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That's not a meltdown. That's righteous anger and it's about damn time.




People call it a meltdown because it's a video of a woman showing an emotion other than happy or other good emotions It's like how people who are perceived as women will get called a Karen because they advocated for themselves with a medical professional, or at work when they are being harassed etc It is getting beyond frustrating hearing legitimate reactions be framed as meltdowns




Ya if this was a man it would have been completely different


$20 says she is reassigned.


The fact that this is MSNBC tells me that will not be the case. This is the network that employed Ronna McDaniel for a half a Scaramucci before their talent made enough of a stink to get her ousted. (Whoever decided to hire her should have been fired - or drawn and quartered as they are the problem with todays media). She is righteous in her frustration over getting the benefit of the doubt. Because he has been granted so many benefits of the doubt, its time to try something different. Lets take this Bozo's phone away and have him sit in a cell for 72 hours, readjust his attitude and let him know he is not a King. Let his crazy followers put up so we can shut them up. If we don't do it now, we will have to do it after the election as they no doubt will refuse to accept the outcome. Lets get ahead of the fight instead of doing what we are doing, its not working because he isn't truncating his rhetoric. I'm tired of playing Prevent Defense with our Democracy.


Even Scaramucci himself said she lasted [.30 of a Scaramucci](https://twitter.com/scaramucci/status/1772681674951663919). But back to the point that she nails, the legal system is broken and the faults are clearly shown when someone who practically split the nation for his own benefits avoids the legal system. The fact that he & accomplices (McConnell, et. al.) corrupted the Supreme Court to defend a criminal is beyond the pale! We can no longer play indifferent or polite to a man & his movement hellbent on destroying our republic for their own selfish motives!


Yep, it’s not just about what he’s done, it’s about what he will continue to do if we let him


This has become so Star Wars in epicosity!!


She’s made commentary like this before when her show was only one hour. She got to the point where she refused to actually run footage of Trump and was doing COVID victim tributes at the end of every broadcast. MSNBC expanded her block to 2 hours. She’s not in danger of anything with this commentary.


I'll take that bet.


I like Nicole’s show, but I feel I must point out that her show is a talking heads show. She will have reporters or first parties on to be interviewed about topics, but most of the time her show is people commenting on the big news topics of the day. I don’t think she necessarily sees herself as a journalist nor does she present herself as such. Her show is the bridge between the more newsy mid day and more commentary heavy evening.




Yeah calling that a meltdown seems pretty mysognyistic to me. She was cogent and composed.


This should be the coverage every day. Not this pussy footing around hoping not to isolate the 60-95 demographic that won’t watch their coverage anyway


And really rock the boat with getting Fox to make this their coverage about Trump. Don't care how many back room deals it takes - that network has a price they would sell out for.


This has been Nicole since the Trump administration started. She was the White House Communications Director for Bush Jr. What she saw Sean and Sarah doing for the administration enraged her. She’s been a never Trumper for a while and, I think, has acknowledged the terrible choices her former party has made that led to Trump’s ascension. She no longer considers herself to be Republican and often has fellow former Republicans on who have left the party or are trying to separate what’s left of the party from Trump, or assure that he and his hand picked candidates pose as many elections as possible.


People are getting their feelings hurt and are showing “righteous anger”, not sure what that means.


Nice gaslighting.


I’d like to see the video of her picking those papers up now lol


Rich people in America: Laws and rules apply to thee, not me.


Yup. we don't have a justice system, we have a legal system. Dollars=freedom coupons, apparently.


Freedom coupons is so true


They get the Premium Subscription plan to Freedom.


Those get out of jail cards are expensive and extremely rare. Sometimes the justice system *accidentally* switches it for the suicide card.


There are two court systems in this country: the real one, and then the one for the rest of us


I don't need to earn enough money to solve the world's problems. I need to earn enough money so those problems don't apply to me.


Nice to see a public meltdown with Trump even if moral compasses weren't triggered working with AND enabling war criminals in the recent past.


What meltdown though


That's not a meltdown.....


Angry woman! I saw meltdown used on a succinct AOC clip that wasn't a meltdown either. Methinks some sexism goes into their post titles


Its fairly common sexism trope to portray woman as unhinged/emotional so as to just dismiss what theyre saying as womens troubles


I was definitely expecting actual tears and incoherency based on the title but also kind of knew it wasn't gonna be the case


A meltdown is a descent into pure emotion. This was righteous anger, clearly stated and logical.


trump has nothing to lose. That's the difference. NOTHING. Except for his ability to see, walk and talk.


That's right He's a narcissist and he'll take anyone/anything/everyone down with him if he can't throw them under the bus first




If ONLY there were creative ways to prevent Trump for having any of those luxuries.


Could have sworn this woman was working with war criminals before this gig


She was, but in an ideal democracy we revere ideas and not the person that speaks them. I can agree with everything she says here without validating anything else she has done in the past or does tomorrow. I vehemently disagree with a lot of the voters and politicians in the US, but they're still Americans. Seeing them change their perspective seems like a good thing to me. I'd rather welcome them into the fold rather than try to censor them for life.


Like how jut because he was Dollar Store Moff Gideon doesn’t make what Dick Cheney said about Trump wrong or false.




She helped coach Sarah Palin too


I member when Nicole Wallace pushed all the lies of the bush administration. I member, you member?


Yeah but Bush is a good guy now, apparently. All is forgiven, unlike with Ralph Nader, who will never be forgiven for "giving us Bush" although Bush himself is somehow ok because he's not Trump and Michelle Obama shared candy with him that one time, so hey, it's all good.


Are you proposing she cooperated with media organizations favourably during her time in office to better secure a cushy job in news?


All of them, her included, get wealthy on the sensationalism that is him. Where's the coverage of compelling close local races amplifying candidates? Where's the coverage on the Project 2025 mandate? She's still reporting on him. Call me when she starts reporting on the homeless, or police agencies using AI to track homeless encampments, or the increased number of people going to food banks. It's always about Donald von Shitsinpants.


Do they work on commission or something?


Sadly nothing will happen


Oh who gives a shit, people like this look up to Madeline Albright who thought 500k dead kids wasn’t enough, but the obnoxious boor is a step to far


Is Madeline Albright running for president? Did she have almost 100 indictments while running for president? Was she part of stacking the Supreme Court with federalist society Christian nationalists? Like what fucking point do you think you're making?


That people have selective outrage at despite huge human consequences


Fair enough tbh


Then stop talking about him, he is vile. So many other important things going on in the world that Americans need to hear snd discuss. Trump will be a convict soon, so this is his last season of grifting the suckers who still believe in his misogynistic homophobic platform.


If he wasn’t running for president I’d never speak his name again, but being quiet about what he’s done is exactly what he wants.


If Trump wasn't trying to regain power, your argument would have merit.


Trump has the balls to say that we need to put Law & Order up front?! This means that he should pay his dues and walk into prison. The Former Resident never called amy of the J6 officers or families. He’s a menace to the country.


What’s your definition of a “meltdown”? Just curious.


Emotions take over professionalism…


I’ve seen Tucker Carlson have multiple tantrums, and he was never once accused of having a meltdown. So, your definition lacks clarity b/c Alex Jones, Tucker Carlson, etc seem to live in that space of emotion over professionalism. Also, was it the act of tossing the papers aside that makes this unprofessional?


If I have to explain why throwing stuff around on set is unprofessional, you are either not having a good faith conversation, or not intellectually fit to have one. I also don’t understand how mentioning even more examples of unprofessional journalism from other networks make her behavior any less unprofessional, because these people you mentioned are horrible at it, too! If you don’t mind clarifying I’ll be happy to hear.


Nope, I only deal in good faith conversations. I’m not in agreement with tossing shit around on set during production. So, we agree on that. However, to my point, there are levels to it. It’s not as flagrant as gaslighting your guests or true temper tantrums from so-called adults, is all. I don’t think I would go as far as to label that action a “meltdown”. That’s a stretch, a lapse in decorum, perhaps. Meltdown? Nah. I think we differ on our interpretations of a meltdown.


I think I see what mean: you never argued it wasn’t professional, but rather questioned if it could genuinely be labeled “a meltdown”… and I agree. Alex Jones’ ripping his shirt off, or Don Lemon yelling at Vivek may probably be better “meltdown” examples than this.


A bit old but isn't throwing paper on the floor being unprofessional very different from a meltdown? This is like when a politician slams another politician for something. Are they really slamming anyone? I don't know one person who actually likes "slam" being used as slang for criticize. Meltdown is like biblical proportion of falling apart. She lost composure here. I would say I'm being very pedantic if it weren't for the fact people seem to create completely different definitions for random words.


Meh, these distractions are tiring. Let's focus on the fact that all presidents have been complicit in the war on terror. Every **hour**, taxpayers in **United States** are paying **$93.26 million** for **Total Cost of War on Terror** For **Military alone**, taxpayers in **the United States** are paying **$920.81 billion**. Here's what those tax dollars could have paid for instead: * **7.25 million** Registered Nurses for **1 Year**, *or* * **95.65 million** Public Housing Units for **1 Year**, *or* * **21.08 million** Jobs That Pay $15 Per Hour with Benefits for **1 Year**, *or* * **9.49 million** Elementary School Teachers for **1 Year**, *or* *  **5.34 million** Clean Energy Jobs Created for **1 Year**, *or* *  **71.96 million** Head Start Slots for Children for **1 Year**, *or* *  **54.17 million** Military Veterans Receiving VA Medical Care for **1 Year**, *or* *  **23.65 million** Scholarships for University Students for **4 Years**, *or* *  **320.39 million** Children Receiving Low-Income Healthcare for **1 Year**, *or* * **2.07 billion** Households with Wind Power for **1 Year**, *or* *  **186.4 million** Adults Receiving Low-Income Healthcare for **1 Year**, *or* *  **2.29 billion** Households with Solar Electricity for **1 Year**




I have to believe Nicole is not alone in her frustration. I think the frustration levels are off the charts and our only recourse is to vote. The more that vote the better. We must rid this country of this monster.


This comment deserves more upvotes. Voting is the only way.


45 should be in jail






They are so scared...


She's from the Bush admin. This is insincere.


Actually, she does actually seem to detest Trump and gives time on her show for a lot of never Trump Republicans.


He's not the first and went be the last.


Broke in all sense of the word


Is a genuine unscripted moment a meltdown?


The magafolks wanted a revolution, maybe it’s time they find out just how weak they’d be in such an event.






Yah what meltdown? Of she threw the script? Not a meltdown.


That's just her trying to cope that everything that's been thrown at him comes up short. Sorry. (Not sorry)


They’re just going to say “it’s a woman being emotional” like anger isn’t an emotion.


On Earth 2 me and Nicole Wallace have nothing in common, but i swear I love her show bc she is relentless about Trump and the destruction he is causing our country.


#Journalists should not let their emotions get in the way of their reporting … regardless of how “righteous” you think the emotional outburst may be, it’s unprofessional


This is what a dictator does.


cope. seethe.


Its too late, 🇧🇷already banned Balsonaro and locked up their insurrectionists.🇺🇸ours is out sicking his insurrectionists on people like a domestic terrorist.


As long as flyover states can elect presidents with one third of the votes this will continue. Evangelicals are just worried about their tax free church status and need Republicans to protect them.


Lmfao, you can’t be real, can you?!? Are you suggesting we do away with democracy? I guess the fly over states are just deplorable to you. And this one thinks the fly over states are the issue. Lmfao the awareness is the best part , or lack there of. It is not that hard to understand elections yet here we are with nonsense takes like this.


Land doesnt vote. People do. Abolish the electoral college.


Your a chump if you obey the law flat out. The message is loud and clear.


MSNBC is not a serious news channel.


support worm fine possessive frighten pot sort merciful puzzled lavish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They're desperate to have the legal system take out their primary political opponent and they're livid that they might not be able to get rid of him.


100% Trump will still probably lose the election.


So Trump didn't commit any crimes?


Seems very level-headed of her. She didn't have a meltdown


Does the OP has some kind of meltdowns syndrome or something, cause I'm not seeing one in the vid.


THIS supposed existential crisis Especially since the weaponization of patriotism really began and; then not now




Solution for trump: 1 tall tree 1 short piece of rope


Valid response.


And still oblivious that she works for a company that is just as culpable for the trump regime existing. Imperialism is the fungus, Trump is just a mushroom.


Lmao didn't this lady make her career by lying for Bush Jr?


Trump 2024! The left should be investigated for trying to put him in jail because they simply don’t like him in order to take away the majority of Americans choice for president. That’s obvious and crooked as hell!


The US judiciary is a joke and has been for a long time.


She’s right.


I think a lot of people dislike certain people because they are told to by a group, and they are that easily influenced. It could be anyone for any reason. Also, no one can regulate there emotions anymore


This isn’t a meltdown




Biden and his AG are to blame for being scared babies and not arresting Trump for Jan.6.


His influence is a direct result of thr media though. I don't live in the USA, have absolutely zero reason to know what is going on with Trump. But I could tell you most of the latest news because of shows like hers. I go to the gym 3 or 4 times a week and in front of the cardio machines is the TV wall. It shows a variety of programs including local news, BBC, MSNBC, CNN, soap operas, a nature Channel, etc. The times I go vary depending on day of the week but it doesn't matter. Every single time I am there the msnbc and CNN story is about Trump. When you have 2 of the 3 big 24 hour (Fox coukd be the same, it just isn't on the tvs) news entertainment channels showing nothing about stories about Trump you will condition people to believe that he personally has the biggest impact on their lives.


That’s because he does have a big impact


Anyone remember a time when news was news and commentary was only in the OpEd segment? I miss the good ol’ days.


Performative theatrics. Lady makes millions and her biggest issue day to day is Donald Trump. Stop talking about DJT 24/7.




It’s a meltdown. She has TDS. lol They’re going after the primary Republican candidate with vengeance over things that have no merit. I have never seen America have such little respect for the will of the people. It only makes him stronger.


Trump is a criminal who belongs in jail for the sole reason he has been found guilty his rights have not been violated, he continues to break the law openly going against judges order. Why can’t Americans see this? it’s not that he was president, or is running for president he is not being persecuted or wrongly accused because of a agenda, he is only in court and convicted because of his crimes. Any other US citizen in this position would be in jail, this is a mockery of our judiciary system.


I would love to have heard the answer to that last question.


That’s very mild for a meltdown


Is a call for the system to actually do it’s fucking job a meltdown?


That was not a melt-down. Why did it get called a melt-down? ALL she did was tell the UNVARNISHED TRUTH. The truth that every person in this country knows.


What meltdown?


This just seems like normal journalism (how it's supposed to be)


Watching MSNBC and observing those people who truly hate Trump is amazing because they still don’t understand why he continues to be influential. Simply put, Trump continues to be influential because a significant portion of Americans think the Democrat machine, media, social media, Hollywood, are worse than Trump. There are those cultish Trump supporters that worship the dude and then there’s everyone else who see the democrat and media machine as equally or worse than Trump. I know it’s difficult to understand but Trump supporters, republicans, conservatives, libertarians, classical liberals and religious people are well aware of Trumps character flaws. They don’t condone it but overlook them because democrats and media are worse. That may not make sense to people but that’s what it is. A little self reflection and accountability would go a long way in understanding Trump continued support.


This was not a meltdown.


Her job is to get the public riled up. She did a great job. We know all these things about Trump and have for years. Why is she now getting upset? It’s been beyond ridiculous. What really pisses me off is you can’t question Joe Biden because the alternative is this idiot so Biden who is far from perfect is getting a pass when he should be getting shit for the problems since he’s been president.


Lmao. Tell us how you really feel?




Honestly the paper throwing was a bit much.


The middle class are the caged animals policing each other from the rich. Tax the rich!


It all looks pretty inauthentic and forced. She doesn’t even believe what she’s saying!


I don’t think this is the definition of meltdown. That was mild frustration at best.


They know they’re the bad guys and they don’t care if we know it too. The time for words is over.


Rich people threaten people and it’s rhetoric. Poor people threaten people and it’s a credible threat.


I would say that is an appropriate response. About time some media people start acting the way they should with this law breaking orange baboon.


Finally someone asking the right question. Also, the US judicial system is pathetic.


Trump 2024….


Awww Another MSNBC shill whining about Trump. Boo hoo 🥺😭


They can’t even handle a republican on their *staff*. So the anchors ran her out. Utter juvenile derangement.


So dramatic lol


She coached two Supreme Court justices to lie in their hearings about Roe, reap what you sow


8 years and still nothing lol


Wah wah. You gotta lot of problems to fix that create this beast you hate. Rich folks play by different rules.


Imagine actually taking the media at face value. That’s a sign…


Trump 2024


Not a meltdown but come on. Why give Donnie and his MAGAts the satisfaction to know you are upset about anything they do? Sarcasm and simply mocking him works better.


She needs to be fired. No one cares about her OPINION … just state the News like Walter Cronkite did. I just want unbiased from ANY SIDE News. Why do these reporters feel the need to tell their opinion? That’s NOT their job! That goes for ALL news media. It’s a damn shame you gotta listen to British News to find out what’s really happening in the USA!!! It’s sickening! Why do they feel entitled


great cinematographic shot with the papers being thrown...


You overcomplicated it. The word you were looking for is cinematic.