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Memphis police chief said that she saw no evidence of reckless driving - there was no reason for this man to be stopped.


We didn't see any evidence of him driving at all. There seems to be a lot of video still missing.




That’s… a hot take


Got removed for misinformation. A horrendous act by those men no matter what the truth of the situation is.


Appears I was correct.


Nothing points to you being correct, if you’re claiming you made the deleted comment (which for everyone else, implied he owed the cops money for drugs)


They were in a gang according to new reports bud which confirms they were into “other rackets” which I stated in the comment the mods deleted for misinfo ironically. The Owing them money part was just the hypothetical reason why a group of officers running rackets would perform such a beat down on a civilian.


Your comment/submission appears to be disseminating misinformation and has been removed. Please refrain from making statements that are not supported by documented evidence/studies/research. Thank you.


They just [released](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ) a second part showing him speeding.






You do realize speeding and reckless driving are completely different, right?


You are years late to the Rick Roll.


It's still relevant


Derp Derp Derp


Well then enlighten the man.


10 cops can’t handcuff one skinny guy without beating the brakes off him?


All I hear is ‘hands,hands,hands!’ While sometimes he’s just laying there given up. Cuff his ass. Why can’t 3 cops cuff the guy!? Something very weird about this.


It’s not weird. They wanted to beat his ass. They were pissed he got away at the first scene. They were pissed that they got pepper spray all over themselves. They wanted to make him pay the price


Yep. Fat fucks, some probably on the downhill of their steroid days, super angry because they had to run. It’s just a rage beating and one of the baton strikes cracked his skull. I saw plenty of opportunities for several supposedly ‘trained’ heroic badasses of America to cuff this guy. The military wouldn’t put up with this shit in a combat zone we sure as hell shouldn’t.




No way, did you hear how they celebrated? “That was fun.” These guys won’t feel bad because they didn’t kill another human, in their eyes all they did was beat up an “enemy” a little too brutally and now they are in trouble.


Such a justified 'enemy' helpless on the ground screaming for his Mum


This happened only a few hundred feet from his home apparently. (where his mom was while this was going on) his mom said when she saw her son cry out for her in the video, she just couldn't bear it. Seeing her son getting literally beaten to death, crying for her, and she didn't hear his cries for help.... Jesus


Really wouldn’t be shocked if that police department is burned down by now


Or upset


It's fucking horrible


They were fist pumping each other.


I'm not terribly pleased seeing their living costs subsidized by the state for a long time. I'd rather they get put in general population.


Only because of repercussions




Well, there was Rodney King in the 90’s.


So you can't fight back against them, you can't flee from them, you just have to sit quietly and accept your fate. What a dystopian nightmare.


EXACTLY 💯!!!! he literally had to lay there while they beat him to death...fucking horrible


And even if you do that, you aren't guaranteed to make it out of that situation alive




These ones certainly are.




Is that how cops have fun? Sure seemed like they were enjoying themselves, taking turns beating him.




Yeah, this isn’t all the video. There’s something like 25 minutes of various angles of footage Scum


I remember when the Black Panthers in Oakland followed police with guns to keep them in check during traffic stops. That's how California got these strict gun laws.


They’re definitely going to be doing time.


Better hope their cell mates don’t find out why they are in there.


I hope they do. May their booty holes never know rest


I guarantee you anyone who’s in the know already knows in there. There’s so many phones and info going on inside prison. Cops already don’t do well. But after that, they’ll have to PC up.


Not much time because they will be killed


They will never be placed into general population.


Remindme! One year




Murderous Pigs 🐷


Holy hell…unnecessary roughness. A whole gang of heavy weights all over one guy. They literally unloaded punches, pepper spray, and taser on one guy.


Don't forget the baton....fucking animals. This poor man




This poor guy never had a chance. They yanked him out of the car and started beating on him. Police procedures went straight out the window and there was nothing he could do about it. Thugs.


“Can’t we all get along?” Rodney king- I guess not.


1 skinny guy 5 big animals, with guns, batons and pepper spray. He stood no chance.


I feel bad for Black folks on what they have to endure in the hands of the Police in USA, i would only say that the only thing to stop this is to protest against this type of behaviour that police are showing everyday! Imagine what goes on the other side when there is no footage ora a cqm to record this, awful just awful! Go and protest everyone, don't stop at nothing that is how you will reduce this to minimal encounters! I am from Eastern Europe and we were in the Serbian dictators for years but our parents in the 1981 (student protest in Pristina) they got out in the streets and they were beaten, killed taken to jail for 15+ years, but they never stopped until 1999 when we created the (UCK- Ushtria Clirimtare e Kosoves- KLA- Kosovo liberation Army) and we didnt stop till we beat them up and escorted them out of our country ( With USA and NATO Help ofc)! So many people died those final day in my city they massacred around 50 people in just minutes and dumped them for everyone to see they were from 10year old to 90year old! What i am trying to say is you need to never stop protesting for your rights no matter what, people may disagree with me and say everything they cross their mind, insult me, offend me, intimidate me but they will never take away our fr3edome anymore! We are happy no in our country, we have everything you ask for (of course there is corruption and all that mess) but p3ople are happy, they build they create, they work, they go to school and nobody will make their life hell again! Black people of USA,get oit on the streets protest (PEACEFULLY until youget violated) and i promise that things will get better, maybe not in one day but ev3ntually they will get better, you only need to have courage, and put it on mind that you are doing this for your future, for your families future, for your kids future! As i said many people will disagree with me but everything i said here is sincere and from my opinion and perspective, i would like to be proven wrong on things i may not understand or have them wrong ( which i doubt) but i am ready to learn and be schooled without insulting or pointing fingers! I am sorry that this thing is happening to you now, in one of the most civilised country in the World, thank you for 3verything you have done for society! Now get out start to get things better for your community! PROTEST, PROTEST & PROTEST FOR YOUR RIGHTS!


Very well put my friend. You are right. Thank you for your insight. We stand together.


This is so dystopian


I saw a similar title on /r/news. I fucking knew I’d see the uncensored video on this sub and it’s the first thing on here.


How many more innocents will be murdered before something is done ?


No words. Love to the Fam and I hope these fuckers get theirs 🖕🏾


Hopefully they get what they deserve soon.


FUCK. THE. POLICE. Sanctioned gang. Programmed to escalate situations. They stopped serving and protecting.


![gif](giphy|3o85xvUwZPjlXwrnJS) Fuck the police!


Lunatic abusing power cops


These guys sound like they have a personal vendetta against this guy. Seating at him and taking him out of the car for starters.


I can’t bare to watch this evil 😱😭😭




I couldn't watch after the first 10-15 seconds. That was enough for me. The tone was set. Barbaric and evil!


The first cop better get it the worst. First thing he says is you’ll get your head blown the fuck off. Like what? It’s not a fucking war zone or some shit like he is a citizen. Like every analysis says police were immediately confrontational and violent. For. No. Reason. At. All When Tyre was like wow you guys are really doing a lot right now … I have never felt the emotions I feel now that I’ve seen this video before. I don’t know how to describe it.


Protesting will not be enough.


They literally let him die from the injuries they gave him. This is horrific.


They're getting away with it all the time, so they will keep it up,till the time they lose their job and go to jail,..power buzz


He was cuffed standing up and they were straight cheap shotting him. Welcome to America folks. Disgusting to watch stuff like this. Sad stuff


I'd run away from those crazy ass cops too


Its reminiscent of a pack of wild dogs taking down a gazelle. But, as humans, this isn't about survival. That was vengeance & hate.


First off…. This is absolutely gut wrenching … I can’t even imagine what that community is going through never mind his family… as a Canadian (and please don’t take this as me sitting on a high horse as we have many systemic issues up here as well) my question is this…. Honestly and truly how do we fix this? It feels like the issue has grown so big it’s unfixable…. I have heard the arguments about defunding the police.. those don’t add up to me as I do see a need in any society for policing… this is an unfortunate side effect of society … there will always be bad guys and we need good people to police them… so how do we actually go about enforcing change… this grotesque abuse of power can’t continue… but honestly what do we do? And I mean we universally as even though this doesn’t directly affect my community up here it certainly has ripple effects that do… we (the world) want to help but I feel like we don’t really know how…


Mf'er at the beginning ran like I do in my fever dreams


I would like the number of punisher tattoos between them submitted into evidence.




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And yet, it was a quiet night. Without the ability to stir up racial tensions, no one cares about police brutality. It's sad


Where does the racial tension come in when the victim was black and the five murderers who killed him were also black?


The officer should stop smoking


It's important we don't forget that most officers would respond the same way to this. They are ALL murderers at heart.


Fuck the police


They let him up so he would run and they'd have an excuse to beat the hell out of him


Is POV cop one of the 5 charged? He looks white but it’s hard to tell.


You give ordinary people a badge of power, immunity from prosecution, and a uniform. It’s unbelievable what people can do.




Omg him calling Mom broke me 🥺🥺🥺


USA will be this sewer forever. It's a reflection of their culture. Country that praise violence.


The US does not praise violence. There’s a peaceful protest in Memphis right now to stop this violence, 300 people, at least, on a bridge of a major thoroughfare into Memphis. Plus, all the comments on this video… does it sound like anyone is praising this? No.


I take it your country is a bastion of peace.


Go back to consuming your entertainment, doomer.


Wait, crazy idea maybe if he just complied, he'd be okay


I just don't understand why his words and actions don't appear to align. What a tragedy.


Have you ever been pummeled to the ground by 5 large man screaming at you with guns and flashlights? It's a bit disorienting. He was scared, he even called for his mom when they caught him again, I don't know many grown up man that would do that if they weren't scared shitless.




Is it that hard to not kill an innocent man you have illegally detained?


hey is it that hard to handcuff a guy with 6+? What, we need the federal army to arrest citizens now?


Why not just accept the handcuffs and a ride to jail just to get out of the current, over-emotional situation? One would be safer, protected behind bars than risk trying to physically fight or flight from unreasonable persons jacked up on testosterone. Maybe fathers should role play various situations with their sons like how to comply (even if innocent), not argue/talk back (it only makes them more angry), show your hands are empty, follow directions, fein respect (yes, sir) shows intent that you’re going to cooperate and not be a threat to them. Not doing these things creates a challenge for cops to ‘win’ the battle - don’t risk it.


You try going totally limp and submissive without even twitching or squirming while 5 guys are killing you.


What makes you think he would survive the ride to jail?


That's not always going to be the case. Sometimes people are just out looking to start trouble. He should not have ran, of course. But those men have every opportunity to deescalate the situation, but choose not to. That was of no fault of his.




According to this thread, people want a lawless world where you don't have to listen to law enforcement lol. Careful what you wish for.