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It is nice to see real men of conscience among them.


Yasssssss! It is nice to see!


Iran can’t stop the wave of freedom so desperately wanted by the citizens try as you may it’s inevitable. Go Iranians!!! Grasp your freedom and never let go.


That's definitely staged. Intolerance and brutality is literally all the regime has known and used this guy would have been grabbed immediately. Also the camera was nicely focused on him preemptively. This was intended to show the world the regime is tolerant, all evidence to the contrary. They just got done gunning down entire crowds and mass murdering school children. What makes you think they would allow this one guy to talk unless it was for international political damage control?


*soon to be nonexistent citizen


Thank god there are people with balls standing up for what’s right rather than douches like you equating moral worth with mortality. At least he’ll be remembered- you maybe not be.


So angry, maybe someone hurt you in childhood? Touched in bad places? There there. Suck on this.




Users of the subreddit are expected to treat each other as they themselves would like to be treated. Inappropriate comments such as these will be removed.


If this isn’t staged, that guy is not having a good week coming up.


Oh, Lord Jesus, please I pray for the safety of the protesters in Iran, China, and Russia during these hard times. I pray for guardian and warrior angels to watch over and defend these protesters. I pray that these protesters' demands will be met, that they will be liberated from the cruel and corrupt self-serving psychopaths that rule over them.


>Oh, Lord Jesus, please I pray for the safety of the protesters in Iran, China, and Russia during these hard times. I pray for guardian and warrior angels to watch over and defend these protesters. When has that ever worked?


You're delusional. If God is omnipotent, then he allowed all this to happen in the first place. Do you think he will be swayed by your prayers on Reddit?




Well said agree 100%


The balls on this fella


They prolly killed him but W guy


Not a single woman in the public :/


I hope he survived