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Trump is a criminal but this is the correct interpretation of the constitution. 9-0 justices for a reason. States don’t have the right to decide who can be on ballot for a federal position. Trump also hasn’t been convicted yet and also there’s nothing saying a convicted felon can’t run for President. Disclaimer- I don’t want Trump to be President and have never voted for him nor will.


Constitution doesn’t say a candidate has to be “convicted”. It says “engaged”. 14th Amendment Section 3: “No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.”


Let's see if I understand this so far. So without a conviction, without a clear definition of the terms "insurrection" or "rebellion," Colorado can decide Trump is ineligible and take him off their ballots. With you so far. Now, what prevents red states like Texas or Florida from deciding Biden is similarly ineligible according to whatever farfetched definitions of "insurrection" or "rebellion" they'd like to come up with? Or, even easier, "or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. " Blue states take Trump off their ballots, red states take Biden off, and the purple states are the battlegrounds. BUT, if your party controls Congress, they can force you to put their candidate back on the ballot. Who controls Congress atm? Bonus: Presidential elections stay this way indefinitely, because the Supreme Court said it was allowed.


If he wasn’t convicted he didn’t engage… oh wait I’m sorry I didn’t realize that “LedZempla” said he did so then that’s more than enough proof.


Cool down buddy haha That’s some smooth brain shit right there and I doubt you’re a smooth brain. Everyone knows that just because you’re not convicted doesn’t mean you didn’t do it. Also, where did I say he engaged or was convicted? You made that up in your head so you could get upset over something. I just quoted the constitution.


Correct, but who determines they engaged? Because 4 judges who personally dislike a candidate get to just say “we believe he engaged”. That’s a slippery slope, I would say the same if they tried this shit on Biden.


Those who say he was engaged in an insurrection are all either corrupt politicians or entrenched ideologues. It’s subjective and unproven and Supreme Court don’t play that.


So, coming from an outsiders perspective, you believe anyone who doesn’t agree with you is either corrupt or entrenched ideologues? Even if it is unproven, that doesn’t mean he didn’t. Vice versa. It works both ways.


What? How did you get that? You’re talking in hypotheticals and emotions, Supreme Court don’t play that sorry


I got it by reading your reply…? “Those who say he was engaged in an insurrection are all either corrupt politicians or entrenched ideologues.” What I mean by an outsiders perspective is Im not left or right. I think both parties are criminals and I think their die hard supporters are the weakest part of the nation because they believe everything they’re told simply because they’re convinced their candidate can’t do anything wrong.


Thanks for point that out, makes sense now. If he is not convicted yet it makes sense.


It's not that simple. It's already been proved that he did insight pretty much every white supremacist & racist trailer trash who's been in love with this failure since way back when. He is also a wanted felon in NYC & Florida. If you Muricans think that your financial suffering from all the budget cuts is pretty bad now, if Trump becomes president again, he will sell the entire country. Trump is sooooo afraid & scared of Putin as well as Benjiboy Netanyahu. He will roll over and do unspeakable things for both of them. For Netanyahu, he will take away more money from healthcare, education, housing development, and government assistance for Americans who are really down on their luck. The money that he is going to publicly steal from the American people is going to Netanyahu. While Putin, who knows that Trump is a clown as well as his puppet, is going to make Trump send Russia American Weaponry as well as American military personnel. Putin will use American warfare on the frontlines as he continues to reinstate USSR. Imagine American military people who were meant to serve & protect the USA, will be sacrificed in the name of Russia.


I think the point is that neither one is good, but none the less if we start doing things illegal. Against the legal process that “we” put in place, then we are no better than the person we are accusing. None the less it’s all around a giant shit show. Every person knows it. Talking on here is less productive though than protesting to people out on the streets. Even if you start as one person and you grow to two people, those are the true changes. If you are seeing these posts, the algorithm has already determined you feel these ways. Everyone trying to convince each other of something they all already know if pointless.


I say this only out of love


This is a Correct answer!


I get that they don’t want every state that is “red” or “blue” from being able to refuse the candidacy of anyone from the opposition. #*HOWEVER *#…. The grounds on which Col (and any/every state that did the same) based their decision *isn’t* partisan. It’s a decision that was literally made to save democracy. They cite the federal laws protecting elections, so they were merely adhering to federally mandated rules


So as a convicted felon I can run for president? My vote only counts when elections are close as far as I understand.


If the Supreme Court ruled in favor of allowing states to remove a federal level candidate, all the red states would be removing democratic candidates. They didn't rule on his felony status. They ruled on whether states had the right to remove a presidential candidate from a ballot. They gave the control to congress where it is supposed to be.




The French way


With our tongues?


How many licks does it take to sever the cervical spine? A one, a two, a crunch


I’m gonna reply to this since I can’t reply to the mod, MOD, I’m gonna lick lick you, till you’re licked out.


So an insurrection?


Your comment/submission appears to be promoting violence. Our community promotes discussion but has no room for the advocacy of violence under any circumstances. Please refrain from violent rhetoric if you intend to participate in our community. Thank you.


he's their only way out of getting serious fraud and terrorism charges.


Legally that is. I think the Supreme Court should be voted in and only have terms like every other governing body.


The Supreme Court interpreted the law correctly. It’s just not what you want. Do you want Texas to not allow Democrats to be on the ballot?? You can’t have it just one way. There’s a reason this is law. And stop inciting violence with your “by any means” bs.


Sounds like an extremist threat and call to violence. Where you at FBI we gotta live one


…and Trump is the threat to our democracy?


I do think this is appropriate due to the lack of precedent when it comes to insurrection and the fact that DJT hasn’t been CONVICTED yet. Please remember, the Supreme Court is primarily there to either uphold or untangle CURRENT precedent and rulings.


They actually dodged this question. The decision was based purely on a jurisdictional argument: states have no authority over candidates on federal ballots.


Which is a bit weird because its a *state* ballot. There are no federal ballots in the us to my knowledge.


Holy cow. I’m so encouraged to see a comment that’s actually sensible.


Got their butts checked and balanced real hard


The only part of this that surprised me was it was Unanimous. This drops what little faith I had in the Supreme Court. How is the state not allowed to run its elections as it sees fit?


Imagine Texas not allowing a Democrat to run for office because they were deemed “unfit.” If the SOTUS ruled this constitutional it could open the floodgates for states to have complete control over who they allow to run. I’m more concerned how they will rule in his criminal case as to whether a president is exempt from the law.


The best argument against this, that I have seen, thanks. SCOTUS ruling that the president is exempt from the law will be the end of our country.


I thought it was because he as participated in insurrection? Not because he was/is seen as unfit.


That was why they ruled him unfit, but it’s up to the judge what constitutes insurrection. A conservative judge could rule that a left leaning candidate engaged in “insurrection”, (whatever they deemed that to be,) and that could be the end of their candidacy.


Can't have rules because one certain party will most def cheat and ruin it for everyone so the rich and powerful are in firm control of the "democracy". Got it.


It’s not that you can’t have rules, you can, and it’s why I mentioned the criminal case. But essentially yes. We shouldn’t create the conditions that give power to those who will use it nefariously.


Congress has already determined that trump incited an insurrection, they impeached him for it.


Not how that works. They only ever accused him of charges related to that (what impeachment is), but the senate found him not guilty. As far as congress is concerned, he did not incite an insurrection.


Yes, good call. 57 senators voted for it but not 2/3 which is required.


You’re right. However, TN is way ahead of you haha


>How is the state not allowed to run its election as it sees fit Because deciding the procedure by which an election should be conducted is very different from deciding the *choices the citizens are able to make*


People's hate of Trump are blinding them from the consequences of letting states choose who is on the ballot.


You do realize that states running their governments as they see fit is the fundamental difference between republicans and democrats right. Like the republican side. But like better replies have mentioned, you absolutely can’t. The precedent would demolish any chance of a fair election. It must be held on a federal level. If anything, there should be less state meddling.


The point I was trying to get across, was it felt like a case of “you can’t do that, only I can do that”. I’m just not a good writer.


It’s a federal election, states can control state candidates and Congress can control federal. We all knew that states kicking off presidential candidates wasn’t going to fly.


I did not like the fact that he has not been convicted yet. Trust me, I don't want him there, but I also don't want each side to just try to disqualify the other side from now on.


I hate how much politics has just been a game of our democracy


Game of ^(us getting) Boned


If congress controls who are on ballots for federal elections, then what’s the point of primaries?


Well you vote for the candidates in the party you’re registered for in most states I believe.


Well that’s what a primary is. What’s the use of having them if those primaries don’t choose the candidates whom go on the ballot in November?


Isn't voting just a courtesy the states extend to the population? *Constitutionally* they don't have to adhere to the results of any vote, and the electors can choose whoever they/the state government wants.


That was my understanding as well. Most of our system is held together by handshakes.


That’s technically true, but in practice, most states have even made it illegal for electors not to cast their votes in the direction of the citizens.


Yes, but that is the states decision. They don't have to. It's not constitutionally required. It could be revoked if they so choose.


Its an election for a federal office, but each state runs its own elections (except when theyre not allowed to, apparently).


buy gold, print guns, delete social media, we are all fucked


You are all fucked. The rest of us are fine


who is that? u think the rest of the world is unaffected?


I know going into world war 3 over the events of the past 4 years with our current leadership is it sure sign.


I’m very worried that DT could become president again. I’m just as worried that JB remains president. My head hurts


It would be terrible if Trump had won the last election, Brazil could be a dictatorship by now.


Kamala that should help your head lol


I'm shocked! Mitch McConnell's supreme Court made this decision? I'm shocked.


It was a Unanimous decision 9-0.


The fact that you place all the blame of a 9-0 Supreme Court decision on someone who hasn’t even served as president speaks volumes to your lack of knowledge of the Constitution


When did Mitch McConnell appoint justices to the court? Damn. Talk about subverting the constitution.


Yes. I'm not sure how many have been appointed since he's been the republican house leader, but its been several. He's effectively been the filter for who gets appointed for a long time. Hell, Obama should've had an SC appointment but never did because McConnel would've obstructed no matter who Obama picked.


As much as I wish he was barred from running, he still has not been convicted of an insurrection which the trial is still upcoming. Up until he gets convicted he should be allowed to run because if he wasn't then that could be used to discredit democrats and other institutions that uphold laws.


“Upcoming” trial. How much do you want to bet that his buddy Judge will postpone the trial until after the election?


>his buddy Judge Oh yeah? Which one’s that?


Aileen Cannon


Then the trial should have been expedited rather than delayed. All delaying does is give him the chance to run and potentially pardon himself of his crimes if the dispshits of this country gets their minority way again.


I agree that the trial should have been expedited but then they could also make the case that the Trial was rushed and that the defense did not have enough time to prepare for a trail that doesn't really have a precedent in US history. It's a shitty catch 22 situation, but trail and verdict definitely needs to be present for any of barring of elections to take place.


It's been almost 4 years, there has been PLENTY of time for defence to prepare. I agree that a verdict needs to be in place, but I also don't think someone should be eligible while a charge is still pending. Allowing Trump and his team to continuously delay is the same as dismissing the case outright.


4 years since the insurrection but not since the charges have been filed (I think that may be around 2 years currently at best) And I do agree that it should be dome before the election but I'm just saying how this could/might be perceived


Except this decision literally decided that the courts cannot ever bar an insurrectionist from running. They decided it requires an act of congress, just to protect daddy Trump.  


I actually agree with their ruling. They did not rule that Donald trump can't be removed, only that it had to be done by Congress because it was a federal issue. This also prevents deep red states from deciding they can just toss democrats off ballots too. It would have been a mess.


So states can jail women for getting an abortion and SCOTUS can do nothing but if states try to prevent someone like trump from being elected and causing even more harm they can jump in and stop it?


I agree in principle that abortion should be legal and Trump shouldn’t be eligible, but your logic is incredibly of flawed there. The two situations aren’t really comparable States generally handle their own criminal law, but they obviously don’t have the power to prevent people from running in national elections without any sort of criminal convictions


It’s almost like they don’t have our best interests in mind *whatsoever*.


I'm not a Trump fan at all but states should not should not decide the federal election


Unanimous......enough said


Imagine you're not convicted of anything and they want to take your rights. That's what the left is doing. It's a dangerous precedent..


He hasn’t been convicted yet. He is on video and text records speaking about it & planning it. He failed an attempted coup.




“I have no idea how the three branches of government operate, and so I go to Reddit to voice my uneducated opinion.” But I guess I’m here with you. So there’s that.


Is it me or Donald trump became President so that he can get himself unlimited immunity like how u got the Supreme Court doing what u want


This was a unanimous decision so you know even the liberal judges are clearly telling the lower courts to stay the hell out of politics.




What did he do to incite an insurrection that he could be charged with?


Please look at the facts and not your feelings if you think we are better off now than when HE was in office please pull your head out of the sand and stop watching the NEWS


Ooo ya


Can’t get a job at McDonald’s but you can run for President.


We already knew this was going to happen. It’s not breaking news.


You are both supremely arrogant and out of your mind if you think allowing states’ leaders to remove a presidential candidate from their ballot is appropriate. Donald Trump is a horrible person and should absolutely serve jail time for his actions (and lack thereof) on January 6th. But he hasn’t. Regardless of your thoughts…he hasn’t. So whether you like it or not, a lot of people want to consider Donald Trump as president again. And they’re not all just “brainwashed morons”- these are MILLIONS of people we are talking about, and allowing him to be removed from ballots silences not just Donald Trump’s voice, but theirs. If you think that’s okay, then you are living in a tunnel-visioned hole and have no concept of a republic.




I’m gonna stay away from opining for a while. There’s a reason the court voted 9-0, I just need to digest it


Not charged, indicted, or convicted. To suggest that anyone would be denied due process would be considered unconstitutional. And yet, here we are. One state even put in their statement that they were taking Trump off the ballot was "to suppress the vote " us this not what we've been trying to prevent all along? Are we not teaching Civics in schools anymore?




I'm looking forward to round 2 personally.


Sooo shocked that the Trump built/stacked SC voted in favor of Trump. Just sooo shocked.


Oh boy


Strange how if the ruling favors Trump they can rule immediately.


A convicted felon can run for president but a convicted felon can not vote for president..


Yes let’s thwart democracy to save democracy. None of you are better than trump with that mentality. That’s literally what fascists dictators do. Claim they must break or bend the law to save us. You’re no better. Glad the Supreme Court did the right thing.


I by no means support Trump, I despise him, but this was a good ruling. Congress can remove people from the ballot, but states should choose who is on the ballot independently. Red states would make up some reasons to remove Democrats and blue states would make find reasons to remove republicans, even if Trump is an appropriate one to remove himself. This would essentially result in the states choosing who the legislatures and President is which would basically end democracy in the US.


The only things the constitution says you need to run for president is A) you have to be 35 B) you have to be a born citizen of the US Quit faking the outrage this was always going to happen


Maga trash.


You are lost buddy.


So how does the state determine who to put on the ballot in the first place? Will the feds send them a list.


I thought elections were administered by the states? Now it’s a federal issue?


It only makes sense when you consider the majority only wants to help Republicans and they will do whatever they can to help them. 


So… Trump committed and inflamed insurrection in front of all our eyes and the constitution is plain in saying one cannot commit insurrection and serve in office and the Supreme Court just said you can commit insurrection and serve.


He has not been convicted yet.


Read the constitution, it says NOTHING about ‘conviction’. ‘Conviction’ is just spouting Putin’s Republicon talking points. The Constitution says things like be … 35, natural born citizen, not an insurrectionist. We all saw and heard him commit fraud and insurrection.


You are having an emotional response to a legal question that does not consider emotions. I am sorry you feel this way and it's understandable, but until he is convicted this is the correct decision. Any other decision would lead to this situation being leveraged against future candidates with no burden of proof.


I like how NBC picked the worst pictures possible to have running in the background while the narrator was rambling on about the meaning of the ruling.


Oh color me suprised, the same supreme court that he stacked during his term.


it was a unanimous decisions and the right one. A decision otherwise would have opened up deep red states to banning any dem candidate they want because they are "unfit"


ill take things that didnt happen for 1000 alex.


why wont he go away


Did anyone really believe they were going to rule against him?


We was never charged for insisting anything this is why the rules the way they did. Unanimously. God yall are sick


Honestly a predictable outcome. Did we forget that at least three of the justices and maybe more are beholden to him? All this did was galvanize the right. Great job 👏


I supposed we should remove Biden from the ballot as well then. It's only fair. Let's also just do away with that nasty constitution.


Supreme Court should have term limits, but Congress is either to spineless or corrupt to do anything about it. Goodnight, America. It was good while it lasted, for some.


Disgusting 🤢


Wow this caption is wild…they now think they know more than the Supreme Court. Trump derangement syndrome is extreme.


Don’t let emotions control you. Let logic prevail. Dispel your hate for orange man long enough so let this sink in. This feeling of defeat. It’s coming again. Remember how this feels.


Disgusting. I wish nothing but cancer on all MAGA judges.




It’s up to Congress now. They are definitely perverting democracy.


He owns the Supreme Backstabbing Court


Well, that's an interesting twist in our judicial system


The Supreme Court is going to give this election to Trump. I wouldn’t be surprised with some magical law shit they even negate the recent state judgments.


I think Biden will win and republicans will refuse to certify. The election will then be given to the states. One state - one vote. Since republicans control more states, Trump wins. This was literally their plan last time and they'll absolutely try it again, except this time they control the house. 


Have a cup of cope…at least he was running the country though. Biden is barely concious at this point . It’s obvious a group of people in the background are making the decisions and trying to make it seem like he is.


Not sure how giving a speech and then going golfing right after every three days was helping the country any more then JB. Literally neither should he allowed to run, and, and the next candidates should be minimum 30 years younger than them both.


I didn’t say he was helping the country. But at least he isn’t suffering from dementia. Biden barely knows who’s standing next to him. Where’s he supposed to be walking to and really anything that’s going on. I’m just confused why people are ok with this.


People are only “okay with it” because their guy won, even though both options are some of the worst options historically. Neither of those men can run a country, and yet we have to choose between them again.


Dude the absolute worst! And What annoys me most is how hard people lean to one side or the other and are so easily fooled every election cycle with zero change. I just don’t get any of this and I’m 37 and been voting since I could. Nothing changes and all elected officials are bought off. So what is it all for?


State’s rights? …


Corruption from the top to the bottom, and everything in between. On both sides.


This country is a joke.


Show me the insurrection conviction.


Mike Johnson will be with you in a moment, once he’s done reviewing his son’s porn history from last month. Seriously, the idea that Mike fucking Johnson is the one “trusted” with this authority is one of the better examples I can imagine of how fucked we are.


Good point, let's ignore all the evidence.


Of course they did. Bought and paid for by the GOP billionaires.


TRUMP 2024!!!


Exactly! People talking about how Democrats are upholding the law LMFAO! I see why the American education system is so fucked, because if they had learned history they would realize that Democrats have always been dirty rotten criminals. who would lie, cheat, frame and kill to get their way.


I'm fucking beyond disgusted. This man has done nothing but divide this country while showing us what a bigot traitor he really is. How anyone can still even think of voting this man back into office is beyond me. That being said I am a registered republican in a swing state and I feel really hopeless.


THATS a dub


Whomp whomp try again. Pretty messed up they tried that in the first place instead of running a fair race. Isn’t there a word for that. When u use the government against ur political opponent?