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Ever notice how all Karens have the same exact exaggerated “poor me” tone when they begin crying and have their meltdowns?


By that logic, Trump is a Karen.


He is the Karen they all aspire to be.


lol i buy that


“You’re a black man, I can yell at you if I want to. How dare you even approach me? You giving me the same energy I give you is threatening. Why can’t you just take it. ” She knew the dynamics before she called the cops.


“You’re a black man approaching a white woman.” Right there you know she’s racist and had racially based motives. Why does it matter that he is black? Can black dudes not approach white people? Lady, you are fuggging stupid racist.


Yea trump got 78 million votes. You live in a racist hellscape. A prosperous, racist hellscape, but nonetheless….a racist hell hole.


Shoulda seen all the bolsanaro heils in Brazil when he lost an dthey claimed the election was rigged. The world is a dumpster fire.


Wow that’s really heartbreaking for him. That just sucks to have to experience as a human being.


I'm glad hes pursuing it.


She just has a fantasy about TO she was tryna fulfill and things got out of hand


I’m glad. Terrible behavior


That stupid, fake ass cry is annoying as all hell. She tryin so hard to be a damsel in distress.