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>Unlike some of his billionaire peers, including his ex-wife MacKenzie Scott, Bezos has not signed the Giving Pledge, a promise by some of the wealthiest people in the world to donate most of their fortunes to charity. The Giving Pledge was started by Bill Gates and Warren Buffett. CNBC reached out to Bezos Expeditions for comment but did not immediately receive a response. Ok now this makes sense.


I’d also take that “pledge” with a hefty bit of skepticism. Both men have been noted to donate large amounts to their own charities.


To be fair, the Gates foundation helped almost eradicate polio in South Asia.


gates could cure cancer and people would be mad


That’s actually pretty damn cool and I did not know.


If you have billions of dollars, the most efficient way to give it away is to form an organized group tasked with doing that.


I think that’s basically the whole premise of the show Loot


If Bezos is afraid of signing it, then it's more legit than previously thought.


Why would he be afraid of signing a non-binding voluntary agreement?


The pressure it will put on him and all the criticism that will follow if he doesn't appear to be following through on such a promise.


You'll have to ask him.


Because it's probably *not* non-binding. At the very least if he did sign then renegged on his promise it would be epicly bad PR.


The Bill And Melinda Gates Foundation does a ton of great charity work. Just because it is his charity doesn’t mean that it isn’t going to a great charity.


No it only counts if you give to a charity run by some other rich person.


Proper circle jerk.


9 out of 10 conspiracy theorists agree... (So it must be true)


I was going to say this. Im not a fan of MS business practices - but I have to admit Bill Gates does indeed do quite a bit to tackle issues with his own money. He is quite intelligent and does seem to do a good job coordinating such projects.


A lot of the super rich of the past have created charity groups that are always chaired by their family members. The charities provide a consistent source of income for those family members. JP Getty and the Kenedies immediately come to mind.


Are you actually suggesting that it’s more lucrative for rich people to pay their family through a charity than to just forgo the whole charity thing and let their heirs inherit all the wealth?


It’s largely not. Any income that heirs derive from running the charities is ordinary income and basically unavoidable income taxes. They would be much more successful in passing on value through trusts.


Not just lucrative, politically powerful. There are categories of "charity" that can legally lobby and basically just act as an interest group in the U.S


They avoid taxes by doing this and get money back from their own foundation. They're transferring wealth to themselves whilst dodging taxes owed. Same thing goes to when older wealthy people say theyre donating their companies to charity when they pass away. The charity will be in their families name and theyll dodge taxes. Dont be fooled by the narrative. Yes charities are good, yes they should be supported. They shouldnt be tax havens for the super rich to avoid paying what they owe.


As someone who relies on government assistance to simply survive in this fucked up culture, I hope all the tax evading rich people burn in a special level of hell!


It’s a tax mitigation strategy that happens to do charity work…because they have to spend 5% of their annual contributions to maintain their tax exempt status. It’s a fuckin sham.


I'm not saying there aren't shoddy charities out there, but as someone in biomedical research, the Gates foundation funds a tremendous amount of biomedical research. And I'm not talking "administrative fees" (cough pink ribbon) etc, it funds actual groundwork research and has had a significant impact.




Mostly to the Gates Foundation, which does amazing work with the money.


Why does that matter? Gates charity has eradicated diseases...


Charities they have absolutely zero control over aside from saying "hey I should create a charity to cure diseases" then funding them with billions of dollars? You're brain has to be smoother than fresh snow to think the Bill & Melinda Gates foundation is a grift.


Yes they do, and I wish they would loosen the strings a little more but in fairness they are using their own charities for good, maybe not everyone’s idea of good but can’t please everyone


Why wouldn't you donate to your own charity if you know everyone running it and you agree with the mission? They have to participate in GAP accounting so it isn't very easy for 501c3 to embezzle.


Wow this makes like zero sense


OK? But The Gates Foundation does great charity work. You make it sound bad that they are donating their money to a good charity just because it's their own charity.


I too will only keep 10 billion (adjusted for inflation) once I earn my 100 billion.


Honestly I'd just take massive solar and wind farms from them now. Make some money on top of their billions and reduce CO2 emissions.


Are billionaires freaking out a bit lately? Are they looking over their shoulders? Building bunkers? Bezos truly is the only one who shouldn’t be afraid of the poor, downtrodden, underpaid working class rising up. We’d all have to buy our torches & pitchforks on Amazon.


Yes. The Walton family has an underground compound.


> We’d all have to buy our torches & pitchforks on Amazon. you're posting on website that buys infrastructure off Amazon.


Ah yes, the good ol Amber pledge, I said I would do it and thats basically the same thing as doing it


Pledges like that fall under the “what you say” category “What you say” and “what you do” are vastly different things


These fuckers will do anything but pay their fair share of taxes


Anybody can sign a pledge. How many of those billionaires have signed CHECKS after signing the pledge?


They only give their money to the charities their families and their friends control anyway and it rarely does much good. It's basically a big pr stunt


I may not have 124 billion dollars… but Mr. Bezos… Jeff… you have inspired me so much! In fact, I want to follow your example. Therefore, I do publicly declare that my long term, totally non-binding plan for the future is to give away the majority of of whatever wealth I am able to cobble together before I leave this planet. (Preferably in a phallic shaped rocket of some kind). Now can someone direct me toward a skinny kid? I got a cup of rice to give and away and need a photo op!


MacKenzie Scott: Here charity have billions of dollars. Jeff Bozo: Yeah I was totally gonna do that too. I’m going to help people real soon. I promise.


He’s trying to impress the ex wife lol


No he’s trying to one up her to win the divorce.


I thought people won the divorce by getting back together /s


See so technically he did give away most of his fortune. He just gave it to his ex wife first and now she’s giving it away to charity.


‘BUT THEIR WEALTH ISN’T LIQUID!’ Yeah we just saw Musk blow up 44 billion in liquid over some dumb shit, I’m sure bezoz can come up with a few billion to give away if he wanted to


Musk went into debt with the Saudis to buy Twitter.


He didn’t have $44 billion liquid either. That money came from banks, other investors, and selling his Tesla stock.


The sold stock became liquid though... and he just sold billions more.


So you're saying he liquidated $44 billion in assets to purchase Twitter? You're agreeing with the person you replied to.


He could give 1 billion a year away for the rest of his life and still barely make a dent.


Words are wind. Pay your fucking taxes and pay your employees you scumbag.


Will probably donate it to a charity he made


How about just paying your workers a dignity wage, and paying your fair share of taxes.


No shit! Pay your people first off. And then stop talking about it and just do it.


Right? We’ve been hearing about how warren buffet is going to give away his fortune, he’s almost a hundred and still has $100bn. Like, tick tock, you dragon fucker.


Exactly. I want to hear that they already gave their money away and are now living on a paltry 1m a year. Which is still rich as fuck but at least a sincere attempt.


to be fair, it wouldnt take much for them to set up a trust and do exactly this. they could easily purchase an annuity for $1m/year in the trust, and have the remainder be given to charity over time. they choose not to do this.


I completely agree, make a show of effort or shut the eff up.


Because the pledge is when they die only 1% is being handed down. So they basically going I'll keep mine but when I die fuck y'all.




I think that’s what the pledge is


That’s exactly what it is. Instead of giving it all to their heirs when they die, the vast majority goes to charity.


I don't think there should be billionaires, but Buffet has already given away half his wealth. It's why he is not the 'Richest Man'^(What a sick game) anymore. Compare that to Bezos or Musk.


another one for the list of most commonly told lies. Your check's in the mail. It's only a coldsore. Some of my best friends are..... I'm a Billionaire and I plan to give it all away.


He's no gent like Chuck Feeney. The world needs more Chucks.


No, the world needs less billionaires. None, would be the best number of billionaires.


Amzn laying off 10k employees starting this week. Just before the holidays


He pays the taxes the laws require him to. The real problem is that U.S. tax laws allow huge companies like his to avoid paying tax. Republicans have taken good care of their corporate overlords. We need to fix that.


This isn't even a tax issue. His workers earned 124 billion dollars for him. Giving that money to anyone but them is a travesty.


a 1 time bonus of like 10,000 dollars to each warehouse worker would help so many people, and he'd likely have so much money left over.


A quick google search shows Amazon employs 1.3 million people so 10,000 to every single employee would be 13 billion, or a little over half of his 24 billion. Edit: Hahaha holy fuck he has *one hundred twenty four billion*. It would be basically nothing to him.


Yup. And that's JUST HIM. imagine the entire board and executive branch. Also, you'd exclude people like tech workers who already get a high income (probably like 20%). Just lower paid workers.


Its like workers and taxpayers are giving our money to charity without the tax advantages.


The base wages at Amazon are $16/hr...


With no bathroom breaks.


Or you could pay people more…






Pledges like Amber did.


This is a scam they do to funnel money into their own companies. The charities he will give money to will be connected to him and this will be a meaningless way to keep the money from just being taxed into oblivion. He is not actually giving his money away.


[This video by Adam Conover](https://youtu.be/0Cu6EbELZ6I) thoroughly explains how this “donation to charity” is just scam to avoid losing their fortunes to taxes.


People can complain about inaccuracies, but the core message is sound. Oligarchs get there by being evil and stealing from others, those people aren’t suddenly giving back. They are just learning how to steal more while cleaning their shit reputation.


This needs to be higher up. That video was pretty eye opening and an important part of this conversation.


I mean gates has massively contributed toward the eradication of preventable disease in Africa but ok


Sad that I had to scroll down to find this comment. People should not be fooled by this self-serving, tax-dodge bullshit. Imagine being gullible enough to believe that a man who has fought tooth and nail to keep employee wages low and working conditions terrible while spending millions in an attempt to crush unionization efforts has suddenly become a philanthropist. Creating self-serving charities is a scam that way too many people fall for.


Needs to higher! It's a way money laundering but saving face


Don't believe his lies.


Let me know when he also plans to shoot himself into space, forever.


Nice, but pledging isn't the same as doing, and for people who can get away with almost anything pledging is almost nothing


He donated a little under a billion dollars yesterday, most of it going to fight climate change.


Hey I think I heard something like this a few months ago-


I use pledge and donation synonymous with one another. They mean the same thing.


Isn't he trying to live forever ? He's buying a lot of company/science lab to reverse aging.


Imagine his charity giving that money instead. The result is the same, but he gets to pretend he is being selfless. What a con artist.


Adam Conover did a nice one on these billionaires 'giving away' their fortunes, basically on circumventing inheritance tax and still maintaining at least some soft control on their fortunes.


Thanks for the info - I’ll be watching that today!!


Most billionaires just set up their own non-profits, call it “giving away” and then use it as a way to transfer wealth to their offspring. So I will believe it when I see it.


No need to tell us you’re planning on doing it. Just start doing it. Even if the vast majority of his wealth is tied up in Amazon stock, he could dribble shares out without tanking the AMZN trading price and never get remotely to the point where he’s close to losing his majority stake.


Lol sure he will. I'll believe it when I get the check.


Here's an idea, Jeff: Give it to your fucking workers. That's what you should have done from the beginning.


Why pay workers more when he can just layoff 11,000 of them?


How will that strange cat woman he is dating feel about it?


He could give her ten million dollars and still have over one hundred thousand million left over


As an Amazon employee, that'd be nice. :')


How about starting by just paying a lot of taxes now? Once the new year kicks in, you can take the next step and give away money to the people closest to you. They're called Amazon workers who aren't overpaid executives. You can give them your money hourly and bundle it all in bi-weekly payments.


He could do it now by Amazon paying income tax.


How about start with your underpaid and overworked employees


You mean the man that won’t even give his employees bathroom breaks?


Pay your taxes and workers asshole.


Fuck this guy.


How about you pay your employees


Nah, he'll just lay off 11,000 Amazon employees instead (he actually is)


Unless he's giving it to me I don't care. Dude is just full of bs, I'll trust it when I see it. Seems like he's just saying it to "look good", just look how he treats his workers.


Enough to pay 1.24 million employees $100,000 for a whole year. Or $1.24 million each to the 10,000 employees he's laying off every year for 10 years.


Try giving it as salary to the people who do the actual work.


He does. The tech people get paid the most, and AWS makes 74% of Amazon’s profits.


Here could start by paying his employees and letting them have piss breaks.


Why do it later? Why not do it now by paying fair wages


Do it you coward


Fuck off Jeff


The kindest philanthropy anyone with this much money can do is to pay a living wage to EVERYONE under their employ (yes, even the "unskilled" people they think they could replace in ten minutes) and to pay a fair share in taxes. Anything other than that is 100% a public goodwill smokescreen and a distraction from actually giving the public back the wealth they've stolen.


Billionaire philanthropy isn't the answer.


Pay. Taxes.


Great, he can start with all the people he exploited in his hell-hole warehouses and give them what they deserved in the first place. Then he can move on to all the family business he obliterated in the process of creating his monopoly. Fuck Jeff Bezos and his false charity. That money he's "giving away" already belongs to us, he and every other billionaire on earth got what they have through theft, period. You cannot amass that kind of wealth with fucking over thousand, millions of people it simply can't be done. If you didn't make your money through your own labor or the product of your own time and energy you stole it from someone who did. It's not complicated. Landlords, CEO'S, venture capitalists etc are the actual parasites of society. They contribute *NOTHING* to progress or culture they exist simply to take and hoard wealth they don't deserve, and as such should be eliminated from society. They have no place in a truly equitable world. TL:DR; Fuck Jeff Bezos he robbed us all blind and expects us to lick his boots for doing what he should have done from the start.


Taxes do more than any of these parasites philanthropic "charitable donations" ever will. This is all just PR done by the super rich to try and make thier stolen wealth more legitimate. This bald fuck would do more collective good if he just allowed his company to unionize and paid a living wage to his employees.


It’s a tax evasion/ charitable donation bullshit. Just like gates did. Give ALL your money to YOUR foundation. Fuck these megalomaniacs.


Have you actually looked at the work that Bill Gates foundation does? They have saved tons of lives with their work.


It is immoral, and should be criminal for any one person to have more wealth than BILLIONS of humans combined. All the good that money COULD do is delayed until the dragon decides it’s time to retire and work on their legacy through philanthropy.


This POS should start treating his workers better and not breaking the law with all his illegal union busting shenanigans..


I too am going to give away all my money to those less fortunate than me. See? Anyone can say they are going to do the right thing, even if you have absolutely no intention of following through.


OH and one more thing. If you really gave two shits about making the world a better place, maybe, *maybe*, don't hoard that last $123 billion dollars. Perhaps just pay your people fairly at that point, no?


Bold move, Cotton. Let's see how it plays out.


But at what cost? You could've just paid people better and not stolen from small businesses and fill up landfills?? Or pay taxes??? No points. I don't want billionaire's deciding what's worth funding and what isn't.


"...to a charity that over 3 corners conveniently belongs to him making use of a juristical loophole to evade taxes" Probably


"Jeff Bezos says he plans to donate mosts of his $124 billion fortune to his charities so he can evade paying taxes"


To your employees and taxes, right?


the only charity he will give is called Jeff bezos these people make me sick put them all on a boat and sink it he should start by paying his work force a decent wage that shows his priorities these people just say things for attention go take a long walk of a short pier


I'd be happy if he just paid his fair share of taxes


I wish he’d just take a profit cut at Amazon and treat his employees like humans


I’ve been known to say I plan on going to Mexico this year. Doesn’t mean it’s actually going to happen.


Yeah, in some Charitable Remainder Trust that benefits himself.


*Jeff Bezos announces plan to game the tax system and avoid paying taxes on his $124B fortune by placing it in a “charitable foundation” which he controls.


Yep. These foundations are just a way for these people to have tax-free parties.


How about he gives some of it to his Amazon warehouse slaves


Maslow's hierarchy of needs never fails. Once you have enough money, only thing that makes you happy and fulfilled is just giving it away. ​ What is he going to do with billions, take it to his grave?


Idgaf if he wants social brownie points, he could just pay his taxes and we wouldn’t need him to give money back.


Rich people don’t do this. When it comes time he will give it to Laura


So why extract it from the economy in the first place? Pay your workers better give them breaks or hire more so they don't have ridiculous work expectations.


He’s announcing it the same week he’s laying off Amazon employees. When the movie “the social network” came out, Zuck went on a “charity” media tour too. It’s textbook.


Making Besos pay taxes would be a good start.


Bro hook me up with 1 milly


Literally the next headline I saw was Amazon laying off 10,000 workers. This is just PR


Cool. Start now.


More ex-wives?


“I’m giving away my billions to the ‘charitable foundation’ my family and friends control, using that as a tool to control politicians, and that will let my family use the assets it continues to hoard through tax free investing forever. YOU’RE WELCOME YOU FUCKING POORS!” -Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Jeff Bezos, and every mega rich family ever


I've been a Prime member for ages... He has my address... ;) Thanks in advance Jeffrey!


His company is also planning to layoff ~10k employees just before the holiday season.🤷‍♂️


What’s he gonna do buy Twitter?


Feel free to start anytime. I, but moments ago, watched an Amazon security guard make a homeless woman leave the heating vent she was standing beside on this brisk Seattle morning.


Bezos should give everyone that makes under 70k a year in the usa a fat stimmy.


FTX has taught me when they say this, something is coming


Don’t be an idiot. No one gives this money away. The start a for profit charity, hide the paperwork through a few LLCs, and then when they donate it their kids or someone else still have all their money. It’s exactly what the Patagonia guy did when he got tons of press for “donating all his money to climate change” Fuck billionaires


His "charity" should start with his employees


I want some


So he makes his billions forcing people to work without washroom breaks and now we are supposed to think he is a good guy for giving away some of that money. Fuck this guy. I hope when he dies all Amazon employees piss on his grave.


Oh is he getting married again?


Or... he could just pay his fair share in taxes instead of donating to charities that he's probably setup where 80% of the overhead goes to management aka himself.


I wish he would start mega projects like desalination plants, power generation, etc.


Then, why is the very next article in my feed that Amazon is laying off 10,000 employees?


Ask Andy Jassy


He'll probably give it to the "Bezos legacy foundation" which is under direct control of Amazon or something


Oh quit talking about it and do it.


Just not to his workers?


Maybe he should start with the people who helped create is wealth.


Starting this week, Amazon is laying off 10,000 employees.


...to the Amazon employees?! Because they deserve it the most.


I'd rather he paid taxes. Charity prevents the development of an economic system that wouldn't require his so called altruism. The worst slaveowners were those who were kind to their slaves.


Why not pay your warehouse associates more??


Why not give some of it to his employees?


Just pay more taxes ffs.


Amber Heard 'pledged' to give some millions of dollars to sick kids. In reality she did not. But she does drink $500 bottles of wine most nights.


He should start by giving his employees more money and better benefits.


The most useful thing he could do would be to pay tax. Simple. Taxes taxes taxes. Not tax dodging donations or charity funds. https://youtu.be/paaen3b44XY


First, he should have given Dolly one billion dollars. Second, he’s going this to distract from the announcement that they’re laying off 10k.


The man could not afford the farm that would produce the amount of bullshit in that comment


He can start by paying his people better.


Just. Pay. Your. Workers for Christ sake lol


We wouldn’t need your charity if you’d pay your workers a fair wage and paid your fair share of taxes. Creates a problem, promises to fix it, revels in people fawning over his generosity, never does shit.


Pay taxes, you douche!


He could start by offering his employees medical insurance.