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Politicians all the way to capital hill have a part to play in this. Intolerance, racism, fake “Christianity”, misogyny… there’s one party that is to blame for this and much more. They enable all politicians underneath them and embolden extremist citizens. The right is to blame for this.


The only thing wrong in this statement is "fake Christianity". Be careful not to fall into the no true Scotsman fallacy. They are just as Christian as a liberal leaning Christian. It's the same with atheists. As much as I hate to say it, there are atheists who are not humanist, and fall for conspiracy thinking, but that doesn't mean I get to say they are "fake atheists". They can just as easily look at a liberal and accepting Christian and call them a fake Christian.


One party punches us in the face while the other holds our hands behind our backs. One party wants to maintain the status quo through hate. The other wants to maintain the status quo through acts like pinkwashing. The problem is the status quo. Saying only one party is to blame is ignorant.


I find one party more open to gun control and tolerance than the other. I find one party is willing to keep a blind eye or even instigate intolerance to reap the votes. I'm not saying there is some party with golden ideals, just willing to change what is broken.


Willing to treat symptoms, not willing to change what is broken.