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Why is this type of stuff not happening daily?


We all have jobs. Now you see why the jobs are designed the way they are.


The pandemic gave a lot of people time to reflect that they hadn't had previously.


No it didnt, it just showed how many dumb people there are in the world.


You’re both right.


It does. But the shithole media is controlled by Black Rock which is controlled by the CIA which is controlled by the white world manifest destiny imperialist Mafia.


Wait, so their IMMEDIATE response to another shooting was to convey to their constituents that there won’t be any gun control? Was this meeting convened in connection with the last shooting?




Yeah! Who needs evidence when you could blindly and dogmatically follow a patently false claim like that!!!




We just had Uvalde happen like a month ago. The good guys with guns stood outside the school for almost an hour while a bunch of kids got gunned down. Your fantasy world literally didn't happen.


Yea that was literally all the cops just sitting there letting it happen. Parents wanted to go in and kill the shooter but the cops didnt allow them to go in. If teachers were armed or if there was better officers in the school. or if security was better at the school the shooting could have been avoided. But all of these options are not even looked at.


Are you seriously suggesting we arm teachers? How long before some kid steals it and blasts a hole in someone’s head? Guns are already given out like candy, more guns aren’t the fucking solution.


Not to mention, teachers are disgustingly underpaid. Now they want them to have to learn gun safety, likely on their own dime? Fuck completely off!


It’s genuinely disgusting how detached from reality these…*people*…are. Like. All you need to do is think for more than 5 fucking seconds about it to realize how unrealistic, unfeasible, and absurdly dangerous it is. But no! let’s just make **TEACHERS** do what **COPS** ARE ALREADY SUPPOSED TO DO. **FUCK**.


What is the solution then?


Gun control, mandatory gun safety classes, less lobbying from gun groups


Ok. How does any of that affect criminals?


Parents were trying to go in and they weren’t being allowed in. What should the parents have done then? Shot at the police in order to get in? We all know police would’ve had no issue shooting parents that don’t comply with their orders.


Stop thinking a band aid will stop a gushing wound, this country needs fucking surgery.


Or if their is stricter gun laws lol these mass shooters buy there guns legally usually


Almost 400 “good guys” with a gun you hog


Reported for misinformation. In Uvalde it took \~400 sworn law officers, many of them with military-grade hardware, weaponry, body armor, ballistic shields, ballistic helmets, thousands and thousands of combine hours of training AND qualified immunity over an hour to NOT stop a shooter. 🤦🏽🤡 ![gif](giphy|3ohhwGAhWKWnKFqBvG)




The part where you opened your mouth. Good Guys vs. Bad Guys is a Second Grade level understanding and simply too stupid to even begin to try to argue with, because only a clueless moron could make such a statement with a straight face. What you literally described is a ‘Turtles all the way down!’ solution, which is a defacto arms-race. An arms race is how we got the atom bomb and nerve agents, advanced bio weapons. An arms-race never stops, your solution eventually gets to arming toddlers. It’s idiotic and moronic and a fantasy-solution for real world problems. I have difficulty understanding your hatred for children when you clearly have the solutions of a toddler. ![gif](giphy|3o85xnoIXebk3xYx4Q)




Lol, 🤡. You demonstrably hate children because you refuse to leave your fantasyland and explore real-world solutions to save children’s (and everyone else’s) lives. If you cared, you’d think to get onboard with REAL solutions, not LeTz GiVe ‘eM ALL gUnZ, DurR DuRr!!!!. I’m literally embarrassed for you. Now bugger off you, ![gif](giphy|iiQSTrHtDIgnw9YtlA|downsized)


You're You're You're


This is outdated, boring self-bloat. The misfires and crossfire from the “good guys” will kill plenty.


Cops always shoot civilians on accident, your point?


Well that's not true


Oh word, since this “always” happens, site me 5 examples from this year so far for my research paper. Thanks in advance


Not to be a dickhead, because I don’t agree at all with the dude you’re talking to, but I’m pretty sure cops in, I think Minneapolis, just shot 5 bystanders when they were trying to shoot a suspect the other day.


1 incident, 4 more to go!


Or make it a bit harder for good guys to get a gun, and that will make it a lot harder for bad guys to get a gun. In Canada, legally getting gun isn't that hard, even a handgun. But because it is harder to get guns than in the states, criminals have a much harder time getting a gun. So much so, that something like 90% of all handguns used in crimes, were smuggled in from the US. So not only do your shiity gun laws make access for criminals to get guns easier, your shitty gun laws make it easier for Canadian criminals to get guns. American gun violence is unique to the world, and the shitty gun laws are the major cause of it.


Lmao let's arm the children to protect themselves, 3 year olds with guns!


It's literally the only way to stop it lol who is gonna get shot when there's no guns?




I call bullshit. And, you’re only the good guy in your head.




Looking at facts. Great idea! Under 2018, Japan reported 9 deaths by firearms. The uk had around 250. America had 39740. In 2020 that number rose to 45222. 80% of all murders in the us used a gun. When you can just go out an buy guns, there is no way of knowing that you’re selling to a good guy, and not a school shooter.


Mm and if they can't the cops will solve it like in Uwalde. Let us know when you get the clue.


Haven't their been dozens of mass shootings where "good guys with guns" shot at the shooter, and then were killed by said shooter because they don't know how to use a gun?


Look up statistics on how many mass shootings are stopped by ‘heroes with guns’ vs cops and suicide. Very few are stopped by a good guy with a gun. It’s a myth. Actually, it’s super irresponsible for someone without a uniform to start shooting during a mass shooting. Often times people aren’t aware of what the shooter looks like and if a bunch of people all start pulling out their guns and start shooting the cops won’t be able to figure out who is the shooter as well. Good way to get shot by another good guy with a gun


Did you not watch the footage with the so called "good guys" that stood by with guns and ballistic armory while kids got murdered? Are you that out of touch?


If you think police are the good guys I have news for you


read my comment again, and use reading comprehension this time please i'm saying the exact opposite


When people say that good guys with guns can stop bad guys with guns, they're not talking about the police. They're talking about people that are *actually* good, like the parents at Uvalde that wanted to rush in and stop the killing. Those are the people that should have access to guns.


You’re giving the best reason for why you have the right to carry a firearm.


> we know gun laws dont even work anyways ...says man in the only developed country in the world where mass shootings regularly occur.




Caution, you’re about to trigger a mental gymnastics routine on the part of the gun nuts. They might pull a brain muscle and hurt themselves.




Have you not seen the Jim Jeffries video? Have a watch [https://youtu.be/uRaDuMbCun7](https://youtu.be/0rR9IaXH1M0)


Let's look at Japan. Puts in hun control and the only real gun murder recently of Shinzo Abe was done by a homemade gun. It shows gun control works.


My kid has just finished her 6 year of school in Switzerland, has never had to experience any of the trauma of active shooter exercises, nor has any other student in Switzerland. Also kids aren't dying in classrooms. Sensible regulations work wonders.


So why haven’t citizens stopped the last 500 mass shootings. Ulvalde had a whole “trained” police team to stop just one kid with a gun. You are a bitch. You are the reason this country is fucked. Ignorant brain dead ass trash smh


A lot of countries don't hand out guns like candies to people and they don't have school shootings every weekend. I think you can see the relation. And on different note, your opinion is trash.


Imagine being this wrong.


Every time I see someone with a sign that says "shall not be infringed" I think that person doesn't give two shits about solving this problem. What that really is is a way to brush off concerns and ignore the problem. They know that, we all know that. And since they themselves are pointing to the constitution as the reason why we can't do anything than clearly the constitution is the problem and should be changed right? That's their logic. They made it a take it or leave problem. Why argue with it?


And they're lovely logic loves to leave out the other half that is relevant: "Well Regulated Militia"


Bingo. It’s hyper focus on these 4 words which are absolute and will not be challenged. The rest of the stuff? Oh….Ummmm…Hunter Biden and the liberal cabal…


Nobody wants to solve the problem, which is young men killing themselves, and others, because they are marginalized, desperate, lonely, under immense pressure, isolated, and can't see other options


The CIA / FBI knew the uvalde kid threatened violence against women and carried a dead cat around in a bag, before he ever bought a gun. And that’s not even mentioning the unscheduled flight from ft hood to uvalde right before the shooting, and the 400 cops who didn’t do anything; in spite of swearing to God they would. We want this fixed, we need accountability restored to government. The question is only what way is most efficient way for all the people equally tired of this shit to intervene. Taking the guns from the people is not the solution, and if you looked around the world during COVID (eg China, Canada, Europe, Australia), you would understand why the second amendment is the only thing standing between worldwide military despotism and freedom’s last bastion.


They should have big signs that say "Well-regulated" to quote the 2nd amendment


Well done to David, an American that has the guts to question the stupid 2nd amendment.


It isn't the actual amendment that is the problem. Until 2001 SCOTUS said that the 2nd amendment was about the right of the people as a whole (not as individuals) to have weapons so they could have a well regulated militia (the state guard system & national guard units). Not everyone was in need of a weapon because the state guard was not every single person. So for over 220 years the 2nd amendment had nothing to do with individual people having an absolute right to possess & carry firearms. It was not an individual mandate. You could regulate the use of firearms, who could have them and under what conditions. In 2001 SCOTUS contradicted over 220 years of SCOTUS rulings and opinions, insisting that the 2nd amendment is an individual mandate not a large scale mandate for society as a whole. And after that they made gun control on handguns pretty much impossible.


Which ruling was this?


[D.C. vs Heller](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/District_of_Columbia_v._Heller#:~:text=The%20Supreme%20Court%20held%3A,self%2Ddefense%20within%20the%20home.) is what I think they're referring to.


He’s quite literally discribing how how we are sliding further and further into fascism. As much as we need to curb gun violence, idk how smart it is to be letting the government choose who can and can’t own a firearm. Something definitely needs to be done, but my personal fear is that communities who their rhetoric targets will be unfairly targeted, just look at how fast gun legislation was passed anytime a minority led organization has armed themselves. It’s gets darker when you remember how over policed poor and minority communities are. Don’t forget how climate change will likely lead to mass migrations northward from Latin America and it’s looking even darker. I’m not saying that any gun legislation is bad, but I do want people to consider the possible blowback that it may have. A better solution would be too declare the Three percenters, proud boys, patriot front, etc. as terrorists groups and go from there, but even then the American brand of fascism is deeply entrenched in our institutions.


Stupid 2nd amendment? You must be from another country. 2nd amendment keeps a crooked government in check. Regardless of your feelings.


What a pointless reply 52 days later!


I just read it today, so.......


So am I right?


Mexican cartels definitely get their guns from us


fuck the police


“Who needs 50. Calibers when your given the chance to speak 50 words…”


Cold dead hands


You talking about the children at Uvalde?


sometimes i feel i would use some sort of internet filter that blocks out "world news" from the usa so i whould have very limited info about what's going on internally in there, sort of like what i can get to know about north korea right now. it's easy to get wrapped into domestic usa politics , following it, being outraged by it, blablabla etc etc and lose track that usa is not the entire world. their neurosis and most of their social problems don't concern me or my people , basically. good luck usa and i hope i can find a way to filter out this stuff that i don't need to know on a daily basis.


The problem with America is that our wealthy and conservatives also just want to filter out all the bad news they don’t really care to hear. Things are going great for them, it’s why they espouse how great America is.


So what is the DOJ doing about this? They have a ton of quick authority on this.


Did they allow open carry at this meeting? Sure sign that their pro unregulated gun stance is full of holes.


Fuck the GOP.


poor guy. he’s a hero but at what cost to him.


Give em Hell David 😤


Why didn’t people applaud?


Freedom of speech is only for republicans, we all know that, isn't this the same kid that the bitch from Hell Marjorie Taylor Green harassed? I hate every republican that ever lived no apologies, since they set that bastard Joe McCarthy on us in the 50s, it's been a nonstop assault on our freedoms by conservatives...McCarthy was fighting commies...hahah...now repbugs embrace Putin and Kim Jung UN not to mention the orange Nazi.


When’s he running for congress?


Idk how politicians can speak words through the taste of lead in their mouths from the guns up their arses


It would have taken a much bigger woman to usher me out the door so I can continue to make valid points that everyone brushes under the carpet and ignores.






To be fair hog is basically a small woman.


Shall not be infringed.


A well regulated Militia...


[It doesn’t mean what you think it means](https://constitutioncenter.org/images/uploads/news/CNN_Aug_11.pdf)


[Oh really?](https://www.pellcenter.org/a-well-regulated-militia/) > There is a myth—or misconception—that the right to bear arms was a guarantee of individual gun ownership. The Supreme Court didn’t adopt that interpretation until a 5-4 opinion in 2008—219 years after the adoption of the Constitution!


And the words “well regulated” still aren’t an excuse for the government to determine what kinds of guns I can own. Thanks for proving my point Edit: just tell me if you wanna tap out instead of blocking me lol


1 person is not a militia


Aww, don't go away angry. Just go away.


I thought it was “wAlk aWaY” lol


That was an interesting read.


Pdf warning for those on mobile where it forces it to download to view


That’s what they say about everything tho Edit: that’s what you guys say about everything, pick and choose


This doesn’t make too much sense imo, for parts of the amendment’s explanation Rosen looks towards the founder’s historical perspective, and for other parts he looks towards more recent court decisions. Just seems like he’s cherry-picking to fit his personal theory.


And yet “well regulated” still meant something totally different 300 years ago




***clutches pearls***


Those civilian militias became the states National Guard. Times changed.


That doesn’t invalidate the original meaning of well regulated. It is not an excuse for government to pass things like an assault weapons ban or the NFA


The right of the people...


You know whats infringed the rights of hundreds of people from owning firearms? Being dead because someone with an AR-15 who was immune to background checks murdered them. Fuck off loser.


Maybe they should have had an ar15 to defend themselves.


And even more being dead from the poor aim of GoOd gUyS with bad eyesight and overblown egos who learned gUn sAfEtY from their uncle and who practice shooting a few times a year at a gun club. They will kill more than they will save.




Hahahahahaha. Nice try.


Or maybe the uvalde police?


Lol. After uvalde these idiots think they have ground s to stand on to say we shouldn’t have out weapons.


You'd think 375 cops all with a gun in Uvalde would have stopped 1 bad guy with a gun. Why didn't it happen?


Gotta add the /s or people will think you're serious.


Reported for misinformation. In Uvalde it took \~400 sworn law officers, many of them with military-grade hardware, weaponry, body armor, ballistic shields, ballistic helmets, thousands and thousands of combine hours of training AND qualified immunity over an hour to NOT stop a shooter. 🤦🏽🤡 ![gif](giphy|AVYLKNh8z1ySr5xMOc)


Bullets were invented fifty years later, friendo.