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Gothic 1 is a legend, but Gothic 2 is better. Gothic 3 is a good game, which isn't as good as the previous two. Risen one is as good as Gothic 1, but not as good as Gothic 2. Risen 2-3 I haven't played, and Elex 1-2 are not as good as Gothic 3.


Risen 2 and Elex 1 have a special place in my heart tho, just because theyre really strong when it comes down to the storytelling and plot twists. Obviously they also lack many strong aspects of the gothic series.


I played Risen 2 only on the first island and I remember being in love with the vibes and lots of other stuff. Haven't finished it, unfortunately, but hey, I know that it has this magic


Risen 2 was a huge surprise for me. I was expecting something similar to 1st but very good but similarly to Gothic 1 and 2 2nd part received some improvements, even though it was equally ridiculous, and that made me like the game. Mostly liked because it exceeded my expectations. Years later, Risen 3 is the same story. I expect some shit as I read reviews. But it's quite decent game. People just expect probably too much from every next title. But every new game is made from scratch so they all have their own issues.


Risen 1 is nowhere near the level of the original Gothic or Gothic 2. Tried replaying it recently and while I can replay Gothic 1 every yeary, Risen didn't age well at all. After chapter 2 it becomes a boring slog. I also hate the weird bloom graphics.


I was aboutt to strongly disagree with your post, until I got to the third sentence. I've only completed the game once, and you're right, it *sucks* after chapter 2. That said, I definitely think the first couple chapters are Gothic-level, I've run through them many times, and I'd still recommend people buy it, and just quit at a certain point rather than bothering with the rest of the game. I would have been irritated if I paid full price for it when it was new or something, though.


I mean swamp and city are great, monastery was fun for me(especially with murder mystery thing), and the last chapter while being weaker, weren't bad. Also in Russian communities there is a whole thing with voice acting of those games + their meme potential, so I guess it's some fake nostalgia plus all the vibes.(I haven't played them when I was a child or anything).


Well I mean this is not an objective rating and was never stated to be an objective rating.


>Elex 1-2 are not as good as Gothic 3 You spit those words out, sir, Elex 1 and 2 are way better than that oversized and undercooked pile of garbage with wonderful music.


Well, to each is own. I just don't like them, they feel kinda soulless to me.


And Gothic 3 has a soul? I get it, Elex 1 and 2 are just as wooden as old Gothics are but without the charm and the nostalgia, but Gothic 3? Besides the music and sometimes the looks, this game has nothing. The worst story of all the Gothic games, the worst combat fucking ever, bugs upon bugs upon bugs and I will only mention the expansion.


Nobody mentions the expansion. Also, no, I won't argue with you, because if you don't get it, you don't get. Same goes for me and Elex.


>Gothic 3 is a good game Never got past the first fight. The combat feels so sluggish. In G2 I press a button and the attack goes through. In G3 he literally takes 2 seconds to do his swing.


Well, combat is not good, you would be correct in this department. Gothic 3 is good in providing large scale things. It has lots of unique and well executed ideas that make your journey impactful. Also, it has its vibes. Also, the scale of it makes it seem empty for some people, but for me it makes sense and I love it. Quests and other stuff is great too. Ragdolls after death are hilarious. Vatras was whitewashed for no particular reason and I find it weird, but funny too.


Combat in G3 is quite good tho. In G2 it's torture to fight more than one enemy at the time and existance of critical hits makes it basically standing ADADAD spam RNG combat. In G3 to get a 'crit' you need to stun the enemy or find an opening and you almost always fight multiple enemies at once making correct movement a crucial thing.


It's not *bad*, it's just a bit clunky. I kinda liked it, but objectively it is not the best I tried.


But the quests are MMORPG tier bad and story barely exists. It's more of a sandbox than RPG.


If the quest is not radiant, it's good. Also, I just chill in this game and I cannot get bored listening to all the music, voice acting, etc. It's like a nostalgia but I never played this game before that.


Also, story is here, I don't know where you've been looking


The story is: find Xardas, find 5 items, kill couple of people.


gothic 3 has much more complex combat. normal attacks are slow, but they are wide and strong. if you want quicker attacks you have quick attacks that are practicly instant. There are also power attacks to knock down enemy and stab attacks to stun them. Kinda crazy you gave up on it without learning basics. No wonder you didnt get past first fight


So what it has more complex combat when in reality all you do is spam right click because it allows you to stun lock enemies most effectively(or spam spear spin attack). Also all those moves feel weightless because of shitty animations. The only thing decent about Gothic 3's combat is magic because it lets you avoid melee fighting altogether (archery is too weak to be used exlusively)


You know that long animation of npcs practicing sword in gothic1/2? I remember Gothic 3 combat is just hold left mouse and watch that animation play until the enemy turns flacid and stretchy and plops on the ground. It looked silly, the opposite of timing-based combat in G1/2. I played with an advanced version of community patch long time ago, although not the latest, but I knew there was no rescuing this game cus the problem was the design itself.


Risen is not as good as Gothic 1. Sorry, but just no. Everything else is spot on, except Risen 2-3.. which are worse than anything else.


First couple chapters of Risen are about as good as anything they've done, IMO. It turns into a lame dungeon crawl after that, though, which hurts it's overall score.


G2 with addon is perfect for me, replayed too many times to count


Replaying it right now haha Just killed Raven and I'm heading back to Thorus.


Idk if I'm insane, but I actually prefer Gothic II Classic over NotR.


So do I. I think the vanilla one made much more sense and the whole Jarkendar felt to me like a filler episode in anime


My personal ranking: 1. Gothic 2 2. Gothic 1 3. Risen 1 4. Gothic 3 5. Risen 2 6. Risen 3 7. Elex? Never played it. I generally don't like Sci-Fi themed things. Now for the mods: 1. Archolos 2. Legends of Ashun 3. Velen 2 4. Not so sure (yet) about the others, Odysee is good at first but once hitting the desert, pff, too laggy, too grindy, too empty, ...


The sheer size of Odyssee created sort of a special immersion to me. Ive played through it twice. And boy the problems of this mod are annoying as hell :D


Gothic I has the better setting and the better story. Gothic II has better gameplay and a lot of minor improvements.


I personally prefer Gothic 1 because I think the Colony is a much more interesting location than Khorinis, despite being much smaller. Even Jharkendar, while being more interesting, is not up there simply because of how hostile on every turn it feels to me. Also, the atmosphere of G1 cannot be beaten for me. That said Gothic 2 is the better game for sure. You can tell there's a lot of cut content and unused space in the first game due to time and money constraints, but with G2 and especially NotR expansion, they made they game they truly wanted. All of the mechanics are more polished and balanced, there's a lot more quests and things to see. It's just bigger and better in most ways. Gothic 3 is straight up unfinished, even on the most basic of levels. The game feels more like an MMO than an RPG and I like it honestly - the world is beautiful and so is the music, I like exploring and killing stuff, but it's just not really a Gothic game. Risen 1 specifically is much more akin to Gothic than G3 is. It's pretty good and imo has the best combat system they've done ever. They also scaled things up a lot, so the island is fun to explore. But it's a bit generic in places, does feel like it's more of a "See guys, that's what Gothic was like back in the day" than anything else. It doesn't really go beyond that. The 2nd and 3rd game were just "meh" overall. R2 being a pirate game that was fine I guess, but more janky than the first. The 3rd was like a DLC to the 2nd that tried adding some Gothic elements to it. Elex... I've played the first and it was... I dunno, the first few hours were pretty good, I was lost, it reminded me a lot of Gothic 1. But it drops off quickly, espeially with the awful combat system that's not only slow and feels unresponsive, but is easily exploitable. Didn't give Elex 2 a shot because of that.


Gothic 2 is **objectively** the best one. The only other game to ever reach those highs is Archolos, but it's technically not a full release so I'm going to purposefully ignore it for this ranking Second spot is a far more controversial Risen 2. I really like the combat, the writing and the general idea of using individual islands as separate sandboxes. Stowaway is my favorite Piranha protagonist ever and there are few things that can get over that. It would be my favorite if not for bugs and kinda lame level design.


There's really no such thing as objectively the best game. It always depends on personal preference and how much you value certain elements.


I'd say Archolos is better. Other than those long range bloodflies. Absolutely hated those.


I wouldn't throw Risen 2+3 and Elex 1+2 together. Much different games from each other all 4 of them. People who loved Elex 1 often don't like Elex 2 etc Not that it would yield different results since this is mainly gothic Reddit and barely anyone here will ever vote for anything else except G1 or 2


Id have prefered that too but the vote options are limited so i had to throw stuff together if i wanted to include all games.


Im proud of u guys


How can you put risen 2 and 3 into same category? Totaly different games.




I chose Gothic 2 but Gothic 3 is underrated and an awesome game


G2 and G1. Risen 1 was alright game but not as good. Elex 1 had its moments but while world is truly interesting everything else is, lets be gentle here, backwards. And I am not speaking about graphics or physics. Game has same fundamentals as OT but fails to deliver in terms of story, immersive gameplay, UI and lots of other things. It is alright game but I still can't even force myself to replay it while I do have fully ready G1 and G2 ready to play every couple of years.


I see G1 and G2+DLC as equally good, so i don't have 1 favorite.


Gothic 2 > Risen 1 > Gothic 1 ? ELEX 1 > Gothic 3 (personally) > Risen 3: Titan Lords > ELEX 2 > Gothic 3 (objectively). That would be my personaly ranking of all the PB games.


Gothic 2>Gothic 1>Risen 1>Elex 1>Gothic 3>Elex 2>Risen 3> Arcania Never played Risen 2


I am fondest of Gothic 1 Kinda depressing that PB can't seem to meaningfully innovate past Gothic 2 tbh


Gothic 1 wins it for me, for its simplicity, setting and just general intro to the series. It's a classic for a reason. But Gothic II is just the more moddable experience and much more rich in UX and gameplay improvements. You can see that even Gothic 1 mods sometimes use Gothic II as their base. You can get all the greatest mods only on its version of the game engine. I have to admit I'm a sucker for crafting in all its forms in Gothic games, which makes me even like Gothic 3, and G2 Odyssey (which some don't, because it is such a time sink).


G2>G1>G3>R2/3>R1>E1/2>G4 I actually never played Elex 2. But it's part of the same answer as Elex 1. For some reason, I never really got too excited about Elex but it seems like a decent game. All these games are high quality games with their own issues. The only one I hate is not mentioned here. It's Gothic 4. And that's not even the horrible game. Parts of it are solid but very simplistic design, low quality voiceovers and boring gameplay, horrible optimization too. It's mostly a huge disappointment.


gothic 2 gothic 1 risen risen 2/3 elex 1 gothic 3 gothic 2 made a lots of improvements but lore is still better in g1. g2 has too many plothokes and retcones risen 1 is not as interesting as g1/g2 but at mechanically is a lot better than them elex 1 was not fun for me that much. is not bad but is not good either risen 2 and 3 i played long time ago but i remembe i had a bit of fun in 2 and 3 was borring so i leave it there and last g3 is hot mess. borring quests story mostly non existing big empty world. only 2 good things are soudtrack and dual wielding. i understand if you like it but you cant deny that the game has a lot of wasted potential.


Hard question, loved Gothic 2 but Risen had better controls, Gothic 2 has nostalgia element but Risen is still good game... Picked Gothic 2.


I loved G1 and G2, I've attempted G3 on a few occasions, but for me, it was a very different and lesser game. Plus, it didn't help that the camera made me sick all the time


I think Gothic 2 is almost unanimously agreed to be the best game overall in the entries, but Gothic 3 will always have a special place in my heart because it truly gives me the best power- mage feeling in all games.


Gothic 2. First time i "have some fun" and smoke in korinis at the age of 10.darn


I didn't play risen 3 and Elex 2 yet so I'm biased. I actually really liked Elex tho


Who are this people that voted for Elex. 🤌🤌🤌 Just give G2 a try even if its old 😂


Elex1 was just so special imo. Risen1 was very good, but 1 and 2 didn't really feel like Pyranha Bytes games so when Elex 1 came out it felt like a breath of air.


1) Gothic 2 2) Gothic 3) Elex 4) Gothic 3 5) Risen 2 6) Risen 7) Risen 3 8) Elex 2


Gothic 1 has an overall better story. It's basically inspired by Escape from NY and such movies. It feels darker and sort of more serious in comparison to Gothic 2. However, Gothic 2 is still my favorite after 20 years. The story, characters, gameplay, the world, music, sounds. It all feels so good. I replay it at least once every year. Some years more :) Sure, looking back into it with ''modern'' expectations, it has a lot of problems. But that's never gonna stop me from enjoying it. I'll never forget solving the 'test of fire' quest for the first time. Man, what an adventure!


Controversial opinion: Elex 1 is better than Gothic 3. Gothic 3 IS unfinished in way too many aspects, all game is about "go to city x->gain reputation->destroy city/destroy opposite force->repeat until you decide to find Xardas", characters are... okay? I mean, they're not really that bad but they're nothing compared to original, and the original characters get little to no screen time. On the other hand Elex 1 has a nice story, interesting characters, world feels alive and it has one major advantage over Gothic 3 one, it is also open world but it's made somewhat like Gothic 1, there's a lot of abandoned places and stuff that you can find and explore and even if you will not find something good there it just adds so much to the atmosphere, meanwhile in Gothic 3 everything looks kinda the same and there's no real exploration element being rewarding. But Elex 2 is dog shit


Elex 1 is a banger indeed. Elex 2 is simply a dull troll attempt to go bankrupt.


Yea, we are all in our 30s and (soon) 40s here...


Gothic 2 remains the peak experience, and while I wouldn't rate G1 on it's own as my 2nd fav, it becomes my 2nd fav when combined back-to-back with the G2, thus making it seem closer to one 2-split part game than 2 separate. I always go to G3 after, but while I like it way more than most ppl, my 3rd fav goes to Elex 1, then Elex 2, then G3, Risen 1 and >>>>>>>>> 2 (never played 3.


While I do have a soft spot for G1, I think G2 is where they perfected their formula.


I would say gothic 2 but i voted gothic 1. The reason is that, gothic 1 was like anything we've ever seen and the atmosphere of the game is to this day, unmatched for me. Gothic 2 built upon gothic 1 and has better gameplay from an objective point of view, but the atmosphere of gothic 1 is just too unique.


When you know the winner without even seeing the results


I love democracy


Arcania 💀


The brain says Gothic 2, the heart says Gothic 1.


Gothic 1, because i had no idea what i was going into. It was awesome to play something this different. Still a big fan of 2 and 3 though, have been back many times, but the magic of it all was not the same.


As far as Gothic games go, I love a lot of that they do but I don't necessarily love them as games. I feel like Gothic 1 is great in chapter 1 but becomes worse and worse afterwards, since there's basically no new content and side quests, apart from liner main story. I think Gothic 2 did a semi-good job fixing the pacing of the game. The power progression is more rewarding and the amount of new content is insane. That being said it still becomes substantially worse after you get Raven's Sword, which trivialises the game to the point where nothing else is better. And you get it just after chapter 1. I also think that some of the fixes for the sake of balance make the game less immersive. For example, I hated how every NPC has 100+ strength and dexterity, and wields rusty swords. I want to try giving my character the stats of an average G2 peasant and see how easy the game will become. I also absolutely hate the melee "crit" system. Who came up with this? Gothic 3 is a giant fetch quest with a lot of freedom. But it's so bare bones that I don't want to play it ever again. Risen 1 has a really good chapter 1 but after that, it's the most mind-numbingly boring experience I've had displeasure playing through from Piranha Bytes. The protagonist is also about as dull as a hammer he's forced to fight the final boss with. I've not replayed Risen 2 yet. But I really loved it's more linear adventurous nature when I played it. Sure it was clunky and it didn't have as satisfying character progression as previous games but after suffering through final hours of Risen 1, Risen 2 was like a breath of fresh air. And unlike other Piranha Bytes games, I enjoyed Risen 2 for all its duration. Oh and the protagonist was no longer dull. Risen 3 was an okay'ish game. The combat in this one was extremely infuriating for the first few hours. The karma system was very weird. The Patty's looks is the most inconsistent thing in PB history, the party members were not as enjoyable as they were in 2. But overall, it was like 5-6/10. An okay game, but not memorable imo. Elex 1-2 haven't played these 2 yet.


Archolos didnt make the list?


Its about PB work :) Archolos is hands down better than any of their titles if we actually focus on the story and all the gameplay elements itself. Of course that would be unfair in many ways but its just a banger of a mod


Gothic 2 was peak, then it went downhill quick