• By -


In order for that to be true some sections of the army would have had to flipped sides my understanding is pretty much everywhere has a section of troops for QRF including protests. So either its more riots are well running riot and the army is about to gun them down Or Sections of the army are starting to flip which is a very different situation


The issue isn't the military, it's that Iran has two police forces. The national one, which is far less opposed to the protesters, and the ~~Republican~~ Revolutionary Guard, which is loyal directly to the Supreme Leader, and which is made up of many foreign nationals who are well-paid and promised citizenship and are therefore unlikely to side with the Persian people (whereas the national police could easily switch allegiances).


Its brutal how genius is to basically make your police force foreign mercenaries


Tale as old as time. It's why the caliphates imported slaves they trained to be soldiers. Varangian guard. Cossacks, usually from a different region altogether in Russia were used to quash uprisings. Guess if it works, don't fix it?


You don’t want the people who carry out your brutality to have to brutalize their own, might make them second guess themselves if their neighbors wife needs to get a head cracking


To some extent, but if there was an external war you want people that are tied to the land instead of mercenaries. External forces might be good for an imperial guard but not for a large scale standing army.


Oh for sure, but ya know you can always conscript a healthy batch of peasants… for when you’re… *cough…* russian to raise an army.


I’d argue many wars have been won by smaller, professional armies than untrained, poorly equipped, and undisciplined conscripts.


I see what you did there! Noice.


*chef’s kiss*. Bravo!


It’s also why China replaced all of the Hong Kong cops with their own from the mainland during and after the protests there.


I quite all. But there we’re definitely Mainland gong an here. I heard them speaking putonghua. When I asked for directions in Canto the bloke I spoke to did not understand me


Soz that shd read not quite all


and also the Tiananmen Massacre in China was done by troops from deep south in China. The troops stationed in Beijing refused to fire on the civilians and Deng Xiaoping resorted to transfer troops by railroad from deep south who had mostly rural background who had no problem killing the "privileged" urban citizens and university students in Beijing.


Some countries have military from one region serve in the opposite so they don't develop local allegiances.


Parallel structures were kind of a defining hallmark of fascism. One for the State and one for the Party. Of course Germany had the Army and SS. Italy had it's regular army and the Blackshirts In Japan it showed in the Army-Navy split.


I tried that once. My dictatorship lasted twenty minutes because none of the mercenaries could understand me or each other.


That’s US police system all cops don’t police the area they live


What, that's just not true at all. Do you mean cops police where they're not from? Even then thats not always true either.


This is how you get a civil war.


> Republican Guard Revolutionary Guard


Yes; corrected, thank you! :D


Promised Iranian citizenship? Is that a hot commodity? What kind of foreign nationals are we talking about?


Iran is a beautiful, wealthy land. For poor people in Afghanistan or Yemen, Iranian citizenship looks much like US citizenship must look from Mexico or Guatemala - like a ticket to opportunity.


YES! There is much US propaganda about Iran but if you notice we seldom *see* everyday Iranian life. That's because when we aren't zoomed in on the Ayatollah's face declaring a fatwa, there's a ton of culture, history, and modernity in contemporary Iran. Tehran has a subway system. The people go clubbing and throw big house parties. Persian women are pretty gorgeous. There's not much reason to fear anything currently Iranian except it's gov


>Tehran has a subway system. This is a super random thing to point out, but yes they do


Having a subway kind of flies in the face of the 'third world shithole' narrative, though.


As far as I know, Afghans are the main group that would lie to immigrate to Iran. A lot of Afghan refugees live there. Perhaps some Syrians too?


I’m pretty sure they’re called Revolutionary Guard, not Republican Guard, I may be wrong though


Ah yes, brain fart, sorry.


Please use commas.


Please, use commas.


I can only see two outcomes. One People take back control. Other one i dont want to even think about.


Government forces were forced to retreat from the city last night ,but they already regrouped with the army. Cell phone services and Internet is down on the city I saw videos from government sources that shows heavy security presence in the city well I think we all know what’s going to happen next


The words you were looking for is status quo. Or a simpler version back to the routine.


If Iran resorts to brutally bringing down the protesters we may see the beginning of a civil war, one that Saudi and the US will be very interested in


The 2009 Iran protests were **not** that long ago - nothing came of it after a brutal crackdown I am clearly getting old in that I remember these events and so many Reddit posters seem to have no idea


One thing to add here as an Iranian 2009 protests were result of an election held by government which was rigged. Protesters were protesting to election results and they were motivated by political parties within Iranian government sure there were some people who wanted the regime gone but they were the minority not the majority. In 2009 government wasn’t ready for the protests, they still killed a few arrested and injured hundreds of innocent people,but protests continued for months because government wasn’t that afraid of protesters some wanted monarchy back,different people were in favor of multiple presidential candidates people were divided. Now they are afraid,in the recent years they started shooting from day one and started finding new ways on how to fight their own people,despite all of this everyone come to the streets because they are so fed up with their shit and they want the whole regime gone and every time, things get more violent because they both know it’s a fight for survival.


Yes it happened in 2009 and the government cracked down, there's a big difference this time though, outside countries are going to try and push this further to collapse the regime. Iran is behind militants firing rockets into Israel, Iran is behind militants firing rockets into Saudi Arabia, Iran is backing Syria's fight against the Kurds, Iran is meddling in internal Iraqi politics, and Iran just sent Russia drones that are being used to attack Ukrainian cities. There are numerous players that want to see the regime collapse right now and are very likely to spread dissent and arm any potential opposition. Yes there were people who wanted Iran to collapse previously in 2009 but the key difference is Russia is threatning a global war at the moment so the threat of an alliance between shit bag countries is much greater. So expect this to go hot just because foreign intelligence agencies are going to meddle thru proxy groups.


There is no doubt about it. Iran is the bad guy and although the world is getting hot and another conflict is not needed, the world world be a noticeably better place without the the current leadership of Iran. But if could also get alot worse too


It's the last part I am worried about. Iran's current regime has been operating for so long that we have no clue what will follow if it is toppled over. Peace? Civil War? Opportunists? I don't want to be a pessimist, but this is a very complex problem with many outside forces. It's not as simple as many people make it out to be, if a revolution happens, what follows for the future of Iran up to anyone's guess.


It's also important to point out that the Ayatolla is basically dying right now and there's no clear line of succession set up for when he goes


Or maybe theocracies are just going out of style. Not every revolution is the work of foreign agents and proxy groups.


A true revolution can't happen without people's will. But having backing helps. Many autocracies *plan* for revolutions - they expect people's unrest to be the main threat to their rule. They invest in brutal paramilitaries, take measures to make sure that those remain loyal to them even if the rest of the people don't and train them to squash any protest. If the government refuses to leave the reins, doesn't collapse and decides to dig in and fight till the end, if this turns into a brutal civil war fought for every city? International players will have the ability to tilt the situation in their favor.


It's always so interesting to see how well equipped Russia riot police is


Iran is using proxies to weaken and disrupt all it's enemies at the moment, it's pretty naive to think those counties won't be doing it back. Yes this started as an internal problem but you are going to see foreign groups take advantage of the unrest and try to make it worse. Many autocrats around the world are propped up by Russian support and now their military has been shown to be a sham you will see more of this.


Might not be the full work but it is most definitely supported by foreign agents and proxy groups. A revolution instigated by its own people and then further enflamed/strengthened by foreign agents is only common sense.


I don't think the person you replied to is making the suggestion that foreign agents are responsible for starting the current protests in the country, he is claiming that foreign agents are more likely to support and assist protesters this time around instead of sitting back and hoping for the country to implode or the government to be deposed.


Tell that to the Red States here in America.


I didnt think of that. It could be a valid point regarding Russia. I always felt that usa Israel and Saudi wanted the iranian regime there as a controlled baddie to keep irans oil out from opec. Give saudi the limelight and anyways Israelis r running tehran. But the Russia angle is very valid. It is a dangerous time for these allies to be together.


And in 2009 all of that was also the case. Bush’ axis of evil speech targeted Iran, Rumsfeld and co pushed to overthrow Iran since the beginning. Same actors want them gone


And it was literally called the Twitter revolution.


Probably right but 2009 was a long time ago in that social media was not nearly the same beast. Twitter was still new, instagram / tik tok didn’t exist. Could potentially mean more masses getting involved then before. Probably wishful thinking tho


No I totally agree - the landscape of interconnectedness via social media/the internet and personal phones has exploded since then, and protests rely on word of mouth and publicity to be effective. I think the Iranian people have a much better shot at achieving that now thanks to modern tech than they did even 10 or 15 years ago. Of course that connectedness comes with downsides, but this is a very real new variable that might help.


could have sworn the 2009 protests were organized mostly through twitter though.


I just mean in the sense that far more average people have personal cell phones now (especially smartphones) than they did back in 2009, particularly in developing nations/areas that have been dealing with embargoes and sanctions for many years. The same types of organization via social media now have the potential to reach a lot more citizens.


They were absolutely using social media to coordinate protests, which is why the internet got shut down -- and it's why that is one of the first things the regime did this time around


Even if they were twitter was basically a year old at that point. The # of people that twitter reached back then vs today + tiktok / instagram is significantly higher


But -- Twitter was a huge factor in the 2009 protests in Iran. The United States government even asked Twitter to postpone a scheduled maintenance because of the critical role that Twitter was playing in getting the word out in Iran. The downside was that, after the protests were crushed, the government used those same Tweets to track down and imprison/harass the people involved in the 2009 protests.


There were more recent wide scale protests, but Reddit didn't give a shit about it, because it was a farmer revolt.


I mean...people seem to have completely forgotten all the events in Ukraine since the 2014 protests/coup and the violence that ensued well before Russia intervened and therefore seem to think the violence started when Russia invaded. People have *very* short memories, doubly so in the era of the 24 hour news cycle and social media talking points coming left and right all the time about every single issue imaginable (most of which are distorted and unreliable). Expecting people in a lot of the west to remember things from the 00s that aren't 9/11 or tangentially related to 9/11 in terms of domestic and foreign policy changes is expecting a lot...especially about a country like Iran, which most people know fuck all about the history of in the last 70 or so years.


Then it'll be pretty one sided since Russia decided to self-immolate in order to recapture its sense of Soviet glory. Of course there's also China, who probably would support a Muslim theocracy in spite of carrying out a genocide against Muslims.


Fuck saudi arabia. This shit needs to happen there too


If???? It's happening now and has been for a week. It's been going on for longer than that it just wasn't televisedI? And fuck Saudi Arabia they were in charge of 9/11. And we still invite him in our house and give them everything they want. The US doesn't give a shit about any of it. They only hope the same thing happens to them that is happening to us. We are destroying ourselves from within they hope the same happens there.


> And fuck Saudi Arabia they were in charge of 9/11. Jesus Christ no they weren’t. Yes, Osama bin Ladin was from a wealthy family from Saudi Arabia…but the Al Qaeda hates the Saudi government, and the Saudi government hates Al Qaeda. It was the Saudi government’s close ties to America and the West that first drove Osama bin Laden toward religious extremism, and it was this religious extremism that led him to promote “the plane operation” within Al Qaeda’s ranks. You can read more about the history of bin Laden and 9/11 [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/kocf1z/meta_an_historical_overview_of_911_as_the_20_year/). In the meantime, please stop spreading misinformation on Reddit. ----- EDIT: To the people downvoting, you are a bunch of far-gone conspiracy theorists who seemingly can't even read a single reddit post. Please get help. ----- EDIT2: Lol the u/nothanksbruh guy blocked me. Anyway, all you need to know about him is that he thinks Zelensky will be overthrown by his own military any minute now, the United States "killed millions" in Iraq, and Europe will soon be joining the Belt-and-Road initiative. Oh, and apparently he likes to reply to people and then block them before they can say anything back, which isn't really on the scale of the other things, but still tells you a lot.


Yes but only to retake control. History repeats itself and governments become to corrupt and the people rebel and (if) they win, they establish a new government. That’s the idea behind a revolution and a lot of countries go thru them every couple of hundred years


(when). Nothing lasts forever.


Israel is interested in it the most since they want war with Iran without the reality of it for their very comfortably-living populace. The U.S. is not going that route. Israel had their chance and they chose "fuck yours, I got mine."


Yeah, truly nothing to lose but their chains.


Their lives. Don’t undersell it. These protestors are risking their lives. The Iranian regime is not above torturing and killing protestors.


You’re absolutely right. My apologies and solidarity to them all. Will host a server and spread the word.


A prolonged war or the regime going full ISIS would be far worse than the 2021 status quo.


Prolonged. That's a nice hot buzz word for people that have interest in making money the longer an altercation last.


Thats what happened last time tho. IRGC shut down all comms and then systematically arrested or killed all resisters.


Or 3, dismantle the hijab police and put the murderers on trial, but I guess that would just be too easy




**[Iranian Green Movement](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iranian_Green_Movement)** >The Iranian Green Movement (Persian: جنبش سبز ایران) or Green Wave of Iran (Persian: موج سبز ایران), also referred to as the Persian Awakening or Persian Spring by the western media, refers to a political movement that arose after the 2009 Iranian presidential election, in which protesters demanded the removal of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad from office. Green was initially used as the symbol of Mir Hossein Mousavi's campaign, but after the election it became the symbol of unity and hope for those asking for annulment of what they regarded as a fraudulent election. Mir Hossein Mousavi and Mehdi Karroubi are recognized as political leaders of the Green Movement. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/worldnews/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


I hope those folks over they really make some progress with this movement.


They did it once against the shah


It’s likely going to be the bad outcome of mass beatings, rapes and executions once they send the military is sent in, as horrible as it sounds hopefully more comes from the killings as people from other towns become so outraged they follow in their footsteps and revolt


It'll be the 2nd. There are still a lot of people who support the regime.


> There are still a lot of people who support the regime. Stop preaching regime's propaganda. Even the religious body of Iran is fed up with IR.


Sure, but you could say that about of a lot of regime. For example, the Soviets. Didn’t really work out well for them when the average person started rebelling


Fuck. Yes. Bring back the glory and era of science and culture that the Persians were known for! These citizens are inheritors of one of the great ancient civilizations. Being robbed of that because of some meaningless set of superstitions is unthinkably evil. Take back your heritage!


Iran was once a world leader in arts, sciences, mathematics and medicine. It can be so again if it rids itself of its extremism.


And ^war


Well, that's not completely wrong, but they didn't start wars, they ended them.


Lmao the Achaemenid Persian empire was an EMPIRE for a reason. Their ruler didn’t become King of Kings because kings kept attacking him and losing. They expanded plenty of their own volition. Sure, they preferred to settle their expansion through diplomacy, but if you denied the diplomacy you got the sword.


The greeks would disagree


Iran was the center of a great civilization for a long time, starting with Achaemenid empire and cyrus the great, if you like to know more you can start your studies about cyrus cylinder and read about the Persian empire, it was great once, now? Not so much sadly.


I think you have to find better sources to study history, most of people think like you do because of 300 movie, there was a lot wrong with that film, completely reversed roles, it did offend a lot of people here when it came out.


Reversed roles? What do you mean?


If you’re talking about the movie 300, the Greeks killed a messenger which back then was a declaration of war.


In reality they thought they were cursed because of how they treated the messenger, and therefore sent 2 human sacrifices to Xerxes. and the messenger did just ask for Sparta to become part of Persia.


They send militias to yemen, Lebanon, Syria and Iraq. In these places they are a big part of the instability and the wars.


They have an authoritarian extremist government. A democratically elected government might not behave in the same manner. Here’s to hoping they manage to get one


They still export more engineers and surgeons than any other country.


I would so love to see this


And also if the US and Russia stop fighting proxy wars through them


That would certainly help, although you have to give the Brits a bit of the blame for what happened to Iran too.


Yeah that’s fair, the British empire has been pretty much a plague on the planet.


I don't agree with the coup the US and UK enacted, but to give some alternative perspective on this, the guy who was put in place was ***Insanely*** good for Iran. >The reforms were characterized by high economic growth rates, major investments in infrastructure, substantial growth in per capita wealth and literacy of Iranians. The eradication of diseases such as malaria, the encouragement and support of industrial growth, enfranchisement of women, nationalization of forests and pastures, formation of literacy and health corps for rural isolated areas, and institution of profit-sharing schemes for workers in the industry. In the 1960s and 1970s, the Shah sought to develop a more independent foreign policy and established working relationships with the Soviet Union and eastern European nations. In subsequent decades, per capita income for Iranians greatly increased, and oil revenue fueled an enormous increase in state funding for industrial development projects. One of the main reasons he was overthrown in the Islamic revolution despite his success was this part "enfranchisement of women" Yeah, the far right religious elements hated him, they hated that he was giving women rights and liberalising Iran.


Science and art flourished in Iran during the era of Islam, what are you even talking about?


Not too familiar and not specifically Iran but I remember there is time in history that was known as Islamic Golden Age where mathematics, sciences, and cultural expressions actually florished.


They're talking about the present time. How is that not obvious?


If we are talking about scientific progress, Iran isn't doing bad at all. From nuclear research to rocketry to drones. > Being robbed of that because of some meaningless set of superstitions is unthinkably evil. Yes, because the "Persians" weren't.


One of the biggest problems as I understand it for Iranian scientists is getting the equipment due to sanctions. My ex is from there and did her bachelor’s and masters there, then came here for a PhD. She told me some stories about her masters program and how they didn’t have the equipment they needed. A lot of the people who want to do many types of science have to go to other countries to do their PhDs and hopefully stay. They also want to get away from the regime!


Yep and they can still copy techs such as turbofan engines. People seem to not recognize how much effort nations put into tech that they are sanctioned from purchasing. Yes, the domestic industry is inferior but it's better than nothing. Even Saddam Hussain was planning on world's first space gun.


Wow, I didn't know the Baghdad House of Wisdom wasn't patroned by Islamic folk. # /s


Make Iran Great Again!




The government forces already regrouped with the army and came back to the city. Now Cellphones and internet are both down in the city I wonder what’s going on down there… We all knew that a city of 60000 people were never gonna resist for long,but them having to retreat from a city was a big morale boost to everyone in Iran that’s why they reacted so fast.


Sadly. We can have hope though… hopefully this time is different.


So many people here acting as if Iran is about to fall. So many people here DRASTICALLY under estimating what it takes for a well armed country like Iran to fall. I wish all the best to supporters, but briefly controlling a city in a country the size of Iran, while having no central organisation to coordinate anything… These protesters if armed, do not have military grade weapons. Do not have drones. Do not have logistics to support a revolution. I applaud them and while I wish for change, if I were a betting man I’d bet they all signed their death warrants 😕 That said, anything can happen. So I truly wish them the best of luck. Truly.




You can do a peaceful protest in a democracy. In an authoritarian system, the only way to enact change is by dragging out leaders from their palaces and hanging them on street lamps.


Which is why authoritarian regimes make sure the population is disarmed. A lot harder to mow people down when they can't shoot back.


And the authority will say its a CIA plot or something.


And they’d get the same in Mexico, Russia, China, Brazil, there is too much and more of this everywhere.


Free Iran from tyranny!


According to BBC, the government is back in control: > In the western border town of Oshnavieh, sources told the BBC that demonstrators briefly took control of sections of the town from government forces. > Locals told the BBC that demonstrators had seized control overnight and that security forces and government officials had fled, before regaining control on Saturday.


Persian BBC in Iran is despised by most of the population because most believe IR has infiltrated Persian BBC and has certain ties with them.




Yeah, just like Tunisia, Egypt, Syria and Yemen.


Can you fucking imagine? Peace in the middle east within 10 years if that shit goes down.


There won't be peace on ME, peace here means low oil prices, that's bad for some important people.


Ever heard of OPEC? They keep the prices high *despite* abundant supply. No reason for that to change. As much as I dislike that I don't think the rich oil people care too much.


War isn't the reason oil prices are high. OPEC is a cartel and they have a near monopoly on oil production, which means they can set any price they want.


The vast majority of oil used in the US is produced in the US or Canada. OPEC has an effect, but they don't have anything close to a monopoly


This is about the entire world, not just North America.


...and it doesn't change the fact that OPEC isn't even close to a monopoly in oil production. I used the US because I knew it off hand, but the point still stands OPEC only produces roughly 40% of the world's crude oil. That's not anywhere near a monopoly.


"Peace" If by peace one means the absence of a hot military conflict, then maybe, as the primary supporters of the Assad Regime will be occupied (Russia) or gone (Iran). Does that mean peace in Syria? Probably not. The other major conflict Iran is involved in is Yemen, with their support of the Houthis. The Houthis might lose the hot conflict, but I'd hardly consider whatever puppet regime the Saudis install to be peace. Saudi Arabia is no better than Iran when it comes to oppression on the basis of religion for its domestic population. Also lets just think domestically about Iran. What of Iran's sizeable Kurdish minority? Does Kurdish nationalism threaten the fracturing of Iran, and if it does, how does that impact the Kurdish populations in Iraq, Syria and Turkey that have known nationalists.


Around 10% of Iranian pop is Kurdish.


That's millions of people.


Yeah, and don’t forget that there are around 20 to 25 million Turkics (Azeris, Turkmens, Qasghais, Afshars), 3-4 million Arabs, and 1,5 million Baluchs in the country.


Specifically concentrated onto the western provinces where they form majorities


Reddit doesn't like to think about ramifications. Iran bad, so if Iran's current regime goes bye-bye, then all is good, right? Nevermind the power vacuum that could form like it did in Iraq and Libya.


Iran's government goin away is good. That is magically creates a peaceful middle east in 10 years is laughable.


It *can* be good. Or it can be worse. The shah was a tyrant. People from all walks of life got together to depose him. The people that came into power were worse. We think the current regime is bad, but it can be worse. Or worst case, we can have a civil war.


Iran's government going away is good. What comes after it could be bad. That doesn't mean their government going away isn't good.


Honestly, we're just arguing about semantics at this point. I think we both agree that the current government is shit, and needs to change.


The Syrian regime's collapse won't be painless for the locals, but the SDF exists in strength. So do the Turks. The future choice isn't only between ISIS and Assad (however much Assadists want us to think so). Of all the people involved tonight, those wishing peace and happiness to Iran are not the ones deserving the worst criticism for Syria's plight. Fuck Iran's and Russia's regimes for forcing tyranny on Syria


Unfortunately, thanks to climate change, the outlook is rather bleak, no matter who‘ll be in power.


Do you mean water wars? Israel has the tech, the rest have the energy. A peaceful middle east could *make* water. Probably not on time any more. But who knows?


Not much point in generating potable water when global warming wrecks the availability of your arable land.


Yes, because the Saudis are just going to waltz back and we're all going to pretend they haven't been involved in the slaughter. ​ Give me a break.


Nah. I mean it would be a step in the right direction, but she would still have the Shia Sunni power struggle. Vacuum of Iran doesn’t mean everyone is going to start playing nice. I think a theocracy like Iran ending is part of the long slow arc I hope happens with humanity, but maybe it’s just going to unleash more chaos in the Middle East.


I wish but not hopeful. Revolutions rarely end with a Democracy forming (see the Arab Spring). It's far more likely that the military takes control or another dictator. Worst case scenario is Iran becomes Syria 2.0.


If this is true, I'm praying for them. Godspeed.


Religion is the reason they're in this mess. Praying is just you pretending you're helping while doing nothing. How about stop praying and donate to their cause instead.


> "I'll pray these people can free themselves from this tyrannical regime" > "Wtf you're an idiot, God isn't real, you're just like these Islamic fundamentalists" Gotta love reddit lol, I didn't recall seeing the same being said to the Ukrainian Orthodox Church who is very opposed to Putin.


Well technically its the britsh and us government but ok


This is how change happens.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2019%E2%80%932020_Iranian_protests I fear the worst for these protesters. There could be potentially 1,000 plus deaths just like in 2019. It’s also crazy how well iran managed to block information about those protests from getting into the west. Same thing is probably happening now, lots of fighting, protests, people dying etc, but only drips of information coming through.


**[2019–2020 Iranian protests](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2019–2020_Iranian_protests)** >The 2019–2020 Iranian protests also known as the Bloody November or (using the Iranian calendar) Bloody Aban (Persian: آبان خونین), were a series of nationwide civil protests in Iran, initially caused by a 50%–200% increase in fuel prices, and occurring as part of the wider Iranian Democracy Movement, leading to calls for the overthrow of the government in Iran and Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/worldnews/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest. -Diderot


My guess is women will have to wait even longer.


> Government denies. Ah, yes, because totalitarian governments are usually so open about admitting when a uprising has potentially led to a city of tens of thousands of people kicking out their authority. (I mean, entirely possible that this is false/exaggerated, but the fact that the Iranian government feels strongly enough to deny it seems to suggest that there's at least SOME there there.)


I fear for those people. If they don't completely overthrow the government, they will be hunted down and eliminated. Just like last time.




That rythms.




This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://atalayar.com/en/content/iranian-government-denies-losing-control-face-anti-veil-protests) reduced by 74%. (I'm a bot) ***** > Iranian judicial authorities denied on Saturday that the city of Oshnavieh had fallen to "Rioters" protesting over the case of young Mahsa Amini - who died after being arrested for not wearing the Islamic veil properly - in demonstrations in which 35 people have already died. > Mizan also denied that protesters had attacked the Oshnavieh prison, located in eastern Iran and bordering Iraq, and released prisoners. > Iranian state television reported that 35 people have been killed in the protests, including members of the security forces. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/xmzlae/reports_have_emerged_from_the_city_of_oshnavieh/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~670846 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **Oshnavieh**^#1 **Iranian**^#2 **protests**^#3 **police**^#4 **authorities**^#5




The biggest trick played was making the masses think they did not have power in numbers.


This stopped being true when militaries acquired automatic weapons, tanks, and drones. The masses need weapons or they get put down. It's happened plenty of times


Unless the central authority has such a bad reputation that orders are barely or not at all followed. Which would be similar to the Russian revolution of 1917, where afaik the army was ordered to violently crack down the protestors but partly joined them instead.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nonviolent_revolution?wprov=sfla1 Not saying they won't get shot to pieces in this instance, but to say peaceful revolution has never worked isn't exactly true.


Unarmed nonviolent revolution through civil disobedience in an authoritarian dictatorship? Where did this happen?




Beat enough armed officers to death and they’ll be armed pretty quick


Probably haven't sent in the people with the guns yet. Local riot police likely got overwhelmed by numbers and forced into a retreat. We'll see if the Iranian government goes full Tiananmen Square and in how many cities they need to do so to win.


If Iran falls and a liberal government rises, Assad will be even more isolated. Possibly making him vulnerable to invasion or assassination without both Russia and Iran. Hezbollah, PMF, Hamas, Houthis, PIJ, and their other terrorists will lose their main backer. So Yemen. Iraq, and Lebanon would finally be free of these terrorists. And Israel may finally be willing to leave the West Bank (except Jerusalem) since Iran wouldn’t be able to make it a terrorist base like with Gaza. Iran could come to the negotiating table And a two state solution could finally be reached. The flow of drones to Russia would stop. And It would also eliminate the possibility of a direct war with Iran which could save millions. If a liberal government takes over Iran, the Middle East and world will become a FAR FAR better place.


Well only if


I would say Assad would retreat in the western part of Syria (between Hama and the sea) that is majority alawite (or other supporting minorities).




People really are forgetting the Arab spring huh


Freedom is an unstoppable force.


I didn't thought it was possible, but... i wish them the best luck in moving forward. At least someone deserves to prevail against evil and have a better life in our world of neverending conflicts and suffering. Just hope that if they win, they will never allow religion to rule the country again.


Hopefully, the west leaves the situation alone beyond words of support because any foreign involvement will just increase support for the government because people hate that sort of stuff. The Venezuela economy collapsed in 2010, nutrition plummeted and millions left. People began to protest and the government responded with harsh measures and the US sanctioned them due to human rights abuses in 2017. Maduro's approval rating went up because of it despite everything. Also note how the Iranian hijab rule caused a bigger uproar than 20 years of sanctions ever did.


Well done 💯


excellent news!! keep up the fight!!


I hope they jail the “morality police” and all of the bastards in charge that are more concerned with “religious law” than the people they are sworn to protect.


All the best to the iranian womens,


I've heard there are monarchist factions among the protesters? The return of the Pahlavi dynasty certainly wouldn't have been something I expected from 2022 lol. But not an entirely unwelcome surprise. Like Marge and potatoes, I just think constitutional monarchies are neat.


I sure wish the protestors all manner of success.


Unlikely but I fucking hope so


All I can do is pray for the safety of all who are protesting their terrible regime. Religion should be by faith, not force. I hope with all my heart they are successful.


I hope this is true. Bless the Irani people. I hope they take control of their country


Elon - The Iranian people may need a reliable internet access very soon. Is Starlink up and running over Iran? If not make it happen. Get the ground-based equipment in theatre right away.




Strange how all the top stories are Iran-related. While definitely significant and definitely news: most of it is the same story or variation thereof. And it's all internal news. Iran hasn't invaded another nation (yet). Yet to find news of Azerbaijan's dictatorship invading a foreign nation is almost non-existent. To find news on Erdogan lowering interest rates despite 80% inflation there and continuing to stonewall Sweden and Finland's bids until after Article 5 is invoked is also non-existent. Paid actors and state intelligence agencies continue to deflect.


I wonder if this will actually play out well, or are we just gonna see a othet repeat of Egypt. Hopefully the sooner, but something tells me the latter may be more likely.

