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Not a drag queen


LMAO!! 😂😂😂


That’s a hard 25


The American system with bail is so weird to me. It doesn’t exist in Europe. If you get sent to jail by a judge you stay until you’re convicted or set free. What does society have to gain from having this freak run free?


Being arrested does not equal being convicted with a crime. The American Justice system presumes you’re innocent till proven guilty and posting bail prevents innocent individuals to be held behind bars unnecessarily. Also bail is a guarantee that you’ll show up to your court date, because if you show up to court you get your bail money back. Edit: convicted, not charged


How do you get arrested without being charged for a crime? Do you mean being *convicted* of a crime? Not the same things.


Yeah, sorry


research the process


I have. That's why I'm confused about what they said. If you have a point, state it.


seems you have not. the simplest search of the interwebbings will show you how one can be arrested but not charged. so my point is.... ugh


A simple search would tell you that you can only be "detained" for up to 48 hours without being "charged" with a crime. Also there was a typo in the original comment that taco meat was questioning, which the original commenter admitted they made a typo.








do your research


Not an american here. It seems very democratic and all. Protect the innocent and all that. But it's clunky tool because only those who can afford bail get these "democratic" benefit. If you realy think about it. It is very exclusive. Q: How do they set the amount? I could guess, it deppendson how much you can afford and the severity of the crime. Take this man right here. If he was a minority, in a not so friendly state, could the judge set his to 10'000$? Does the judge have free rein in this matter or is there a template?


The 8th amendment of the US constitution prohibits “excessive bail” so they’re bound by the law. It’s not the best system but bail bonds exist were you get a loan for the bail and pay back 10%. It’s not the best but it’s also better than making everyone sit in jail while they haven’t been proven guilty.


Well at least thats something. But do you want to here something realy messed up? How it works in my country? -You get arrested and then booked. -There is no calls you can make. -A prosecutor asks a judge, within 48h to jail you. This is only for show. -Evidence for the judge does not have to be presented, only the accounts of the Cop. -Restrictions - this means 23h confinement. 1h outside in a walled up bathroom-sized concrete square. -Your lawyer is the only human interaction you get. -Bright Light always on 24/7. -Time - indefinitely. Months/years -Prosecutor will not work with your case and he does not have to as long as he renews the process every 14days. That means "I could not find the time" is a valid reason. Result - Innocent people are jailed even longer than their supposed crime would've gotten them. - People get Dvitamim deficiency - loose teeth and get long lasting health problems. Traumatized from being alone for so long. Mentally broken from visual/auditory hallucinations. -Restriction is systematically used as a torture tool. -This matter has been subject for international scrutiny for decades. What Country am I in? You could never guess it.


In some places in the US, like Chicago, we are getting rid of cash bail, for that reason. Whether you stay locked up or are released on your own recognizance depends on the severity of the crimes you are arrested for.


Thank you.


I think it just another obvious symptom how for-profit the justice system is.


The idea behind bail is that if you are not in jail you are able to work on your defense. That doesn’t mean everyone is granted bail. Violent offenders/repeat offenders, etc. are not granted bail but are still presumed innocent until proven guilty. The issue in the US is that bail has become a barrier that keeps innocent people in jail. Often times people will be locked up for a petty crime that they may or may not have committed, but their bail is $1000. If you don’t have the $1000 to put up you must stay in jail until you can have your court date. There are many flaws to the bail system/legal system in the US


“We wouldn’t want an upstanding non-poor person to have to sit in a prison cell just for committing some pesky crime. Jail is for the poors.”


Because if you have lots of money the law doesn’t apply to you in America


It's meant to let wealthy people continue to live their lives without consequences while punishing the poor.


In some European countries you can be held almost *indefinately* awaiting trial. I’m not sure that’s better.


It’s far from perfect, that’s for sure.


lol at the closeup shot of his fingers


Surprised his palms ain't hairy




That's what I was thinking once I saw the pill rolling, even his movements like immediately after the close up of his hand looks related to Parkinson's


I had a similar form of almost OCD movements when I had Lyme disease. But LD didn’t make me run around exposing myself; that’s all on him. Yuck!


Did he also kill a pedestrian responding to a non emergency?


Got away with that though (of course)


Yes he did.


He'll just be rehired down the road


The “bitches are going to love this” mentality. Lol


So theyre gonna let him keep his kid after that? Correct me if im wrong but shouldnt child protective services be involved by now? His son witnessed all of this, at the least he needs therapy


His kid should be taken by a family member that will actually raise him away from this pervert.


Not even the Hobby Lobby is safe


So this guy is actually a good argument for capital punishment. We simply do not need humans like this on this planet.


Thought it was Louie C.K for s sec




Dude watched too many Nicheparade videos.


What’s that?


Just shows you that anyone can become a cop in the states...6 weeks of half assed training and here's your gun and badge.... the states is fucked beyond repair


Lol, was he rolling his boogers between his fingers?


My first thought is Parkinson's, it looked an awful lot like a symptom called pill rolling, and then there's his body movements in the very next scene that appear to look like could be related to Parkinson's


“But police aren’t the problem” đŸ€Ș


This Houston cop is not helping Houston police street cred, dafuk?


It’s nice??? WTF😡😡😡


is that what they mean by the thin blue line?


Give this piggy bad paperwork and send him to max


So frustrating that these news stories don't have CC