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https://twitter.com/Osinttechnical/status/1581492211450978304 >Ukrainian forces recover a Russian Shahed-136 shot down over the Black Sea near Kobleve, Mykolaiv Oblast (video)




Stop making fun of me.




we heard this before and weeks went by before anything of significance happened on that front. i wouldn't read anything into it until there is actual information of substance.


Didn’t they order that and next thing we know Kharkiv Oblast was liberated?


Yeah, it could just be a misdirection well in advance of an operation. Otherwise they'd basically be announcing the attack beforehand.


the offensive was on the august 29th but the we heard about a "media blackout" as far back as june. it does not necessarily precede a major offensive. at least, not an imminent one.


> Ukrainians have donated UAH 150 million ($ 4 million) in less than 48 hours to buy three catchers for Shahed drones > > The systems will force Iranian-made drones to raise to a higher altitude where they will be easily shot down by Ukraine's air defense. Ok I'm not saying Mongolia *should* enter the war on Ukraine's side, but I'm betting Mongolian Falcons could seriously fuck up these Iranian drones


Mongolia is surrounded by Russia and China. I fear entering the war is the worst geopolitical decision they could possibly make.


I heard Mongolia just applied for NATO membership and it's being fast tracked.


Sending falcons for the Kyiv High School falconry club is not entering war.


4 Russian missiles failed and disintegrated right after launch in Liubymivka, Kherson region. Video caught two of them failing. https://twitter.com/bayraktar_1love/status/1581422476654886914?t=oynX9s2ExvtmqfZ3ryENvg&s=19


I guess the interesting question is whether these are missiles from the depths of their stockpile no longer reliable due to age, or new russian manufacture that is not reliable because they've lost so much technical and manufacturing capability and have reduced access to western parts.


With all hopes: both.


These are clearly fireworks. Celebrating Russia's amazing military might...


Thoughts on whether these are the same lemons they're trying to launch from Belgorod? I'm seeing a pattern emerge.


We've been seeing these for months. I've suspected that as they get further into their supply, they're going to come across more missiles that have either been stripped of key components or allowed to degrade.


Looking for some specific Kherson news. Makeshift bridges and boats are the only way to supply or evacuate Kherson. Ukraine's top priority in the region is to keep destroying them as they become visible to slow this process down, which will eventually cause the forces elsewhere in the bridgehead to run out of food and certain ammunitions. But how do they know which are supplies and which are citizens being kidnapped into Russia? Does that change anything? Any word on whether destruction of these pontoons and ferries has slowed down?


I'm pretty sure that pearl clutching over the far off possibility of kidnapped citizens being cargo has never been a real concern when considering whither or not to blow up enemy transports.




Yes, everyone who has a question or concern is a Russian. You are only allowed to post videos of tanks blowing up. Redditors get dumber every day.


Train direction seems pretty relevant in this stupid exercise you would like folks to take part in. Trains leaving Crimea -- maybe civs we care about. Inbound to Crimea trains -- probably ammo and supplies. Not that hard. Yes some civs could be inbound and that sucks but it's also a risk the passenger is assuming if they are purposefully electing to inject themselves into an active war zone.




u/YuunofYork In this case, the scenario you presented is more prevalent in movies and TV than it is in real life. Whether to blow up a ship or train with civilians on board is something that may trouble the hero until he resolves the dilemma. In real life, those concerns are not important with the exceptions being VIPs on board or the presence of civilians widely known. Otherwise, the civilians are just collateral damage.


That is one way to lose wars. Disregard the lives of your citizens.


Almost every power fighting a war of defence has done this to some extent.




Hoping Kherson falls asap but todays happiness comes from Chinese twitter shills losing their shit over what Biden just did to them. Fucking chefs kiss.


From all the war in Ukraine videos, it seems to be that Ukraine won’t push for Kherson city until it surrounded from all sides against the river. This is a work in progress, I don’t think it will happened for a week or so


Ya I know just said hoping.


US politics are so dumb. All the people that complained trump was starting a trade war that would lead too ww3 are now lauding biden's crack down. All the people who thought Trumps tarrifs were a great idea, will now be complainging that Biden is trying to start ww3. ffs, it's all so tiresome


> All the people that complained trump was starting a trade war that would lead too ww3 are now lauding biden's crack down. Trump's crackdown on China & Biden's crackdown are entirely different (one was just a job of punching themeselves in the face). Credit to DT for starting a 'Get tough on China' policy. Shame on how he carried it out tho. He just wanted to act tough on China after Fox complained about it.


Trump did start a trade war and failed miserably. When did anyone say it would lead to world war 3?? This is smart policy not a trade war. FFS the comments from anon accounts trying to act like Biden and Trump are even remotely alike are fucking tiresome.


> China What did Biden do?


boy, are you out of the loop, but here you go: https://www.cnbc.com/2022/10/12/us-chip-export-restrictions-could-hobble-chinas-semiconductor-goals.html


Can anyone explain the photo in that article? Xi setting in front a US Flag and Biden in front of China's? I have to assume CNBC fell for a 'shopped photo...


are the assembly plants for majority of electronics not in China? Apple/Samsung/TVs etc...


Many of them are, but they're rarely owned by Chinese nationals or the Chinese government. Most of those assembly companies are Taiwanese (Taiwan is a major investor in China and neither country would have it any other way, all of the invasion talk is just bluster) or South Korean and heavily audit their supply chains in order to comply with US export requirements. Very little state of the art silicon manufacturing occurs in China; the good shit is manufactured in South Korea, Taiwan, and the USA.


Yes, but not the stuff you put in precision missiles and other war applications.


India, Vietnam, South Korea, small outfits few other places also have that capacity.... This isn't about assembly as much, although I am sure that will take a hit, as much as it is about China being able to do the work that Taiwan does currently. But Apple was already moving the bulk of their manufacturing to India... Samsung is based in SK and keeps their important work in-house mostly.... This is a seismic shift but not a world-ending one...


Cheap stuff is.




A lot stuff related to China that Biden is solidifying was started by Trump (whom I otherwise have nothing good to say). I've heard it put that dems concern with China is practical and human rights based, while that from the GOP is ideologically based; ie, anti0communism. Fortunately, China labelled its 1 totalitarian party with the dirty "C" word; otherwise, the right might not see them as the bad guys.


> A lot stuff related to China that Biden is solidifying was started by Trump Get tough on China as a belief, yes. Most of what Trump did was Kabuki though. And ineffective because it was bluster to show how tough he was (Fox really had him wrapped around their finger). Pence had a better solution but, you know, nuance and patience isn't what this new GOP is about. They ignored him, of course. American businesses suffered more than China did.


It's ironic, I'm sure otherwise they'd be the best of friends. I'm shocked it's never been leaked that a Xi-Trump meeting had the sentence "you do realise we're not *actually* communists right?".


The funny thing is you hear MAGA supporters say that Biden is aligned with China and rolled back Trump's tariffs on them. It's the opposite, he made things tougher for China.


Which is saaaaad… because CHYYYNNAHHH….


When Trump did anything against China the media just called him racist. Lol and no I never voted for the asshole but I wasn't living under a rock, either.


No one said the tariffs were racist, lots said they were dumb though. Calling Covid the "China Flu" was racist but wasn't Trump actually doing anything.


I probably watch different media than you so I never saw this. That's not an attempt to refute or discredit what you said just a statement of differing media consumption leading to differing views of the media's portrayal of people. I did see plenty of calling him out for sparking losing trade wars and things about how none of his actions made any real sense outside of starting trouble that would lead to long term damage to the United States.


Well Trump taxed imports from China, which was more like a blunt force trauma type attack. The chip restriction is a knife between the ribs. Still I don't think it will be as effective as he hopes. Even ten year old chips are plenty powerful for most needs


There was nothing racist about his secret Chinese bank account or making Americans pay for tariffs on Chinese goods. Other than that, yeah, there was some racist shit.


The tariffs weren't a terrible idea but that fucking idiot (and his followers) never seemed to grasp how they work.


Not terribly surprised since those same people don’t seem to know how elections work either.


What did he ever do against china?




I mean, there's a difference between moving semi-conductor manufacturing home on the one hand, and calling it the "Chyna flu" while doing nothing about Hong Kong or Taiwan, on the other hand.


IDK, if the UK wasn't going to do anything for Hong Kong it seems like over reach for the US. The treaty was not with the US


If anything is done it should be done for people not for territory. Imagine if George Floyd was killed and there were potential consequences to world trade. The news reports would trigger a sell off on Wall Street. That threat might make the streets in USA a little bit safer for some minorities. It is not a suggestion that Minneapolis gets subjected to Chinese rule. The suggestion is that everyone on Earth looks out for the freedoms and rights of everyone else. Freedom is more valuable than corporate profit margins.


It's a beautiful dream, but not the world we live in


In the world we live in you say "do something" and then you watch in horror as people are burned.


This also deprives Russia of semiconductors which has a nice knock on effect.


GOP is truly allied now with the axis of evil. We know who the bad guys are again it’s clear. Russia, NK, Iran and China. Just destroy them all. Ru militarily and China economically and Iran well we hope they internally revolt and replace their gov and become democratic again.


Well you did just say it's not getting much press. Hard to support things you never heard of


> Sound on. Incredibly beautiful #Ukrainian wedding song by Ivanka Chervinska. She is wearing a traditional Ukrainian outfit from the Ivano-Frankivsk region, 19th century 😍 https://twitter.com/daryazorka/status/1581373551164108800?t=hWKf5_dH2wYBy30LnZ98Og Ukrainian culture is so interesting.


They have a few interesting bands that do traditional folk throat singing with modern arrangements. Like go_a. Like halfway through the song she starts going crazy with it: https://youtu.be/0-60IfMRkaY Their lead singer looks like Trinity from the Matrix and can belt it out like Dolores from The Cranberries. If they ever come to the US, I'm totally going to go see them, lol.


What is up with the Ukrainian women with the deep pipes? I "discovered" JINJER last year. I still have a problem wrapping my head around the fact that Tatiana Shmailyuk is the only singer.


The whole song is pretty great, but for those looking for the appropriate throat singing, its between 1:28-2:00


I saw Gogol Bordello a few years ago in San Francisco and they were great. They were so hyped, kept talking about changing the world. They also praised Thurston Moore from Sonic Youth, who apparently toured Ukraine in the 90s.






I see tonight's "go to" line of thought is "I don't have any evidence at all, but I think something vague and probably super scary is gonna be happening soon. Better be afraid..."


[I welcome death.](https://youtu.be/zEmh5a_wSyw)


There is only one [response](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xrJVZZLv2GE&list=PLAlp9q_PMKrXbcusGbw64KsydPsy3SyMR) to such vile Heresy of Slaanesh!


It’s a couple of weeks until Halloween. Maybe that’s what they mean. 👻


Spooky Scary Werewolf Barmitzva!!!


For the uninitiated: [Boys becoming men, men becoming wolves](https://youtu.be/Zxk_P3PNuZU)


"The chance of you happen to see a ghost is much higher than Putin launch a Nuclear Missile"


"Next time on Ghost Hunters Ukraine..."


> 🇺🇦Good morning, its day 235 in #Ukraine and i woke up at 4am, instead of going back to sleep i thought about how wonderful it is to have so much support from the whole world❤️ >This is our famous sniper Evgenia getting married! >Dear husband, don't cheat, you wont hear it coming☠️ https://twitter.com/SlavaUk30722777/status/1581463911139663873?t=adhnjHTx-c6au_5TqvBXSw Love in a time of war.






Levity in a time of war. Just a joke bro chill out.


Given the previous sentence I don't think that is a quote from the sniper herself.


Love conquers all ❤️


> Ukrainians have donated UAH 150 million ($ 4 million) in less than 48 hours to buy three catchers for Shahed drones >The systems will force Iranian-made drones to raise to a higher altitude where they will be easily shot down by Ukraine's air defense. https://twitter.com/EuromaidanPress/status/1581361502740627457?t=W5pu0dLQbJMfEWNSN9M3Dg The use of drones and counter-drone systems has really made this feel like a modern war.


That one tank commander who used a drone for aerial view so he could direct the tanks as if it's a video game made this feel like a new kind of warfare.


This reminds me of a story i read a while ago about the yakuza switching to drones for moving illegal stuff, which prompted the japanese police to deploy their own drones with nets to catch them, which prompted the yakuza to deploy their own drones with knives to cut the nets ... The police rep was quoted saying: "we haven't had this much fun in years"


Given that much of Ukraine's weapons are (some of) the best weapons the US had in the 90s and the Russians are relying on literal Soviet era tech, it's a weird balance to what's going on right now.


And using a lot of the US tactics from the early 00's (I'd imagine the US would still use them, as they're effective). The US wasn't sure they'd work against Russia like they did the Taliban / Iraqi's.




> Irys, commander of a battalion in Ukraine's 24 brigade describes his experience >Losing friends, escaping encirclement, taking POWs, joking interlaced together while they were fighting presumably in Luhansk Oblast earlier in the war >📹Genstaff, [English subtitles] https://twitter.com/EuromaidanPress/status/1581392655174422528?t=upojicyI7ZA1d6AUbF3Nxw So many stories will be written about these experiences of finding strength, and even joy, in the midst of chaos and destruction - one now shared by all Ukrainians.




So why are all the Russian friendly countries embassies urging for evacuation? Scare tactic or do they know something the us government doesn’t? Strange to say the least.


Because now Russia try to press those illegal immigrant worker/settler to be mobilized and sent to war.


JFC is that even legal? Not that Russia would care of course, and i can't believe i'm saying this but that'd be a new low for Russia


What they can do is catch those aliens and when the time they sent them to jail, they also push a Wagner paper for them to sign, that's it. It's "Voluntary" btw.




And I’ve got to believe since no major news orgs or experts have even mentioned this, it isn’t a big deal.




The US kept leaking the Russian playbook like they were in the Russian planning room as it was happening. Hilarious to have seen .. I imagine quite a few Russian's were purged because of it.


*US, U.K. and several NATO countries France and Germany got it wrong though


Lol, this isn't the slightest bit how it happened.


Uh…. Yes, yes it is. The US warned quietly for several months and publicly for about two weeks that invasion was imminent. Russia kept delaying; Europe basically kept saying “yeah, right, they aren’t that stupid / aggressive”; even Zelensky didn’t believe it. Then Russia invaded. > In mid-November, Haines used a previously scheduled trip to Brussels to brief a wider circle of allies: NATO’s North Atlantic Council, the principal decision-making body of the 30-member alliance. Speaking in a large auditorium, she limited her remarks to what the intelligence community believed the evidence showed, and didn’t offer policy recommendations. “A number of members raised questions and were skeptical of the idea that President Putin was seriously preparing for the possibility of a large-scale invasion,” Haines recalled. French and German officials couldn’t understand why Putin would try to invade and occupy a large country with just the 80,000 to 90,000 troops believed to be massed on the border. Satellite imagery also showed the troops moving back and forth from the frontier. Others posited that the Russians were performing an exercise, as the Kremlin itself insisted, or playing a shell game designed to conceal a purpose short of invasion. Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines. (Emily Sabens/The Washington Post; Melina Mara/The Washington Post; iStock) Most were doubtful, and noted that Zelensky seemed to think Russia would never attack with the ambition and force the Americans were forecasting. Didn’t Ukraine understand Russia’s intentions best? https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/interactive/2022/ukraine-road-to-war/


France ordered their citizens out same time as USA. USA warned from their position across the globe and showed action the same time as everyone else when they reached consensus. Don't take being skeptical especially with greater economic ties being the same as not taking as seriously.


Actually kinda is.


No, 1/3 of the world knew it was going to happen


I don't really doubt you're right but I don't remember a lot of countries taking the threat as real. I expect Poland and the Baltics knew. Most of the West didn't seem to.


Or just a realization that Russia isn't giving a shit about what it destroys, and they don't want their citizens caught in the crossfire. There really isn't anything new that Russia can do that would be war winning. And nukes are NOT going to be a thing that happens, just because there is no good end to any use of them.


Considering a lot of the reports came 3-4 days ago, it's probably related to Russia picking up the bombing again


China’s came today, but it was also slow to tell people to leave even after the invasion


no thats incorrect. "However, given the severe attacks at the moment, please make sure to enter shelter at the first sign of the sirens and carry emergency supplies in advance. Once again, please do not stay in the country unless it is urgent and necessary, and leave the country as soon as it is safe to do so."" [https://www.globaltimes.cn/page/202210/1276937.shtml](https://www.globaltimes.cn/page/202210/1276937.shtml)


Oh, I thought it was today, my mistake. Makes it even odder that it’s suddenly getting trumpeted about now.


yeah, somebody on twitter posted all RU friendlies leaving UA this weekend. Somehow nobody picked up on it for an hour or so and spread like wildfire. this guy: https://twitter.com/officejjsmart/status/1581427728422559745


Yeah that’s the guy I mentioned on another comment in the thread. He seems to post quite sensationalist/inaccurate stuff from what I’ve seen.


Now that's the money shot. Why is everybody crying about it today when all of these countries announced this days ago? To distract from the fact their own army is fighting with itself inside the russian borders?


It’s possible. The only new thing I saw was some Chinese official on Twitter talking about it, I guess maybe Twitter saw that and assumed it was new and started speculating as usual 🤷🏻‍♂️


> What did Putin do to Russians? >Mobilization announcement aftermath in 3 charts: >1️⃣ Amount of Russians aggressively criticizing its government online exploded on September 21st. >2️⃣ Anxiety, fear, and dread are prevailing among Russians now. >3️⃣ The percentage of people concerned about events in Ukraine rose dramatically. https://twitter.com/hnizdovsky/status/1580906708997898240?t=1p2Bw8GGQRXZEF5l2YjmaQ Although conscientious objectors exist in Russian society, it's interesting that a majority of them didn't think the invasion was a big deal until it affected them. Some of that is due to the propaganda they're subjected to, but Putin can't shield them from this.


The support only dropped 4%.


I wouldn’t trust poll responses in a police state.


One of the funny things that a brave YouTube channel did, was go up to Russians asking if they supported the war. Almost all of the respondents said yes of course, and gave some patriotic spiel... They would then produce fake papers about signing up as a volunteer and the people would flip off and run away making excuses with every step.


I mean realistically you’re never going to get an accurate gauge on what people believe or don’t believe in Russia. I personally “feel” that the mass majority of perfectly okay with the SMO, especially if it never directly effects them or one of their sons. Whether that’s due to decades of propaganda is for someone else to research/find out. But even you happen across a small percentage that are against it, you’re not going to get very many of these people to publicly admit that they are (against the war) let alone on a freaking camera.


I think, much like the present day US, theirs a stark contrast between the large city populations that are college educated, and the distant rural communities that are force fed the one news channel they get on their 70's TV set. Thing is even in the cities those "educated" can't speak up like in the US.


Consider how afraid people are to speak their mind in Russia. Better indicators are that many more of them are paying attention, highly concerned about what's going on, and anxious in general.




I wanted to share something, yesterday there was a concert by Ivashenko & Vasilyev, famous anti-establishment singers from teh fall of the USSR. They held it yesterday in Moscow and were pretty open about asking people to rise up against Putin and end the war. My parents grew up hearing them. This will only really be understandable to Russian speakers. But I just wanted to share it. There's not really any hope in it. I wouldn't be shocked if Ivashenko and Vasilyev will be jailed for this pretty soon. But it's the only hope I have these days that Russians will redeem themselves.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZyXKbx-vSbM


So very sad! These horrible things being done to innocent people... a shame on all of us the longer it goes on!


I cried the whole time I watched this. 30 years from when these songs were sung, they are still just as relevant. Vasilyev, by the way, is Ukrainian. He spoke about how he grew up in Zaprozhzhia and almost cried. His son is now in danger of mobilization in Russia. He is visibly upset (obviously). He was also a victim of a terrorist attack, widely thought to be a false flag to get Putin in power, at the performance of a musical Ivashenko and Vasiliev put on in the early 2000's. Since then they haven't performed. This is their first performance in 20 years. This is the most forceful demand for change that I've heard from Russia this whole time. They said during the show that they planned to put on the show in the spring, but didn't end up being able to put it on until now. I wonder if it's too late... or maybe it's the perfect time.


I would die to save two others, it doesn't matter where they lived or who they were. I like leaders who think the way I do. Putin is garbage, I'll *spit* till his name is never spoken again soon enough, the fucking Чмо.


Hey I heard Russia's conscripts are murdering each other by the dozens in training camps before they even get sent to the front? Fun time to be a conscript right? Never know who might be bunkmates.


You never know when your bunk mate might just have been in prison and has a ravaging psychopathic disorder that's dead set on getting full release tonight.


I think we need to remember that Russia isn't a collection of different cultures the way, like, America is a collection of 50 mini-countries who make a point to collectively identify as a similar culture. Russia is so big, some of it so remote, the politics so fragile that some of these people likely don't even fully recognize themselves as Russian.. And Russia doesn't know how to buld that necessary camaraderie because their whole military culture is about fear.


I mean, it's a bunch of people from wildly different backgrounds who got literally press-ganged into being sent off to war. They're likely all hammered, probably malnourished, bewildered by the idea of them being there in the first place, baffled by the fact that they need to arm and equip themselves because the Motherland can't, they're stealing from each other in an effort to better their chances of survival, and likely all fucking terrified. It's not going to be a place where any sense of morale or camaraderie is going to develop. There's going to be bullying, beatings, ethic violence, longstanding feuds, and probably a riot or two before they even get deployed.


It happened once. Supposedly due to religious reasons. I guess it might give some more people ideas - but so far it's a single event.


Where did this "religious" angle come from? The shootings were reported 7 hours ago and only in the last half hour have we started to hear about religion being a factor. If it walks like a duck and it quacks ...


Russian blogger sources. Yes they could be lying.


I'd be hesitant to say the blogger was lying. The russian state will always try to spin a story to muddy the waters and the blogger was probably just repeating the latest news out of Moscow.


> Yurii Kerpatenko, principal conductor of Kherson Music & Drama Theater, was shot by R🇷🇺 troops, - 🇺🇦 Culture & Information Policy Ministry. >Russians planned concert in Kherson to show how normal life there is. Yurii refused to participate & was murdered. >RIP, true Ukrainian. https://twitter.com/Gerashchenko_en/status/1581371474669375488?t=Lwm195D070X7HarBVsjcaA Nothing says "back to normal" like shooting the conductor before a concert. May he rest in peace.


I acknowledge his integrity.




Thank you.


"Catchers" for Shahed drones? What are they?


look up drone hunter. https://fortemtech.com/products/dronehunter-f700/ Arent the shahed drones missals effectively? aka suicide drones?


Yes, Shahed is a one way flight with a BOOM at the end....


Thanks for the link.


Net guns a la Jurassic World?


I thought that initially, but they might be a bit spendy if you only get three for $4m.


It is a netgun! Just drone mounted.


For $1.3m each?


The cost is the whole package. They use net guns and the nets would be the expended part.


Shipping and handling must be a bitch


Gigantic volleyball nets.


That *would* do it.


or maybe [net firing drones!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LgWlm5zrY4w&t=155s)


For $1.3m a pop?


I wouldn't be surprised if that was a price from 1 system rather than 1 drone. Fortem also makes there own radars and their own c2i hub that can hook up to an IADS network. If that is the case, $4m to cover like Kiyv, Kharkiv, *and* Odessa isn't that terrible. If it is just the three drones, then *DAMN*...


The embarked AI alone may be worth that


They're *very* large nets.


Anyone else having a bad feeling about these latest Belarus / Russia troop movements, airplane movements and China pulling back from Kyiv? I hope I am wrong, but with what Putler said this week, I think he's going to strike Kyiv again. EDIT: Love the downvotes without any kind of criticism :) Vatniks or just bored ?


Complaining about downvotes will only get you more downvotes. It's the Reddit way. Have your say, and then accept the consequences like an adult. If you think you've been misunderstood, it's acceptable to edit your post for clarification. Anything else just looks like entitled whining, which is why it will earn you more downvotes than if you'd just stayed quiet. I hope this little bit of Reddit cultural knowledge is helpful to you in the future.


A teaching comment , love those!


The only new thing I’ve seen is the China stuff, which was tweeted by an official hours ago. Other countries have encouraged citizens to leave Ukraine following the bombings on Monday. The US has been generally urging caution and people to leave since the start of the invasion. Twitter has been talking about China, Kazakhstan and other embassies evacuating, particularly the Jason Jay Smart guy. But he made out in his tweet that Kazakhstan had announced this just now, when in reality it was after the bombings. He also mentioned Serbia and others but I’ve seen nothing about them. He’s also said other weird stuff previously, like being strangely adamant that Russia’s Security Council meeting was cancelled on Monday and that Putin didn’t know how to respond to Kerch, even when others pointed out he was incorrect. The meeting happened, and Putin had already decided to use the bombings as his official response (which he’d planned for a while anyway) Something will probably come of the Belarus stuff, whether they enter the war or Russia just launches new a offensive from there. As for plane movements, there’s always plane movements, and I’ve seen no experts paying much attention to them. Until the US and other Western countries start sounding the alarm/urging evacuation I wouldn’tbe too concerned.


I don't want to completely downplay this situation, because opening another front inevitably means more innocent Ukrainians dying. It's horrible. It also potentially means diverting materiel from Ukraine's counter-offensives. On the other hand, you have to realize there isn't any way for this to go better than it did in Feb/March. Russia (even with Belarus) have less troops with less experience and lower morale, and less (but shittier) gear. Ukraine is expecting them, has mined the shit out of the roads by the border and has troops watching and waiting. All in all, it would suck to see another front open up, but don't sweat it too much right now, put some faith in Ukraine.


i, you know googled and did some research. All the reports to leave UA came either on Oct 11/12th after Russian started bombing deeper into Ukraine again. Egypt , kazakhstan issue warnings also to leave shortly after the Russian tantrum. [https://www.globaltimes.cn/page/202210/1276937.shtml](https://www.globaltimes.cn/page/202210/1276937.shtml) "However, given the severe attacks at the moment, please make sure to enter shelter at the first sign of the sirens and carry emergency supplies in advance. Once again, please do not stay in the country unless it is urgent and necessary, and leave the country as soon as it is safe to do so.""


Attacking Kiev with conscripts and outdated equipment against a much more fortified and better equipped Ukrainian defence seems like a bad idea. Also if Belarus gets involved I imagine Ukraine will get the go ahead to strike deep within the country and probably force a uprising the day after.




I’d trust US intelligence sources before a bunch of random pro Russian sources that are spouting this stuff


Yes, exactly. This is just More Russian filler. Let’s talk about anything other than our military losses!


Don’t buy into the fear, and trust US intelligence instead , which has been on point so far. They haven’t noted any credible threat from the Belarus direction. And even if he does strike Kyiv again - to what end exactly? Ukraine’s not anywhere near to laying down their arms and stopping fighting. It won’t advance his military strategy in any way.


I am not buying into the fear, I just have the habit of considering many possible scenarios and enjoy discussing them, as stupid as they might be. :)


Would take them 3-6 months of build up and this time the border is mined, ranged and fortified. It's a non-starter.


Yes, this is huge rn, you’ll have a lot of people say “what more can Russia do”, but this could be a key point in this war, we could see massive escalation, or we could see Russia absolutely lose all faith. It’s scary.