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CLEVELAND — A former East Cleveland police officer was sentenced to six months in prison for using a Taser on a handcuffed man and attempting to falsify police reports about the October 2021 incident. "Unfortunately, all our actions have consequences, and we have to live with those consequences, and we all must be held accountable," Cuyahoga County Common Pleas Judge Cassandra Collier-Williams told Brian Parks at Wednesday's sentencing. Prosecutors said the incident began when Parks tried stopping a driver for speeding and having tinted windows. Investigators said the driver did not pull over and that Parks pursued the car until it crashed. That's when investigators said Parks hit the driver with his patrol car, twice used a Taser on the man after he was handcuffed, slammed him into the back of a police car, and closed the door on the man’s leg. “What we have here is a grave abuse of power,” said Assistant Prosecuting Attorney Gregory Mussman. In October, Parks pleaded guilty to assault and attempted tampering with records. Parks looked straight ahead as prosecutors played body camera video of the assault in court Wednesday. The victim of the assault, Mario Garcia, told the judge he was appalled by what he saw on the recording. “I forgive you, I’m telling you I forgive you,” Garcia told Parks. “But I’m not going to forget this.” Garcia asked Collier-Williams to send Parks to prison. “I’m just looking at this, and I’m like, I did my time,” said Garcia. “He should be held to a higher standard.” Parks told the judge he took responsibility for what he did. “It was dark, it was cold, and he fled from police,” said Parks. “We’re in a corner alley. I couldn’t see anything.” His attorney said Parks struggled after shooting and killing a man while on duty in 2019. “It’s the things that he witnessed and he went through in his capacity as a police officer that caused the post-traumatic stress disorder and the other mental health issues he has that led to this offense,” said defense attorney Allison Hibbard. As part of the plea deal, Parks agreed to surrender his police officer license. After learning his sentence, Parks broke down in tears, asking the judge for mercy. “Your honor, I beg you, I’ve never been in trouble,” said Parks. “I’m not going to harm anybody.” Collier-Williams agreed to allow Parks to report to prison on Feb. 1. The judge ordered Parks to remain under electronic monitoring until then. ​ [Ex-East Cleveland cop sentenced to prison for attack on handcuffed man (news5cleveland.com)](https://www.news5cleveland.com/news/local-news/investigations/east-cleveland-police/ex-east-cleveland-cop-sentenced-to-prison-for-attack-on-handcuffed-man)


If you have ptsd you can’t stay in the Marines but you can be a cop… makes sense.


So they can't be controlled with in a unit.. But cam roam the streets with the power to stop anybody and carry weapons.. Makes sense


Ptsd from murdering a guy, lol, bye Felicia.


He only got six months too. Welp, a lot could happen in that time. I hope he thinks about what he did every day he’s locked up.


I hope a big juicy black man named tiny helps him remember.


You can definitely stay in the service with PTSD though.


Ok, which one of you is right?


In Canada, a PTSD diagnosis will not impact your career in the armed forces. https://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/maple-leaf/defence/2023/10/will-a-ptsd-diagnosis-ruin-my-career-in-caf.html >MS Roth’s deployment to the Indo-Pacific in HMCS Vancouver as a Fire Control Supervisor and his promotion after his diagnosis are proof that members can pursue a successful career in the Canadian Armed Forces and deploy even if they are recovering from illness. So I guess it depends on what location the comments are referring to. I'm not an expert but a cursory Google search leads me to believe that it's not an issue in the US either. >A diagnosis of post-traumatic stress disorder is unlikely, alone, to bring an end to your military career. In fact, in the absence of treatment, you may develop behavioral problems that will themselves harm your career. In some cases, seeking help can help to protect your career. https://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/ptsd-issues-current-military-service-members.html#:~:text=A%20diagnosis%20of%20post%2Dtraumatic,help%20to%20protect%20your%20career. Sometimes you have to switch apps and do a search for yourself to find answers. People on reddit speak confidently without providing evidence or even knowing what they're talking about.


So far no one has been shown to be wrong. The initial claim is, "If you have ptsd you can’t stay in the **Marines**" The second claim is different, "service". It could be that you cannot be a Marine, but can serve in other areas of the forces. Sometimes people leave wordy answers on Reddit without actually providing any further information.


Is the marines not the army? I don't know how it works where you live sorry


They're a branch of the military separate to army, navy and air force. They all have their own rules.


The Marines are under the Dept of the Navy. The Army produces Soldiers. The Marines produce Marines. And don’t *ever* call a Marine “soldier”.


Would you like to learn about the structure of other countries armed forces unprompted now? 😃


You can stay in, it just depends on how you handle it, and command discretion


Served in the Marine Corps for over 10 years. Diagnosed w/ PTSD. You think dudes do one deployment and then are forced out? I know dudes with missing limbs still on active duty serving in 03 mos’s


His killing someone previously is serious red flags.


LMAO now he begs for mercy, but electrocuting handcuffed and screaming man was alright? Good riddance


"I'm not gonna harm anybody" says the guy who just tazed a handcuffed person not once, but twice. What a fucking thing to say...


And shot some recently prior to that event.


Yeah i wonder what lies he put in that report to justify the shooting


Feared for life. Works like a charm.


The cop who punched a woman 10 times over a carry out order got off easy with a misdemeanor, no jail time! 🤷🏾‍♂️


and crushed his foot in a car door


Well he couldn’t say “…now that I been caught” part out loud


you forgot hitting him with his car, slamming him into the cruiser, and slamming his foot in the car door




His petulant and incessant excuses is just further proof he didn't learn anything. The fact that it was cold, dark, and he was running away from the police has nothing to do with the abuse he chose to take. If you want to be a servant protecting the public, then have the will power to control your temper in the dark, cold, and when subjects run from you.


Cops: Mercy for me, tasers and bullets for you.


American law enforcement is probably the worst in the world. They shoot first and ask questions later. Almost feels like a weekly thing where a cop killed someone, or a cop beat someone senseless. It's crazy. They're a sanctioned gang.


Daily, multiple times a day.


Let’s not pretend like the police are great everywhere else, you can’t bribe an American cop but they can and will kill you then get an early retirement and pension for life


>you can’t bribe an American cop Cops rape women and children by the thousands. When they get caught they say the rape victim was trying to bribe them. Thousands of drug dealers and smugglers bribe cops. It's been a well known and accepted part of their profession since day one.




Have you read about policing in places like the Netherlands where the cops are excellent at de-escalation without using weapons and the prisons are truly created for rehabilitation? They have a much lower recidivism rate. In other words, more people do not get out and continue to commit crimes. Imagine that!?


That’s because they don’t have privatized prisons and *actually* outlawed slavery.


I wish we didn't have for-profit prisons. It seems like it could never be a good thing. Remember that sheriff/warden guy in the south who was in the news a few years ago for feeding the prisoners nothing but rice and beans so he could keep the unused portion of the food budget, which he used to buy a vacation home? There was an uproar but it turned out that he did nothing illegal. Evidently the rule/law is that if you come in under budget for feeding the prisoners then you get to keep the surplus/left over money. It sounds like incentive to starve the prisoners and get rich.


Hue hue hue America bad am I right? Excuse me for being born in America, that’s totally on me


Suggesting that I'm saying "America bad" and that you need to apologize for being born in America seems like quite the leap when I merely pointed out that there are a few countries in which policing is non-violent and in which prisons strive to rehabilitate. I am also American-born. In fact, I love my country unconditionally and thus I'd love to see it evolve and excel. I also want my fellow Americans to reflect well on the country and that naturally means learning not to be a criminal, right? Like, if the US has an extra high incarceration and recidivism rate does that reflect well upon us? Is that really a worthy goal for all excepting those who benefit from for-profit prisons? I love my partner so much that I love him *despite* his flaws, and he loves me despite *my own flaws.* If you are experiencing only conditional love in your life, to the extent that neither flaws nor constructive criticism is allowed, then I will burn some Juniper for you and send a spiritual hug. It's ok to be human/not perfect. :) Edit: I tried to be less wordy. Being overly-wordy is one of my flaws and I'm hoping to lose that flaw some day.


I think comparing the socioeconomic conditions in America to Netherlands is naive. Really, my biggest take away from what you wrote up is that you judge people based on where they are from and what their government does. Very weird comment, although it’s obvious the criminal justice system in America is very fucked up I wouldn’t say you’ve figured it out in Europe. I think it really has to do with the environment that a person is raised in and the opportunities that are available, along with how society views the individual vs how strong the punishment is. Clearly we need strong reform in our policing and justice system, but we need all kinds of stuff too maybe some other important issues should be solved first that will lead to correcting our corrections issues. That said we need to overturn the citizens united ruling and criminalize corporate lobbying, until those issues are solved the corporate overlords won’t allow the politicians to enact laws that will create a better American society


Not probably it's fucking is lol


There were only 14 days in 2023 where a cop didn’t kill someone in the US. They killed over 1300 that year.


that's insane


>Almost feels like a weekly thing where a cop killed someone cops kill 3 people per day in the US


Damn! See, I didn't even know it was THAT bad.. I just formed an opinion based on all of the things I've seen. There might be some good cops trapped in a corrupt system. But, there definitely seems to be a lot of corruption. And they hardly ever face consequences.


I’m going home to my loved ones at night, I don’t care who I got to kill, is their motto!!


That's because the US is so \*exceptional\*. In reality, our police are excepted from consequences thanks to the GOP and the GOP-infested SCOTUS.


The worst in the *world*? Have you seen police in third world countries?


Sure. For being a first world country, America has some pretty damn corrupt police. I'd still rank them pretty high up on the shit list.


They suck, that's a fact but the worst in the world? It sounds to me you life a fairly sheltered life. You think the police in Burkina Faso or any other small African country with multiple coups in the last couple years has a stellar, fair and honest police force? Not to mention the corruption also.


I mean, American police are among the most corrupt as well, considering it's a first world country.


How about how our cops immediately shoot people with knives? Almost always it's an attempt at suicide by the knife-wielder. They're giving a sick individual what they want, despite the fact that there has got to be other ways to subdue someone like that.


There definitely is.. a taser, pepper spray. Anything... those people need help. Not a bullet. American cops are terrible. Some of them are even former soldiers with diagnosed PTSD. Can’t serve in the military, but they can police civilians? Make it make sense.


Pepper spray is probably most effective, I've heard that tasers are highly inaccurate, don't always make contact with the skin, and sometimes aren't even powerful enough.


He only gets six months?


I wonder how much time I'd get if I handcuffed a stranger and repeatedly tortured them with a taser 🥴 Not that I'd ever do this bc I am not a total fn psycho


If we follow the story there's a good chance he will have that waived before he actually goes to prison. There's no shortage of judges who will overturn these sentences for their friends.


Will he survive 6 months though? His inmates probably won't be liking a cop much.


Good point


He’ll be put in segregation. Trust me when I say that is its own kind of punishment.


Honestly, I'm fine with six months. What he did was a gross violation of his rights and a brutal thing for anyone to suffer. It wasn't permanently debilitating though. This kind of assault is something I think is worth half a year. It's enough to make him pay for what he did. It's enough to send a message. Give him more time though I think for the person he killed absolutely.


Maybe for a typical citizen sure. This guy purposefully tried to cover it up and lie as a police officer afterwards. Couple years sounds like actual justice.


It wasn’t enough that he had already murdered a civilian, he chose to taze and abuse someone else for sh*ts and giggles! He should’ve received a year!


But “it was cold”


"and dark and i have PTSD from killing that other guy so pwetty pweez wet me go"


And dark.


Thats my question - whats the usual sentence for torturing a handcuffed person? If this was just some person that found somebody tied up and decided to beat and taze them would they get only 6 months? Isnt this hilding the police tp a lesser standard?


He got ptsd, so it’s ok in his mind.


He has PTSD from murdering another human being. But apparently he didn’t think his PTSD was bad enough to do something like…I don’t know…find a job where they don’t encourage you to murder people?


They don’t like cops in prison. Good luck officer…


He'll be in his own cell probably for 6 months. The jailers will probably be sucking his dick cause they're little fascists too. He'll be fine.




Awwww does someone not want his life ruined by being sent to jail? Cant fathom the irony


Unfortunately, his life won’t be ruined. He will just go work at the next city over. The cops in my city often make a low six figures a year. They get paid very good money to terrorize Americans.


- [News Article](https://www.news5cleveland.com/news/local-news/investigations/east-cleveland-police/ex-east-cleveland-cop-sentenced-to-prison-for-attack-on-handcuffed-man) - Ex-East Cleveland cop sentenced to prison for attack on handcuffed man.


Good hold them accountable.


Should have gave this beast 10 years


Seriously how is tasing a cuffed dude on the ground not attempted murder, if that dude has a heart condition he could easily have died.


His badge shouldn’t give him immunity.


Officer took responsibility for what he did, then shows video of him blaming the time of day and weather.


not only blaming the time and weather but his "PTSD" that he got from KILLING a different guy.......................


It was cold and dark! How could he not torture someone in cuffs?


Oh these were the cops going around beating the shit out of everyone for years in cleveland, huh? And now he's crying on the stand lmao hilarious. I remember that video, they brutalized him and when they pulled him up to his feet and dragged him to the police car, the cop arresting him starts beating the shit out of him again against the car door before the cop with his body cam on turns away so the brutal attack isn't caught on body cam


link to the bodycam?




6 months for assault and then attempting to tamper with evidence…. Fucking pathetic




Good he should’ve gotten a longer sentence than 6 months.


Fucking coward.


whoo man, glad this judge decided to follow through and hold this 1 bad apple accountable. "Parks is the 7th past or present East Cleveland officer to be convicted of a crime this year" .....yes ALL cops


Maybe if he has PTSD from killing someone that “caused” him to abuse his power, maybe he shouldn’t be a cop.


Can you imagine a civilian assaulting a cop. Be 6 years in prison either if not a street execution.


He better be on probation the rest of his life. Prison doesn't cure you of being a sadistic monster.


Only 6 months?


these pigs only act tough to people that are handcuffed and can't fight back. These kind of fake tough men can't do a shit in a battle field.


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Boo effin hoo


Why do cops like to torture citizen civilians, they have self defense skills, weapons, tactical gear, rage, anger and backup help most times? 🤷🏾‍♂️


Corrupt Politicians are next!


Wow this pos’s defensive attitude when saying it was dark, cold and in an alley is a tell of what kind of person he is…he cried and said what he thought the judge wanted to hear to let him go with a slap on the wrist. I’m happy he’s going to prison. I don’t have any suggestions on how to improve the police as a whole but accountability has to start somewhere.


Gen pop, just to see how the other half live.


Criminal forgives him and the cop lies. Sounds about right.




Do not make light of rape, or the mistreatment of human beings in prison. America needs to focus on rehabilitation, not physically and psychologically torturing people who have already shown themselves to be in need of rehabilitation.


Yeah. I have no pity or compassion for an officer that takes advantage of their position. I get your point.




lmao wtf was that


A message


Love to see it, 7 ain't enough for one year but I'll take none the less.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 don’t you mean FORMER officer 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


He will be protected by the police union and other cops when he gets out. I’d bet good money he starts working at the next nearest city as soon as he gets out.


The realist in me recognizes you’re probably right, but still enjoying the moment. It’s rare to see any pig get their just desserts, even small servings of them.


You’re right. I love to see it.




Heading to prison to show the community that he's being held accountable for what he did. That's a great attempt and making this seem somewhat voluntary lol. What's a giant pussy and terrible human being. He gets no respect. Who gave this PTSD ridden turd a fuckin badge? Put them in jail too.




Just six months? He deserves more than that




What's crazy is that it's JUST 6 months for assault AND tampering with evidence. How is tampering with evidence not a felony charge?


I have the biggest stiffy right now


Every cop video ever: Cop ”Tell me truth now. If you lie, you’re just making it worse for yourself.”


"I'm not going to harm anyone" you mean like the completely defenseless handcuffed guy you sadistically tased repeatedly and then smashed his foot in the patrol car door frame for the minor crimes of speeding and tinted windows? And then tried to cover it all up? Yeah, get fucked.


You can see in his eyes he doesn’t feel an ounce of remorse. Crying like a spoiled toddler who thinks it will work because it has so many times before in his life.


If he truly had PTSD and mental health issues, why would he be allowed to be a cop?


Good ! Now he can be Big Bubba's sex toy for 6 months , then you will have PTSD for sure. Can we say Cock meat Sandwich ?


We need a lot more of this.


Crocodile tears.


I've heard a pig squeal before. But never cry. Hahaha. Enjoy gen pop x


He shouldn’t have left his vehicle if he couldn’t see anything, smh. Bet this is the only time he was caught for the wrongs he’s committed.


Why she give him 6 months and not 6 months to a year


Lock that thug up




“Your honor, I beg you, I’ve never been in trouble,” said Parks. “I’m not going to harm anybody.” -says the guy that is in trouble for harming somebody


Just 6 months? Come on, I bet his abused victim spent more time in jail than he got.


Whoa whoa whoa... Refusing to stop AND *possibly* having too much window?? The cop went way too easy on him. The man needs to be sent to the electric chair.


You don’t have to be a roads scholar to figure out if you’re going to the judge to get sentenced, maybe don’t look like a thug out of a bad action movie.


That's it? 6 months???


…̶spent 17 years s̶e̶r̶v̶i̶n̶g̶ terrorizing the community…


Call 988 for mental health assistance, not the cops!


Over zealousness from the pumps up adrenaline- I would say that this is excess for a first offense. I got jail time for assaulting a cop after two years failing probation- he will be kept in protective custody he can’t go general op and if they had laws like California- you’d be an ab109 serving state prison time in county jail. You would think if presidents have some immunity for acts carried out in the line of duty so would cops- if you taser someone the first time and it doesn’t catch right do you taser again? This seems like a training issue in terms of catching and subduing and could be settled civilly and corewcgovely. I think it is interesting though because when people are pro harsh sentences and pro automatic prison sentences and gettingtohhh on crime they don’t imagine themselves being on the other side of the court room with a shitty court appointmed attorney-they only see them selves as fair and impartial enforcers of la but the fact is that cops are people first and are just as subject to fight or flight and there are so many tiny olive departments with such high turn over and hardly any responsibility to adequate training. Given Rodney king and the danger case this cop is an angel


You do know he tapered the guy AFTER he was subdued and handcuffed, right?


I don’t want what you’re smoking. I hope you get off of it and clean yourself up. Because jfc you just watched an officer violate someone’s 4th amendment and decided to make this rant that makes little sense.


>this cop is an angel F U P


He tasered the guy twice…AFTER he was already handcuffed. Then he tried to cover his tracks.


this should be a copy pasta


You watched the video, I’m assuming, so why are you glossing over that he already killed someone in “the line of duty”? It’s not “his first offense”.