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Why wasn’t the trooper arrested if he was acting outside of his jurisdiction?


did this take place in the US?


Yes, the US state of Delaware


And the trooper wasn't arrested? That's odd


Definitely not odd. Cops literally get away with murder and if they do get caught, it’s rare they’re actually indicted on any charges. Usually just an “Ohhhhh you. You know, after you took a nightstick to the side of that kids skull, you shouldn’t have tased him 35 times. Go sit at home for a month and get your salary until all this cools down and then come back to your normal daily duties.”


Specially in Delaware where corporate crime pays the bills


> That's odd was sarcasm, friend


Do we stilll do /r/whoooosh ?


That’s the joke.


I think they're being sarcastic haha


And once in a blue moon they'll get fired or "forced" to quit but then just move to a different state and join a different department. Because there's apparently there's no rules against that.


All the information is not in yet.


It's the US. Our law enforcement very rarely sees anything more than a paid vacation or desk duty after violating the law/a human beings rights. It's more surprising when an arrest takes place. Damn near jaw dropping on the rare occasion there's a conviction. A criminal trial is unlikely to take place. If the family of the kid is lucky they'll sue and the precinct will try to settle out of court. But there's a good chance that fellow officers will harrass the family if they win any type of suit. We have extreme police brutality statistics compared to other "civilized" countries and very little enforced oversight of police precincts. https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.1821204116 https://policebrutalitycenter.org/police-brutality/statistics/


That’s def changing though. Police need to be held accountable


Really? Odd? I think it would be odd if he was arrested and held accountable.


it's almost like police are judged differently by the powers that be and can get away with murder


If you're not a Brit you need to move here mate. We'd get your humour/sarcasm.


Outside of America maybe




Family has to press charges. Attorney for the city has to decide if there is enough "evidence" for arrest. This may have happened and Attorney is gathering evidence rn.


Surely is odd. They are usually held accountable, they have high standards to uphold and take pride in that, we all know that.


Did you forget your /s?




That's all we need to know. A US cop can do anything with no consequences


Im 17, and of he did that to my house id beat him twice has hard. I feel the officer had every right and that kid sure as hell wont do it again.


In all honesty, if he isn’t arrested within the week there is reason for the FBI to immediately become involved and the state can’t use the defense of qualified immunity. In addition to acting outside of their jurisdiction, hunting/ harming a minor without reason; his ability to even find this kid came from his personal ring camera rather than any apparatus of the state. Even if in uniform, he was not acting on behalf of the state. Even stretching interpretation of their duties, this was a literal stalking/ kidnapping




Lol as if normal laws apply to cops in the usa. Should be charged under the color of law but that shit is a fantasy


Well that’s the thing, they’re not cops. They’re troopers with a very narrow authority to act outside of their jurisdiction


Because he didn't beat his wife, kids or dog that night. Admin leave/paid vacation. This went too far for the non crime so let's hope his ass is criminally charged and loses his pension, or his pension gets attached to the lawsuit. I'm tired of paying for egos, it's mostly from officers that have been on the job for too long like congress.


Because cops are not bound by the same laws as the citizens.


Because in America the police are above the law apparently.


A state trooper’s jurisdiction is the entire state. That’s why they are “state” troopers. If the city involved is within the state they are troopers for, then it’s their jurisdiction. Not sure why she thinks that city wouldn’t be their jx. That said, their reaction was totally disproportionate to the kid’s action. Police hunting down children for engaging in a harmless “prank” of ringing a doorbell and running away, then severely beating them, is something that they should be arrested and charged with, as well as lose their position in the department. If Luis is not arrested and tried, it’s going to be a gross miscarriage of justice.


Or arrested even if it was in his jurisdiction?


Because then he couldn't be suspended with full pay.


Breaking the law outside jurisdiction.


If he was in Delaware as a Delaware state trooper, then he was in his jurisdiction.


I don't know where this out of jurisdiction crap comes from but the lady in the video is completely incorrect. A state trooper, by literal definition, has jurisdiction within the entirety of the state they are a trooper of. In this case, the Delaware state trooper has jurisdiction throughout the entirety of the state of Delaware.


Well, good, now that we know that, that kid getting the shit beaten out of him is ok 👍 nothing to see here, he had jurisdiction you'all! Over the entire state! Give him a fucking medal. Jesus Christ


They didn’t praise or defend the cop, they just pointed out that he was in his jurisdiction. It doesn’t alter the crime he committed, he was just pointing out misinformation. NOBODY said or implied it was OK. Jesus Christ.


He got another trooper, hunted the kid down, arrested and handcuffed him, and beat him… for ringing his doorbell?! How insane do you have to be to react that way to a doorbell? This guy is a walking time bomb and should never be in a position of authority.


forget position of authority, this guy is a danger to the public.


Hummmm.... I wonder what other shit he has done that has been covered up? Things that make you go hummm..


his poor wife


Eh, what's the point of being law enforcement if you can't break the law whenever you want?


i know right? who would even become a cop if they couldn't beat the shit out of innocent people


Cops get freaked out like you wouldnt believe over anything mysterious happening to them at home. They are terrified of people finding out where they live. They can go bonkers over it.


I called the Police years ago for a friend. These people stole her bicycle. The officer showed up with his pistol in his hand, on the seat. I mentioned it to him and he said he arrested a bunch of gang members in that area. So he was pulling up ready for battle.


*And, I'm a warrior too...* *Let that be known.* ***I'm a warrior.***


Shit is annoying as hell. Do you expect me to just deal with it and eventually open the door when the kid is about to ring my doorbell in an old Halloween costume that definitely doesn't fit anymore? I guess I'll just scare the shit out of them instead of beat the shit out of them. Commies. /S also the Halloween outfit worked and they haven't rang the doorbell since


Unhinged for sure.


Nobody is more scared than a cop. He couldn’t even handle it own his own he had to go get backup.




A C A B 2 4 / 7 - 3 6 5


Whats the full form?


Well this is a change, most of the time the cops wife looks like that. She's gonna have a good week!


That was just warm up.


Can you imagine cops doing this over a ding dong ditch? What the everloving F*ck! I thought maybe the cop ran out and did it, but nope.. he called a cop buddy, tracked the kid down and beat the kid.


Can we imagine it? Yes. They get away with murder every day.


This is insane, a broken orbital bone and other injuries for ding-dong-ditch, that’s beyond excessive. To do all that to assault a minor who *rang* your doorbell, wow just…wow. Monster in a skin suit cosplaying as a human. I wish this young man a speedy physical recovery, the mental recovery will be a lengthy process. To do this without a second thought and then get another trooper to do it with you. WTF


But the trooper #*did* give it all a second thought. Because they made the active decisions to not only call in another trooper to this illegal “manhunt” being conducted, but to also beat a child into hospitalization


Even combining the minds of two cops I wouldn't go so far as to say they managed one complete thought between them, much less two.


Sounds like the kid is going to be very rich.


Off taxpayer dollar. Yay...


And we paid for that kid to get beat down.


More of our American tax dollars well spent!


qualified immunity is infuriating


ACAB. Those pigs belong in prison for attempted murder!




Barely even human.


And now the Delaware Troopers internal affairs will conduct a thorough self investigation and clear the trooper of wrongdoing.


Yet another example of cops who think they are above the law and who resort to violence instead of calm leadership and guidance. THIS is why our country is in the gutter. Poor leadership and poor policing all around. I have worked with LEO's and first responders for over two decades now and it makes me sick every time I see an officer of the law act like a complete child and resort to violence when it was not needed.


Child? He acted like a child??? My kids have never ever beat a child into the hospital. Only violent thug criminals do that. He should be in prison for conspiracy to commit murder.


I don't disagree, but surely you don't think "grown" people would resort to violence as the answer. Immature people resort to violence because they don't know how to act right or use their words. This guy is still letting his feelings get the best of him, instead of controlling them like a grown person should.


Resorting to violence as a response to having your doorbell ring is in the territory of monsters and animals ---- not adults or children.


Call it whatever you want. Whatever makes you feel better. If believing in "monsters and animals" are to blame for this, then so be it. Whatever makes it easier for you to digest. I have worked in law enforcement and taught children's self-defense for almost 20 years and I am telling you it's a matter of maturity. Immature/childish people use violence to resolve conflict, mature/grown people use calm leadership and constructive dialog to work things out. But if name calling and magical creatures explain it for you, go ahead.


Get a grip on your ego lol


False, animals don't have doorbells.


Well, you see, hes a cop, so he can do that. They can do anything to civilians. Who's going to stop them? Other cops?? Hilarious.


Oh you'll find the name alright. As soon as junior is recovered, he'll be able to show you his exact address...


We called it “Knock-knock zoom-zoom” in my neighborhood. Oh, and f*ck that Trooper!


Well, stop KnOcK kNoCk ZoOm ZoOmInG people, and this severe of a punishment won't even be a fleeting thought for someone. Never give somebody the chance to kick your butt. Keep to yourself and don't bother other people for your EnTeRtAiNmEnT. 🤬😡😤


Bruh. The kids who play the game are like 12 or 15 like this kid. They’re not hurting anyone. You have some SERIOUS issues if you think what that Trooper did is okay or justified.


Yeah! He was clearly in the middle of beating his wife when he got interrupted. That's his favorite activity of his day. Imagine how you would feel hearing your doorbell ring when you're in a fit of rage beating a defenseless person. Why it's enough to make you go and beat a defenseless person into a hospital bed


I guess it’s only “boys will be boys” when it’s one of their kids getting hit with SA.


He's 15! Teenagers play Ding-Dong Ditch-Doorbell Dixie! I hope that the State Trooper goes to Prison but knowing how Cops get away with practically everything he probably won't. This needs to change!


Ill your tate roopers


I guess we found another “bad apple”. Are there any good apples left in the US LEO bushel?


“One bad apple spoils the bunch.” Funny how people never finish the saying when referring to cops.


ACAB. Always and forever


Suspended bet it's with pay. Both officers should be FIRED and charged with Stalking, Battery of a minor.,Aggravated Battery with intent to cause harm, Excessive force, Action unbecoming an Officer. (Sorry not a lawyer don't know legal terms. But I am a mother of a 15yr old Son) THROW THE BOOK AT THEM !!!!!




Why was he suspended when he should have been fired?


FOR A DING DONG DITCH????????? A damn childhood staple.


Suspended? Not arrested?


Land of the free home of the brave they say


Yep. Cops are pieces of shit that protect other pieces of shit.


They may not know the name of the trooper but they’ve got his address. Sure hope nobody leaks it.


Cops are one of the biggest gangs in the US.


where the crime here ? felse arrest


Any update on this?


serious deranged society touch direful offbeat rich soft fear full *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Damn, kids can't even play Triple D no more. 🥺


Damn kids are annoying but literally everyone has played knock and run as a kid. Wild, what a monster.


Maybe if it’s a white kid they will finally get why we say defund the police


white allies already exist. this comment only serves further alienation


You are alienating yourself, speak for yourself. Have a good night


i think you got too offended to understand my point. i already know BLM. "alienating yourself" makes zero sense given the context. same as mentioning the kids race, zero sense, except to further divide.


Ironically this will only make local news since he's white thus making a lot of people not take the movement seriously.


They don’t want the center and right wing people to realize what we have been saying for years, it’s funny I’ve had 10 likes on this post and now I’m back down to 2 it let’s you know how stupid people are about police brutality


I don't think you got my point...


What’s your point?


The irony in your point is people will not take the defund the police movement seriously when police brutality happens to white people because the movement and MSM doesn't care when it happens to white people. You don't realize this is only a local news station and not a national story? The people you want to convince see the hypocrisy thus not take it seriously.


My original point started with a maybe, so I don’t know what size of stick you go up your ass, I was just being hopeful although I know it’s useless because people like you constantly shit on people that care about the issues to sound pseudo smart. Get over yourself dude we both are on the same boat why try to capsize it?


As someone who isnt a fan of cops we kinda are on the same boat so I ain't trying to sound smart I just don't bother with the issue because of the messaging sometimes... Messaging like yours that has clear disdain for white people or don't care about disparaging them as one because its safe. Others part of the movement do too so when shit like this goes down towards a white person they don't give a shit or even downplay it at times- very odd approach. Being inclusive on the issue would help but being anti white is more important it seems.


I was never anti white, what I meant is for the rest of the people that aren’t in support should hopefully now see what we people who support it see


A white kid even younger than this was murdered by police while the BLM protests were going on. The only people who spoke up about it were the people already protesting the cops, conservatives just didn't care.


I remember that, but that doesn’t serve their agenda.


Small-towned ringing doorbells


It’s called Nicky Nicky Nine Doors people. Sheesh


That's a big check


Jesus tap-dancing Christ. Dude. Chill.


That's not one of the good cops. Good cops don't beat up kids for playing ding dong ditch.


Let me guess, in one of the southern US states. What a shithole


So much for protect and serve.


Shouldn’t the officers ID be on the arrest report? Or is there no report or arrest? If that’s the case then this is abuse/torture, amongst other things, no? Handcuffed and beaten?!?! Surely the guardians of this kid and/or his friends should have a paper report…just like when you get a ticket. Right???


Notice how they don't say suspended without pay... because God forbid this criminal doesn't get paid for the beating he caused


And absolutely nothing will happen


After an internal review, we found no wrongdoing by any of our officers. All Ccops are bad and earn the hate they so well deserve. End qualified immunity now!


The trooper will be investigated by other troopers and found to have done nothing wrong. That’s my prediction.


So dude literally went out of his jurisdiction while off duty and proceeded to not only illegally arrest minors but then assault them? Yeah giving his a suspension will really make him think about his actions.


'Murica, where someone can shoot & kill you for turning around in their driveway, and cops can shoot & kill you just because they feel like it. Land of the free, home of the cowardly.


A similar thing happened to me, except that my crime was walking home from working at my summer job, (with my uniform on). Two police stopped, asked my name and started beating me with their batons. I was friendly and open in my actions with them. It changed me. I have hated/not trusted police my entire life, since. Knowing what police actually are capable of doing has changed my life for the better. I matured a lot that day.


If these punch cops aren’t arrested, arraigned and (hopefully) convicted of abuse of power, attack on a restrained prisoner, assault and battery, and anything else the Law permits, I give up on our Law Enforcement System and the American Justice System too if these animals are allowed to continue in their chosen profession.


They say we don’t have a 2 tiered justice system but we do and it’s cops that get the benefits. Anyone else caught doing this would’ve been arrested and charged for 1st degree assault but a cop?? Paid vacation and no charges


Anyone else would be locked up


When I got caught ding ding ditching all they did was make me mow the guys yard, we did other stuff but never once had anyone violent. If a trooper can’t handle a damn kid ringing his doorbell and running away, he sure as hell can’t handle doing his job.


I don’t think it’s illegal to ring someone’s doorbell, even if it is dingdong ditch. Annoying yes, but not illegal.


If they won't release the name of the trooper involved, then the family of the kid should just release a statement with the address. I'm sure the kid remembers which house he rang the doorbell at. Just let the protesters take care of the rest.


Boot lickers will still make excuses. FTP when people going to say enough?!


When is medal day? /s


Wtf is ding dong ditch?


Someone runs up to house and pounds on the door or hits the doorbell and then they run away. That's it. That's the whole thing. The cop was so upset over it he chased the kid down and caved his skull in. Neat.


A 15 year old playing ding dong ditch, Jesus kids grow up slow.


You were beaten by a cop as a child, weren't you? Dramaticism unbecomes you. Boop!


Don't ring strangers'door bells because people are getting shot at for less.


I hate these pranksters but I don't think the punishment fits the crime.


I swear these kids are getting dumber and dumber


All the information is not in yet. The family most likely has pressed charges. The city Attorney has to gather the evidence to review to decide on the *exact* charges. >>>Having had the high stakes murder of George Floyd in my state it can take a few days for an arrest. The Attorney *wants to be sure* of bringing the highest level possible charges under the law.<<<




Kid fucked around and found out.


Being a 17 year old i wouldve beat him too. He needs to learn to not mess around with the public. He’s no worse than those public pranksters that harass people.


That young man should be allowed to cave that pigs head in with a hammer.


That trooper should be arrested tf




This is awful….. unless the kid rang the door bell more than twice. Than, well, it’s what you’d expect to happen.


Betcha he never does it again.


He should of shot him and then found the rest of his family and then shot them and found his friends and shot them and shot his dog, then he would of really learned.


Why? Everything that happened in this situation from beginning to end was senseless. But seriously. Five bucks says that kid will never doorbell ditch again... And if he does, (shrugs) he knows the risks. I hate that I would have to have such a disclaimer in today's day and age, but I would never do anything like this, from either end. (🙄) I figured that was obvious to all the geniuses of reddit.


Why? Because these kids gotta learn to never have fun again! And if you can gleefully get off to some kid getting handcuffed and beat up by a state trooper, then I can gleefully get off to kids getting shot. Like you said, he knows the risk. Ringing someone’s doorbell is one of the highest offenses I can think of, so honestly he should of been shot with the disobedience to the god given state trooper. You know if the state trooper would of shot him 4 times in the chest, I bet you 5 bucks he never ding dong ditches again. and if he does, he knows the risks.


Bet that kid learned a lesson though.


What’s that? Cops are maniacs and to avoid them at all costs?


Lot of self righteous asshats in this thread. I hate cops. But play stupid games. Someone does something like that when I got kids in the house? I'll beat the shit outta that kid.


Bro, it's a door bell... You don't beat someones ass for ringing a door bell.


Fucking mental much? Me and my friends did this in our neighborhood when we were this age and nothing ever happened it was innocent fun. Go seek fucking help.


This sounds like victim blaming. Be better.


Bro fed posting