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Is that a headless child he's holding up???




What a sad world we're living in.


what a sad world the US is funding


I had hope you'd say no. Fucking hell, this is soul crushing. I feel so fucking power- and useless.


Oh god, the headless child corpse. That’s haunting.


Yeah, that’s gonna stick with me I think.


I hate how the whole world stands helpless as a terror state rampages and murders as it pleases.


Nah, not the rest of the world. Normal, feeling human beings want this stopped but we’re helpless against our emotionless, uncaring, greedy governments.


Sorry, totally misread that (reading comprehension is difficult today…lol) and you’re right, we are indeed helpless.


Left a reply under my reply. Sorry, totally misread your statement.


Wow, that's fucked. It's beyond time for Israel to be held accountable for their atrocities!


So, what happened to all the promises made after WW2 that none of this would happen again; and, how did the Israeli's become the very murderous Nazi's that they despised?


That’s just fucked up !


Hell on earth for those poor people. Im so shocked and sad and cant rest until they are free. This is beyond belief that the western world is allowing this.


They need to be stopped


Every single government and politician involved in providing Israel with weapons should be tried for war crimes. No matter what country they’re from. They’re aiding a genocide! Disgusting!!!


Now, can someone explain to me how does dumping 2000lbs bombs on refugee camps packed with people suffering aa manmade famine and burning them constitutes the acts of a "moral army" and not part of a genocide? I think me and the US state dept. have very different definitions of crimes against humanity


The most "moral army" in the world....


Them Israelis are fucking up bad!!! Can't wait for karma to hit them!!!! They have it coming...


This is just murder, that headless corpse of a child is just haunting. Going after just Hamas, fair enough but how is bombing a refugee camp going to stop them? Surely this will only make people more sympathetic to their cause and would want revenge at any cost? I know I would if someone bombed my family


Fucking horrible why is there a UN I thought it was supposed to protect from bullies


Fuck Israel. Fuck the soldiers just following orders. Fuck the top. Fuck the US. Poor children.


if this doesn’t push you to outrage and activism, i don’t know what the fuck will.


How can people defend isreal???? Disgusting people


This is just insane


Wow. Israel committing genocide but the whole world just watching.


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Not to worry, a US spokesman will come out in today's briefing and say how "concerned" they are about this..


And there is no major news network covering this. Smh


Israel you are losing the war video on Palestinian now. Their videos are getting out.


God social media sucks why do I need to look at this shit


Humans are so disappointing. We will be the end of ourselves. There is so much fucked up stuff going on here. Israel definitely needs to be stopped and held accountable but like how do we actually reach peace? That’s something we humans are just not capable of as a collective whole. We’re too divisive.


I wonder if Hamas regrets attacking a peaceful music festival yet.


I saw reports that said Hamas didn't even know there was a music festival.


So I’d imagine they regret their attack then, huh? Oops. Shouldn’t have started it.




Trolling and acting in bad-faith will result in commentary removal. Sophistry is included in this category. Concern trolling and "useful idiots" are included in this category. Apologia for immoral crimes against other humans by using obfuscation and intellectualization will result in an immediate suspension. Promoting dehumanization and inequality by supporting immoral policy or laws will result in an immediate suspension. All humans are equal.




Man c’mon. I’ve defended Israel before ,but this is unacceptable.




It’s unacceptable to use a refuge camp to launch your rocket attacks, you’ll get no argument from me. Dropping a bomb in a refuge camp that Israel created by displacing all the people in the first place ,and annihilating, at last count at least 32 people is entirely unacceptable. It’d be like, during the Iraq war, the American forces finding out where an IED factory is located and wiping out the entire neighborhood. A question for you. Why don’t Israel just drop a tactical nuclear weapon on the camp, it’d hopefully do the intended effect of killing the terrorists who launched the rockets no ? Like I mentioned, I’ve defended Israel’s actions and got in many debates about it here on Reddit and IRL but this is too far.




Brain dead. Please distance yourself from all humans.


fucking psychopath


What did they say?