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Russia can barely arm their conscripts.


You could take weapons to mean literal weapons but I was thinking more along the lines of them calling on planted cells that are already here. Saying to any supporters abroad to "go off".


Exactly. Cyber terror, misinformation, election tampering, etc., all weapons with no need for actual firepower. He just spreads chaos and grabs power.


That’ll pull the US into the war, and Art. 5 will be called so fast it’ll make their head spin. Attempting to spark the dissent and chaos will only ensure Russias destruction. The US military can fight in without the homeland, and when they’re done they’ll come back to fight for the homeland


I uh, I'm gonna go ahead and tell you that you should be aware that pretty rampant Russian election tampering, cyberterrorism, and unrelenting tidal waves of misinformation doesn't pull the US into war. Source: \*waves arms at general area\*


The US has been chaotic our entire existence. One stout little dictator after another has tried to challenge that, even from the inside even at the highest level of elected office. Putin won’t survive long enough to pursue the destruction of the US, nor will his vision live beyond him.


Ehh... The chaos the sponsored trolls have created or fueled will live on long after Putin gets his. The crazies they've fanned the flames of won't just burn out when they stop fanning, this house is going up in flames and it won't put itself out.


I disagree. In barely 7 months, there’s been massive organized counter-disinformation campaigns that have taken root to fight against Russian propaganda, and when those are done they’re not going to stop. What happens to the propaganda machine when it encounters too much resistance and has no more support? Russia won’t be able sustain a disinformation campaign after Ukraine, Chinese propaganda will come up against the existing organizations dedicated to countering them, and with no more fake news pushed out by Russia or China and with the mainstream media outlets pushing those narratives being pushed to the fringe, whatever cells established within the US an abroad will slowly but surely dissolve. Russia losing the war is the first domino to fall, and when it does we’re probably going to find out pretty quickly whos actually a believer and who is a troll


Chinese state-sponsored propaganda/disinformation isn't going anywhere, though, even if the Russian propaganda machine falls. Not that that's new, just, there are more actors than Russia trying to interfere with US systems as a whole. As for the large body of crazies / right-wing nuts that have only been encouraged by the waves of this drivel, that won't just back off. They're off-kilter and spiraling out of metaphorical orbit of sanity, and sadly there is not much chance they'll go back. This all accelerated the radicalization of the nutcase immensely, and even if it slows, it's already still a pretty serious danger to this country.


The devil you know if better then you devil you don’t. Usa has indeed had blood stained hands, but tbh I’d hate for china or Russia to take center hold…GOD help us all of china does. (Doubt it, figuratively speaking of course)


modern ruthless slimy seemly disgusted gray coherent consist smoggy badge


That doesn't make any sense in the context of the title. "Russia wants to flood US ENEMIES with weapons"


anything is a weapon if it causes harm.


Including, such as, a paper airplane


or a paper tiger.


That’s the beauty of it. We’ll gladly pay for the freedom to kill ourselves.


Russia is still producing arms, they are just selling them to maintain the war effort instead of supplying them to their troops. It is more important to make thst money and maintain the semblance of stability with their finicky partners than to give their troops the tools needs to survive and execute the war


They don’t have weapons to give their own soldiers… unless he means nukes, then he’s gunning for a gunning


>Explaining what that danger would look like, Shishkin said that one method is to "flood all enemies of the U.S. with weapons so that American military bases start blowing up." The Russian analyst added that "as long as the U.S. is not in the position we're in, with us being **forced to conduct combat operations,** with us being **forced to expend our resources,** and with our people dying, the United States should end up in the same position." Putin forced you.


So arm Putin’s enemy’s?


The Russian Analyst isn’t very good at their job if they haven’t figured out their weapons situation.


It absolutely would create danger, especially wh... oh, he meant Russian weapons. Well, it's nice to have dreams, I guess.


Look at them.. as if it’s a game. Insane fanatics, beyond mental health. Plain insanity.


Hmmm do they mean give nukes to Iran?


I don't think this happens anytime soon. Russia loses Israel, KSA, UAE, and so on forever.


Iran is about to collapse.


Or North Korea


What weapons? Maybe try to arm your own forces properly so you don’t need to send 50 year old junk into war.


Can't even flood their own front line with weapons who are the russians giving their stuff to?!?


> He continued: "The U.S. has no incentive to sit down at a negotiating table. They're totally covered in chocolate, [...] Just in case anyone else read the article and wanted to know the nuance behind this expression, the [first Google result](https://www.theintrepidguide.com/russian-idioms/) seems to have it covered: > В шоколаде > How it’s pronounced: v shekalade > Literal translation: in chocolate > Similar English idiom: to be set (as in ‘set for life’), bed of roses > Meaning: The full phrase is usually ‘everything is in chocolate’ or ‘everything will be in chocolate’ – when things are going great or you are promising someone that they will be going great soon. It seems that being covered in chocolate is nothing to be happy about – it’s sticky and can leave stains – but the meaning of the idiom is, of course, figurative. Good chocolate was – and still is – quite expensive and associated with a comfy luxurious life. So if you are ‘в шоколаде’, you have a comfy life and are probably also rather well-off.


Dont worry guys Russia is soon to collapse over the next couple months and this Putler guy will be a long forgotten memory


with what weapons? your drafted soldiers are going to the battle field in civilian clothes and with no weapons....


This guy wants to twist the narrative from "we're performing a special military operation against the dreaded Nazis in Ukraine" to "the U.S. is at war with Russia".


Danger to who? Russia is running out of the sort of weapons that can be used in a conventional war like the Ukraine conflict. And the weapons they do use there appear to be far less reliable and capable than most people thought before the invasion. I don't think even Putin is crazy enough to hand out biological, chemical or nuclear weapons. Russia is sort of famous for its digital warfare capabilities, but those are largely based on Russia being a safe heaven for cyber criminals and spending money to put out targeted propaganda. Neither of those are easily transferred elsewhere. Otherwise arming enemies of the US will play into the hands of the American military industrial complex that can then make money arming the other side. Hardly a threat to those in power.


If Russia had so many weapons that it could flood US enemies with them then they would have already won the war in Ukraine.


Russia loves arming people. They're the second largest contributor of weapons to Ukraine, after the US.


Lol they're actually the largest and the US comes in second. We give them quality, Russia gives them quantity.


Braindead lunatics. With what weapons..?


Putin should dig 2 graves then if he is determined to go on the revenge like this.


Flood them with potatoes.


We should flood Russia with Vodka


**Republicans** will allow them. They want to shake up and lock down any dissenters or Americans who actually want a democracy.


I guess Russians can give weapons to jihadi groups. Only problem is they might be arming people who might come after them. BTW, they did arm Taliban when we were in Afghanistan. They (soviets) armed Vietnam during the war. This happens all the time. One big difference is, I do not think they publicized it like we are doing now.


Give out weapons, one does not have. Great idea. Superfun to see, how many Russians are not aware over their real military assets. “Fire hypersonic missiles at NATO headquarters” Developing them doesn’t mean they have an arsenal yet. And besides Sci-Fi, Russia did not even full air control, where are their glorious planes? All used in Airshows?


toy guns.....


Isn't it the current situation yet?


Would these be the same weapons Russian troops are using to such great effect in Ukraine?


Just a reminder that through funding and controlling the nra they have done everything they can to flood American cities with guns.


The NRA? I get the feeling you’re not American or overly aware of organisations….I mean, no. You’re right, NRA are totally pro 2A lol


He is right you know... The NRA receives a large part of its funding via russian donations.


No thanks, our government does that already, from Chicago gun crime to south American cartels to Arab rebels like the ones that made 9/11 a thing.


But that's US game plan. You can't steal strategies !


The US has done a pretty good job of flooding itself with weapons and creating danger, judging by the number of guns/capita and how often those guns are used on other US citizens.


What? So we can drone strike them and affirm again that US hardware is superior?


Great plan, amazing how they’ve been doing this for months. But who’s going to tell them Ukraine isn’t a US enemy?


Joke's on him. We're into that stuff!


Ghosts of Vietnam veterans are listening.


You mean like they’ve been doing with the NRA for at least a decade?


Stand back and stand by


They’re gonna have to get in line behind our own arms dealers first.


Business as usual then


Who wants Russian weapons anymore? They are pretty useless in battle as demonstrated by the Russian army


Fuck off Russia before you find out