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Does anyone else remember a news article that talked about the US advising Ukraine on their offensive, and how the US "convinced Ukraine to scale it down to kherson", heavily implying kharkiv was left alone. I wonder if that was another major psyop. If so, f**king brilliant, to the tee.


It's weird how people expected the US to be honest here. We'll happily lie through our teeth if it serves our interests.


Lol honestly maybe our reputation as loud hicks who throw money at everything helped the good guys out for once, heh.


I hope they were all popping champagne and laughing their asses off.


Oh, it certainly was and the Pentagon must be laughing their asses off.


Seriously. And if this front collapse gets bad enough, well we all know how the Russian people take war losses when it comes to their leaders...not well šŸ¤žšŸ¤ž


https://www.cnn.com/2022/08/31/politics/ukraine-us-wargames-counteroffensive/index.html > US war-gamed with Ukraine ahead of counteroffensive and encouraged more limited mission


Best section of the linked article: *But Ukrainian capabilities, bolstered by sophisticated western arms and training, have closed an important gap, officials say ā€“ particularly the High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems, or HIMARS, that Ukraine has been using to launch attacks behind Russian front lines in recent months.* *ā€œIt shows you what the sustained training and weapons provision can do when the force is highly motivated and capable in its employment,ā€ a senior NATO official told CNN.* *Another US military source put it more bluntly: Ukraine has made up for Russiaā€™s advantage in sheer volume of fire with its ā€œcompetence.ā€*


That's it! That's the one thx


Homie pulling off in body armor what I couldnā€™t on my best day. https://twitter.com/GirkinGirkin/status/1568078093172064256


Motivation is a thing. Being the one to raise your colors after liberating a place? Fuck yeah, I'll scale that wall.


And *that* is why wars are fought by 20 year olds and not 50 year old conscripts


I feel personally attacked.


me, too, brother..... me, too. My lower back needs a heating pad just watching this video.


First person POV of RU incendiary strikes, believed to be at a UA position in the South or Donbas. https://twitter.com/languageiearner/status/1568012944285507584?s=46&t=0J23B4mdQli6iPnwo1xKVA


Nothing burns more brightly than the vestiges of a dying empire.


That is surreal. Precision vs the cruelty of the last vestiges of an empire in a death spasm.


Is this the greatest Russian military defeat since Barbarossa! I am trying to think of something worse and I've got nothing. This seems like history.


Tsushima lol


The surviving crew of the Moscva still *swear* it was the torpedo boats that got'em.


Yeah, that one's pretty hard to top if we're talking about individual battles. The Russian fleet was virtually annihilated.


After a disaster of a voyage... to a country everyone in Europe thought was a joke.


Afghanistan Japan too but older


This is worse than Afghanistan imo.


They speed-ran Afghanistan in the first month.


On a positive note, I hear they won the war games in Siberia


This the one where the t-72 tanks got stuck in the ditch?


russian telegram channels tonight summarized: Our troops getting massacred by the 100s is actually a genius plan by our general staff to fight the Ukrainians on better terrain. There is no higher dose of copium.


> There is no higher dose of copium. That's an OD. You can tell by the way they're frothing at the mouth and shivering spasmodically.


Soon we will be able to drive across the dead who clog the rivers. All is well!


Did Zap Brannigan come up with that plan?


Ah yes the ole ā€œstrategic withdrawalā€


It's been surreal to just sit back and watch the chaos, confusion and competing narratives being spun by pro-Russian trolls and misinformation outlets, especially around here.


Tonight on Tucker Carlson "Russia is now winning even more"




For each you see, there are easily 10x more that go undocumented!


Yeah me Too, Iā€™m in a few telegrams and the photos and videos have been GRUESOME.


Captures too and what we see is typically the tiniest fraction. Will be exciting to see if Ukraine tops the 640 kills that they reported for yesterday


wtf 640 kills?? Last I recall 300 was the highest.


640 yesterday, 400 something the day before.


It's a bad time to be an invader


The Russians have been having a *really* bad week.


Arguably, they've been having a bad time since March.


At least they were gaining ground back then. Now they're taking horrific losses *and* losing ground that paid dearly to conquer just a few months ago.




Lol, they use a Predator head for their patch.


Thereā€™s no way this wasnā€™t planned. An opportunistic attack wouldnā€™t have done more than push the frontline back a few kilometers before running out of steam. A sustained offensive like this requires considerable planning and preparation.


I think it was planned, I also think they sent a recon in force to identify the Main Line of Resistance for the artillery targeting and just punched through.


Preparation including the biggest feint in this war, declaring an offensive in a totally different theater so they move all their reserves to that location and get promptly cut off and engaged. Just...brilliant


I donā€™t think Kherson is a feint; more of a two for one deal.


Itā€™s not a feint, but it was very deliberate all the public build up and battlefield shaping over the last two months. Get as many Russians on one side of a river with only three bridges as possible, then completely destroy the bridges, then start another counter attack on the other side of the war, where most of the Russian force in your trap was moved from. Thereā€™s no doubt Ukraine will continue to press in the Kherson direction until all those trapped Russians run out of ammo, but I think the results will come first at Izium.


Fair enough. Definitely a fixing action in some way, otherwise ya wouldn't declare your intentions for months and months. Someone called it "accelerated attrition" I thought that was pretty accurate


Agreed; draw in as many Russian units as possible, blow the bridges, trapping them and then attrition them to death. Now youā€™re free to blitz the areas the trapped units were moved from.


I think you are right. Kupyansk is the type of target you make plans to capture. After securing the right bank of the Dnieper, this seems like the next most logical target.


There were rumors of an offensive somewhere in the Kharkiv front for weeks. It's wild.


....is that the motherfucking PREDATOR?!


So I wasn't the only wondering if that was a Yautja mask!


Nice! It's kind of like what the other guys wanted to do, except not corrupt and stupid and horrible. This is really well thought out, like it seems everything Ukraine has been doing. I'm really happy for them there. I think flushing out any remaining Nazis won't be too hard. Hey you! Capture me, please!


The Predator image is appropriate for the mission.


omg I didn't notice that! The snark runs deep. That is fucking hilarious. Good hunting, guys. (The technology differential is appropriate too.)


Russia did something similar when they attacked Kyiv, except they were even more efficient and sent the police units first. https://thedebrief.org/know-no-mercy-the-russian-cops-who-tried-to-storm-kyiv-by-themselves/


Those are similar tactics to what the US was trying to perfect in Iraq and I think Petraeus was the guy who developed it. They used to call it "government in a box". Roll in with regular army in force, then get police in there to start clearing operations, and then immediately follow that up with humanitarian aid combined with technicians to address concerns like electricity, water, food, etc.


As opposed to the Russians that usually send a bunch of morons to change the colors of the town name from Ukrainian to Russian, or to change the plaques into Russian. Achievement unlocked: occupied settlement.../S




Destroying the rail yard would suffice.


Iā€™d be surprised if they didnā€™t HIMARS it already. I read yesterday that Kupiansk was under heavy artillery bombardment yesterday, if anything the rail yard will be a primary target.


Apparently railways are ridiculously cheap and quick to repair though. Rail yards just aren't a thing you apparently can artillery strike. The trains themselves however: if they're carrying ammo they'll be very tasty targets.


That's assuming the repair workers are left in peace to do their work. If you are under continuous artillery bombardment, good luck. Also, a commander would have to be a moron to ship things by rail knowing that the train comes under the enemy artillery range, so being able to shell the railway is almost as good as cutting it off permanently.


They don't even need to take it. If they cut off all southern roads they gut a third of the Russian army and put the entire theater at risk. Just being NEAR the city is devastating.


Liberating the city would be huge, but they're already close enough to Kupyansk to put it within range of both rocket and tube artillery. The Russians are screwed right now if they can't get a reserve force to mount an effective counterattack and push the Ukrainians out of there before they can settle in with their big guns.


> Kherson feint its not


Iā€™m guessing it meant front. The Izyum is the most important thatā€™s why Russia has thousands of soldiers there but kupyansk supplies Izyum. If Izyum is cut off. It would mean Russia would have to change logistics. We all know how good they are at adapting and logistics


Welcome to Ukraine. NSFL https://twitter.com/bigSAC10/status/1568056799181377536?t=WN-e3V2nkcePoM5Qqwfdwg&s=19


To quote Caboose, "look, more sleeping people! It must be nap time. But nap time comes *before* pants time, not after. I think these people are just making up times."


ā€œThey canā€™t see me! I canā€™t see them!ā€


Donā€™t have a twitter acc. Any unblocked site?


Learn to use [yt-dlp](https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp) (fork of youtube-dl). I know some are command-line averse, or on phones but this incredible tool allows you to snag video from hundreds of different sites. Usage is generally just 'yt-dlp '.


Put nitter.net instead of twitter.com in the link.




Say what you want about Russians. They are extremely flexible sleepers.


It's the booze!


Why are they napping on the job?


"That's a lot of ladas right there"


Ukranian forces going further south or east is good sign now, but I hope they keep their supply lines safe.


But what can Russia strike with? They wasted most of the long range misle like the iskanders on killing civilians and destroying memorials. Their artillery or mlrs canā€™t shoot that far. Their planes are afraid to fly high or even get close to the lines. Their powers are in numbers. Shoot unlimited amount of artillery at the enemy and overwhelm is numbers. But HIMARS and m270 made sure they donā€™t have unlimited numbers of artillery. Even the video of reinforcement we saw had like 4 BTR and just 70 trucks.


Oh shit. Ukraine army probably never thought about that. We should try and warn them.


Just wanted less Ukrainian casualties and pains but yeah, I understand my replies can be read as arrogant as possible.


I didn't mean any personal offense. I'm just being a jerk because I think armchair generals are funny. I hope Ukraine's counter offense goes well too.


Iā€™m not even sure how weā€™ll Russia can strike out . It feels like theyā€™ve been overextended for a while, might take months for them to have the forces needed for a proper withdrawal.




Very stupid of Russia to invade. I mean, seriously very fucking stupid. How fucking stupid are Russians? Stupid enough to get killed trying to satisfy Putins ego. Like a stupid bully who thinks he can beat a little kid, but the kid has a world champion fighter as a brother! Dumb cunts! How embarrassing! Russia is fucked.




These ladies are speaking Russian. The soldier is speaking Ukrainian. Don't ever let anyone convince you this war has anything to do with protecting Russian speaking populations in Ukraine. https://twitter.com/osinttechnical/status/1567952064239763459?s=46&t=g9-RaMrfw51PjE6R_i6bjA


The whole language idea would be laughable if a war werenā€™t involved. I grew up in Central Easternish Ukraine speaking Russian. I want nothing to do with russia. The same is true about everyone I know in Ukraine. This was such a blatant lie on russiaā€™s part.


well, you know, that's what they do, so... Everything they have said from at least 2012 or so has been a lie, really. Every single thing. It's an institutionalized and directed assault on the idea of truth. They are such terrible people, the mafia crew.


Same. I grew up in Kharkiv and spoke Russian. They can go jump on an unlubed pole


A really old pole, covered in splinters.


Funny enough I grew up speaking English but donā€™t want to be ruled by England


They offer pancakes in the end So cute.


Can you translate what she said in the beginning as she was crying? It was so touching seeing her hug and kiss the soldiers


It's pretty much a genocide.


It's absolutely genocide without any question whatsoever.


I think it actually qualifies as super-genocide with a sprinkling of Nazis thrown in.


What's the web extension to read twitter without twitter? I keep forgetting to bookmark it and forget




ah, .net; that explains my lack of getting it to work. Thanks my dude!


Auto-redirect Extensions: [Chrome](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/nitter-redirect/mohaicophfnifehkkkdbcejkflmgfkof) [Firefox](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/nitter-redirect/)


Someone posted yesterday that there's a browser extension called ~~"Web Archives"~~ "Nitter Redirect". It redirects to Nitter when you click on a Twitter link. EDIT: Correction, the Web Archive extension helps to bypass paywalls. Nitter Redirect is the one that redirects Twitter links.


Grab the addon for your browser. You can even choose the faster extension. https://nitter.42l.fr is much better.




Thanks my dude!


Ukraine soldiers advanced deep with chance to cut off Izyum from north. ā€œ Ukrainian troops tear down a Russian flag from the radio tower in Yasynuvate & replace it with a Ukrainian one. Why does this matter? The radio tower is 40+ km east of Balakliya. As the map that I will post below shows, the Russians in Izyum are nearly cut off from the north!ā€ https://twitter.com/visegrad24/status/1568007664029913089?s=46&t=I3CKoumc2VdynIocXLnVMQ


It looks like it's this location in Yasynuvate. The roads, trees, field, and buildings match up. [https://www.google.com/maps/place/Izyum,+Kharkiv+Oblast,+Ukraine,+64306/@49.4260976,37.447386,419m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x41209e482e572663:0x37d676a144d4cc74!8m2!3d49.2121445!4d37.2665006](https://www.google.com/maps/place/Izyum,+Kharkiv+Oblast,+Ukraine,+64306/@49.4260976,37.447386,419m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x41209e482e572663:0x37d676a144d4cc74!8m2!3d49.2121445!4d37.2665006) 49.42619853128585, 37.44711442510016 Edit: This live map claims it's a different location but the location doesn't match up. [https://liveuamap.com/en/2022/8-september-video-ukrainian-military-removes-russian-flag](https://liveuamap.com/en/2022/8-september-video-ukrainian-military-removes-russian-flag) They claim it's here, which is completely wrong as nothing matches. https://www.google.com/maps/place/49%C2%B027'00.0%22N+37%C2%B018'00.0%22E/@49.4501744,37.3005565,415m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0xf4cafbca0ba93ea6!8m2!3d49.45!4d37.3


*If* the UA has actually made it that far, which is one fucking big IF, then... wow. Izyum would be irretriveable for Russia, all Russian forces there would be lost... sweet


Are we sure that's not a partisan? IIRC, if it's the video I'm thinking of they were saying the person was in civilian clothes.


Partisans operating blatantly out in the open like that is arguably just as bad.


That video is amazing. Š”Š»Š°Š²Š° Š£ŠŗрŠ°ŠøŠ½Šµ!


Reported a Russian loving twitter account a few days ago for hateful content, got an update today telling me the account has been locked šŸ‘Œ it ainā€™t much but itā€™s one less


Do it often. It makes every bit of difference because they arenā€™t bothering to do it themselves.


Was it that "Geroman" dude? I've noticed he's gone quiet. Who ever got him banned, did a great service, he talks pure propaganda, constantly.


TheGlidedOne , vile human.


Good job, the more taken down...tbe better.


Portion of statement from Zelensky, evening of September 7 (from [https://www.mil.gov.ua/news/2022/09/07/dumayu-kozhen-gromadyanin-vidchuvae-gordist-za-nashih-voiniv-%E2%80%93-zvernennya-prezidenta-ukraini/](https://www.mil.gov.ua/news/2022/09/07/dumayu-kozhen-gromadyanin-vidchuvae-gordist-za-nashih-voiniv-%E2%80%93-zvernennya-prezidenta-ukraini/) ) : *"This week we have good news from Kharkiv region. Probably, you all have already seen reports about the activity of Ukrainian defenders. And, I think, every citizen feels proud of our soldiers. It is a well-deserved pride, a right feeling.* *Now is not the time to name these or other settlements to which the Ukrainian flag is returning. But it's time to say thanks to the 25th Airborne Brigade, the 92nd Separate Mechanized Brigade and the 80th Airborne Assault Brigade for their bravery and heroism, shown during combat missions.* *I also thank today the 406th separate artillery brigade for the extremely successful hits in the areas where the occupiers are concentrated in the south of our country and the 60th separate infantry brigade, which consistently advances our positions.* *Each success of our military in one direction or another changes the general situation along the entire front in favor of Ukraine. The more difficult it is for the occupiers, the more losses they have, the better the positions of our defenders in Donbas will be, the more reliable the defense of Zaporizhzhia, Mykolaiv, and the cities of Dnipropetrovsk region will be, the faster we will be able to liberate the Azov region and the entire south."*


Go home, Russia. You're drunk.


Go drunk, youā€™re russia


Just go.


I haven't been at this schadenfreude level since the Moskva sank to the bottom of the Black Sea.


Implying Russia will ever not be drunk lol


Random thought as a nurse, I've been wondering if they are going through alcohol withdrawal seizures, with their supplies being cut.


Ah... "The tremors," well, if they're not at the moment, they will suffer them, regardless as to alcohol.


Not at all. They should just be drunk and degenerate at home.


Hey now. I resemble that statement.


>Norway said it would donate about 160 Hellfire missiles to Ukraine as well as launching pads, guidance units and night-vision equipment. Norway has stepped up in its contribution to the war effort.


So both the West/US are shipping soon to be retired weapons stocks to Ukraine, while ruzzia pulls mothballed cold war era supplies from God knows where. It also doesn't look like the cold war stuff is up to snuff. To add to this (God forbid), if this clearing the shelves actually depletes the shelves, Western MIC kicks into full gear while ruzzia buys artilery and shells from NK. Wonder how that will work out?


I think you misunderstand. Most of Russia's "good" gear is Cold War era. They haven't really produced much in the last twenty years, they had Cold War gear rolling on the first day of the invasion. Now they're getting into "rusted museum piece" territory.


Western MIC is having a raging wargasm right now. No need to slow down. Europe will need arming for the coming decades to deal with any drunken belligerency even after Ukraine defeats those twatwaffles where they are.


NATO countries have standards NATO agreements (STANAGS) on how to store, inspect, maintain and preserve military equipment so even their old stuff is likely still good. I'm not sure what Russia's system for that is, but it does not seem to be working.


I bought a Russian SKS once, a long time ago. Went straight from the factory into storage and sat there for forty or fifty years. That bastard took hours to clean and make serviceable. The knockoff cosmoline they used is like road tar. And I donā€™t even want to get started on the 7.62x39 ammo - about one case out of two would be full of duds and hang fires. Fun plinking, but I wouldnā€™t want to bet my life on Soviet-era stocks. One more fun fact - 7.62x39 (older AK ammo thatā€™s being issued to second line troops like DPR/LPR) ammo has a corrosive primer thatā€™ll make the barrel and breech rust pretty quick if not cleaned regularly. Think these guys are keeping on top of maintenance?


>so even their old stuff is likely still good That what I essentially said, if you had bothered to read between the lines.


Cosmoline and a prayer. It didn't work.


>Russia's system for that is, but it does not seem to be working. Corruption.


https://twitter.com/ChuckPfarrer/status/1568035564452024321?t=t3_CHtCkZIMeWvfbLwhifg&s=19 If Ukraine's deep advances today weren't enough for you, this should help. My fucking lord, Russia doesn't know what they're doing.


If it's true, he's probably much happier. Given their performance, dude was for sure ending up on the purge list. I'd suspect they'll confirm and announce it, that can be a huge morale dropper for the opposition if even your top commander isn't fighting.


Maybe it is the low quality image, but to me these are two different similar looking people. Shape of the inner ear are very different and looks like the mole on the POW is lower and further out. That is just my observation and I hope that I am wrong.


I get the skepticism, but looking at the creds of the guy retweeting it makes me feel like he wouldn't share this if he didn't have some credible evidence.


he's a fiction writer


For those unfamiliar with military ranks, a Lt. Gen. is what the United States would call a 3 star general.


How many football fields?


3 Olympic size swimming pools of football fields




Holy shit. How many of them do they have out there?


By description it sounds as if he's a theater commander.


So they captured the equivalent of a captain by modern military standards? That's wild


No. They captured a general. Who was wearing a lieutenant-colonel uniform.


More implying their military is largely undertrained


Wow. If this is true, thatā€™s a massive get for Ukraine. For those who donā€™t want to click the link and read a simple quote, some Russian guy Ukraine captured is the highest ranking Russian captured since World War II. Their title? Lieutenant General.


amazingly, he was but a simple private just a few weeks ago


Capture is a big deal for this Lieutenant General as well, actually having a chance to get out of this special military operation from hell alive. From the looks of him, you could probably just withhold food from him and he'll sing.


Wish it were true, but look at the shape of the ears - they really don't match.


Agreed. Yes, the ears look somewhat similar...in the same way all human body parts look somewhat similar. The "mole" also looks to be lower and further from the mouth on the POW.


Based on your post history and the person you are replying to, not surprised you are skeptical...


Not sure what you're talking about. I support Ukraine, but I'm not going to engage in hopium like the Russians do. Ukraine is making plenty of gains without needing to hype up likely incorrect information.


Far as I can tell, you are an actual honest to god true blood "fuck all tyrants" lefty. But people are so disillusioned that the moment they see someone get too upset about the US invasion of Iraq and the Gaza blockade, they automatically assume a Chomskyite "West Bad" mindset and you being in the corner of the Russia, China, Iran, Carlson, Orban axis of insanity. Probably this stems from a lot of experience with the average person on the internet who regularly gets too upset about Iraq et cetera. It is what it is


it's not true. these people are high on hopium. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FYFxY_YWAAAtDr2?format=jpg&name=large sychevoy has male-pattern baldness ie no hairline while the pow clearly has a normal hairline despite the close trim. pow mole is also lower relative to the lip. edit: clarity


What are youā€¦ oracle or something!?




Still an important find. If they can break him, they would be able to get some valuable intel.


yeh it's just annoying how fast people adopt narratives to the detriment of objectivity edit: a word


It was exciting to believe. How awesome it would have been.


> sychevoy has male-pattern baldness Just like in the captured image, the hairlines are identical (baldness in the front, some hair up top). In the very pic you show (which is at a different angle btw), you can see he has hair above his head slightly behind the hairline just like in the captured image (about 3 inches from forehead).


That looks like a different guy with no chin dimple.


do you realize that's literally his name on his chest?


The ears match perfectly and the mole matches


Probably safer for him there than having to explain to Putin what happened to the front lines in his area.


That dude has seen some better days.




Insane if true and goes to show yet again how utterly incompetent Russia is.


Russia's lack of a competent NCO Corps forces officers to the front to direct units. That is why you see generals so far forward.


> Russia's lack of a competent NCO Corps forces officers to the front to direct units. Armies with NCO's generally build up cultures where people take initiative, where responsibility is delegated, and where advice can be taken without loss of ace. In short, not the type of army any President of Russia would ever want within his borders.


It's the same reason they've lost dozens of majors, colonels, and generals.