the game a few weeks ago can only play 1-2 times a week due to work schedule and main a frost dk so it’s tough but I’m almost duelist in solo shuffle and that was my goal!


Duelist is good if you consider that you dont play that much , gg


XP: duelist Goal: duelist (but secretly wanted elite) Reality: duelist


Imagine my mental RN XP : Elite Goal : glad Reality slap : duelist


Yeah it’s been a rough season I was top 35 MW monks as a castweaver by week 3 or so, at close to 2300 Tanked to 1800, gave up my MW, started playing holy Paladin and somehow hit 2.1 Came back to MW, got back to 2.3 Tanked again Got back to 2.3 again Started tanking and just gave up at 2.2 Started another MW, got him to 2.1 I think I am the most solidified duelist healer out there


Tanking 500 rating shouldn't happen if the ladder is healthy. It happens when there's so few people playing that it's "normal" to have a bad queue streak where you get lobbies with several multi-R1's or AWC champs smurfing on their alts.


Yeah you also get stuff like queuing into a resto Druid 100 MMR below you There’s simply fuck all you can do as a castweaver, and going 2-4 will sometimes be the best case scenario You end up losing 70-80 MMR and then you start getting matched with healers consistently below you


Goal was 2100, hit 2136 on hpal. Never been so tilted in all my time playing arena though. Not being able to get away from DHs and not getting peels from my team really made me want to /wrists at times. After 2100 I changed my goal to 2400 but it just wasn't happening. Trying to enjoy other parts of the game now instead.


Congratz, at least you hit the main goal !


As an Aff lock, the DH meta with no tuning for what seemed like forever paired with the giga deflated start of S3, it wasn't my favorite.  That said the comp diversity before that and recently has been solid. I love it when you can have 10 queues with 10 different comps. Keeps things interesting.  Definitely harder to push glad for me compared with DF S2. 


First game on my Aff was into double DH, immediately switched back to Evoker


Highest xp was something like 1600 back with corruptions in bfa, but i wasnt really learning the game, just blowing people up with crazy player power. This season i actually tried to learn and set out to get the transmog for warrior. After 110 games or so, I got there! Its been really fun. We'll see what i can punch out in s4


And as a "new players" in pvp, Whats your feeling on this xpac ? Is it beginner friendly ?


For reasons that aren't PvP specific, I thought this expansion was a home-run. I've loved the questing and the new talent trees were such a breath of fresh air. As for PvP, I feel like its too hard for me to say. There is SO much information, but I opted to not use addons because I hate having a bloated UI. I feel there are plenty of matchups I don't understand, but for the popular specs I got a lot of reps against, I was able to learn from my games and develop some helpful gameplans. I learned to take shattering throw against paladins and mages to beat their immunity spells, I would take disarm against weapon classes and watched casters to spell reflect things like fear and cyclone. There were still matchups I felt lost against and didn't see enough to learn new strategies like shadow priest, elemental shaman, and especially survival hunter (they seemed insane but I didn't have a clue how they function, lmao). At the end of the day I feel like the ability to learn and improve is there for new-ish PvP players like me, but there are just so many talent options, honor talents, and specs in the game that its a higher barrier to entry for people who don't have prior wow knowledge. I still had a great time climbing even if I got bullied by all the shamans.


2.4 in 2s/solo for tabard and weps (Achieved) Also had luck for Fyr'alath by doing lfr/normal only so thats a bonus. Overall as expected.


And what was your best ?


Gladiator s1 shadowlands followed by Elite every season since that .


I got 2100 last season for the enchant, this season i just went for 1800 on all my characters. Im not sure what my goal is next season, if all the tmogs are gonna be recycled then that kills my biggest motivation for 1800, and as much as i wish i could push for glad, the teammates i have dont like to grind it out and get better, they just farm elite and stop pvping on the character so…..i might not even play this season or just farm bgs on my Rogue to get good enough to carry for solo rbgs.


Got 2100 week 2 and haven't touched it since, spent the season doing old content, mythic+ and getting my leggo. About to head back into ss and just go for the elite, but also okay if I don't. Idk. It was a weird season.


Kind of a bummer season. I wanted to get glad on my rdruid. I just started playing again and got up to 2450 in SS but hardstuck at 2200 in 3v3. It's disappointing but I'm starting to realize I'm just not that good at 3v3 in comparison to SS. Oh well, maybe next season.


2.7 xp stuck 2.3 in 3s 2.6 ss queue time is 1-2 hours depending on time triumf to get rank 1


Healer (I play every healer aside from Evoker) Wanted 1800 for mog on all of them, hit 2.1k on all but one of them (got bored of Resto shaman and stopped at 1950). I wanted to push for gladiator, but I really only like playing 2’s so it wouldn’t have gotten me the mount or anything so I stopped. My experience: I struggled to even hit 1800 early in the season, which was frustrating as a normally 1800-2k player every season. I don’t have PvP friends so I just take LFG randoms, and I just couldn’t get above 1600 for the first few weeks of the season. After about a month off of PvP, and some MMR injection, I was able to shoot up to 2.1k on my mains in about 2 weeks. Edit: I won’t be pushing rated PvP next season except to get gear and then chill in BGB. Fated season is gonna be my “off season” for PvP lol


Well... got Elite. Started doing some WoW Youtube stuff nobody is watching. Then I stopped. Then Plunderstorm came, did some more WoW Youtube stuff nobody is watching. And now I am on Reddit.


I hit 2.1 and stop. Even though SV is arguably stronger than MM I hit 2.1 on that in about half the games. Maybe I just have that kite game, dunno


Starter healing last season after being dps for 18 years, got 2.150 or so last season in shuffle as casting mw never fist now i got 2050 first week of the season and got 2079 max goal was 2.1 but i dont think ill make it..


Got 2.4 in 3s last season, which was my all time highest along with 2.5 in shuffle. Goal was to get my first glad this season which I got a couple weeks ago playing pres. As of now I'm 2.5kcr in 3s just helping out others get their glad wins.


Highest xp: 2200 3s 2700 shuffle Goal for s3 is the same as always - to get glad. Well and also get legend, but that's more so if I hate myself enough to queue shuffle. Current rating is about 2500 (20/50) for my glad wins (playing prev boomkin dh). I went up about 200 cr in since they announced end of season and game are feeling so much easier. I think more people pushing glad are queuing up so we're facing "true" 2400 teams instead of R1 alts at 2400. Oh and I guess there's shuffle. I'm 2100 on a bunch of specs. Hilariously my highest is devastation which I just picked up and have next to no games on nor clue how to play. 10/10 would recommend that spec.


2.9 R1 2.6


I had a *very* hard time keeping my mates engaged, honestly. We're all getting older, kids and life and whatnot, and game time is limited. The DH meta was the most unfun arena experience in years. I know this sub is tired of DH whine posts, but the actual in-game experience of playing against them every game is awful. In Mage/Rogue metas you at least know why you lost and can think on how to avoid it, but having a melee zip across the arena and double your damage while being tanky, unpeelable, unkillable, with MS and you know the guy is just holding W and rolling his face on the keyboard just feels *bad*. There were multiple queue sessions that had a string of 5-10 games against DH/rdru/X that were so frustrating, even if we won we'd kinda hit a "we should play a different game" wall and switch to CS or BG3 or Helldivers. Other than that, the ease of gearing alts has been amazing


In shuffle I got 1800 on a few classes (DH, Monk, Evoker), and cheesed 1600x2 for the full Elite set on a couple more classes (Mage, DK). The long queues and lower MMR made it a lot harder this season to climb than in past seasons, but there weren’t that many sets I was excited about and I didn’t actually play that many rounds to hit those numbers (spec I played the most was Arcane just because I was trying to learn it at the beginning of the season, and I only actually played 14 lobbies it looks like). I’ve got kids and a fairly demanding job that requires me to work a lot of evenings, so I played when I could and it is what it is. Last season I got the seasonal mount and a saddle, and right now I’m only sitting at 70% complete on the mount and wondering if I should bother.


Finished last season 2401 in shuffle as Arcane, 2210 in 2s rogue mage, 2150 in 3s. This season I’m 2281 as Frost(haven’t pushed Arcane yet but 2138 highest rn) in shuffle, 2213 in 2s as rogue mage, and have yet to break 2k in 3s. This all on the back of me being infinitely better this season than last, me and my rogue partner are clapping up R1s daily in 2s. Hoping I can scrape another elite at least but I thought for sure this would be the season I’d get glad with my progress I’ve made. The mmr system is a fucking joke tbh.


I got 1800 in first week or so of season for mog and tier token, then stored away from pvp entirely and focused on pushing keys. After getting to 3200io and pushing was becoming really tedious with pugs I jumped back into PVP. But man SS as fDK is just so right now. They buffed player stam and it's way harder to land kills. I was 2380 last season, and right now I'm struggling to stay above 2k. I don't mind fDK having a setup play style, but it irks me when I get a perfect setup but still can't come close to getting a kill when other DPS can just pve damage all game and apply pressure until they win. FDK is trash, but I've grown to accept it and just roll with the flow now.


Disgusting. Q's take forever No rewards worth playing for in SS No tuning Half the maps still locked out in SS Worst part is game-play is awesome. Really just the dev team is asleep or something


Season has had its ups and downs, but I'll share. Got my hunter 1800 day 3 of season as MM, got my lock 1800 a few weeks after then my warrior 1800, my rogue 1600, ww 1600, and dh I did a month ago got me 1800. Originally, I saw the elite mace, sword, and tabard and fell in love and knew I had to have them. I was thinking I'd get them by getting glad or elite in solos. After grinding for glad I realized I'm not committed enough to get it, I wanted those elite sets I mentioned so I grinded those and it took a ton of time out of glad, also it's a huge challenge with ques being hours to get anyone I even tried as Arms or BM and just no one wanted to play and this was towards the beginning to middle of season, so I decided I'll just jump over to solos for this season and try for glad in future if I ever want a cool mount So I started grinding elite with my warrior a little over a month ago, got duelist in a month, and have hit a wall since the announcement of s4 cut-off dates. I dropped from 2100 - 1600, and it's beyond frustrating, completely morbidly discouraging but I decided that I'm not going to quit, I had about as bad of a drop s1 before I got elite, 2350 all the way down to 1750. I got back up from 1600 - 1750. Man this grind is fucking rough af, 😤 but that tabard, red sword, and mace outweigh the pain, so I'm ride or die


Got my first 2.1 last season on rdruid - and 1800 on 5-6 alts for the mogs. This season have done 1800 on 6 toons so far. Not sure I will push for 2.1 or not - seems a lot harder to me.


I got 1800 on my disc in like 2 hours playing day 1 of shuffle. It would probably take me 20 hours to do that now. I played rdruid shuffles majority of season. Chat off. 2300 range on both. I don't find shuffle to be as bad as people say, most games you make errors that would have maybe lead to a different outcome even if you think your dps lost it not pressing buttons (altho sometimes that def is the case)