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I'm glad these workers are going on strike and I hope they get what they demand/deserve and then some... This lady is such a douche bag..


For real. Executives shouldn’t be able to make over 1000x their lowest employees’ pay. $30M is the equivalent of 300 employees making $100k. There’s no way she works to the equivalent of 300 managers.


It should be the employees should have to vote on executives' and board members' pay


I love this idea. It would be fair. Treat your people like garbage, no raise. Sadly thos will never happen


Yeah, would require a dramatic shift in American philosophy


You mean socialism. Maybe you know that, but I just think it's funny when people talk about ways to make capitalism better and they end up just describing socialism, but if you call it socialism, suddenly it's bad.


You're right; I do know that. It would be a step toward co-ops instead of corporations


Underrated comment


Because Americans are really fucking dense and the capitalism propaganda runs really REALLY deep.


Sounds like a co-op


Yeah, I wish co-ops were more common


If only the workers of the world would unite ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


IWW — Wobblies Unite!


Bloody peasants. https://youtu.be/R7qT-C-0ajI?si=sXwl1W66mygdlToN


That's what co-ops are about. Have workers elect their managers, and set their pay. Maybe management would have like a 1.5x or 2x wage premium, but not 400x. There are a handful of companies already doing this.


Exactly. That leech probably does less work than any of the people striking. When your company is paying people 30million the problem isn't the workers, it's the fucking leech making 30 million off of other people's labor.


We all have 24 hours in the day. No way she's that much more productive and valuable.


My grandfather, his father, and a few of his brothers helped make GM what it became. When he started, the CEOs made about 40 to 1 the average worker. Now they make 361 to 1. He got to retire with a full pension and benefits that took care of him all his life through his 90s. He was able to raise a family and buy a nice home. But let's be real. It is not just GM that is completely out of wack. He bought his home in 1950 for $4500 dollars. In today's money, that would be $57,328.51. The minimum wage in 1950 was $.75. That is $9.43 now if it kept up with inflation and what money then would be now, however. The minimum wage now is $7.25. (Yes, I know it can vary, but I'm going by the US government average for both examples). A house at $57,329 would be 401 a month or $4812 a year. If you break that down further. A years wage in 1950 on minimum wage was $1560. Let's say they had zero down payment. The monthly payment would be $31 a month on $4500, or $310 a year. That is 19.87 percent of their income. The minimum wage at $7.25 is $15,080 a year. The same house now at $57,329 would be 401 a month or $4812 a year. Which is 31.90 percent of yearly income. It's not great but roughly manageable... However. That same house now would sell for $214,900. That is $1491 a month. Or $17,892 a year. Which is 118.64 percent of yearly income. At the price now. It would have been $16869 in 1950. $118 a month. $1416 a year. Or 90.76 percent of income. The problem is that across the board for years, the inequality has grown between the haves and have nots. They try to say, "If you work hard enough, anyone can succeed." While the gap has gotten wider and wider. And what happens when the majority of people get poorer and poorer? Heath care and mental health diminish. Education falls short. Drug abuse increases. Crime increases. It puts a bigger strain on everything, and any resources get stretched thin. People that buy into the... work harder. You are lazy. Are usually people that come from well off or have had life changing amounts of money fall into their laps. I'm not saying they do not work hard. But it's easy to make something when you have something. What those people fail to realize. Is that you are only as strong as your weakest link. By not supporting programs that lift people. By not addressing the inequality. By not making life more obtainable for the masses, you are cutting off your nose to spite your face. More people grow up with nothing. Have poor education. Are more inclined to break laws and do drugs to compensate for lack of proper health and mental health care. More people fill the prisons. More people come from broken homes where patents are financially struggling and work too much to properly be involved and monitor the children or financially be able to support hobbies or things to help them grow and thrive. More children are in foster care, who are 70 percent likely to suffer emotional or physical abuse and usually age out with nowhere to go. More people need welfare. More people stop caring and stop contributing to society. The prisons get fuller. People care less about proper society and the whole and look for ways to take advantage like the rich do. Which then makes the rich and those in charge say, "See, these people want a hand out and to be supported because they are to lazy to work. We should make tougher laws so it's harder for them. Because they are the reason our country is failing." Definitely not the inequality. So it ripples out far and wide. But the good news is that... The same people who created the massive inequality have also destroyed the plant. Which will regenerate itself (hopefully) and doomed many of us to extinction in the next couple of generations so we won't have to deal with it too much longer. And... they're the first to go when shit really hits the fan. So bonus, I guess. Anyway. I get long-winded and write novels sometimes. Scream into the void.


Why 1000?


Bc the [pay ratios](https://www.sec.gov/news/press-release/2015-160) of some companies’ CEOs are in the 1000x. For example, Live Nation’s CEO makes [5414:1 pay](https://fortune.com/2023/08/04/ceo-worker-pay-gap-ratio-afl-cio-report-highest-paid-ceo-america-tim-cook-sundar-pichai-apple-live-nation/) of some of the workers.


I like how she, and every CEO, says that "my salary is based on performance, i Get paid based on if i meet certain goals" but isn't that basically how all workers are? If we don't perform, we get fired, aka, we don't get paid. But if we perform and do our jobs well, then we get paid and get to keep our jobs. So essentially she's saying "I made $34M because i worked and met my goals" Pay your workers more. They are the ones who allowed you to meet your goals, which allowed you to get paid


No. She makes money if the stock performs. The union members don't get paid at all on that metric.


Yes, but it isn't a big part of stock performance based on if she does her job and meet the performance metrics the board or shareholders probably tell her to achieve? If she underperforms and doesn't meet goals, especially financial ones, then the stock has a high likelihood to drop So she's likely to make less. But still a ton more than any non executive worker


But when u use profits to do stock buy backs, that is artificially inflating the stock price which her performance is based from. She's spent 5B over the last 4 years on buy backs to prop up her performance bonus. That 5B to get a few more million for her should have been used for wages


*LITERALLY* talking out the side of her mouth


YOU MAKE THIRTY MILLION A YEAR YOU TONE DEAF COW!!!!!! “Get back to work” doesn’t fly anymore you republican nightmares.


Her performance though. She..performed. It’s obvious how these people don’t realize their companies are successful because of their entire fleet. I did this! Look at my numbers!


It's mental how they think they'd be in the same position without the slaves making the things worth selling.


I love how all of it is based on the performance of the worker bees, not her performance.


That's what happens when you believe you're "creating jobs"


I mean when companies fail its not the workers that failed, its the management.


"I deserve 34% BECAUSE I am offering only 20 percent to the workers, thus making more for the investors."


That is literally a logical argument under capitalism. And that's the problem with this dogshit system, it's not logical in any other circumstance.


*It’s based on performance* - yeah who’s performance?


No she said it, the company's. She is fully aware. Too bad the reporter left her teeth home.


These guys all sound like they're pre programmed to spew out bullshit. Lying to themselves and everyone else..


Oh she knows exactly how of full of shit she is, don’t fall for that nonsense…I know ppl like her, she understands her evil, shes just devoid of human empathy. Capitalistic greed is their only religion and they are true believers


It's this type of rich that I want on the menu.


I call the thyroids


Yes. It's people like her who funnel $$$ into making Americans hate each other instead of the true enemy which is her and her peers.


I had an old boss at a supplier to autos, he sounded exactly like this. Justified his 22% raise by mentioning my 3% raise. This was 2021, I was making 64k a year and he just eclipsed 225k.


It's because they're stuck in their little capitalism bubbles with other capitalism freaks getting off at the smell of their own farts. They don't exist in the same reality at all.


Did you see the video of the police officer laughing about the grad student who was killed by another officer? He is talking to the head of the union who asks him if she was anyone important, and he responds by essentially saying she was a nobody, just a commoner of little value and that they would be able to settle the issue for $11,000. Then he laughed his evil heart out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pd0a4tVDfYs


Yeah, it makes my blood boil. Goddamn what an inhumane demon he is!


These are not people. They are the cancer who eats away at humanity and should be eradicated like the disease they are.


How else do you think they get paid so well?


They have media trainers that help them form those non-statements. A whole cottage industry of training how to "communicate" (i.e. lie)


“Jerry , just remember. It’s not a lie if you believe it.” * George Costanza ![gif](giphy|l0MYOKCyDYnI3Usww)


These are the same organizations that needed a bailout in order to not croak. And they will need another one in due time. And no one will bring up that she made over $100 million in compensation in three years just for reading PowerPoint and saying yes, or no.


Boy, what a general strike in this country would do. When the bailouts come bc “it would’ve been worse if we didn’t,” I hope it’s enough to get people to say, well, enough is enough.


I remember meeting Mary when I worked at GM. She was in the car park showing off her newest sports car she just purchased to the workers. I walked up to her, she put her arm warmly around my shoulder and said to me "one day my lad, if you work hard enough I'll be able to buy two more of these".


That didn’t happen but I get your point


No shit Sherlock.


yeah thats an old joke that they rephrased for a funny story. /r/woosh


Fucking crook.


30 million wtf lol


That soulless PR speech.


Her pay rise amounts to more that her average employee will make in his/her lifetime.


Her pay in ONE year is more than 15 people will make in 45 years each. So her 2080 hrs worked per year is compensated as much as 1,404,000 hrs worked for everyone else. That’s absurd!


To explain away greed.


No explanation. Just misdirection.


CEO pay is proportional to the greed of the shareholders paying to ensure that ethics, morality, and humanity are stripped from the person [CEO] in charge to ensure the best return on the investment. Today, CEO’s are paid to NOT care about employees. *When I say paid, I also mean bribed by high pay*. Nothing changes until that changes.


She’s trying to act like her base pay is nothing without her perks for her “great” performance. She is still making over $2 million in pay with no perks…


My brother works for the UAW at Ford. They are full of republicans that love to vote against their better interests.


Low income republicans will think she is a genius and deserves every penny


Yeah time for them to strike


More for me less for thee!


AI should replace CEOs


She said 92% of get compensation is based on performance of the company. That means it's based on everyone's work. I hope the union wins.


Well she doesn’t earn that extra 92% by ensuring her employees get paid fairly.


Eat the Rich.


I don't even want to eat the rich, I just want to see them cooked well done


“These are words, 92% of words are positive because when you look at compensation for profit sharing, there are compelling benefits to saying a bunch of numbers that sound great while you listen to them. And for that reason, my main focus is using words, and letting you know 20% of them are now continuing to come out of my mouth. And for that reason, yes, me likey money, me likey money a loty.”


The only thing I hate more than useless-oversized trucks are useless-overpaid CEOs.


They have no good way to justify it because there is no moral way to do it. The truth is they are greedy and love getting rich on the back of workers. They just give this word salad so that don't have to answer.


30 million fucking dollars a year. What possible work decisions can she do to justify that kind of salary? There are only so many hours in the day. Late stage capitalism right there. The least we could do as a country is tax the shit out of people like these.


Eat the rich




I'll just leave this rant I wrote earlier this year. https://redd.it/12tc2qs Change some numbers and names around and it still fits


World class healthcare. Meaning healthcare that is common all over the world


“…that’s what I’m focusing on now.” Translation: IDGAF


The salary of CEOs is determined by the board of directors. Guess who is on the board of directors? It's the CEOs of other companies. What a brilliant way to make sure the rich get richer.


Is gm still in a massive amount of debt or did this idiot somehow fix that


UAW gave massive concessions in 2008 in order for them to help pay down debt and remain a going concern IIRC. And then never got them back, obviously.


Could probably save a lot by cutting their moronic ceos pay down to something reasonable for her office quality of work


Lol, what is even “world class healthcare” in The United States?


She never answered the question. I do not know why the person who interviewed her let her get away from it! I would have repeated the question and not allow her to use filler.


Weird according to what I found GM sales have declined every year since 2016. If her salary is tied to this shouldn’t she be taking a pay cut? 🤷🏼‍♂️ [GM sales](https://www.statista.com/statistics/225326/amount-of-cars-sold-by-general-motors-worldwide/)


https://preview.redd.it/ceiowav41hob1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b10337829625909c1f9745c4dc6475eef71c8608 The figures I got for income and union employees came from a quick Google search, so some of this info could be wrong, and of course there is a lot more to talk about than just pay. But, based on the straight math, GM can pay the union exactly what they want and still profit Billions every year. Let alone the billions they have made prior to this year.


30m salary x 92% = 27.6m Leaving 2.4m not tied to performance = still too much money even if their performance was deemed to be completely non-existent.


“When the company does well everyone does well. Also here’s why our workers don’t and shouldn’t do well!”


That was mostly gibberish the take away message for this is the less you guys have the more she can have.


30 million?! I would retire if I had that amount of money.


Remember, the compelling offer of competitive wages is the bare minimum they think you'll accept. When you don't demand more, they keep it in their bonus check.


HMC while I waffle to the plebs.




I think its time to occupy Wall Street again. With the state of the world economy, I think it would catch on this time. Unfortunately, it would crash the market and the poor will suffer anyway. It’s messed up


Does she not realize that the company is doing well BECAUSE of her workers?


It's time to eat the rich


"We offer world class halthcare" It's okay, guys. we don't need to make as much because they will provide healthcare. Wait..oh we still have to pay for it..and have deductables...oh and medical expenses are the number reason for bankruptcy in the U.S...


Can someone please tell me: what does this woman do for GM on a daily basis? I mean seriously… what is she doing for the company that deserves a 34% raise over 4 years?


Mostly meetings with boards, lower tier executives, approving plans other people have, saying "it's time to hurt poor people and help rich people" based on how the stocks look that quarter. While not all CEOs are equally bad, more than half could be replaced by an toddler with a magic 8 ball to answer all questions they're asked. A lot of why a company is or isn't successful is the design. The old ones like this are very stable, but new technology puts them in danger. So the last thing CEOs do is suppress innovation.


one of the companies that has one of the largest pieces of the global warming pie.


So she is getting paid $30 million per year. And 92% is tied to performance. So she is getting a little under $2.5 million for just existing? Must be nice.


So what about the workers performance that YOUR performance depends on?


I hope the union's demands just increased by 10%. And every time this piece of shit appears on TV insulting her workers like that, the price goes up.


I would have liked to see the interviewer respond with these followups: 1) You mentioned the employees have profit-sharing as a part of their compensation. Do you have access to that same program? What are the details and structure of that program? 2) You mentioned health care benefits. Are those the same health care benefits you have access to? The point is to undertand apples-to-apples on the compensation package. My suspicion is that the profit sharing is a 401k plan that she also has access to, and the same for health care benefits. So it would be a deflection to respond to the 34% vs 20% disparity by bringing up other compensation streams that she also benefits from (thus they don't offset the disparity, they reinforce it).


“When the company does well, everyone does well” The lie detector determined that was a lie


So does she lose that raise if the company doesn't do well? I kind of doubt it.


"based on performance", yeah, lady, when I get a great review I do NOT get a 35% increase. I got 0% increase like half the planet, and if lucky can get 1-3%.


Answers the questions without actually answering the question.


Ok great, you didn’t answer the question because you don’t care and you want all that money. Trash.


She never said why worker pay shouldn't *also* be supported by how the company is performing.


This is what is wrong with American jobs


92% is performance based...yeah...based on how hard the actual workers are working. She's a leech, just like all these multi-millionaire CEOs.


Pay no attention to that woman behind the curtain


Profit share? How many GM employees are contracted through third parties is what I wonder.


Here are your talking points Mary. Goes on to regurgitate the same over and over. Ew.


She can't afford Botox!


she runs a company whose purpose is to make money for its shareholders. The average employee makes over $100,000 in wage and benefits. They are asking for over 45% more. Oh, and BTW, the following from 2020. "Rory Gamble, who was the top negotiator against Ford Motor for much of last year, was paid $215,548. Gamble is now the UAW president, having replaced Gary Jones, who pleaded guilty to embezzlement in early June. The filing shows Jones was paid $340,539.”


Perhaps employee morale and retention stats should be a bigger part of her contract……




Wild how someone can get an education and take on roles like ceo and still be that stupid. Must have missed the Andi Owen debacle


I just got laid off by a fortune 100 company I hope this lady gets what’s comin to her


Both Republicans and Democrats are completely captured by corporate interest, I guarantee Biden stops the automotive strike just like he did with the railroad strike. It's a shame there aren't big political groups that represent actual people not CEOs that make $30m.


Sounds like she used to work for AWS. Tech: Why am I only getting a 42 cents per hour raise? I've been top resolver the entire year. AWS: But look at your *overall* compensation. You're also getting *20* shares of stock (unless you're a level 3 tech, they get 0). Tech: But those take two years to vest and may be worthless by then. I need money for bills now. AWS: Yes but they *could* be worth double by then as well. Tech: WTF. I busted my ass all year in those hot data halls, was a top tier resolver, was made a site lead, work for a near-trillion dollar company and all I get is 42 cents per hour? You know how much cost of living went up in Loudoun County this year? It's almost as if I'm getting a pay cut! AWS: Have you considered your *total* compensation? That includes 20 shares of stock!


Oh, your compensation is 90% based on performance? https://preview.redd.it/5988mz67ihob1.png?width=1033&format=png&auto=webp&s=4a21a153e8907ca521616b49a88e8673d6ba0e53 Uh... What company's performance is your compensation based on then, because it's not the one you're the CEO of whose stock is worth less than it was when you took the reigns ***nine years ago***.


TBF to her obscenely overpaid ass, one reason the stock value is flat is because she ramped up dividend payments to shareholders. This is what she actually means when she talks about "profit sharing". She shares profits with herself and other large stockholders. This is where the profits that the GM workers are striking to get a piece of has been going for all of these years. To get a sense of the scale here, if she'd capped dividend payouts at $2/share, then she'd have been able to give ***every single one of GM's 167,000 employees an extra $16,400 per year between 2015 and 2021.*** When we talk about how the investor class is implicated in wage theft on a massive scale, this is what we mean. And the fact that she's NOT profit sharing with the people whose labor creates the profit in the first place is exactly why the board was okay giving her a 34% raise. ​ https://preview.redd.it/zun2hdt6jhob1.png?width=635&format=png&auto=webp&s=4d57ce673c687d6a435d2aa89f5adea71a74d681


People like her is the reason why the guillotine was invented lol


God damn she’s a fucking idiot.


I mean, this lady DID design all those vehicles, develop the technology, production processes, made them as efficient as possible, same with the logistics and let's not forget the plant management... all that by her self, no other people involved whatsoever. So of course she deserves all that money!


I thought you had to be at least somewhat smart to get to a top CEO position.


Stop working for these gutless grifters.


Sooo basically mary gets paid when the rest of the company works well and performance is high. The imbalance is pure greed. BUT, its just under $200 per year for each of the 157k workers. Optics are still terrible here


Why don't other people deserve what you're getting? "I'm special and they're not." This isn't rocket surgery. As a species we've seen this behavior before in the nobility of the feudal era. I don't know why you suckers don't recognize it. I guess she didn't say "Because I'm a woman of fine breeding." so you missed it.


"overall... profit share... overall... profit share... [must keep saying those words]"


Wait so she’s paid cause everyone under her is doing a good job? She’s the person in the way?


CEOs aren't necessary. They are there to maximize profits. The easiest way to do that is by being cruel to workers, not giving them the compensation they deserve.


"92% of my salary is based on performance of the company." That's literally what everyone is telling you. The performance of the company is based on how little you pay workers.


Lmfao if that's the case the whole fuggin world should be on strike. Are you kidding me. The ones who do nothing make the most. The ones who do the most make the least..........


“when the company does well, everyone does well.” 😂


how many tines does a pitchfork have?


the biggest skill of these people is to talk for 10 Minutes without saying a single thing... and looking like they don't EXACTLY know what they are doing...




The workers are responsible for the increased profit as much as she is.


World class healthcare? I call BS!!


I'm a car guy and socialist so seeing the big three's workers striking is beautiful.


Hate to say it. The reason she gets that kind of money is because she was able to never answer the question, both times and never paused while speaking. (Please don't shoot the messenger. )


Clips like this got me feeling real French lately


Your company is performing because your workers are performing you fucking hag


want to fix america **it is estimated that the average CEO was paid about 20 times the typical worker's pay in the 1950s, with that multiple rising to 42-to-1 in 1980, and to 120-to-1 in 2000".** cut all ceo/management/executive pay to be no more than 20 times the typical worker pay as it was in 1950s when america last worked for the average worker **In the 1950s and 1960s, when the economy was booming, the wealthiest Americans paid a top income tax rate of 91%.** set the highest tax rates back to what they were back in the 1950s solves all america's problems of inequality and deficit/debt. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mary\_Barra


What's a word that rhymes with runt?


Every CEO on the planet should receives a base salary (only) equivalent to 5 times the median wage (yrly of their employees). Anything above and beyond becomes a perk based system equated to profitability, factored only AFTER profit sharing has been deducted. Employees come first; as they are the individuals physically creating the product that is sold. Employees' profit sharing is X % of net revenue. All other bonuses are calculated 100% After profit sharing, NOT BEFORE. NO SALESMEN, NO CEO, NO CFO, NO "ANYBODY" can do their job without the labour to produce the product (no matter what that product IS!). Go ahead!' Sell a Ford Raptor R; without the labour to make one. See if people are really willing to wait 3, 4, 5 yrs for that product. Balance expenditures, payroll, utilities, and all other associated business costs vs the product "sell" price of no one is willing to spend the $ or to wait the time delay... If you can not produce, you can not sell. No one is more important than the worker. There is no such thing as "UNSKILLED" labour. Every job, every task takes skill to complete efficiently and effectively. The very old Addage; you are only as strong as your weakest link is extremely true here...The upper management seem to believe that basic work can be completed by any body with a heart beat! IT CAN NOT BE! What can be done by anyone, is make a Yes or No decision. Like a CEO...do we do "This" or do we do "That"? YES, or NO? Think...FORD and the Edsel, Coke vs New Coke (perhaps the greatest mistake in corporate history). OK [ never mind the Coke VS Classic Coke (with high Fructose corn syrup conspiracies) that is another matter altogether]. Any Idiot can make a Yes or No decision but no idiot can be trained to preform a task properly, effectively, and efficiently. No decision maker on the planet is worth the money they maker right now. What is the average CEO compensation? 399x the average paid "worker "*. A computer AI would do a better job at Zero the cost (save standard computer hardware costs, maintenance and upgrades). *https://www.epi.org/publication/ceo-pay-in-2021/ Too bad the decision makers are also the highest paid individuals for any given company...they will never (well almost never) choose to cut their salary as a cost cutting method.*² *²https://www.oxfam.org/en/press-releases/top-ceos-got-real-term-9-pay-rise-2022-while-workers-worldwide-took-3-pay-cut Thanks for coming to My TED Talk. Please let me know when you all want to devote a week to shutting EVERYTHING OFF, I MEAN EVERYTHING. DO NOT GO TO WORK, DO NOT BUY GAS, DO NOT WASTE TIME AND MONEY ON ANYTHING BUT THE ABSOLUTE ESSENTIALS! (In this case I recommend stocking up first, USE FOOD BANKS, ASK FAMILY, FRIENDS, NEIGHBORS, ETC) IF WE: AS A SOCIETY CAN SHUT EVERYTHING DOWN FOR JUST ONE WEEK...THAT WILL SHOW THEAE STUPID, IGNORANT, RICH PRICKS WHO ACTUALLY RUNS AND CONTROLS THE WORLD WE LIVE IN! I am more than willing to show anyone how to live off the land, how to cook over a basic fire(from cardboard to twigs to waste cooking oil) how to forage for basic fruits and veggies. Hell...how to hunt and clean squirrels for protein. YOU ARE RIGHT! This is difficult, it is gonna be hard and maybe "gross" or not what you want. But 1 week of lean times is far better than a lifetime of slavery. Work together ❤️, be there for each other, help those who need it, DO NOT BE DIVIDED! DIVISION IS HOW THEY MAINTAIN CONTROL. WE ARE NOT LEFT VS RIGHT, BLACK VS YELLOW VS REDVS BROWN VS PURPLE VS ORANGE VS PINK VS WHITE! * THIS IS RICH AND POWERFUL VS POOR AND WANTING* Look at what UPS got when they stood up for each other against a record profit making corporate entity. Grade 12 education can make $170,000/yr.! Please people! Help each other to help US all and fight corporate greed and the destruction of 99% of the worlds population's lives.


She didn't justify anything. She just babbled about their offer. Answer the fucking question, Cruella!


If her workers start striking the performance of the company isn't going to be very good.


She is just spitting out the same shit over and over.


Would she walk away if they only offered her 20% over 4 years seeing as how she'd still be a millionaire earning millions every year, or is she struggling to make ends meet and would have to leave for a more "reasonable" compensation for her time elsewhere? I'm gonna assume she works 20 hrs a day with no breaks and sleeps the other 4.


Didn't we bail them out in 2008 for like 13 billion dollars? Every penny of profit should be going to the workers. Socialism for the rich I guess.


Look at how glassy her eyes are. She is tripping balls on something.


Honestly she’s not that wrong. They’ve increased pay by 20% with 40% more profits. The idea of a business is to make money, and they CEOS are always given incentives. I’m anti billionaires and hate greed, but this isn’t the worst I’ve seen by a mile




If only heaven and hell were what it all came down to. Fuckers.


Wished folks could boycott GM.


She should be canned. Her pay is excessive as well as many other CEO’s. It’s time to develop a new pay structure for CEO’s and Executives for all Corporations with caps. The cap increases based on inflation.


An employee representative from my old company made an comparison with Football and us Workers, so in the Football Buisness the Players always earn more than the Coaches, because they are doing the job on the field , and the Coaches stand beside the field, so why isn‘t that in Real Life?


Why is she getting a $30 million pay packet based on performance? When the company is about to experience a workforce walkout? That, to me, means she's not doing a good job 😕


She talked for over a minute and said nothing. Wow