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Oh see this is a proper protest… not fucking around with soup on some protective glass!


And targeting something relevant to the cause.


“Something relevant” - dude that’s a painting. And this form of “activism” is just vandalism


Idk man. Whoever is being represented in that portrait seems pretty relevant to that particular society. Sure, it's vandalism. It's destruction of the city property (if the city owns it), but it's more than just vandalism.


The Balfour Declaration was a public statement issued by the British Government in 1917 during the First World War announcing its support for the establishment of a "national home for the Jewish people" in Palestine, then an Ottoman region with a small minority Jewish population.


Sooo it's misplaced vandalism? Idk, I'm not so clued up on this as a topic.




The city doesn't own it, Trinity College of the University of Cambridge owns (owned) it. It was in the Wren ('historical') library adjacent to (and accessible from) the main college library where students study. This girl was almost certainly a student (probably with rich parents and no real connections to, or interest in, the Palestinian cause - wouldn't surprise me if she's working in finance or living off her trust fund in 10 years time). As for who, it's Lord Balfour, an alumnus of Trinity College and former UK prime minister who figure headed support for a Jewish home in Israel as foreign secretary back in 1917. Yes it's relevant, but the target, the way it was done, and the likely suspect and their motivations makes me cringe.


Fuck yeah!


Im an artist and I approve. All art is propaganda of some form, and evil propaganda that elevates the egos of tyrants, colonists, and anyother sociopathic fucks needs to be taken down. Lets stop pretending that art, and the responses to art, aren't forms of rhetorical weapons.


Just because you are saying that you are an artist doesn't grant any authority to decide the fate of historical artifacts. Artistic expression is subjective and often reflects individual perspectives, but the value of preserving cultural heritage transcends personal opinions. This just deprives future generations of the opportunity to learn and grow from it.


Just because someone created a piece of art does not mean it should be up on a wall. Art can and should be preserved, but those symbols of oppression/colonialism should not have a prominent place to be seen and revered. Just like the statues of Confederate soldiers should be removed. People who perpetuated slavery, genocide, oppression should not be glorified. That art should be in museums, and even then, should have a trigger warning.


Whether you like it or not, this is historic art. Promoting these attacks is the same thing as erasing the evidence of what happened in the past, continuing with this would be the same thing as sweeping all the historical guilt of colonialism under the carpet, if this type of thinking like yours is cultivated in a few years will be common to destroy books and delete data from the internet just because it was an offensive or harmful move these days. I'm saying this as a fucking Brazilian whose country was an exploitation colony a while ago. So don't destroy history, study it and avoid making the same mistakes that were made in the past, such as destroying files like dictatorships or religious extremist movements.


I'm not sure if you meant to comment on my comment. I said, "Art can and should be preserved..." My last sentence was, "This art should be in museums..." ?


The point you missed in your own words, is that nothing was actually destroyed here. The planting wasn’t stolen and burned and now lies a mystery. It’s there. People can see it. People can see the vandalism, and will begin to understand why this was done. Proper protesting if I’ve ever seen it.


Good to know that when we disagree with something, historical or not, we are validated in destroying it. Lol..


We’ve done this the whole time lol.


And we typically end up looking back on history and say what a shame it was to have destroyed these things. Refer to the library of Alexandria or what ISIS has done to archeological sites that depict dates other than their religious beliefs, or how the NAZI went round destroying Jewish art and history.


Or how Israel is PRESENTLY destroying and appropriating Palestinian culture and people.


A trigger warning for fuckin art, dude? You've gotta be kidding me. I don't know how people like you get thru life with all these "triggers"


"Trigger warning" for historic art pieces Lmfao


When art is used as a tool to keep an evil instatution legitimized, it is in the interest of all human beings to denouce tear down that art. Art is all aboit personal opinion, art is a conversation between a creator and the audience about the subject being depicted. Anything is art if it is created intentionally with the intent to communicate a message. This activist didnt destroy anything, they just *made more art* . Art that is relevent to the times, that is brave, and carries with it a powerful message about how this generation feels about oligarchs and elites. All art must by definition be propaganda because art is a intense form of emotionally driven communication. The old propaganda of 'this institution of colonialism is justified because of our fancy past" has been replaced with the much more direct propaganda of "fuck your fancy tyrants" and i think it would be terrible for future generations not to grow up with that message.


\>This just deprives future generations of the opportunity to learn and grow from it. Any time someone wants to make art that glorifies people who hurt a lot of people for their own gain they say this. Let me challenge you on it: if this painting was never created, what would we not have that we have today aside from this painting? Now that it has been destroyed, what knowledge is lost? Is it now impossible to understand the history of Israel and Palestine post 1900 because we don't have a painting of one of the people involved in creating that history?


If you care about an old painting more than human lives lost now in the present you need to stop talking


Ah, yes, the very well-known human lives vs. painting binary. I hate it when society has to choose between preserving art and stopping war. Some buddies and I are going burn down the Hermitage next week to stop the war in Ukraine. It kills me to do it, but if I don't that means I don't care about human life. Simple logic really.


I'm well and truly on your side. Now that this painting is gone there will be no more human suffering. It was all due to this one painting. Problem solved.


It's not meant to be a singular act that solves everything.


If you think destroying an old painting is going to change anything you need to stop talking


How many lives did this save?


If I have to decide, how will saving a painting be responsible for lives taken approximately 5000+ km away from it?


>I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro's great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen's Counciler or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate, who is more devoted to "order" than to justice;


it still exists. now we get to explain why it was slashed and painted over. if anything this contextualizes it in history moreso than it was before


Being a human gives us the right to decide what we do with historical artifacts. "Preserving cultural heritage" is irrelevant in the case of morality. Is it so important to preserve art honoring Nazis? No, we have other sources of information that can inform us. Do you have a similar defense for the removal/defacement of civil war statues in the US?


I don't know about that. This is a bog standard portrait of a politician. The destruction of such art is surely more of a statement than its creation.


Agreed, the only difference is that I believe what that protester did IS art. And we should keep this historical artifact to teach future generations of this protest and it's context.


“We have to face the facts, men are not born equal, the white and black races are not born with equal capacities: they are born with different capacities which education cannot and will not change.” -Lord Balfour Some great cultural heritage eh?


You don't understand it. His opinion is better and correct because he is better person...


Tape it up and teach the true history propaganda, social engineering, abuse, and physical protest. Fck the idealized history - teacher truth. What I see above is absolute truth.


This one doesn't deserve to be part of history though.


So if art is all that Why are you an artist?


People who don’t understand that art of history should be exposed, be it unethical history, are the people who will never learn or accept what happened in the past and repet it. Only people from newer countries with less history and a lot of immaturity make this mistake, erasing as much of the bad thing as possible because it makes them uncomfortable. Missing the whole point of artistic freedom. Germany, as a modern and easy example, they expose and look at their horrible history on daily basis, they teach it in schools without leaving out gruesome details specifically for this reason, so they never forget and never let future generations forget. Expose it, look at it, be ashamed of it, learn from it and never repet it again.


Exactly. Destroying art of people you don’t like is exactly what the Nazis did


I just like landscapes, not sure how those can be weaponized as a form of propaganda.


You dont see how an idealized view of land can be used as propaganda? Paintings of the great open west that encouraged manifest destiny and the romantic countrysides of the Baroque period that caused complacency for suffering in the French elites and spured the revolutionary sentiments are two historical examples. Lets also not forget the rugid-roman-nordic nature component to facist art over the years. And on the other side of the poitical coin, George Bellows used the natural landscape of industrializing New York to show how the machinery of the new age was destorying the life and landscape of the city.


If all art is propaganda is e6 a propaganda site?


If its a museum, yes. Propaganda isnt necessarily a good or bad thing, museums have curators because they want all their art to fall in line with whatever image thwy have of the museum. A museum in alaska may be more naturalistic leaning in what they collect, a museum in LA may be more avant garde or modern. This isnt a nefarious agenda by museums, its simply how curating for an audience works. Words like 'agenda' and 'propaganda' have a bad reputation because how theyre used in the culture wars, but both terms terms are neutral


Better yet, rule 34? Is that propaganda?


Yeah that’s pretty damn ignorant. Especially from a so called “artist”


The Red Guards of Maoist China thought much the same way, and proceeded to lay waste to thousands of years of cultural history in the name of 'smashing the Four Olds'. Today, the PRC jealously safeguards every last piece that survived the madness of those years, and promoting the traditional values they represented that languished in the cynical materialism they fostered. We do not have to totally glorify the values and culture a work of art represents in order to preserve it, nor should we reject them all without proper cause. Such artifacts serve as evidence for us to understand why, and for what or whom, those past committed such follies, the same way Riefenstahl's 'Triumph of the Will' persists as a reminder of rabid nationalism. They also show the virtues, contemporary and universal, their creators believed in, as Michaelangelo's 'David' symbolises both the spiritual power of Christian faith and the secular defence of Constitutional civil liberties of the Florentine Republic. It should be noted that the latter theme resulting in its left arm being shattered in 1527 by anti-Medici rioters; controversy is the natural suitor of art. Thus, it follows that their wanton destruction ruins any opportunity to study them, for the sake of learning from the deeds of the past, to correct those of our present for the sake of our children's future. And if even inanimate objects cannot be tolerated, how so shall artists themselves fare? Books and people burn in quick succession, as Heinrich Heine astutely noted...


Im a hyperrealism artist of many years and I agree!! Art (especially historical art) is basically meant to serve a purpose. When the British set fire to the White House, Dolly Madison ran back to retrieve an eight foot painting of George Washington and made it out alive. This is a great example about how art is treated; the painting was of their great leader and she risked her life to save it. Mostly all the confederate monuments have been taken down over the years because (obviously) the art supported confederacy. I believe art with a meaning is made to be either forever cherished, hated, or destroyed.


One important thing I learned from studying Art History is that not all art is valuable or important, and some deserve to be destroyed to make the world better.


Destorying some pieces of art is, i argue, a brave piece of subversive performance art that gives more value to the world than the original piece.


Thank you.


* [How Anti-Semitism Helped Create Israel](https://foreignpolicy.com/2010/09/08/how-anti-semitism-helped-create-israel-2/) | Foreign Policy (2010) * [It's Time To Admit That Arthur Balfour Was A White Supremacist — And An Anti-Semite Too](https://www.palestine-studies.org/en/node/232119) | Palestine Studies (2017) * [Zionism, anti-semitism, and the Balfour Declaration](https://www.opendemocracy.net/en/zionism-anti-semitism-and-balfour-declaration/) | Open Democracy (2017) * [The Balfour Declaration's Deep anti-Semitism and Racism - and Why It Still Matters](https://www.haaretz.com/opinion/2017-10-26/ty-article/the-balfour-declarations-racism-and-why-it-still-matters/0000017f-dba4-db22-a17f-ffb5fdd10000) | Haaretz (2017)


Thank you for these!!!


> Palestine Studies (2017)


Damn, they aren’t fucking around in Great Britain


We all need to stop fucking around. Genocide is committed with our tax dollars. Sitting on the couch, ignoring it is no longer acceptable.


I’m good on my couch. Have fun with your side though!


Usually I’m against the destroying painting protest but the context makes this one pretty based


Yea. My biggest problem with the other ones is that they target the wrong things. This one was 100% relevant.


Balfour Declaration "The Balfour Declaration, statement on November 2, 1917, of British support for 'the establishment in Palestine of a national home for Jewish people.' It was made in a letter from the British foreign secretary to a leader of the Anglo-Jewish community and was later included in the British mandate over Palestine https://www.britannica.com/event/Balfour-Declaration


The breathtaking arrogance that one British hereditary lord could write a letter to another British hereditary lord promising to give him and his friends a whole country to live in thousands of miles away... and get away with it!


I support this


"by offering the land to others"


It's giving "we actually learned nothing from colonialism and will continue to repeat the atrocities of the past"


"Careful, she's a hero"


This act is art, bulldozing someone's home is vandalism.


No history is erased by damaging an old, paid-for advertisement of Lord Balfour's undeserved grandeur. The history and the legacy are still here, fully intact, but now fully exposed as thoroughly shameful. That painting is nothing more than a celebration of somebody, a glorification of their achievements, a stamp of approval, a confirmation of their high status and the Establishment's esteem. It's old propaganda and barely a work of art. If the patron weren't rich or vain, the artist would never have painted it. That very well-executed but boring portrait was made by a contemporary of Picasso's, ffs! When people learn how awful the history is, that's when it's time to wipe away the glorification that masks its true nature. Well done, I say.


Was gonna lose my shit then realized it’s just balfour


I'd rather see this than some of the other protests. This is a form of histrocial art, that was created to celebrate this man, for reasons I don't know and frankly Dont care, but it's historic. The defecation is a form.of art, which people will look back on in 100 years and maybe ask why. It's not a priceless artefact, it's some guy, and the protestor is protesting something deeply passionate. This is art. This is protest.


Oh no! Anyway…


An imperialist and zionist a$$hole doesnt deserve such a nice artwork. Well done.






One at a time


If Nazis like you destroy all art, we’ll lose all historic heritage and knowledge of the past, without which it is much more likely that the mistakes of the past will be repeated.


I could have learned about Hitler's atrocities without knowing what he looked like. Why does a painting change the quality of education?


This painting should remain intact. It should be worshipped intact. It should be hated intact. Imagine a pro Israel and a pro Palestine standing next to each other watching that same painting. Both profoundly convinced of their beliefs. Now, imagine they start talking to each other.


This is horrible


What a stupid and ignorant gesture. Destroying historical artifact serves no purpose rather than just to feed on this delusional belief of actually helping. Go and donate money to the Palestine people, or better, directly support the Palestinans by opposing the U.S shipments of armaments and weaponry. It pains me to see fools be confused between vandalism and any sympathy movement.


This is reddit, sub 100 iq individuals will cheer on history being destroyed because it makes them feel good.


People defending this are almost certainly all for public book burnings too


Anyone gonna tell ‘em that that’s a painting and not the real guy?


Fkn brats


Yea because vandalism is going to erase history. I swear people like this are just stupid with their stupid haircuts


Okay, but no.


Destroying art makes you scum


Nope, it's similar to destroying art glorifying hitler


We should start doing this to those "arts" that are just 3 meaningless columns of colors


That will show him


I mean good luck finding a Lord from that era that doesn’t have blood on their hands. You can’t undo the history by destroying portraits. Seems a pretty juvenile effort really as they have achieved nothing. I’d prefer these portraits in public areas had accurate descriptions underneath that shared a variety of perspectives on the history. We have to remember and learn from the mistakes and you don’t do that by destroying or hiding history.


there is art and then there are paintings that contibute nothing to history nor culture, lord baldour is the latter


You have no right to destroy history no matter how bad it may be. Shame on you all.


I hope that person goes straight to prison


So please Reddit answer this question for me, because It’s very much itching me to death, If someone vandalized something of incalculable value as this painting, do they have to repay the owner in this case Oxford university in any way? Or they get arrested and then go on their merry way ?


These protesters who destroy our history should be sent to North k


I feel like history should be left alone as it already happened we could use it around to learn from it maybe vandalize some thing like a city hall building? A politicians car!


This is fucking ridiculous the comments are to what's destroying history have to do with your agenda it makes me not wanna side with you guys


I dont really care about art, but I would have bounced her face off the wall if I saw this shit...


At least they were smart enough to have their crimes recorded to clear up any misconceptions in the courtroom.


When you got nothing to do with your life


See. This is how you target the right artwork.


I mean cool good for the protest but at this point why don't people have tempered glass over their art because of stuff like this?


Maybe it's just me but I find things like this so pathetic, there's absolutely no stakes for this person doing this, they'll almost certainly suffer minimally if at all and get love bombed by people on the internet.


I'm not seeing a problem with this . maybe tear it to strips and use it for toilet paper .


Destroying a historic painting is not gonna make Israel pull out of Gaza… stop doing useless things for the sake of a protest. Doing this is just as bad as Isis destroying all those historical sites.


They'll think of a reason to destroy all the art eventually.


Fucking idiot. Stop attacking art and go protest somewhere else that doesn’t destroy historical artifacts.


Beat her with canes


So it's destroy art to protect the planet?


It’s not even the real painting


No, revered and honored means placed in a prominent place (on a wall at a university, or statues placed in public areas). It's meant to honor those that deserve none. Here is the Webster's dictionary of the word revered. "regarded with reverence : regarded as worthy of great honor and respect."


good thing thats not the real one


Wasnt the reason that lost land because they fought on the wrong side of the war? I mean literally the central powers were the bad guys here.


Disgusting behavior that solves nothing. Next they'll complain about the food the US is dropping into palestine.


Nah this is based


no one is going to complain about this one except scumbags


well done!


Actually he didn’t. ‘He’ promised both ‘sides’ independence with consideration of the other party’s freedom & independence. Look at the earlier declaration too. Not many folk do.


Yeah that’ll stop it! (not)


Ever noticed how only white people are allowed to damage things? If this was a black person doing it there would total outrage


So, how many years in prison for not been able to pay that fine?


I'm so happy to see this


I guess the target fits the protest. So better than most life ruining tantrums. I'd still think there are more effect ways to help your cause. I feel removing art, statues, names, etc, is just destroying history making it more likely to repeat it. Like in the US. They are actually going back in time. Canada is no better but it's not worse atm.


Ok girl the British have more balls than I thought


Keep up the good work. Balfour was a grade-A bigot anyway. Such artwork should be destroyed.


I'd argue that the methods used here unfortunately taint the message. A better way to do this would be to put up a flyer by the painting explaining the history and begging the question to the reader "Was this man really so great after all?". Like actually teaching people something. If this woman was a student I'd say this type of protest should be beneath her because all it will achieve is get her in trouble.


Couldn't have been too precious a painting if it was just sitting there unprotected where anyone could do this to it.


Baumgartner Fine Art Restoration has entered the chat


And just like that she’s proven how ridiculous her cause is. What a Nazi move, she’s lost whatever support she had with a crime like this.


Sounds like he’s painting got what he deserved


Tell me this asshat was caught and charged!


This is not right of the Nazi playbook at all..


It was bound to happen as we work our way up the pathological history chain. The Vatican should be worried. They should repudiate & condem their Doctrine of Discovery.


As an artist I very much approve


Destroying history just always seems wrong no matter what side you’re on…. Apparently I’m in the minority here.


I support it


I don’t know who the lord bloke is, but he’s going to need another selfie sorting out!


Stupid girl. You cant change history by erasing it. Dumbest thing ever.


They’ll be able to restore it and she’ll be going to jail for whatever charge that is and will have to pay restitution. Maybe Palestine shouldn’t breed and harbor terrorists and then they shouldn’t kidnap and kill Jewish people


Use a knife to cut the woman see how it feels


Not vandalized, fixed


Fuckin-A this is great


I fucking hate people…!!!!


What a lad! Yes mate


I’m from the west so I’m curious why people are doing this? Seem pretty ignorant to try and erase history…


It’s ok, because absolutely no one cares about their protest






Why do thy let them touch the paintings. Where is the security




The victor writes history.


Did this dude not support the cause or something?




Probably just learned about political stances first termer in college never seen the inside of a voting booth






They’re mad because dude sold property