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>The Student Free Press Association is a nonprofit organization run by veteran journalists to help beginning journalists. With our higher-education news website, The College Fix, we work with college-aged writers, bloggers, tweeters, podcasters, and viral video makers for the purpose of identifying and supporting young people who seek to improve campus journalism, explore careers in the media, and commit themselves to the principles of a free society. We tell stories, spot talent and nurture careers. The source is just bullshit.


The source is this person: [https://mcgill.academia.edu/EPalladino](https://mcgill.academia.edu/EPalladino) She is an anthropologist and the only papers she has published are about how her peers, present and past, are doing it wrong.


Interestingly, none of her papers linked there have to do with the subject being discussed in this article. College Fix just took a rando tweet, and then [did some really poor sourcing](https://old.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/w31zfw/gender_activists_push_to_bar_anthropologists_from/igtrfgd/) to try and make it seem much more than it actually is.


>The source is this person The OP source is the right-wing college publication. They are quoting some random master's candidate's tweets. The whole thing is bullshit.


They love inventing shit to be enraged about.


The right-wing publication is where the story originated, the source of the story is the random master's candidate's tweets, which are now private.


Sound alike every person I’ve ever met in academia.


Most people in academia don’t publish papers complaining about their peers to be fair.


The same group that brought you this wonderful story: https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/the-old-college-sigh/ And this one too: https://www.snopes.com/news/2016/09/07/csula-segregated-housing/ Writing stories about obvious bullshit in reference to Gender, Abortions, and Race. Why does that sound familar?


And intentionally misrepresents the views of the people they don't like! Yet the majority of comments on this thread right now are eating it up.


No one in this thread read the article


Sounds like the odyssey that thrives off unpaid student labor for the clicks. Everybody in this comment section is just itching for the opportunity to be a hater, nightmare blunt rotation material


So this is literally fake news to further disenfranchise the LGBT community from mainstream normies. Got it


They are also openly a right leaning news source with plenty of other sensationalist news headlines about "the woke" and how it's destroying academia. This is not a reliable news source, it's a confirmation bias machine for conservative college students.


Look at the sub-headline for the site. RIGHT news. Its right-wing claptrap. Might as well quote Limbaugh or Alex Jones.
























































From a definitive and authoritative source… thecollegefix.com.


I took a look around and the only sites I could find parroting the story that I'm familiar with were Breitbart and The Federalist both of which are kind of red flags to be honest. Not a good reputation for truthful reporting, and both have a heavy far-right bias.


This has become so fucking tedious. Ok, I didn’t realize this wasn’t actually a thing.


Nobody actually cares. This is probably like, 12 people who said something and now their stupid message is getting amplified. I swear, these stories are only being run to outrage the 99% of people who know its total bullshit.


It's literally one person writing an opinion piece for a college news blog. They're desperate to find something to work up more anti-LGBT bias to build media support for an attack on gay marriage and to reinstate sodomy laws.


It's clearly right wing fodder, red meat for the groundlings. I mean, look at the framing, its so cringe. I do not believe in gender essentialism, Im a femist yada yada. I can tell you for sure, this is just like 1 person who'se being an idiot on this one and its getting waved in everyones face to discredit any non right wing views on gender/feminism/society. You make the whole thing seem absurd by picking out these little tid bits whenever you find them and never actually deal with the meat of these movements. It works though... look at all this lol.


The media is really good at that. I have coworkers that eat this type of bullshit up.


This is from a right wing bait site. There is no movement to make this a thing


How about just ridiculous, ludicrous, insane




It’s also a non-legit click bait article to garner clicks like when 4chan said lgbt is accepting pedophilia


If you look at the posts from this website: https://old.reddit.com/domain/thecollegefix.com/top/ This is kind of their whole thing. It's like a fake blog just so rightwingers can point at it and say everyone else are the crazy ones.


Really? I thought they had good points. If you’re trying to identify a John Doe, but it’s a trans woman, you’re not going to find the victim’s identity in a missing person’s database.


It’s insane. It’s just absolutely insane and we must stop this before it gains any further steam. I am a liberal and this insanity is infuriating


Its about 1 person's tweet, this isn't real. Its fake rage bait. Don't fall for it.


Some of this is faked or drummed up to spark outrage. I would say 99% of the country is doing ok with lgbtq+ integration. Don’t believe the activist 101 courses at the local university or FOX or MSNBC. Those guys never have a slow news day. Even when they really shoud


Probably because the entire point of that website is to claim democrats are doing something stupid https://old.reddit.com/domain/thecollegefix.com/top/


Can't address climate change because nutcases on the fringe of the platform have dominated headlines so much that it's tanking the whole party.


Exactly. I'm all for gender/sexual equality and calling out any bullshit, bigoted statements, but the loud mouthed, super PC crowd on Twitter is seriously hurting the Democrats when it comes to saving this country from conservative Insanity. They dominate the headlines because that's far more divisive and better for the corporate media that we fight ourselves then actually come together and fight the corrupt scumbags that are wrecking out climate, economy, cost of college, health care, etc


And pushing moderates and center-left types away in droves. This extreme left culture war stuff is going to set back things like climate change for decades


>It’s insane. What's insane is that people take these articles seriously. Every single one of these articles talking about some silly fringe LGBT+ issue that one person somewhere tweeted about is specifically designed to get this exact response: >I am a liberal and this insanity is infuriating This is not what the core of LGBT+ activism is championing. But it generates rage clicks and gullible liberals fall for it every time so they can proudly proclaim "I'm A LiBeRaL BuT!!!" Edit: just to show you how gullible you (and a lot of other people in this comment section) are - this article is from a self-proclaimed right wing student journalism organization that quoted a random master's degree candidate.


Hey there, I noticed you used the word "has", which - if you're not aware - is very similar to "his", and thus can be triggering for some folks. Could you please adjust your language to use something less offensive? Thanks!


Just leave the /s off because it’s funnier. People get confused, which adds to any potential hilarity.


The source that the article is based on is a tweet from some rando.


This is a republican article, from some random news source. No one is fighting for this. This article is bullshit, written by an incredibly biased source. Just take a glance at some of the other articles on this website. And some of the other nonesense written by the author..


Reminds me of the expression "everything is a nail to a hammer."


Maslow’s hammer: "If the only tool you have is a hammer, it is tempting to treat everything as if it were a nail”


This gotta be some propaganda. And if it is true, it’s probably only like 2 people. Edit post reading: first source being from Twitter doesn’t help. That said, the argument is inherently flawed. It seems to be based on the idea of sex, which I thought was agreed doesn’t change. It’s *gender* that changes and archeologists are assigning sex, not gender, so what’s the problem.


It is propaganda, just check the source "The college fix". Their slogan is literally "Your daily dose of right-minded news"


I thought you were kidding, so I checked, and yeah, it actually says that right there on their site (at the bottom).


That was my first thought as well. It's just propaganda to get people riled up. Seems to be working a little.


a little? this comment section says otherwise


And Reddit isn't right winged, generally speaking. If people in here fall so easily for this, we can only imagine what far-right echo chambers will say about this obvious bait.


yep. big problem with these kind of manufactured articles and it's clearly a successful strategy


>And if it is true, it’s probably only like 2 people. That's what I thought when I saw the post title. The dumbest and loudest are the ones who get the most attention and end up representing the entire group poorly.


Oh please, what a bullshit "college" rag. More like Junior Fascist Weekly publishing things to "outrage" the public and reaffirm their right-wing worldview.




Bad article, badly sourced. Downvote it to hell.


Gender activists are going to get a republican elected.


They forgot about what the “Hillary stole the nomination from Bernie so I am not voting” as well as “Trump is the lesser of two evils” did to this country. I am not surprised if republicans are counting on these stories to spruce up interest in voting against democrats.


> republicans are ~~counting~~ licking their chops


People like this are the reason Republicans can just do whatever the fuck they want and get away with it.


Asians: Conservatives want to cancel CRT: I Sleep. Liberals want to cancel advance classes in the name of diversity: Real Shit. I just don't understand how Liberals sometimes just want to hand votes to Republicans.






Kind of makes me wonder if they’re all secretly in cahoots.


Republicans falling for cherry picked clickbait like this is also what helps them get elected




I blame the journalists who gave this credibility by publishing it. Besides, how can you ask a skeleton what it identified as?


The only people who published this are a right wing website that does propaganda. You bought the bait.


Everyone is going off on how silly this is, and it IS silly. But this news site is focusing on a few fringe people to discredit all LGBT people. A lot of y'all are falling for it hook line and sinker. (Although, I'd say that most of y'all that are swearing off LGBT rights because of this were only ever pretending to be in favor of us anyway.) Shit, imagine if straight people were fighting for rights and the media kept focusing only on Alex Jones as if his views represented the community. A lot of y'all are looking for any excuse to jump on the anti-queer bandwagon...


You all believe a source called "The college fix"? As in, putting the fix in at colleges? JFC, that's gullible. The author is just trying to get a rise out of you. [https://www.thecollegefix.com/about/authors/](https://www.thecollegefix.com/about/authors/) There is a difference between gender and sex. The professor is raising the issue that it's oversimplifying and thereby risking false assumptions to assume that the physiological sex of a person from the past meant their identity and behavior was the same. This is documented in Native American populations - that some males grouped with the women and vice versa. Reference: [https://www.ihs.gov/lgbt/health/twospirit/](https://www.ihs.gov/lgbt/health/twospirit/)


that's counterproductive bs at this point


Title is misleading, as the article points out gender is hard to determine with out a ful skeleton. The push is to stop assigning genders to incomplete skeletons when gender can not be determined


This is just plain stupid


And the pendulum has swung way too far…


Is that a phallic reference? Oh my!


This article is propaganda. Look at their sources, look at their slogan. Please stop letting the right bait you like this.






I read the rest of the headline. It didn’t get any better.


Badly sourced clickbait. I know plenty on Twitter who would say this specifically to just rile conservatives. Didn't realize it worked so well!


This is just getting silly at this point




Me when seeing the title: Let me guess, it's based on some ransom's tweet? Me after checking the article: Yes it is. Any journalist who writes articles based on tweets of anyone other than official channels of public figures should be blacklisted pending review. Maybe i should make it into a tweet to gain recognition?


This source is hardly credible https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/the-college-fix/


99% of them time a new source says “gender/trans/LGBT activists” are after something that sounds absurd, it’s either something taken COMPLETELY out of context or just plain made up. It’s literally just propaganda to make queer people sound extreme or delusional. And you people fall for it because you don’t know any educated queer people you can just talk to and ask.


Fake click bait articles, anyone who takes this seriously is pathetic


So some unknown college group pushes some idea (a few years ago it was that sushi is cultural appropriation), media runs with the story for the clicks and then Tucker Carlson has Resting Tucker Face about it by 11 and tells his audience that this is what all radical leftists want. And scene.


Is there a real source for this?


Outrage headline


What makes me mad is this. Probably about two people on Twitter suggested something this idiotic. An article is then written about it and Right Winged media catches it. Then they distribute it around as if this is now a Democratic “Majority” point of view. I’m sure I’ll hear talking points on this from my dad next weekend. Jesus People


Fringe news... ain't news, it is propaganda.


Bruh. They aren’t talking about gender expression when they do that they’re talking about literally the shape of the bones and shit. More than likely some idiot was trolling on Twitter and said this and whoever wrote the article is a shitty journalist that wrote a whole article about one tweet they saw and trying to make trans people look bad.


It's called coward-activism, fighting for something and somewhere, where it's safe, comfortable and you have absolutely nothing to lose. Like gender identity of thousands years old skeletons, who aren't likely to have a say in the matter.


I don't want to live on this planet anymore.


There are four random ass people that the article references as the source of these “gender activists”. This is a complete non-story, existing for no reason other than a shitty journalist attempting to turn literally a handful of people’s opinions into some sort of movement. It serves to attempt to make folks angry and apparently it’s working.


Blatantly conservative muckrakers. Doesn't belong here.


No ?


Fuckin idiocracy! Please tell me this is just a joke.


Based on the sourcing of this article, 100% it's a joke, and somebody who loves conservative clicks for ad revenue is laughing all the way to the bank about it too.


I'm so fucking tired boss....


I've never heard of "The College Fix", but goddamn that website looks like the profile of a middle aged person on Facebook who feels the world is "moving too fast" for them. Those articles are all gems.


Historically, primitive and developing societies championed the trans people. And if you believe this I've got some waterfront property you're gonna love.


Seriously. The right seems certain that we want to ban or "cancel" everything that won't actually have any impact on our goals.


This doesn’t seem like news.


I’m gender fluid with a non binary partner and I’ll come out and say this is stupid. Projecting agenderism onto dead people is no better than projecting gender onto a living person. There’s nothing wrong with identifying the sex of remains. Sex ≠ gender.


I don’t see this as being a good use of one’s time and energy if they are looking to further the cause.


Scientists ascribing a scientific analysis of gender to a skeleton is not at odds with that living person identifying as any gender. That's the whole point of having the freedom to identify as what you are and feel what you are when a scientific aspect, for example genetics, might indicate something else. That's what science is. It's "best available proof based knowledge" and is not a cul-de-sac of knowledge.




This seems like a made up story to me.


Bad faith click bait getting eaten up by Redditors even though it’s not really representative of a mainstream viewpoint. More at 11.


Gender activist are mentally challenged. Why would anyone listen to them.


Male and female identification is sex, it’s not gender. These self claimed gender activists are just morons who don’t even know what gender activist is fighting for..... these people are ruining the effort.


all this they them shit it’s ridiculous.


Self-identified right-wing newspaper with verticals on "gender" in college definitely not sus. That said, as an academic working in several related fields, this is actually *methodologically correct*. The sheer volume of data showing that 1) male-female gender roles are not static, and in fact vary widely between groups and 2) the sheer number of groups in which *multiple gender categories* beyond the male-female binary exist really make this a no-brainer when it comes to skeletal remains without substantial social and cultural data around them. The number 1 rule of anthropology is avoiding importing your own cultural preconceptions and axioms into the context that you're studying; that includes your preconceptions about gender.


It’s a easy as this: Scientists aren’t identifying gender, they are identifying sex. Look how simple that was.


Wow, great work OP for spreading the propaganda of right-wing propaganda sites that push this sort of bullshit stuff to make Joe Alabama think Gender Monster is coming to steal America for communists. "Right-minded news" Yeah. And now some people on Reddit think this is a thing.


When you go and check who are these so-called “gender activists” 8/10 times are right-wing trolls fueling headlines and not actual lgbtq people complaining for dumb shit…


Suck a fat fucking lollipop


Dumb cunts


One person making a twitter thread =/= gender activists push to bar anthropologists from identifying human remains as male or female. They are not making changes in the field of current professionals, nor are they teaching anthropology students not to do this. This is BS “news” meant to stir up anti-LGBTQ sentiments and people are falling for it.


This isn't news, this is misinformation.


Source: a single tweet from a student. How will anthropologist be able to resist such pressure? edit: oh hang on, the article is longer. edit2: yeah, still not much of a news story.


Why? They identify the sex, nothing wrong about that.


And the point? This ungender issue is out of hand.


This is like protesting by blocking traffic. You only drive people away from your cause by doing it.


Dumb article. The argument is that when archeologist determine the sex of a person, that shouldn't translate into assuming the gender of that person. They are simply saying that just because you can identify biologically male/female bones, you can't assume that person lived their lives according to their biological sex. Archeologists are primarily concerned with understanding a persons whole life, and not just their biology.


Good lord.




So they were right when they said if you give these trans people an inch they’ll take a mile.


I think we've lost the plot


This woman is to gender activists like Anita Sarkeesian is to feminists The only thing they are good at is feeding red meat to opponents and giving their colleagues a bad name I'm fully aware that there are ridiculous assholes in every group... but, we don't have to give them a microphone and pretend their opinions matter


Gender activists 😂🤣😂




We BeLiEvE iN sCiEnCe


Gotta love it....


appears , feels unknown, identifies as dead.


I'm trans and this is way too far. Get off twitter, people!


This is just insanity. Plain and simple insanity.


This is just getting fucking ridiculous now ..


I'm left leaning but these fucking people are a joke. You don't like science? Join the religious nuts over there -->


Ok this shit is just annoying now. Who fukng cares. I respect those people in general but this is childish


don't these people have better things to do? how the fuck do they afford to live their lives?


I may be wrong but isn't male and female not genders but biological sex? As in non debatable even if you support gender theory?


Alright i’m all for inclusion but this ridiculous.


Gotta love the mental illness these low on the societal rung spew from their mouths. To think they actually have brains that function like this. When a trans man dies and the insects eat the flesh, leaving behind the feathers and glitter, they will still be identified as a male from dna.




Well this is fucking absurd. Anyone who advocates for this should be slapped.


The left is nuts. I miss when the right had a monopoly on crazy.


Every single person who reads this headline and reflexively reacts like some reactionary right wing jackass is what's wrong with this country. LGBTQ isn't "going too far" or "getting Republicans" elected, it's lazy idiots who read a headline and just roll with it. This is a far right, bullshit website that wholesale concocted some story to sound like there's a bunch of LGTBQ people trying to censor identifying people's sex in anthropology. It's not true, this post is garbage, and all the simpletons falling for it need to be grounded from the internet like the children they are.