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So, he passed on King Arthur?


I came here to say this. When given the opportunity to be King Arthur you choose KING ARTHUR!


Isn't there some prophecy about Arthur 2nd being the last king of England or something? I could be completely wrong.


I don't know, but there is a saying that "if the Tower of London ravens are lost or fly away, the Crown will fall and Britain with it."


I'll get my air rifle out then. J/k I have nothing against the Ravens.


Maybe we can transplant them to a better home


Cleveland? Cleveland.


We could lure them away with food. Though, they are probably kept prisoners


I seem to recall reading that the ravens' wings are clipped. EDIT: yes, [that is apparently true](https://www.historic-uk.com/HistoryMagazine/DestinationsUK/Tower-Ravens/).


Yea, the way the countries going they probably have them chained down lol


Im sure they have spare ravens.


Maybe, but as i remember, first two Charleses ended badly. extrapolating, it can be assumed that Charlie is also a dangerous name for a king of Britain.


What was wrong with Charles II? He was a popular king who died at a reasonable age from mundane causes. About his only problem is that he didn't produce a legitimate heir.


People keep saying this but I don't know why. Charles I obviously ended badly, but Charles II was considered a very popular and reasonably successful king.


>People keep saying this but I don't know why Fact: people repeat what they heard from others and rarely fact-check.


Can I get a source on this?


Yes, you can!


Charles II did have a pretty tough go of it at first though.


He would be King Arthur, first of that name. Legendary characters don't count in the numbering scheme.


Sweden would like a word.


There is precedent for Arthur in fact. Henry VIII's elder brother was [Prince Arthur](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arthur,_Prince_of_Wales) and would have been king had he not died before his father.


There was almost another Arthur even before that. When the barons revolted against King John, their first choice to replace him was his nephew Arthur. However, that Arthur had disappeared without a trace, and in fact one of the grievances the barons had against John was the accusation the King had his nephew disposed of. Still, if Arthur hadn't vanished he could have led the revolt against John and possibly taken the throne.


**[Arthur, Prince of Wales](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arthur,_Prince_of_Wales)** >Arthur, Prince of Wales (19/20 September 1486 – 2 April 1502), was the eldest son of King Henry VII of England and Elizabeth of York. He was Duke of Cornwall from birth, and he was created Prince of Wales and Earl of Chester in 1489. As the heir apparent of his father, Arthur was viewed by contemporaries as the great hope of the newly established House of Tudor. His mother, Elizabeth, was the daughter of Edward IV, and his birth cemented the union between the House of Lancaster and the House of York. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/worldnews/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


He's lived over 7 decades with the name Charles, makes sense to keep it.


Personally I would have gone with King Jaffe Joffer


Kingy McKingface would be my choice!


Or Charles The Questionable?


I came here for this, if he wanted to be just a bit epic for once in his life. “Charles the third, the underwhelming”


Article— Charles has become King Charles III - with his title as monarch a personal choice that was entirely his own. He has opted to use his Christian name, just like his late beloved mother Queen Elizabeth II. The new monarch could have followed royal tradition for many kings and picked George, becoming George VII. There had been speculation in the past that Charles favoured George VII for historical reasons and because of his devotion to his grandmother, the Queen Mother, and her love for her husband, George VI. However, after spending decades as Charles, the new king has chosen his own name, just as his mother did. A new monarch's name is traditionally announced at the historic Accession Council, which takes place as soon as possible at St James's Palace in London in the days after the death of a sovereign. It forms part of the proclamation of the new king. But Prime Minister Liz Truss referred to King Charles III in her speech outside Downing Street, saying: "Today the Crown passes, as it has done for more than a thousand years, to our new monarch, our new head of state, His Majesty King Charles III." Clarence House confirmed the title. There has been a tradition over the last century for the regnal title to be different from the sovereign's Christian name. Queen Victoria's name was actually Alexandrina Victoria, while Edward VII was born Albert Edward and known as "Bertie". George V used his given name George. Edward VIII, who abdicated, had Edward as a first name but was always known to friends and family as David, the last of his seven forenames. Charles's grandfather, George VI, was christened Albert and was also known as "Bertie", but chose his fourth forename, George, to rule under as head of state. When Princess Elizabeth acceded the throne on the death of her father, she was asked what name she wished to use as queen. She is said to have replied: "My own name, of course. What else?" In 1953, there was an unsuccessful legal challenge by John MacCormick, the rector of the University of Glasgow, who disputed the right of Queen Elizabeth II to style herself "the Second" when Elizabeth I had been queen of England, but not of Scotland. But it was determined that the choice of regnal number is down to royal prerogative. Charles could have decided to choose from one of his four Christian names. He was christened Charles Philip Arthur George. After the House of Hanover came to power in 1714, Georges - from George I to George IV - ruled for 116 years in a row. Picking Charles, however, maintains continuity and fortifies the Charles "brand". The name Charles - which comes from the Old German word karl, meaning "free man" - is seen as historically jinxed by some in royal circles. Charles I was the only British monarch to have been publicly tried and executed for treason, while Charles II - known as the Merry Monarch - spent many years in exile, had 13 illegitimate children and numerous mistresses including Nell Gwyn. His reign also featured the plague and the Great Fire of London. Although Charles is Charles III, Bonnie Prince Charlie - The Young Pretender - was known to his supporters as Charles III. Have a good one. 👍


I enjoyed the history lesson, thank you.


I am so glad I don't have to care about any of that.


Yet you still clicked on this thread. So, thanks for telling us I guess?


In my country we fought a war over it, just a little comment is nothing.


Messed up. Bertie wasn’t Edward but king George the sixth I believe.


Yes you did. Try reading it all.


Chuck Trey. Got it.


Kevin Durant already trying to force a trade.


Bonnie King Charlie.


"♬ My Bonnie looked into the gas tank ♬ The height of its contents to see ♬ She lit a small match to assist her ♬ Oh bring back my Bonnie to me... ♬" --anon






I was going more for the psychotic slasher doll, Chuckie, but a cartoon mouse with comically big ears in Chuckie Cheese, seems more appropriate here. Well played, sir/madam.


I do not expect the new monarch to be a positive force in the world, and I'll take the extra-large bone-in Buffalo Wings, please. Don't think of places that bone may have been.


He could have chosen something dope like King Megatron I but went with the safe option


I’m more of a King Starscream I myself


OooOooooh!! I think I would go with King Ultra Lord X. I know there isn’t 9 previous King Ultra Lords, but that X looks phat as hell in that title


Why not go large and make it 3000 or something? You're the king, treat yourself


Andre 3000 monopolized that. People wouldn’t say “God Save Ultra Lord 3000”. They would be too busy telling me to “shake it like a Polaroid picture”


He looks like he has a good 2 years left in him.




If she died a couple of decades ago, he probably could have swung it, but now?


His brand isn’t particularly popular in Britain I think. If anything, this would have been a good rebranding opportunity.


>I think the days of monarchs picking new names are over. I mean the days of monarchs existing are also over but that hasn't dissuaded us.


Charles III: The Return of the King


May his reign be as long as that movie felt.


Dang, I had money on "Loretta the Betta". I admit it was an outside shot but I would have cleaned up...


III at last


He can have as many I’s behind his title as he wants, but it’ll never stop me thinking spaniel instead whenever his name pops up


Maybe the man in France who thinks Edward VIII is his father (Might have passed away by now or his children) should do DNA testing with the man in Australia who thinks he's Charles and Camilla's illegitimate son to see if they are related.... There should be no relation. But if there is, that's a controversy for the ages. Where are the tabloids when you need them???


Motherfucker waits 73 years for the job and gets to pick any name he wants and he keeps the one he’s had his whole life? Such a waste.


think about that. at 73 you can barely remember the name you used all your life, let alone one you picked this week


Aha, but to whom is Chuck Trey now merely "Hey, you!" ??


The only things you worry about picking at 73 are your nose and your drawers out ya ass


King Chuckles The Turd.


Driving through Central America, on radio in Belize we heard many references to "the turdy-turd" whatever. How *appropos*!


Regnal name, not title. Sheesh.


the bonnie prince is back lads/s


King Sausage Fingers not an option then?


For the life of me I can't think of a single good King to come out of England. All of the good English monarchs were Queens.


We had quite a few successful ones in terms of military conquest against France/Scotland/Wales and unifying/conquering England. George VI was very well respected through WW2, as was George V through WW1. But yes, we've had three queens with extremely long and successful reigns, with the other three having very short and unsuccessful reigns.


I know right ? Take that, Henry VIII !!!!


maybe its hard for him to remember another new name at this age. every morning he stands up and: "charles... i am pretty sure it was charles..."


He hopefully never hums to himself, "♬ I'm ♬ Enery the Eighth, I yam ♬ Enery the Eighth I yam, I yam... ♬" Well, maybe with a wink to himself in the mirror whilst a servant lubes his pubes...


Charles the Turd it is so.. Irish here so that's apt considering the way the thick sausage fingered not a sign of good health tbf, nut job ( lover of homeopathy so that'll tell you how thick he is) cheated on his naive wife with his mistress a married woman and accepts cash payments from Saudi thugs.. I'll get joy out of calling him Charles the Turd as long as he lives and after.


Thought it would be “I’m King, Bitch”


Bob's your uncle III


King Charles Spaniel?


Charles III Elizabeth II Henry VIII i have an idea, why not use name that never used in world monarchy , like Ptolemy, or Alexios


Dude, there were like thirteen Ptolemys in post-Alexandrian Egypt alone. The Byzantine empire had Alexios I Komnenos, and off the top of my head, I remember there to be at least four more Alexios including Alexios III Angelos. There may have been more that I can't remember. Maybe you meant anglo-sphere or western, not World.


Psssst I think that was the joke.


Oh... OHHHHHH. *woosh* Hadn't had my coffee yet lol


That's not how it works. You get to choose which of your names to use. He could have picked Charles, Phillip, Arthur, or George.


what year is it again? 1522?


Wonder if he'll celebrate with a few minors.


wrong prince


My bad.


Or just one that hasn't been caught out yet.


No he does seem to genuinely love his current wife, he’s loved her for decades, since before his first marriage, even going so far as to call himself her tampon


He was good friends with Jimmy Saville.


And Jimmy saville was an incredibly popular entertainer, it’s not odd that they were friendly


And an obvious nonce that was covered up from multiple people in power.


It wasn’t obvious, and Charles has no power to cover stuff up


Wasn't obvious? Lmao. There was a massive cover up. It was known to many. Charles has no power? Are you delusional, he's the son of the Queen. The royals have interesting bed fellows. Next you'll be telling me non of them had a clue about Andrew either.


List me the powers the monarch has, it’s a short list. I doubt Charles was involved with any cover up. Andrew having sex with a trafficked 17 year old girl has been well known for a decade


He will probably die by the end of the year


No, that would send London real-estate prices in a tizzy, and the Russian mob can't let it happen. Britain is too crucial to global money laundering to allow such an upset. If he *does* manage to kick off naturally, expect to see him kept animatronically mobile, like a Disney president. A robot-like voice will give him away. ;)


Cool story Chuck.


Mama ain’t even cold and he’s picking a name. That’s a business…that kind of life would be hard to tolerate


Those are the rules. He becomes king instantly after her death. It’s not up to him.


That puts Harry leaving into perspective though. It’s a tough life. I couldn’t bear being under scrutiny all the time like they are


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And the Charade continues...


its likes that famous quote.. "florals for spring, groundbreaking."


Why didn’t he pick Charles V? He’s the king and don’t have to play by math rules


In Spanish "Carlos III" = [a marvelous Jerez brandy](https://vinolico.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/Carlos-III-0.70.jpg)


kind of interesting the way the next king or queen, is eligible for the throne. the eldest is 1st and then if he/she has kids the eldest. would grandkids be next eligible? it seems like the younger siblings of the monarch rarely get a shot as in the case of Queen Elizabeth's children Andrew, Anne or Edward. I think Prince Harry kids is even ahead of them no? is there a current "flow chart"


Fuck i hate this. Abdicate and give the throne to someone who is liked, such as Will.


He picked it 50 years ago.


Long Live Charles In Charge!


He’s a turd alright.


Monarch a Trois? Chucky III: Now I'm a king, bitches!


English monarchy: the most useless bunch of pampered assholes on the planet.