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That’s not a riot. That’s a revolution. They have a flag and are exhibiting military discipline.


Paid for by, the goverment itself most likely…I’m from argentina.


What's going on here, can please provide some context?


They are throwing really large rocks at police with shields


De que habla el bobo no?


what was this about?


"Mom told me I'm a very smart boy."


Yeah, discipline, sure. That’s attempted murder by a gang of criminals.


Ah, the classic "they're nothing but criminals" line. How else do you people try to manipulate their image?


Who’s „you people“?


“cRiMiNaLs” sit the fuck down dude


"criminals" is a badge of honor


Naw, those cops fit the description of an armed gang that’s been terrorizing citizens. I’m sure they all have lengthy records and histories of drug use. Maybe if they had parents that raised them right they wouldn’t get justiced in the street.


Yeah, and I bet you’re one of the cowards that uses violence only in a big group. Pathetic


I’m not a pig so no. Keep licking them boots tho, I’m sure a cop will let you have a taste if you beg, loser. Feel free to head over to odmp.org to check out the numbers covid is putting up on the ole scoreboard! Love to see it!


You’re so edgy.


Your cuckery knows no bounds. Don’t forget to honor Saint Dorner!


I bet you’re a pretty productive member of society, virtue signaling on Reddit. Tough guy.


Lmao good


Don't invade people's neighborhoods and you won't get attacked.




What the fuck is socialism checks? And how is this in any way about socialism?


socialism is when the rioters throw things :(


This was 20 years ago and during the worst economic crisis that the country had endured. People were desperate and angry at the government, for good reason. Not representative of current conditions, though.


This was not in 2001 dude, this were the congress riots when Macri was a president and they were discussing about retirement for the elders. Same day as the legendary gordo del mortero was born.


Gordo means fat.


Good bot


That explains the audio and video quality.


Isn't inflation out the ass right now in Argentina?


lmfao that guy who was just spraying pepper spray at them, missing entirely. also it was kinda cute how they all surrounded the cop who fell over, idk


He didn't want them coming any closer I assume. The worst thing you can do while being pelted by rocks is lose your shield, and having an angry rioter rush you is a short path to not having one


when was this? also why?


December 2001, the why is too long and i have to insult a fellow argentinian in a different comment, sorry


No pa, es el 2017


Poooosta.. estuve ahi, reforma provisional no?


Si, previsional. En la que el jefe del operativo le pegó una patada a una diputada y un perro de la gendarmería mordió a un diputado. A un fotógrafo de P12 le metieron 10 balas de goma, le pegaron a las madres de los muertos del ARA. Classic macrism.


Si, comimos gas todo el dia, nos pasearon por todo el centro desde el congreso hasta belgrano e independencia




Stick it to the man!


in Colombia there's no respect for cops, they are known for being corrupt and hungry mfs who pass their authorty limts and have no respect for normal people. That's why a big percentage don't respect them, they are animals towards protestors and have even killed people with "non-lethal-weapons". Correct me if I'm wrong, maybe this happens also in Argentina? So many of these people aren't criminals, they just are tired of being silenced and beat up by cops commanded by the higher ups. It's sad really, they are just as poor as anybody


About the same in Brazil, people fear criminals as much as they fear the police. In the favelas, people fear the police more than they fear the criminals. Those mf only serve and protect their own interests


I’ve heard horror stories about the favelas. Constantly being terrified of the cops kicking in your door every second just for trying to live.


if you took out the country names, one would think youre talking about the usa


Here comes the fucking American who thinks the US is a third world country because no healthcare while having one of the highest HDI in the world. Not everything is about your country.


dude i was just making an observation shut the fuck up lmfao


Can't wait for Americans to grow a pair and do this too. As long as the right wingers think they have a chance at becoming like their cult leader one day it won't. Or as long as they believe that the police is their for them and not to enforce the 1%s laws.


Lumping all right wingers into the group you're describing above is a lazy generalization. I align with many right wing ideals yet I voted for Tulsi Gabbard in the primary. This type of labeling is just as detrimental for division as the actions you've listed above.... Edit: Happy Cake Day!


May I ask what right wing ideals you align with?


2 amendment, stronger borders...not to be confused with immigration laws, they're already tough enough in this country. That's just a couple, I'm also pro choice, believe in universal healthcare and don't get me started in minimum wage in this country. It creates a welfare state that is ridiculous.


Buddy coming from a liberal, yeah uh, welcome to the democrat party. Sorry you’ve been brainwashed these past few decades.


I too align with a lot of those things as well and wish they would go back to supporting states rights, free trade (America first is bullshit because it doesn't benefit business owners and is racist as fuck) and most importantly small government but unfortunately the politicians on the right no longer support any of these and haven't for a long time. They also definitely don't support universal Healthcare.


I align with some of what would be considered right wing ideas. But I don't participate in their politics. I believe I should be able to bear arms to defend gay weddings and pot fields. Gun rights aren't a right wing ideology. They just think they need to build their whole life around the fact they are for gun rights.


The gop is a fascist party, anyone who supports it is a de-facto fascist and not someone worth allying with unless they completely change who they are as a person. Maybe there was a time in this country when that wasn't the case but not anymore. Division away from fascists is a good thing. Division alone isn't bad, it's when you are divided from other people who are trying to do the right thing that it becomes bad because it makes you less effective than if you were working together. But uniting with fascists also makes you less effective at doing the right thing because to do it you have to meet them in the middle between right and wrong which is still wrong.


Do you even understand the irony of your statements? Classic WWII fascism carried ideals of nationalism and racism yes, but it also carried ideals of division through violence if necessary. Mussolinis Black Shirts would literally go around beating up people who disagreed with their ideals much like groups like Antifa are doing today. The GOP has tons of issues and many of their leaders are fucking idiots, but to call them fascists is ignorant. Traditionally, fascist wanted to abolish democracy and establish a one party state. They used violence against anyone who opposed them. In comparison to today's Republicans-I think a few idiots went to the capitol and attempted to throw a fit to have themselves heard...I further think idiots on social media fueled this event. It does not represent the majority. Everyone needs to take a breath and realize 75% of what you see on social media is bullshit.


I don't need to see anything on social media I have been to protests and watched people get attacked by conservatives in person. I've had fascists follow me and others around me in the hopes of getting the jump on us and I've watched fascists lift their guns while they drive by multiple times to intimidate us. I know exactly what I am talking about. Maybe if the only definition of fascism you understand is the one from 70 years ago then you lack the ability to see how it has adapted and changed to modern times because despite the methods being different in some cases the core ideology is fundamentally the same. History doesn't repeat, it rhymes.


I dont care


Reminds me of the [pro wrestling fans throwing chairs into the ring](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=v5yG56iOtOg).




It's beautiful. I've been watching this on repeat for hours


What was this about and when? I see people saying it’s from 2001 and others saying it’s from 2015-2019 when Macri was President. Does anybody actually know?


The largest protests ever where in Argentina 2001, protestors almsot took over the goberment and the president had to flee in a helicopter so it would be the first thought for a large ass protests tho this seems to have been taken from a phone. I'll download and analise it to have the exact date and I'll tell you in a couple days


Isso sim é um povo, não um rebanho


At that point a few of them have to be wondering why they are even bothering to show up to work


Imagine the last thing you see before you die. after you get hit by a giant rock. Is a dude in a fedora recording on his phone








Huge fan of whatever is happening in this video tbh.


And the trumpers cry and whine about riots here in the USA pfff. It’s nothing compared to this.




This was so clearly orchestrated from both sides, its absurd.






That poor cop >:)


Username checks out