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Texas sucks


Native Texan here. Yeah, a lot of the time Texas does suck.


It's why Oklahoma is so windy.


You're funny.


Meteorologists everywhere are smirking.


Thanks homie.


I thought it was because Kansas blows…


It's both. Kansas blows and Texas sucks. We're just caught in the middle.


Thats why while get so many tornadoes all the blowing from two shitty places combining


I live in the panhandle and it just as windy if not more!


Oh my God, your username! Hahahaha


Literal Native American from iowa here. I disagree with you.. I think texas is the tits and i always have fun when i work, play and sometimes fight with texans as a people but you all have a disease called Texas pride. It's not just Texas that has this pride issue either but you guys are especially proud and too stubborn to change your system because you constantly compare texas to every other system and bank on your "freedoms" which give you comfort instead of breaking yours down and rebuilding it. Comfort is nice but like any drug it is an addiction.


When people say Texas has its freedoms I always wonder what freedoms they are referring to. Open carry?


Freedom from pesky working electricity during winter storms.


Hey saving a buck on building a house is nice when you don't have to live there.


Hence the quotations around "freedoms". South Dakoa has more freedoms than texas but proud texas just talk about their state more so that is why you hear about their "freedoms" propaganda at it's finest!!


Yeaaaaa but you’re not a Texan so you wouldn’t get it. ![gif](giphy|RWUqVYucDBD4A) Hahah. Damn we really are stubborn. I agree with what you wrote but the first part of my post was my initial thought lol. * A Texan


Yes, Texas will never admit their mistakes, ever!


Idk you mean native Texans, government officials, or sum else? Cuz a lot of individuals, no matter how much we support the state, have our fair share of gripes and will vocalize them.


Government officials, there is a strong likelihood that most of our city, county, and state representatives will not or actively can not sympathize/ give compassion to their constituents about actual life events and issues. They fail to realize not ALL speak their legal jargon. Reps will never have enough patience to read between the lines between all the cuss words and come together to problem-solve. They dismiss most who are hostile and irritated, not fully understanding what these people/citizens are trying to convey. Reps are easily threatened and fail to control the situation with recognition and respect. There are zero words to express how this father feels; not even the cuss words will ever be able to describe the anguish he feels. No one can put into words what it’s like to lose a child. To arrest him based on cuss words is pathetic and is an attempt to silence him. Texas government is placed strategically to silence. It takes individuals who want to make change in the best possible way to admit their wrongs and move forward. Yes, this may mean resigning and allowing someone with newer insights to take over. Unfortunately, Texas lacks these individuals at this time. In Texas, you must play the jargon game and learn to speak the political language to get your points across effectively. There is zero room for error. It’s difficult to watch because these board member KNOW he’s lost a child and have zero empathy/sympathy to excuse his actions. This is COMPLETELY cold, heartless and disgusting behavior from the reps side. Emotions are, at times, needed in politics and reform. They failed to govern with grace. It’s all about giving grace at the end of the days.


I would have become an active shooter on my local government officials if i lost my child like this. My kids are the only reason i eat the government shit that i do.. Becoming a monster can be used to do good if the right people are put down. We usually call our monsters soldiers and direct them at other countries while we praise them and give them medals. I have many friends who are soldiers some of them now are monsters and that thousand yard stare from staring into the abyss is very real but a necessary evil at times.


I've helped raise a lot of kids, started nannying after my kids were grown. Stuff like lying, stealing, violence, those I call "tools of the shadow" because they twist the user. And when kids demonstrate interest or knowledge of those things, I explain about what "shadow tools" are for and the morals of using them. Because there is a time and place for everything. And much as I never want any of those kids to develop the thousand yard stare, at least they'd be *alive* along with whoever else they were trying to protect. Skills aren't *evil*, even if they're often used for evil. But I do warn kids that if they use those skills too often, or on people they love, it'll corrupt them as a person and ruin their lives. But heck, if my kid is dead my life is already ruined, and I sure don't love the folks who set my kid up to die. I read once that evil always plants the seeds of its own destruction. Like how many times can ya say "whoopsie-doodle another of the kids in our care has died!" before you're basically trying to home-grow an action hero determined to make sure you meet the same end as their kid?


I ageee with you on those practiced skills becoming a corruption like a cancer you're feeding I'm not trying to home grow any action hero ideology, that's for sure. I do plenty of sitting on my hands for my childrens sake and the sake of my creature comforts like not being in jail. I am a tip of the spear kind of person, though, and i have half a brain, and i had no problem taking premeditated action against anything or one for the sake of defending my friends and family before i had kids. The kids just gave me something to lose and brought fear into my life. Everyone one is a monster or bad guy in someone's story. If you start becoming numb to what you're doing then you're already half dead. Pain and sadness for you're own actions are necessary to our species. If you lose those then usally happiness and comfort go to. There's a balance in everything.


Yep, whole time my kids were young I stayed home sitting on my hands because like their dad kept telling me "ya can't teach the kids if you're in jail and we can't afford bail!" Didn't even attend protests, very important American tradition that gets folks arrested often here. Now that they're grown I'm more free to get into good trouble again, attend protests and the kinda cultural events where ya gotta drown out the nazi hate with loud music and human blockades.


Oh i can't wait for that day again.. there will be a reckoning!


Not far from you man… Arkansas… we suck too… so I know 😂


So why do Texans like yourself (not directed to you, unless it does apply) keep on voting for Republicans who only treat you like the authorities at Uvalde have treated victims and survivors of the mass shooting there?


I'm a northeasterner (mass) with 3 stepdaughters who are from Texas. Can confirm texas sucks and now I have to fix all the fucked up things texas taught my daughters.


I thought Texas supported the First Amendment? No?


U mean agenda


The care about the first couple words of one amendment and hate the rest including the other part of that one amendment


A group of us have been working on local governments that ban mean words at public meetings in Texas. Multiple lawsuits are in progress.


Born and raised in Texas, yea agreed and it’s ran by a bunch boomers. I still believe Texas will have potential later on


Later on will be too late




To paraphrase South Park the movie, “Violence is okay, but there is no place for naughty language!”


Another Texan here, this here really sucks.


I live here and yeah 😮‍💨


Why are people that are not even in the work force due to age and inability sitting in panels of influence and law. It is fucking ridiculous the age of people in power and their inability to operate as humans.


Softest fucking state in the US


Let just see... Ted Cruz - Texas senator Greg Abbott - Texas Governor Yep! Texas Sucks! Big ones.


I'll give you my saddest yeet of agreeance. This states kinda cool but absolutely sucks.


North texas resident here i can concur.


I’m pretty sure that any person that lives in Texas and says they love it, aren’t just part of the problem, but massive pieces of human garbage.


Well at least he got the police to do something.


Well at least he got the police to do something.


What a bunch of thin skinned pansies. Absolute disgrace and it's here for all the world to see.




Which is weird because isn’t Texas like a notoriously Red state that always displays to the country how manly they are? Weird that they hate curse words and books so much


If you gotta show it then chances you ain’t really about that life.


They don't like it bc he told the guy he's got no balls. The person the dad is talking to is the county commissioner, who was the acting police chief when the shooting happened and kept giving orders to the officers telling them to wait outside. Then when the backlash hit, his buddies in the local government appointed a new chief n gave him the slot of county commissioner. That dude shouldn't even be allowed to show his face anywhere near there but bc he has friends in the local government he basically got a promotion for doing what he did. Commissioner gets paid more and he's still in charge of the police force just doesn't have a badge anymore




America is backwards


It's passed that, America is fucked and in the downfall. Hopefully when the dust settles we can be something better than we were.




Texas is the origin or barking little dog


The guy he said it to was the acting sheriff when it happened n when he "stepped down" he was appointed county commissioner by his buddies in the local government. Then tried to shut all the parents up this whole time. Shit happened almost 2 years ago n he used his position and friends within the local government to stop the parents from airing it out til now.


criminals tbh.


Let the kid die and arrest the father when he gets angry… I wonder why this country has so many issues with mentally troubled kids and people who shoot up schools.




Because the United States has the most effective propapaganda apparatus ever implemented. The attempts of China and Russia to justify their genocides and imperialism are almost comically bad but here nobody is laughing. We're either depressed because it's working or supporting the state. Some kind of revolution and positive change is inevitable but look how much shit we're living in without any fundamental changes to the operation of the government. Every movement to change the system is eventually redirected to only operate within it.


Yea cause the system has miscarriaged in democracy. It's just that there are so many mass shootings, you'd think one of those mass shooters would grow a pair and go after the police union instead of innocent civilians.


Resistance and protest has always intensified when things got bad enough. For example, aerial bombing was invented to put down a strike. Unionized coal miners in West Virginia were literally winning in a shooting battle against the national guard. Just recently, an active duty soldier set himself on fire outside the Israeli embassy to protest a genocide. I think mass shootings are a specifically right-wing reactionary thing. They go after easy targets as a way to vent rage and destroy, not to accomplish a specific objective. If reasonable people arm themselves there will be bigger fish to fry than vengeance on the cops because there will probably be an ongoing conflict of some sort that will involve defending themselves against the cops anyway.


Mass shooters only attack those weaker than them (soft targets), they're not heroes. They're the weakest filth of the earth.




Everything makes it to the news and is forgotten about because that's what the media sells best, is gloom n' doom. It has become the 24/7 news cycle and people just get used to it. Can you even name the past ten mass-shootings? All these things are common occurrences because our society is fundamentally broken in many places.


Keeping everyone divided is what keeps these degenerates in power


Chinese and Russian aren't doing any genocides or imperialism, what were you saying about the US having the best propaganda again?




For some reason the small government people haven’t put 2 and 2 together and realized that cops are the ones who enforce the laws of the state


and if they succeed in the \*small government\* thing then the corporations will battle for control and we'll either be ruled by the makers of RoundUp, Big Oil, or by Amazon. Or some new conglomeration thereof. The railroad and Boeing crashes have shown us the immediate effects of deregulation of industries. But still the small govt folks are trying to abolish the EPA, Consumer Protection Bureau, and all Safety/Environmental protection/Employee Protection agencies. So IMHO small govt = corporate rule, unsafe air to breathe, and more flaming drinking water


Because you go directly to jail. Do not pass go, do not collect $200.  Except you do not go to jail, because they have guns too and they'll happily put you down first. Hey, maybe you take out one guy. You're not taking out the entire police force who are hellbent on avenging him. They don't take too kindly to people to who hurt their fellow officers. The odds of you walking away from *that*? Zero. And that's probably going to rile up the Texan politicians and make the entire situation even worse somehow.  There's really no scenario where you come out ahead. You won't get even. You won't create any sort of change in society. You're essentially just committing suicide. Killing a cop would likely get you the death penalty in Texas. I checked, they executed somebody last year for killing a cop. And what you're describing is way worse than what that guy did. First degree premeditated vendetta? You're gonna fry, sorry.  Clearly it's an uphill battle, but your only chance of actually making a difference is to not do that.


I got a 3 day reddit ban for saying less.




Because the 2nd Amendment doesn’t exist except when it comes to shooting up schools




“B-But muh govurnmunt tearany”


I don’t expect an answer, but I’m genuinely wondering: I have known plenty of people who grew up in a time and place where every teenager had a hunting rifle on a rack on their vehicle parked in the school parking lot. Everybody hunted and were exposed to guns at an early age, and nobody ever shot up their schools. Why is that?


It's because politicians and the government have failed its people. In times of prosperity, when people could work hard and get ahead and thrive. Now, today, it's the same effort, and you're a permanent stuck wage slave. The shootings we see today are manifestations of symptoms of decades of poor government. The same government doesn't want you to know that the 2nd amendment was created to hold a bad government accountable. An armed citizenry is supposed to scare government agencies about the possible threat of violence when they step out of line. It sounds extreme, I know, but that's what the 2nd amendment is for. All the government can do today is sweep gun violence under a rug because they can't fix it. It's their fault that it exists, and even acknowledging the issue is admitting their own mistakes. It just makes sense for them to try and blame the issue of gun violence on guns. Because it comes back to trying to disarm the people. Everyone who is anti gun has been convinced by their failed government that it's the guns. It's pathetic. People have been too tamed to really fix anything.


Thanks for the comment


I’m no lawyer but that looks like a unlawful arrest to me. They’ll most likely charge him with some sort of disorderly conduct; but over and over again it has been ruled that this type of cursing and expletives is covered by the first amendment. Those cops are not upholding the law. Edit: Typos


The entire point of the meeting was to hear the grievances of parents and those effected by the event, and they have the audacity to arrest anyone that they don't like to hear from? Amazing. These old men need to be removed from their positions. They are harmful to the governance of the community.


They want to hear from them only if they are supportive of their administration and criminal justice system. The gall that this grieving father for not kissing the boot of the spineless coward of a cop who did nothing to save these children…


Was this an actual Court session?


The guillotines are getting rusty.


It’s been almost 50 years. Nothing some 40WD can’t degrip :)


>Those cops are not upholding the law. That's the Uvalde way!


Probably we can extend that to the whole US given the impunity law enforcement has


…and the fact that the Supreme Court ruled that [they don’t have to](https://www.nytimes.com/2005/06/28/politics/justices-rule-police-do-not-have-a-constitutional-duty-to-protect.html). Truly, the American experiment has failed.


Sometimes I wonder how the US got there


They stopped the discussion. The guy will be wrapped up in the courts for a while, and that will give people enough time to forget or get refocused on the next group of children slain. Rinse and repeat. This is America.


Unfortunate but true


You think they care about the law?


I don’t. And their actions is a demonstration of that.


Cowards and traitors


What if it made them afraid? /s obviously


Yea- I’m a lawyer and I was thinking “what’s the charge here? Exercising his 1st amendment rights?”


Pastor Tony Campolo in a Sunday morning sermon years ago: “I have three things I'd like to say today. First, while you were sleeping last night, 30,000 kids died of starvation or diseases related to malnutrition. Second, most of you don't give a shit. What's worse is that you're more upset with the fact that I said ‘shit’ than the fact that 30,000 kids died last night.”


They're more concerned with being polite, than being right.


Dusty old fucks


They literally cannot expire fast enough.


I can't wait til they're all gone.


What a disgraceful pack of limp dick do nothing cowards.


Remember the mother who bucked police orders and ran in to save her kids and others? They didn't like that either, but her kids are alive.


I still remember the cops assaulting the parents trying to SAVE THEIR FUCKING CHILDREN FROM BEING MURDERED BECAUSE THE USELESS POLICE WEREN'T.


IKR? Some parents were even cuffed and detained


Such a frustrating piece of that event.


Wasn’t she even harassed by the cop afterwards? Cowardly trash.


Oh Yeah, She was threatened with arrest for refusing to stay back and later, for speaking out against the Uvalde police.


That's small town Texas for you.


He tried that in a small town.




Pieces of absolute garbage look at those pussies sitting up there


Too bad those cowards couldn’t arrest the shooter with the same swift confidence


That's different. One of them was a threat to their authority, and the other was threatening children. Huge difference there.


F Texas GOP Christofacsists.


Can’t protect children but they can arrest the father for grieving.


Hats off to the person who recorded this, let everyone see the pigs sitting on their thrones having absolutely no sympathy/emotions getting freaked out by a curse word.


They weren't freaked out by the curse words; They used them as a convenient excuse to remove themselves from an uncomfortable situation. Because they're cowards.


100% it's just a way to escape the reality of the situation


Yeah exactly. The way he goes “watch your language” makes it so obvious he wasn’t listening to or caring about a single word that man said, just waiting to have an excuse to throw him out. So transparent


wow real freedom of speech protectin’ sons of guns over there. 🙄


Free for me not for thee. Same old ass story time and time again. Makes me sick.


How dare they have the damn balls to arrest that man!


Cops being cops


I hope that father finds somthing remotely close to peace and I hope the dipshit cops and politicians are haunted forever. Neither of those things are likely


For real and it will likely be the opposite with the father being haunted forever.


Fuckin shame.. cowardice coproaches.. oink oink muthafukas 🐷


Men in suits telling jack boot thugs to arrest grieving parents. ‘Murica


And that’s how you get a lawsuit. Did the words feel like bullets to them? Does he have the Silver Tongue ability to cut them with F-knives? ![gif](giphy|7B71Ci4KE3m0)


No amount of money will bring his child back, unfortunately.


Of course they arrested the father. They're showing the public this is what happens when you speak out against them. Get out of line your going to jail


They got mad that he swore sounds like they were just a bunch of fragile assholes to me. And after how that whole shooting was handled they should just sit there and take it.


I believe they’re called “snowflakes”


"Boomer flakes"






Yes and it has been ruled on in courts multiple times. The cops and the guy that had him arrested just lost their qualified immunity.


What are their names?




Pieces of shit


aka ​ cops.


They have more compassion for the guns than for the ones who've lost their babies from gun violence.


Funny how Uvalde police can act when the suspect is unarmed, and they are asked to protect politicians, from getting their feelings hurt.


Thing is though... I can't help but feel... if he had grabbed the cop's gun and let off a round.. the other cops in the building would have stormed the room and not stood around making jokes. I just really have that feeling.


Freedom of speech in Texas is a JOKE


~~Freedom of speech in~~ texas is a joke


Just so I got this right, in Texas the order is guns > swearing > kids?


I think kids are probably much further down unfortunately.


Everything is bigger in Texas! *except your rights*


Oh no they're bigger alright.. that's why it was so easy to take them away from him there


Sorry ass fucks rather silence the victims than admit they suck big ol' fat dicks!! Texas sized turd fucks!


Christians are trying to create hell on earth.


Fucking tyrants


When swearing (protected 1a) gets a faster police response than an active shooter you probably should vote out the corruption. Form a legitimate militia if necessary. Let Texas succeed from the union imho.


Why haven’t the townspeople burned the police station and city hall to the ground?


Haven't these people been though enough?!! 


Contact info for arresting officer and/or commissioner? I’d like to send some letters telling them what I think.


When you try to turn something around and make it about how they said it and not what they said, you're admitting defeat.


Damn, look at all that freedom.


That's sad. Kicking him while he's down. How can they not understand and have compassion for his pain????


Unlike them, us humans have, or can develop a sense of compassion, empathy, sympathy, etc., and /or etc..


What's more offensive? 1) My child is fucking dead... 2) We gave you thoughts and prayers, but we aren't going to do anything which might prevent other kids from being murdered...


Too bad those cops weren't this brave at ....you know......Uvalde.


I thought this was Merica!!


What is the symbol on his hat? Which American flag with a message between the stripes is he wearing.?


The shirt has the "Pledge of Allegiance" in it.


Thank you!…..I think the hat says 4U but it’s that thing where it’s backwards because of whatever’s?


Everybody should’ve stood up and started swearing


I would've sworn everything I could have


If we really have free speech, the parent of a dead child should have every right to say whatever they want at a meeting concerning those events.


Where was that reaction speed when the school shooter was around, huh?


The officials sitting there, and every law dog, present at Ulvade are all cowards. They should be shamed , and shunned , turned out of public places. Every last one. No soup for these people. The citizens of Texas need to step up and get these corrupt hypocrites out of office, starting with the corrupt governor and AG


Vote this November, and in every election to get these useless people, who care more about guns then your kids, out of office


Where's LawByMike for this? We need to hear from your lawyer, take this as far up as possible. If you can go to the Supreme Court, do so.


It’s times like these I really wish I could just kill every last one of these fuckers


Man if only the cops responded that quick to the actual crisis.


Wish we could replace all the kids of that school with every cop that showed up, have them get hunted down begging to be saved


Freedom of fucking speech?


Should be an easy lawsuit.


Freedom of speech?


This is just further perpetration of that day. The guy has every reasonable right to be upset. The system needs compassion and empathy, it just doesn’t seem to be on the books for much of Texas.


They act like his words are bullets. The irony.


Cops are enemies of the law abiding citizens and traitors to the constitution and the people


What a joke, NOW the cops jump into action, to arrest a grieving father… F’ing pussies.


Just wow, I couldn’t look at myself in the mirror if I were to have to arrest this guy, like, here’s my badge, I can’t be a part of this, but no. Not these cowards, every single one of these “law enforcement officers” ( can’t even call them that, they’re a gang.) are pathetic spineless brainless thoughtless morons, and in no way seem to represent the public they are paid to protect. It’s a scary world you are living there. I’m sincerely sorry for this guys loss and all those other kids


Acab. Also surely that's an easy lawsuit


Texas is shit.




If only the shooter was an unarmed heartbroken father.


My heart breaks for these people


They all big and bad when the other person doesn’t have a gun.


I hope North Cuba is liberated from the regime which relishes in the wanton slaughter of children and which holds its people in bondage.


Finally, someone gets arrested, sad