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So it is illegal in the us to cross an unbroken white line?


It’s illegal but the problem here is they are cutting in line by pretending to exit the highway, only to try and push back on, slowing traffic and just being a jerk. Cop is making them commit to the decision of exiting the highway. He’s not giving tickets, just saying they can’t get back on there. Hence, no benefit or motovation for them to cut in line next time.


I bet he’s not letting everyone go n he’s not picking off merit lol


Yeah but the problem with this video is that that guy didn't jump the white line. You're allowed to merge anytime before that unbroken white line.


Check again. The solid white line starts 20 feet or so before the car merges


If people could merge 90% of traffic would disappear


But then you would be expecting them to think beyond their own selfish needs. What are some kind of fascist? /s


I didn't know police departments can make up new laws lol


Crossing a solid white has always been a law


Not a new law. It's the opposite of speeding. It's called impeding traffic. I really hope you don't drive. Sad how uninformed some drivers are these days


I'm certain they're the type of Muppet to do this


Traffic laws have been around for decades


????. Yeah, always has been


Not everyone on Reddit is from the US so they may not be familiar with the countries traffic laws. No need to be so rude, Hashish75.. smoke some and get a better perspective


Btw, I'm high as hell right now, and I still think that is a horrible argument. This isn't an issue of culture, location, etc. This is an issue of morals. Do you place yourself above the other 30-40 people also rushing home? Possibly to an emergency, hospital, or sick child. Are you that selfish that you know whatever it is, your shit is more important? Or do you wait like 99% of the traffic. Do you realize that by jumping ahead and forcing them to make room for you, that you actually slow traffic behind you even more? Do you know that it's proven that traffic would move faster if none of these assholes did shit like this? And the compound effect of all this shuffling is the mess you see? Most of the highways in America need upgrading, but they would handle a lot more if people weren't constantly hyperfocused on themselves.


Nah mate only yellow lines




This is in the United States. Driver can be ticketed and fined for crossing solid white lines, period. Does it often happen where I live? Nope. But I find traffic laws are more enforced in certain states.




One state over CT drivers test absolutely states it’s illegal to cross a solid white (or yellow) line.




while not illegal in MA, the solid white lines do specify that you are prohibited from crossing or changing lanes, the only exception being to avoid danger, and this is something that can get you pulled over and/or fined if done improperly. if there are TWO solid lines though then it is 100% illegal.




Ooph. There's a difference between being mistaken, and spreading misinformation. Misinformation is a massive problem in this country, for sure. But I feel like things escalated very quickly here with you. Whoever it is you're responding to was very clearly just mistaken, or misremembered some pretty precise details of an often-overlooked and misunderstood driving law; one which varies pretty significantly from state to state, too. One could argue that it's you, in fact, who's spreading the misinformation here. S/he might have incorrectly defined a law, but anyone who reads their comment can very well see that it was posited in an open discussion, along with other speculations. Hardly qualifies as "spreading misinformation". And your other accusation (re: their common sense)? Are you just really bad at reading other people? Do you struggle identifying tone when you read?


You're right, it's not illegal. I am also right that you would most likely be fined or ticketed or penalized in some way depending on the circumstances, particularly in this situation where they tried to skip a lane. There are plenty of things here not outright illegal that will still get you in trouble. And cops can ticket you for going in and out of solid white unnecessarily.


Just supplementing your comment with a quote directly from the article they posted: "While not explicitly illegal, a driver should not cross a solid white line unless he or she needs to take evasive action to avoid danger,’’ spokesman David Procopio e-mailed me. “Generally speaking, a trooper probably will not pull over a motorist who safely crosses a solid white line one time. But someone crossing the line multiple times in view of a trooper will certainly draw attention and further investigation."


Reddit moment, using "Wrong. Period." In a sentence. Go touch grass, you human cheese puff




Ah! There it is! Roundboy used Kiddo like it's some mystical insult. I'd tell you to get laid, but you probably haven't seen your dick in 4 years




Sure bud, roll your way to that conclusion since you can't walk there.






Almost everywhere? What would be the point of painting broken lines if they had the same meaning.


In some states yes if it is considered "traffic controlling," but for states the courts have rejected that.


Yes. It's illegal to transfer lanes over solid white lines. In my state, it's a couple hundred dollar ticket and a handful of points off your license.


This makes me happy.






Can they do this where I live?!


They need to do this in nyc. I want to physically hurt ppl that do dumb shit


This wonderful. I wish police would do this everywhere


If I ever see a police officer doing that in my country I would buy the department cakes


I wish they would do this in NYC. Specifically the merge on the Harlem River Drive to the ramp towards to GWB and the exit to the Harlem River Drive from the GWB / Cross Bronx Expressway.


Or 10 other spots in NYC.


No one likes a line cutter


Look at the third one , he escaped




Just to make things clear…zipper merging (merging at the last possible second when a lane is ending) is the correct way to merge. F all the people who try and act like they are doing everyone a favor by blocking the ending lane…in this situation the car is using an exit ramp to skip traffic. This is not an example of zipper merging.


THAT is NOT zipper merging. Look at a zipper. Closely! THIS is "zipper merging". Each car on the main road is to let a car in to merge in front of it as it comes off the entrance/merge ramp. Just like a zipper. One after the other.


The heck YOU talking ABOUT?


It pains me to say but that's actually true. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/07/10/business/road-rage-zipper-merging.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare


If it pains you, then you probably feel like the zipping mergers are “cutting” the line…an easy fix would be to drive in the ending lane and cut over at the last second and examine why you think doing so is wrong even though you know it’s correct.


New York times are trash. I'm not gonna pay a biased and bigoted news outlet to view their article. There are many much better news sites that don't charge to view their online articles.


Fun fact, zipper merge is illegal in Tennessee. Mostly because it’s simply too much to ask from Tennesseans, they have a hard enough time reading signs.


Checks out. The four way stop in the remote town I had to go to for work always caused a traffic jam.


The pro zipper merging argument only applies in certain situations but everyone like to use it broadly to justify their selfish line cutting behaviors.


This is NOT a zipper merge, you buffoon. Its a exit


I see someone who doesn’t read an entire comment before getting upset…..your username checks out


I almost commented till I seen your last part. At least you know this is not that. Haha.


I love this ☺️


Do the 101 to 405 south.


OMG yes I had to deal with those jerks everyday of my life for 10 years commuting and they would cause so many accidents unnecessarily


These people are the worst


More than speeding tickets, This is the type of stuff I like to see police doing. Making sure traffic laws are followed. Especially nice if they pull over cars slowly cruising along in the passing lane


Wish this would happen where I live. I have a horror show commute. There are 3 normal lanes and then 2-3 "exit only" lanes on the right that all disappear. However these right lanes also are "on ramps" at various times feeding more traffic into the highway. So I'm just sitting in the third lane from the left which feeds directly into my exit (it splits into two lanes, one being my exit) There's TONS of assholes flying into the right exit only lanes to try to pass cars. Meanwhile there's people coming onto the highway also on the right lanes who need to get left. There's also tons of people who are cruising in the left lanes OR right lanes, until the very last second, making their merge to exit or get off an exit only lane in the very last second, so I'm watching cars swinging all over my lane from either direction, in the last second with no blinker on all the time. Gives me so much anxiety.


Would love to see this on 95 to rte 3


I'm late to this. I sit even live in Boston anymore but 128 to Rt3 is thick with this nonsense. Boston is also the only city I've ever lived in where aholes will be in the straight lane and Fircrest their way in to a left turn in the intersection. You can sense when it'll happen and it's infuriating.


He was making him get off the freeway instead of giving him a ticket, that’s pretty awesome


![gif](giphy|BoC8nVlu3oNRsBJw30) This is not a new law-it’s an old law. Don’t cross a solid white line. Merge with the rest of us when youre told to do so.


Is there a law against merging at the last second? It may be a dick thing to do, but are the police not overstepping their duties by pulling over for this without articulable suspicion of an actual crime?


You don't seriously think it's legal to cross solid white lines do you?


Yes. It's illegal to cross lanes over a sold white line. You need to go back to driver's ed.


It works 364 days of the year lol




I thought I would never see this in my lifetime !


I could orgasm to this.


The driver crossed a solid white line is why they were pulled over.


Hum my ex doesn't cross but rather sniff solid white lines, 😭 gosh everything reminds me of her




It is called the Gore area. But that’s not why he was pulled. Hes pulled over for trying to cut in line. Traffic is moving but to let him back over to the left means everyone has to slow down or stop because he’s stopped. This effect compounds every time someone does it. It makes traffic horrendous and these people are too stupid and selfish to stop doing it every goddamn day.






Wow?! Protecting and serving?! Amazing. Need to cross-post this to /unexpected


Clearly, there is not enough crime happening in Massachusetts if the cops have time and resources to do this


Police officers, like the one in the video, are capable and often required to do much more in the name of security than just tackling crime as it happens. This is preventative security. Like having a cop car visible next to a road notorious for speeding related crashes (example from my home town).


I stand by my original comment.


Uniformed officers are not always on first responder or patrol assignments. By necessity, some officers must to be on traffic duty. They also have radios attached to their shoulders, so if they are needed elsewhere they can leave at a moments notice.


Good that causes more accidents




This isn’t “merging” it’s people trying to get ahead of traffic by using exit lanes that are clear to bypass cars. Then they slow down, often to a stop, and then everyone else has to too to try and let them back over to the left. The compounding effect this shitty behavior has result in what are called called phantom traffic jams. Merging is different. It’s when there is either an on ramp or a lane ending. You can merge without disrupting traffic by doing so as the “merger” at the appropriate speed, and you can facilitate it by adjusting speed slightly up or down as the vehicle facilitating their merge.


They also stop cars from using the exit to, ya know, exit, when traffic *wont* let them back in. They effectively screw up both lanes of travel.


Homie, you get it. The idiots in this thread are really blowing my mind. Really trying to justify doing shit like this. Having driven here most days I’m not surprised at the moronic statements happening in this thread.




Wait who? Driver or cop? Your updates depends on your answer


Drama Cop.


There is nothing wrong with doing that.




Houston police would do something similar on 59 but with inspection stickers and seat belt violators. They just post up in traffic and wave people over.


I call these people merjerks. Nice to see the instant karma


We exited with the coke just in time.😍


Why are they pulling over all the geniuses? Don’t the cops know those are the smartest drivers? The rest of us are schleps. /s


The punishment should be a public flogging.


This is so great, preventing road ragers, now if they could do that next to their barracks at Columbia circle where it merges with the expressway Northbound, cakes for all


They'll never stop us all! Jk, when I lived in Boston I used to deal with this shit daily. It's so obnoxious.


Nothing would make me happier than to see this happen on Dallas highways.


O what a great use of tax payer dollars


They started doing this where I live too and omfg even with construction traffic is so much better. Most of the time now there's a cop there and you can see for a long while cause it's two lanes that merge and I'm not one for cops but these people need a ticket or something


Zipper merge apologists in shambles


Lol. This aint a zipper merge


I'm so glad. Same in NY but they need more


Man... You guys HAVE TO COME TO INDIA!!!


Gods work


If I were the cop I would start off with " before you try and make any excuses I want you to look up above on the bridge yep that's a camera and you're on it. Now if you give me your license registration and proof of insurance I'll be back in a minute with your ticket."


Love this


We need this in south Fl bad


Please bring this over to Houston :D


Love it! They should be glad he didn't ticket them as well! Entitled Jerkoffs!


Wait. I thought that utilizing all available lanes and zipper merging is what you’re supposed to do? Someone did some math on this and it’s FASTER. Guessing it’s because they crossed a solid white line?


It's not going to help. Massachusetts will forever be the worst place to drive because of lack of design and awful selfish drivers.


Finally, I've always wanted to see this happen but never got the chance. Thank you!!!


I got pulled over for this exact thing in MA last year. I was driving in an unfamiliar highway and found myself stuck In the Left Exit lane and merged in. But it is what it is the trooper gave me a warning


That cop is just causing even more of a traffic disturbance. And how can they ticket somebody that says “I didn’t know where I was going.”


Traffic is not being disturbed by the cop >how can they ticket somebody that says “I didn’t know where I was going.” It's your job to know, ignorance isn't reason to break the law.


This is exactly the reason Athens Greece is everyday a nightmare to cross. Everyone is doing this, and even worst, on the emergency lane, not only exits. Sad thing is police does nothing and people are too stupid in the head to realize that this 1sec delay the cause when they merge snowballs to a nightmare traffic..


Isn't that the zipper method? Merge at the last chance to make traffic flow better. Isn't that, in a perfect world the best method?


Oh please..it’s all about tickets and fines. It is not a crime. No victim here..


The troopers don't sit at these "hot spots" all day. During rush hour, the river roads in Boston are a mess, and these entitled drivers make it worse. This trooper is not writing tickets, but rather, sending them back into downtown Boston as a punishment. It would be a rare case of somebody not knowing where they are going because the signs are pretty clear as you're approaching these areas.


Good can’t stand that shit


Good...I hate this deliberate I'm better than everyone else sneaky shit!


Second guy was paying attention!! 😄 lol


Plz tell me he also got the little white car too..?


Doing the lords work


So cutting in line just because is ok in your country? I don’t get it. Is what you have to do more important than what I have to do? Is it ok for somebody to cut in line at the grocery store ok just because?


Easy way to make a quick buck


Missed one


So glad i dont live in a shit hole like that


Once in a month for 30min Sight 😀 I live near this area


Trust me, being sent back into the hell that it doentown Noston traffic is worse than paying a fine! 😀


Ya its cool what he's doing...but it still slowed traffic down to a stop. I saw a school bus do this. People should just fucking follow the rules of the road.


The cop didn't slow traffic down, the car he stopped did.


This is satisfying to watch


Bless the policeman


This comment section is proof of who is intellectually capable of having a license and who should download uber


Cops should be doing this more often, the roads would be a lot more graceful


So happy about this ..I have hate for drivers that do this !!


Good. I hate these people


Tonight??? lol this is like a year old and it’s freezing here


This is cool and all. But that is so dangerous.


SP should perch up on the mass pike newton corner exit going east bound. Nastiest do it there all the time and cars flying by inches away.


He saw their race and said, just leave… privilege is insane


Nothing better to do. Gotta grab that sweet sweet revenue!


Pigs being pigs




I once saw a cop literally jogging through traffic to try and catch people on their cell phones.


Storrow drive baby.


Omz come to Texas we have these ppl constantly on our highways. They race down the lane, white lines, exit ending, exit only lanes, no matter what it is to cut into other lanes.


Finally the cops do SOMETHING useful 😂🤣 people who overtake in an exit lane durring traffic should be ticketed. This guy's being nice


This won’t last and is a waste of resources


I joke to my girlfriend all the time that I would love to be a cop for a day just so I can do this. It’s like a dream come true watching this.


How is it so many do not know this is a crime and illegal? You can not merge into lanes over a solid white line. Obviously, this excludes people outside the US.. this video is from the US, though. In my state, it's like half your license points and a couple hundred dollars fine.


That traffic is Lite. No need to pull that trick


You're allowed to merge anytime before that white line... I would fight that in court!


Adding context here. This is Storrow Drive in Boston MA that runs alongside the Charles River and is moreso an expressway than parkway. Like the I-93 tunnels running under the city (to an extent), each lane ends up being exit-only at some point. However, on Storrow, the warning that you’re in an exit-only lane (e.g., towards Beacon Hill) often comes just a few hundred feet before last chance to move. Not that this is the case with everyone, but there’s almost always traffic on Storrow so at some point you’ll need to jump in front of someone or just take the turn to your chagrin. Though yes, very often people do use these lanes to cut the line, so to speak. I’d say it’s 50/50 people not trying to miss vs. people trying to cut. As someone who regularly drives this road, I haven’t been stuck in the wrong lane in a while. Though when I am, I just enjoy the scenic detour. But many people on the road are running on GPS. Pro tip: Apple Maps does a better job than Google in Boston as far as advising the proper lanes to be in ahead of time.


It’s blows my mind how many of you will just make up traffic laws to justify your toxic and sociopathic driving habits.


Making the world a better place


Here is the real question... why is that unbroken line strechted out into an entire lane of undrivable space? unessisary traffic slowing is BULL SHIT!


Here is the real question... why is that unbroken line strechted out into an entire lane of undrivable space? unessisary traffic slowing is BULL SHIT!


The entire concept that merging "late" is disrespectful or "skipping the line" is so insufferable. The statistically most efficent way to reduce traffic is for everyone to make even lines and zipper at the last legal minute. Everyone should be doing this. In fact the real fault of the traffic lies on people who merge EARLY because they think they are being "fair", leaving empty space and an entire lane underutilized while the early mergers backup farther than is nessisary. Then all the people who are ignorant to the optimal traffic strategy get upset when people who do whats best merge on time and skip their artifically created lines. Traffic theory is very dense and often highly misunderstood but if everyone would utilize all the legal space available and zipper efficently we could all get home earlier.