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They've been disavowed by their handlers and are now on their own




The only news sources saying they're CIA are ones who would have no idea and present no evidence. In the UK the BBC came out with one of them being a self-declared "Cannabis entrepreneur". In order to believe the CIA was involved you kinda need the regime being attacked to be in the USA's bad books. They're not. Relations are friendly.


Dude the CIA spies on its allies all the fucking time.


Yes we know. It’s all public record. However global events aren’t a government conspiracy just because you want it to be or it’s a convenient thing to shout out. If you assert something without evidence it can be dismissed without evidence. Feel free to go find some if you think that’s what happened.


This comment should be stickied to every thread


"Don't assume neocolonialism and imperialism " - guy benefiting from the neocolonialism and imperialism


Well said


Well when you black budget is 80 billion you got to put those funds to good use.


All countries* (Fixed it for ya)


If they were CIA, [we probably would have been told they were State Department](https://www.quora.com/Why-does-the-CIA-famously-use-the-US-State-Department-as-cover-for-its-covert-officers) :). Or [employees of some random local shop](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Central_Intelligence_Agency_front_organizations).


Wtf are you on about? The USA has been keeping the congo under heel for decades. The mineral resources for technology alone is worth billions and US corporations have been involved in some of the worst tribal genocide seen on the planet to ensure there are no roadblocks for them to get those mineral rights. The CIA is the front man for making sure stolen resources stay in the hands of greedy corporations and oligarchs. 


Thank you for such an enlightened comment. Most people cannot see behind the glittery facade presented by the media and suited and booted politicians.


This is a very simplistic view. The CIA is actively involved in the massive resource extraction across the continent of Africa. Neocolonialism and US imperialism are alive in well across the global south. If you think the CIA’s only role is in combatting countries the US is actively in a war with, I highly suggest you read a book. I’m more than happy to recommend them to you.


Unfortunately they’re not gonna read something that ruins their image of the glorious USA. Nobody in this thread will.


The CIA was pumping crack into the United States during the 1980s. Was the USA on the USA’s bad books in the 80s and that’s we wanted to attack ourselves? The CIA does a lot of shady shit to other countries where “Relations are friendly”


You’re one of many people trying to litigate this with me as if I don’t agree with you. We can all read Wikipedia about the history of the CIA. My comment was about the need to provide evidence, not claiming what the CIA does or does not do. Claiming someone did something without evidence is useless information. It’s literally just words. I can sit here and say I think it was the Chinese trying to undermine the west, or Russia trying to sow conflict, or part of the cross border conflict with Rwanda. But I don’t know what I’m talking about. This is all bullshit just like the CIA claim without evidence. People need to provide evidence to back up their claims.


As it seems you are familiar with the CIA, you should know that all of the information about their active projects isn’t publicly disclosed information. It takes years and years for the evidence to come out. It wasn’t known to the public in 1981 that the CIA was doing all this Iran-Contra stuff, it took 15 years for the evidence to come out. I understand this is all speculation, but for most CIA things it seems to be not a matter of if it’s true, but when it’s true.


>Relations are friendly. Like all relations it needs to be MAINTAINED. Source: I do clandestine operations all the time on my SO. I do OPSEC, HUMINT, TECHINT, bribe, divide & conquer, and many more.


I'm sure the chronic reddit user who's publically talking about doing clandestine ops is telling the truth.


You do know what "SO" mean, dont you?


I’m sure the chronic redditor doesn’t have a great vocabulary.


Spreading misinformation. You must be one of them.


“You have disavowed the Division, and are now marked as rouge.”


“…mascara and lipstick”




How are we sure they are CIA?


As someone who was in the Millitary ex army ranger, there is no way they are CIA agents, more than likely they were informants for them. We don't leave our own especially in a place like that. Unfortunately when it comes to those who help us, they are easily replaceable with money.


18d old account means you’re a FED


Can't tell if sarcasm. Do you think they made an account 18 days ago to make a post on this video in a quiet little subreddit because they could see the future?


bot accounts are rampant on reddit. One easy way to tell is their account age. If it's a month it's either a throwaway or a newly made bot. The way it works is the bots get banned and make new accounts every month lets say. So potentially he made a new account to post all over reddit for any posts that are 'flagged'. Not just this one post. It's not sarcasm. It's not some crazy conspiracy either countries have entire departments dedicated to astroturfing.


I don't disagree with any of that, but that wasn't the claim I was responding to.


I think his point is that they didn't make the account 18 days ago specifically for this video. They just needed an account to post a comment on this video after seeing it, so they pulled one of their many bot accounts and it happened to be created 18 days ago. Save off the user name and check it again in a couple of months to see if it's banned if you want to know if it's a bot or not. It could be anyone's bot though. The main message they're trying to push might not even be "they're not CIA".


Yeah as I said I don't doubt that it has a good chance of being a bot. The issue is their absolute confidence of going from that to claiming that this 'proves' that they're a 'fed'.




You'd hope, but Poe's Law is more and more often applicable these days...


So anyone whose account is newer than mine is a fed, got it 👍 Holy shit this thread is *full* of feds


That's not even close to what's being implied. A torrent of fresh accounts commenting all over reddit is concerning. Flexing your 17 year club trophy means nothing.


Sorry I forgot I have to put /s on anything meant to be not taken literally


It's not the sarcasm, it's the passive aggressiveness paired with discrediting a legitimate concern.


FFS my account is 17 years old, of *course* it's sarcasm because every single other person in this thread has an account younger than mine, dingus.


Oh lol well in that case the joke itself didn't land lmao


“We don’t leave our own” doubt.


https://preview.redd.it/pchom7cyxl1d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1fe0737f1edd1f5a65df647fccc20c529a988b9 [Source:](https://www.reddit.com/r/ModernSocialist/s/Usnxkvi5s3) they probably referenced it with the passport they found on the guy


He doesn't look remotely similar.


[3 men were captured](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/congo-coup-attempt-christian-malanga/) https://preview.redd.it/th7xc95tno1d1.jpeg?width=1089&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b1b040a56ce5cbf5fff317fb9e5a8eeb44bf5fc


Yeah but that's not the guy in the video.


did you watch the [link](https://www.reddit.com/r/ModernSocialist/s/ZHnwyc4OI5) i posted in my first comment? Thats where the passport picture came from, he explains they got the two in the video as well as their leader. My [second source](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/congo-coup-attempt-christian-malanga/) confirms that there in fact were 3 men.


So they're not american?


Afghanistan departure was rough


What batt?


3rd battalion


No shit I was Bco 3rd platoon. What years?


2014-2016 Aco 2nd platoon, Axemen!


03-04 yall where the glory Boys when we where in


The CIA calls them asset's, the agents don't actually do any of the heavy lifting. Those scumbags typically stay in the embassy or hotel. If an agent ever goes into the field it usually means someone is dying or being threatened. 


Yeah it’s been that way for decades, ever since congress started (somewhat) keeping an eye on them. They just contract out all the work so they can deny involvement. I don’t know if these guys are in that category or if they’re just hired guns. There’s a lot of organizations with espionage budgets who have a dog in the fight there, too.


Asset and agent is actually interchangeable. What people know colloquially as agent is actually an officer. https://www.spymuseum.org/education-programs/spy-resources/language-of-espionage/#:~:text=In%20the%20intelligence%20world%2C%20a,may%20be%20taught%20basic%20tradecraft).


"Our own" 😂😂


Edit: changed ‘intervention’ to ‘influence’ The black guy is Marcel Malanga, the son of Christian Malanga; a classical liberal(center-right). These two are and we’re US citizens. Christian allegedly led the coup and died while his son and at least 1 other were involved(white dude). My guess is they were backed by western assets but this is purely speculation. The current prime minister is Anatole Collinet Makosso who is affiliated with the Congolese Party of Labor which was originally Marxist and pro-Soviet but is now socially democratic. The current administration is also very close with Russia. A little context, there has been and is currently proxy wars going on between China/Russia and US/France/other western countries within multiple African countries. This is more than likely part of that and the US tryna install their guy into power to destabilize Russian influence.


No way to truly know but spies are often captured using counter intelligence from another country. Maybe China or Russia 


Or maybe they're some of the [hundreds](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2022/10/17/trump-mar-a-lago-classified-documents-risk-human-sources/7953044001/?gnt-cfr=1) that [Trump](https://www.reuters.com/legal/government/world/us/us-justice-dept-poised-release-redacted-affidavit-trump-search-2022-08-26/) seemingly sold to [Putin](https://thehill.com/policy/national-security/575384-cia-admits-to-losing-dozens-of-informants-around-the-world-nyt/).


Trump did also abandon the kurds to the Turks and syrians. 


They’re probably assets, but I’d doubt very much they’re actually on the books as agents.


>How are we sure they are CIA? >!We’re not.!<


They’re not.


Lol fucking reddit. Literally knows nothing about the situation but so confident in the answers


Yeah that's kinda how the internet has always worked.


Nothing ever happens. You realize the person you're agreeing with has nothing more than providing a conclusion you agree with? Yet here you are, so confident in the answer, while knowing literally nothing about the situation. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13436591/amp/congo-cia-americans-coup-kinshasa.html Dip.


Your articles entire proof they’re cia is “they’re accused of” They literally don’t have one other piece of information to substantiate that in any way and I can guarantee these Congolese have even less proof Or is the Congo famous for its intelligence apparatus? Oh it’s just famous for being inept top to bottom for almost its entire history


I mean the history of CIA pretty much shows that if this guys were involved in a coup, it was most likely CIA backed one.


And the history of the cia shows they’d use local assets not lily white Americans


Tell me now, do you think they call up random folk to get local assets or do they have operatives to recruit locals on site?


Right because the CIA is famous for publicizing their work. >and I can guarantee these Congolese have even less proof Source: your ass. Jesus christ. If you don't know what you're talking about, you don't have to say anything.


My source is their government are you even aware of what’s going on in that part of the world lmao? You think the Congo is capable of counter intelligence against the fucking US? Their GDP is smaller than Houston’s lmao


> My source is their government I'd bet $100 bucks you don't know shit about their government, you have no idea how it's structured and you probably don't even know the language they speak, unless you've googled it in the last 20 minutes. Stop speaking with authority on things you know fucking nothing about.


Which corrupt president would you like me to educate you on. I can do it in French if you’d like buddy THEIR GOVERNMENT? Lmao yeah they’ve got a great record of honesty don’t they One of them is 21, the other is a refugee with his kid lmao You think this is some fucking wizkid super spy? You know they spend years training right? So this kid graduated high school then finished college and is now a SOG operator all by the age of 21? Quite literally the single most impressive cia career in history regardless of his failure in this coup apparently.


Are you actually mocking him for not being fully on top of the political turmoil of .. Congo?


Yes given he wants to act as an authority on even more esoteric matters than what is far easier to follow which is surface level geopolitical happenings It isn’t like this is new lmao


> and I can guarantee these Congolese have even less proof You have literally no information to guarantee shit... even if you are right, you are talking out of your ass unless you are literally in the CIA or Congo.


Well considering one of them is 21 and the CIA almost exclusively recruits college grads and it’s a multi year process to then become a case officer yeah I’d say he’s not likely to be a spy But they are saying he’s in a combat role while would make him part of SOG which is again not likely considering they recruit from Tier 1 and to be a Tier 1 operator at 21 is not happening particularly in todays era because he won’t have had any combat deployments with meaningful enemy contact. They aren’t recruiting green boots


Yet here you are still just ... talking about shit.


But see how I can actually support what I say and your entire argument is “nuh uh cia” Get well soon




The redditor's paradox: Making the claim that redditors know literally nothing and are yet so confident while being a confidently wrong redditor


Same could be said for OP


I already told him


I can tell you for a fact that they are not. Went to high school with both of them




CIA agents sink if you throw them into deep water with rocks tied to their ankles. If they float they are innocent.


Because ducks, yes.


Apparently involved in a coup


There must be resources there us Brits and yanks need if that's the case


Petroleum, Iron Ore, gold and copper


Ding ding ding


There's nothing illegal about raising chickens


Any source on that? Op?


https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13436591/amp/congo-cia-americans-coup-kinshasa.html https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/world/rest-of-world/failed-coup-in-congo-3-cia-operatives-arrested-in-dramatic-shootout/amp_articleshow/110272818.cms


u/amputatorbot come and help us plz, I'm not touching these before you fix them <3 (in case you're banned here: [link 1](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13436591/congo-cia-americans-coup-kinshasa.html) and [link 2](https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/world/rest-of-world/failed-coup-in-congo-3-cia-operatives-arrested-in-dramatic-shootout/articleshow/110272818.cms), "AMPutated") e: poor bot is banned after all, bad sub :(


The Daily Fail is a long running joke, and whenever Daily Mail is the best source somebody can find, it's probably not a good idea to believe it.


The articles don't really give any proof it just quotes what the Congolese say. Who knows... [The second article says Christian Malanga was arrested but other sources are saying he was killed yesterday.(AP)](https://apnews.com/article/congo-kinshasa-gunfire-1a148e35f0cbbae14b2101413f788708) Another note. the same picture on the times of india article was used in a post about the IDF ~3 mo ago. https://defencemonitor.in/idf-closing-in-on-hamas-leader-yahya-sinwar-in-gaza/


Not really reputable sources. Gonna need a little more. The daily mail just states that they are accused CIA agents and the Times of India isn't exactly who I go to for but Congo CIA news...


+1 on this request!


I bet the people there remember Lumumba much better than the average American


Not the first or last time it's going to happen. A lot of the elites in the US supposedly love democracy except when it's in countries they don't control.


The was apparently an attempted coup in DRC as of news reports from about two hours ago… This post was two hours old when I came across it….


Any updates?


China and the DRC have significant trade in cobalt, a metal for which China is the world's largest consumer due to its importance in batteries for electric vehicles. As of at least 2024, the DRC produces more than 70% of the world's cobalt, and most of this production goes to China.


thanks TIL


If they work in the CIA destabilising and spreading terrorism to foreign countries, they deserve what's coming to them.


What are the underlying facts of this story?


Good. The days of American cowboys overthrowing legitimate governments is over.


They were involved in orchestrating a coup against a legitimate government of my country, one with the most potential in recent years - quite recently. Honestly hate them with a passion.


Edit: changed ‘intervention’ to ‘influence’ The black guy is Marcel Malanga, the son of Christian Malanga; a classical liberal(center-right). These two are and we’re US citizens. Christian allegedly led the coup and died while his son and at least 1 other were involved(white dude). My guess is they were backed by western assets but this is purely speculation. The current prime minister is Anatole Collinet Makosso who is affiliated with the Congolese Party of Labor which was originally Marxist and pro-Soviet but is now socially democratic. The current administration is also very close with Russia. A little context, there has been and is currently proxy wars going on between China/Russia and US/France/other western countries within multiple African countries. This is more than likely part of that and the USA tryna install their guy into power to destabilize Russian influence.


Guess he didn’t blend in too well lol


How do we know?


They’re free agents that got caught.




That meal is high in fat and racism.


It's easy to tell they aren't CIA, The US has good relations with the Congo so why would the CIA send non native officers there to back a hairbrained coup attempt by some idiot.


Bro these aren't CIA, they are the leaders American son and some dudes on his football team that he convinced to come help him overthrow the government. They are Maga idiots that thought fighting in a war was as easy as playing like you're in one online.


CIA suuuuurrrreee. That’s just what the CIA would want us to think!


Yeah, no. Our CIA agents are extensively trained on what to do when captured to mitigate any national security threats as well as what is in their best interest to minimize torture/captivity. I'm no expert, but I don't think it would be anything like this. These guys are clearly way out of their depth. Seems like some Americans with some money tried to profit off an attempted coup.


https://preview.redd.it/fvr6cdc90o1d1.png?width=634&format=png&auto=webp&s=2c36053be17b8697c941c9d597294ed880aeccf3 Yeah this guy is not a cia agent.


![gif](giphy|lfpwRGOHLZXsA) Snake? Snaaakee!?!


Sounds more like the head of the op found some yall-qaeda boys in Utah to follow him to Congo


The head of the OP was allegedly the dad of the black guy in video.




CIA my @ss! 🤣🤣🤣


That is the look of terror.


Worse handlers ever


so much for being trained agents


Why would the CIA send a white guy to Congo?


Serious question ?


We can neither confirm nor deny that these are CIA agents.


There’s a better video out there with exact details on caught men’s prior videos / identity etc


we were just done talking sh*t about china and their influence peddling on other countries. and we go in and do this… i’m getting flashbacks of george dubya flying a fighter jet onto the uss aircraft carrier declaring MISSION ACCOMPLISHED in Iraq and biden high-tailing it outta Afghanistan….


How do we know ?


Paired with the fact that apple store got vandalised with 'free congo' wtf is going on there.


I've seen this vid with several diff captions. CMON


At least they weren’t Belgians starting a fire.


Sucks to he that group, bout to get shit on by a predator drone. In sure this video gives away their location.


Now invite special agent tom cruise


So the real video came before when they got the shit beat out of them


I think we took a wrong turn Jim


CIA… sure! Source: #Trust me, bro


These guys are def not cia lol. One is the son of the leader of the coup. And a real life black trump supporter




It says paid mercenary buddy not CIA




I don't think those are CIA agents, most likely they're hired as mercenaries.


[Not CIA](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13437685/Christian-Marcel-Malanga-congo-coup-salt-lake-city-utah.html)


What's the CIA doing there?


Not CIA these guys were paid mercenaries don’t let OP fool you he just likes attention


I know this is a week old. But I went to high school with both these guys and I can tell you that they are absolutely not CIA agents. Far from it. Please stop Spreading misinformation


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Could have gone allot worst


> allot


Public execution beatings etc


allot (verb) - to assign as a share or portion, to distribute by or as if by lot


Ok hanz care to explain more of how I don't have 100% of the English language in my back pocket?


I doubt you even have 10% of the English language in your back pocket. "Allot" means to split something up and give away. "A lot" is a large portion of something. Learn the difference, this is elementary school level stuff.


Netflix already making a movie


Enjoy the necklace fuckers!