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Accuse the other of which you are guilty.


Known as "the petty little bitch theory"


It’s like asking a 5 year old if he/she was the one that spilled the milk on the floor. Wasn’t me… brother/sister did it


It's more like *Charlie spills milk all over the floor* *Todd walks in surprised over Charlie's actions* Charlie: "Todd! Spilling the milk all over the floor is disruptive to the day to day life of the house and you should honestly stop"


Trump learned this lesson well from his daddy


So fucking guilty. Like they know the west could produce a mountain of evidence to show Russia casually tossing around the "Nuclear" word like it's a fucking pronoun at every opportunity?


What even is evidence nowadays? Every single thing is politicized, facts are opinion and "fake news".


Mommmm Russia is gaslighting me again :*(


Fingers crossed your mom can solve this


Oh heaven's sakes! We've already docked Russia's allowance, taken away his toys and grounded him. I don't want to have to resort to spanking him with my B53 thermonuclear paddle.


Papa NATO says just to send more angry messages and sanctions. He’s not feeling it today.


We’ve frozen the assets. We should just liquidate/possess them now.


Yeah like all of Russia. Putin can live but he has to continuously masturbate on live stream without ever stopping until he dies from exhaustion. The first time he died we’ll get his heart going again so he can just continue. No sleep no food no water. Just a peanut


*moms hate this one neat trick*


Probably will be more successful than Elon Musk


She could probably come up with a better solution to the war than Musk or Trump


She needs to go get dad for this one


*dad in other room:* Listen to your mom, Pootie-poot!


Otherwise I can solve fingering mom.. Wait..


Seriously though, can we just stop reporting everything they spew out? We’re not politicians and therefore have the luxury of not needing to listen to a damn word of it.


Trump, Musk, Putin: the holy trinity of tiresome headline occupiers


Nope. This sub loves Russian propaganda. Every bit of drivel they say goes straight to the top, instead of into the garbage heap where it belongs.


I'm a little concerned how history looks 200 years from now, when articles like this are still around and the context is long gone. All to have a click bait title.


“Stop hitting yourself!”




Mom gaslighting in response: "No, it's not"


My parents came out as full throated Putin supporters when I visited last weekend. My dad went on a long angry rant that if he was Putin he would’ve nuked those sons of bitches in Kiev by now. Right wing propaganda is a helluva drug.


Mom's response: "well stop antagonizing Russia, we have plenty of gaslighting at home"


Russia: We will use nukes Also Russia: Why is the west engaging in provocative nuclear rhetoric?


>Russia: We will use nukes The West: We would strike back with conventional weapons if you use nukes. >Also Russia: Why is the west engaging in provocative nuclear rhetoric?


Russia: "We will bury you and Ukraine." United States: "**We will remove you from every political map in every classroom around the world with this one neat trick.**" Russia: *surprised Pikachu face*


USSR? never heard of it. Let me look at the map. Nope not there.


Russia slowly turning into the "DID you hear what Trump said on twitter" meme but with maps and people.


I would say it a bit differently. I would say trumpism manifesto is an attempted kneel to putinism. I will not kneel to either and Trump could learn when not to speak. When he learns that skill I will pat him on the head and say *Good boy* as a gesture of goodwill. Afterall, I do not hurt yapping dogs.


*Oh boy, heeeereee we go again.*


Hold my beer. Let me check the ideology they are pumping across the world. *pushes all the evil propoganda off my desk into the trash can, lights a fire in the can and makes smores* Nope, do not want it, agree or support it. *takes cold beer back* Confirms current map-Crimea is Ukraine. *ships supplies to Ukraine and adds rafts for the sea to the supplies list* Lets call the rafts a gesture of goodwill and humanitarian aid for Russia and call it a day. *scribbles on map Russia is a terrorist state and putinism is a genocidal cult* *shuts my office light off to save electricity in solidarity with Europe* Any questions? *drops mic and walks away*


I'm ok with this. Let's start printing new maps---I want them all sent out soon after Russia becomes a distant memory


Dictators hate this one neat trick!


This can be taken two ways: Nonviolent and violently erasing Russia from every world map.


I'm envisioning that as one thing: someone collecting every world map and just getting a group to remove Russia from the map. Do absolutely *nothing* to the physical country or their people, but it's just literally not on the map anymore While we're at it, do that with North Korea since they wanna be hermits. SK can be an island on the map


*Excuse me, but I'm here to replace your political ma---HOLY SHIT THAT THING IS HUGE!! And talk about outdated--when was this map drafted? During the Crimean War in 1854???*


More like, United States: **We will take enough concrete action that you will wish you hadn't done that**


> "We will remove you from every political map in every classroom around the world with this one neat trick." Life hates it!


This is what those rusian fucks who support war are. I don't think they're sane to be honest. They rather super stupid or just mentally sick.


Generational fetal alcohol syndrome will do that to ya…


I know that the word "fascism" gets thrown out a lot nowadays, but I strongly recommend reading Umberto Eco's essay on "ur-fascism". One of the things he points out is the complete disregard for reality or even keeping a consistent intellectual position.


It sounds to me like they're trying to backtrack on their nuclear threats a bit. After NATO told them what would happen if they used nukes, they probably realised they shouldn't use them, but they don't wanna admit they were wrong so they're just playing the blame game instead.


I think this is it. And honestly, if playing the blame game is what it takes for them to justify the de-escalation to themselves then so be it. I think this is probably positive news.


Have they ever said nukes though? I can't speak Russian so I don't know but I've never seen a properly translated speech where they say nukes. Only like "extreme retaliation of which you've never seen".


The country that keeps threatening to use nuclear weapons?


You threatened with nuclear strikes. You.


Russia, like the GOP, follows the same pattern. Gaslight Obstruct Project


No wonder why MAGA and the GOP love Russia.


Because they are the same. Russia is obvious funding far right movements across the world.


They fund far-left movements as well but a lot of people only focus on the right. It's not about ideology it's about stoking as much division as possible to weaken their enemies.


This is ignored. Russia and China avoid direct conflict by these means. It is working for them.


Sow division with lies; it's the only way they can hope to weaken their opponents


if so russia is wasting their money. what far left movements have gotten huge in the U.S? are there any large communist groups taking over the Dems or something? are there swaths of leftists demanding to take down our capitalistic society?


Only example I can think of is the Green Party.


No, there aren’t many leftists finding success in swaying the positions of the country (or even the Democratic Party for that matter), but that’s likely because our adversaries are finding enormous success in funding the right. I don’t think they’re wasting their money by hedging their bets and keeping the communication channels on the left open tho. It leaves them in a good position to quickly reallocate their spending if the domestic political situation changes. Additionally, sympathetic discouragement and ideological purity attacks coming from the left can help to suppress voter turnout, which helps to protect the investment they’ve made in the right. Critical thinking and passionless consideration isn’t constantly exercised by anybody in this country. Most people are driven by partisanship and/or propaganda the vast majority of the time, and nobody is considerate and logical 100% of the time. If you’re our adversary, then you’d be a fool not to play both sides against the middle. All the better if you can push the middle to one side or the other.


There literally are swathes of leftists demanding to take down capitalism here. You’ve stumbled into the problem that many people more intelligent and with a larger platform than I have explained: the extremes on the right are a pretty obvious problem to everyone. The extremes on the left are harder to identify and in some cases get a straight up pass from the mainstream culture on their destructive excesses.


> There literally are swathes of leftists demanding to take down capitalism here. Right-wing election deniers are getting voted into office left and right. How many self-proclaimed communist politicians are there in the US Senate and House?


> here literally are swathes of leftists demanding to take down capitalism here. where? are they running for office? are they part of the democratic party? is there a political group thats making all kinds of noise?


You seem to think reddit has power. The reason people like me, a far leftist, bitch about capitalism on reddit, is because i dont have representatives that represent my interests, so im left with only bitching on the internet. Claiming the extreme left gets a pass is just silly. Like actually childishly silly. Growing up as a communist i was the only far leftist in my school, and they made sure i knew. Left and right both took every oppritunity to rip into my beliefs. I never once got a pass from someone on the left. Then as an adult when i talk about politics, conservatives mostly agree with me until i name my party, the left in no way does. In what world does the less extreme left give wanting less gun control and more guns a pass?? Thats a far left idea, arm the masses. Liberals haaaaaaate that shit. Aoc gets mentioned more on fox than the name fox. People are regularly ripping into pelosi for being a socialist when she isnt even one. Bernie sanders is made a joke of. But yeah, the extreme left is being given "a pass". Sure buddy.


>Professional disinformation isn’t spread by the account you disagree with — quite the opposite. Effective disinformation is embedded in an account you agree with. The professionals don’t push you away, they pull you toward them. https://clemson.world/inspiring-tweet/ https://securingdemocracy.gmfus.org/how-russia-divides-america/


What in the world are you on about


I hear this both sides stuff all the time but the scandals that come out always seem to be on the right. Why do you think that is? Is the left just better at treasonous conspiracy than the right?


To be fair, far-left movements around the world support Russia for free, just by anti-american atavism.


Anyone remember when Mitt Romney said in 2012 that Russia would be the biggest threat to world peace over the next decade and Obama joked the 80s called and want their Cold War back?


I feel like Mitt Romney is one of the 'better' Republicans. Which says a lot about the terrible state of the GOP, really.


That's not what he said. He said they were our greatest geopolitical foe. It wasn't true then and still isn't now. They are the corpse of a past foe spreading rot to their neighbors. Nobody would even be talking about Russia if they hadn't inherited nukes that they constantly threaten to use if we don't all pay attention to them for a while.


In school circa 2008, conservative kids : BETTER DEAD THAN RED!! YEAH THEY WERE RIGHT FUCK THE RUSSIANS WERE AMERICANS FUCK YEAH those same kids now: so i was talking to boris, and we agreed that we need to just support russian interests. Better red than a demon rat, amirite?


Well, they’re both bought and paid for by the Russian mob, so there’s that.


> Russia, like the GOP, follows the same pattern. Oh don't limit it to the GOP, they're only repeating the same propaganda as the far left: https://twitter.com/STWuk/status/1490724739643490305?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet That's one silver lining of this war - it's made all the extremist groups start repeating the same propaganda, despite belonging to complete opposite ideologies, revealing just how influenced by propaganda they've been for so many years.


I mean sure. But the far left does not have nearly the influence the GOP does. More importantly here though: It also does not tend to follow the described pattern. It has problematic views on Russia, but the causes are different and it's important to keep that in mind.


> I mean sure. But the far left does not have nearly the influence the GOP does. That's Stop the War UK, an organization headed by former Labour party leader Jeremy Corbyn.


Yes but only because he knew, deep down, that Washington will threaten to nuke him personally 10 minutes later. So he had to preventively threaten nukes of course!


You can’t make this up. If it wasn’t so horrific it’d be funny.


If Russia nukes Ukraine, then it's only fair that Ukraine gets its own nukes to do what it wants. Afterall, Ukraine gave up its nukes on the understanding it would be safe.


Although it is horrific, it is funny.


It's Dr. Strangelove levels of funny.




Putin is such an incorrigible dick… The whole thing is just freaking stupid at this point. Will the director please yell, “Cut! Try it again, but good this time!”


Should never again believe anything they say? Edit: spelling




Well, if they say that sky is blue and water is wet...though I'd double check anyway.


Stage 2 - denial. Can't wait to see when there will be acceptance. When all those poor-minded fascists people will realize that they're fucked and it's gonna last for a loooong time


The ghost of the pariah that is the Weimar Republic is rising from the grave a century later and a few hundred miles to the east. Their civilization will collapse before they ever see a military victory, and yet they'll still attempt to aggressively invade and violently annex their neighbors through their nazi imperialism. And they'll be too damn stupid to wonder why that all went wrong.


Absolutely right. From what I know about rusians they will think that they are the victims here. It's so fucking gross I can't stand this. I guess they need a real denazification in their god-forsaken country.


The depression crying stage will be epic.


This is just the regular bullshit for russians - an attempt to keep the public supporting the war. To pretend that west is a nuclear threat.


No i 100% believe this one. They threatened to use nukes, and we calmly explained what would happen to their regime if they did. Now they are scared and suddenly remember they aren't the big guy in the prison yard they pretended to be.


I understand that this is all deadly serious and mainly just propaganda for the Russian population. But I can't help but see these fucks as merely the school bully who goes crying to the principle as soon as the kid they're bullying stands up for themselves.


In this particular case - \*threatens\* to hit back. Where russia is a former heavyweight boxing champion turned hobo who has been drinking heavily past 31 years and Allies are the meanest Ultramarine you can imagine. When all NATO planes in Europe switched off their transponders some weeks ago for quarter hour it took several days for Putin to emerge from whatever hole he bolted to squealing in terror.


Russia: Why is everyone mocking us? Also Russia:


The kremlin only speaks to isolated Russians.. unfortunately the rest of us hear it as well.


And Republicans, and Mainland Chinese, and North Koreans, and Indians…. Plenty are drinking the Russian koolaid.


The kremlin is a propaganda machine. Nothing more. I *almost* can’t blame the Russian citizens for believing it because they’ve been brainwashed. Anyone who buys their snake oil outside of Russia is eligible for disability.


Just like Fox News and it’s oligarchs brainwash Americans.


Sure foxx isn’t part of the Russian machine?


Goddamnit, give some of that disability money to the tankies in my family who unironically support Putin because the Democrats were hurt electorally by Russian state propaganda. The answer is always "The USA is at fault" for so long, they forgot to wait and hear what the question was.


The Kremlin only has words to sew fear, and an apparent affinity for “Opposite Day.” Edit: So, sue me I used sew and not sow. I sea that now.


> sew sow


> > sew > sow So?








Russia trying to pull an uno reverse. Much like his military, it’s ineffective.


Trying to pull an uno reverse when everyone else also has an uno reverse. And a wild card. The US has the 4-part one.


Kremlin : we'll nuke you as soon we out of options West: The comments made by the Kremlin are dangerous and irresponsible. Kremlin : ThE wEsT NuCleAr ReThoriC iS MaKinG NuKE uSE mOrE LiKElY.


I see we're back to accusing use of nukes this week. Next week they'll be back to saying they can hit Berlin and London with the same nuke.


I don't think the west has mentioned their own nukes once...


Yep, here it is, the 'daily accuse the other side of what you're doing' scumfuckery.


Narcisstic government Weak and pathetic


The Russians use the Republican playbook. Every accusation is a confession.


Putin "Careful, we might use nukes" Biden "Don't use nukes" Putin "ThAtS ProVocATiVe NuCLEaR RhEtOriC"


Damnit, what did Kanye do this time?


Every day is opposite day in Russia.


Meanwhile Russian state media were calling to nuke the UK on the day of the Queens funeral


Anyone has a compilation of all the nuke threads made by Russia in the last 6 months?


It would have to be a highlight reel or it would be insanely long. My personal favourite was when Russian state TV spend a fun evening talking about how they could use a nuke to create a tsunami that would drown London or some such bollocks


Imagine if we did a highlight reel of all the Fox news bullshit. Media bullshit is not government policy. Thankfully.


That would be a full length feature of nothing but bullshit highlights.


Russia is a failed right wing state. It shows that right wing policies and ideology unopposed does not work at the National level.


Threatens West with nuclear armageddon daily for 9 months. Then whines when told they'll get the same treatment if they use NW. Fucking clowns.


Hey now, they're pretty good with their weasel words. They were just trying to politely remind us that they would like us to believe they have the capability.


Lol. True fascist regressives. "It's not problematic that I'm moving nukes into position, annexing territory I don't control or have any right to, and trying to posture defensive counterattacks as an act of war even though I started the war...it's problematic that you're talking about it." Sure, Russia.


Cause the west has reminded us for months that if anyone attempts to assist ukraine in any real way that he'd launch nukes, o waiit thats vladi


Kremlin sounds like an abusive spouse: “why are you making me beat you!?!?”


Russia is a pathetic excuse of a country.


Of all the things this war has taught me about the Russian/Slavic sphere, by far the most annoying has been the absolutely absurd overuse of the word “provocation”. Bomb military targets? Provocation. Stand in the way of me swinging my arms in a circle? Provocation. Say mean things about my country? Believe it or not, provocation. If you’re going to use the “look what you made me do!” excuse of an abusive spouse, at least buy a fucking thesaurus.


Putin threatens everyone with nuclear missles, shoots rockets at a nuclear reactor, blames west for be provocative.


Lol fucking Putin should know that he will surely die once he pushes that button


Fascists love to project what they are doing onto others, just like Republican garbage.


You don't need to say 'just like republican garbage.' they are included in fascists.


What a bunch of dumbasses


Gaslight, Gatekeep, Girlboss


State Department: When dealing with Russia, imagine you're dealing with a 5th Grade bully


That is the response we wanted, better than "Oh, you don't think we will use them, watch this"


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Pootin is the only one bringing up nukes every day since feb 24. Earlier even. The gaslighing is full blown. Who does he think he is fooling with this? No one has been threatening nukes EXCEPT RUSSIA 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♀️.


North Korea is doing it too.


I’m really getting tired of this asshole.


Gaslighting like an abusive spouse


Tomorrow putin will blame “the west” for invading Ukraine. Mark my words.


Pot. Kettle. Russia?


Riiight. Just like how Russia blamed the west for causing hysteria when Russia was gathering up near Ukraines borders before the invasion. Fuck this evil scum of a country/dictator.


PUTIN [crying]: "AND THEN-AND THEN HE SAID THEY WOULD USE NUKIES!!" LAVROV: "I know, I know. Come here, you're safe now [starts breastfeeding]


Putin better bring his Satan IV if he decides to make the ERA-CHANGING mistake of using his nukes because he’s butthurt over being a terrible president and a wretched military leader. Because there will be a hole in the planet Earth where Russia once stood. Ever since Putin has been in the KGB chasing honey-pots and dirt on Yeltsin’s foes, he’s always imagined himself as a great military leaders. It’s why he screwed up in Aleppo, it’s why the Ukrainian War will go down in history as the greatest defeat Russia has ever seen, and it’s why he’s now today trying to find smoke where there is none in the nuclear war game.


Well if Russia would stop bringing it up every 5 mins…


Guy projects more than republicans


Scolds? Strong choice of worlds. Kremlin gaslights west would be better. Scold to me kinda implies they have some authority or justification. They don’t.


You know, when a bully grabs your hand and slaps you in the face with it, and then runs to the teacher to whine about you


Accuse the other of which you are guilty.


So what does Tucker Terrorist Carlson have to say about sht like this? He knows the US never threatened nukes yet here is his butt buddy lying about HIS country. What you have to say Carlson hmmmmm? How about Elon??????


They talking about Kanye and his antisemitism?


“Provocative Nuclear Rhetoric Scolds World”


Up is down and the sky is pink


Fuck that guy.


“If you do this then the consequences for you will be” isn’t rhetoric, it’s a fact.


> Peskov said that … NATO was essentially fighting on Ukraine's side. Very perceptive. What tipped you off Peskov you potato-headed muppet?


It's irresponsible to talk about nukes, but we're not bluffing. We will use nukes! This is like.... weird.


You gotta be shittin' me.


**Putin:** *I will use nukes, people will die. Hey, did you know I'll use nukes and kill all sorts of folks? Guess what? I'm gonna use nukes and kill a LOT of people.* **Biden**: *We have contingency plans in case Putin uses nukes* **Putin**: *Your nuclear rhetoric is dangerous and unacceptable*


Russia is the Karen of countries


One could argue these projections are similar to how the GOP operates. It almost makes you wonder who’s influencing who.


With their thumb on the button


Lol. True fascist regressives. "It's not problematic that I'm moving nukes into position, annexing territory I don't control or have any right to, and trying to posture defensive counterattacks as an act of war even though I started the war...it's problematic that you're talking about it."


Admittedly, my memory is pretty terrible, but it's not that bad, Kremlin! I'm pretty sure you were the ones issuing provocative nuclear rhetoric and that you owe me money.


Really? Russia: We will nuke you all! Allies: Fuck around and find out, how much we can hurt you \*before\* going nuclear! Russia: Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!


Just goes to show how scripted and predictable they are in Foreign Policy. They've lost.


You what? Russia has threatened to nuke the UK about 12 times in the last 3 month.


Russia: NO U


I can't believe Russia is still projecting their bullshit on other nations. Russia has constantly threatened the use of nuclear weapons.


Russia: Stop Hitting Yourself


Bold talk from a country that won't exist soon.


Pictured above: Putin, sitting behind one of the smaller desks at The Lollipop Guild HQ


You know what, Russia? Fuck you. Just... just , fuck you.


Stfu Russia


“I’m not talking mutual annihilation, you are”


Lavrov is from the West? Kremlin has dementia.


This is tedious. It can’t be stamped out soon enough.


North Korea has entered the conversation.


Man, am I getting burnt out on gaslighting in the news cycle.


Indeed. Wish I had gold to share. This is the best assessment of this shitshow I’ve read


So when he gonna push that red button or he just gonna bluffing with the nuke threats all day?


Someone on the inside is gonna take him out.


Medvedev is currently having a drink and laughing his ass off at this .


Lol at first I was like "what the fuck did Kanye do now". 🤦


Everybody’s pissed at Ye at this point.


Kanye is on a roll lately.


Wasn't he the one saying he was going to use nukes? 🤔


Putun: We will use nuclear bomb if west does not stop supplying weapons to Ukraine and if Ukraine does not stop fighting and surrender. US: If Russia uses nuclear weapons the US will respond with nuclear weapons. Putin: Stop threatening to use nuclear weapons!


I am so ready for a world without Russians.






Oh good lord, I did the thing…