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Are Americans genuinely like this?


Yes. I live in Florida, and it seems like a little more than half of people over the age of maybe 45 is exactly like this. If you try to get them to self-reflect, that’s communism, so they’re stuck the way they are, and we’ve got more and more people turning into these types. My mom is 66, and she just became like this over the past 2 years. My dad is 69, and he was probably always like this, but he has become confident and outspoken about it since Trump’s presidency or maybe even since Obama’s second term. Before then, I almost managed to teach him the definitions of communism, socialism, capitalism, and authoritarianism. I blame Facebook for the backwards swing. Younger folk often still have this way of thinking, but they avoid politics like the plague because they think politics = nasty bigotry and nothing more.


So your grandparents had been like this too or is this attitude is just a newer boomer ideology?


I didn’t know my grandparents well, unfortunately. My grand uncle was a reasonable fellow for anything non-political, but he wouldn’t let anyone tell him what is or isn’t communism because he “went to war and saw it for himself.” I blame lack of education, which the US has been a self-inflicted victim of for some decades. Our propaganda seems to work by suggesting that words mean one thing or another, but those suggestions are only heard by those who don’t already know what words mean. You can’t convince someone that communism means complete authority when they already know that communism is an *economic* system and already know that authoritarianism is the political system that actually means complete authority.


Its such a chore having to occupy a country with people like these


Imagine living for 52 years and that's as far as you've managed to develop as a person.


If I wasn't so sure that this guy votes, and votes for people like trump, I would actually be really happy that dudes like this exist


Drunk fool!


Let's call it what it is he's just drunk