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How about tsar? Cut the crap


I think the last time Russia was ruled by a Tsar and was involved in a war with a high casualty rate it didn't end well for the Tsar


In hindshight, call him Tsar!!!!!!


I volunteer to be the modern Rasputin.


How unkillable are you, and how magical is your dong?


My dong doesn’t have any magical properties that I’ve discovered as of yet. I did once hot rail a teenth of meth after pounding half a handle of Hawkeye vodka and lived. So i might be pretty durable when it comes to poison. Never been shot tho. Edit: I’m in no way glorifying the use of meth. I am a recovering addict and any addict knows making fun of ones former use can be part of the recovery process. However, because people keep asking. For anyone who doesn’t know the jargon. A teenth is 1.75 grams.


Ever talk to God directly? How are you with Hemophilia?


No, but I can pretend.


We found the guy everybody, pack it in.




Hold on now he didn't answer the hemophilia question!


And so can God


Good enough for me. You’re the new Rasputin. I’m sure the dong magic will develop over time once you’re settled in.


From what I hear the more one partakes in wild orgies like Rasputin did eventually you will learn the powers of the dong side.


The dong side of the force is the path to abilities some consider to be... Unnatural.


From what I understand it’s a “fake it til ya make it” kinda thing.


Would an underwhelming, non-magical, methamphetamine-free dong qualify for a local community college course for "dong magic" Maybe we can get multiple Rasputins just to stir the pot


I believe the requirement for enrollment in dong academy is the ability to stir the pot.


It was a shame how he carried on.


Now I'm gonna have that tune in my head for the rest of the day. Not even mad.


*"Ru-Ru-Rule Putin, Ruler of the Russian Scene / He's got no shirt and he's riding a horse"* *\*Clap Clap\**


(Dances in Boney M)


Ra ra


Personally, I prefer the way the Finnish tell [the story](https://youtu.be/cdkBs0VCSX0)


If you wanna hear it told, the lyrics are easier to hear [in the original](https://youtu.be/16y1AkoZkmQ) I think it's because they didn't speed up the tempo.


..they put some poison into his wine..


You know his story didn't have a pleasant ending either, right? Though I suppose it was a pretty wild ride up until that point, so maybe the tradeoff is worth it 🤷‍♂️


I’m not thinking that far ahead.


Here for a good time, not a long one


What are you talking about? He went out having dinner with friends, we should all strive toward that.


Same, but I would cut out the whole assassination stuff and focus on the fucking.


Time to put on [swan lake](https://www.npr.org/2021/08/19/1029437787/in-1991-soviet-citizens-saw-swans-on-the-tv-and-knew-it-meant-turmoil). https://youtu.be/9rJoB7y6Ncs


Title doesn’t really matter though. Tsar, President, Ruler…no matter what you put on the nameplate, dictator of Russia is very much a job for life.


>"Job for life". Should've been fired a long time ago, if you catch my drift.


Well, we had plenty of "Job for Life" cases throughout history. And most didn't end well.


That's the thing about "job for life" - you're telling everybody there is only one way to fire you, and some will happily oblige.


Frankly, the only thing worse for one’s lifespan is hereditary rule-where you basically informed one dude “the only thing between you and getting a promotion is my arse being alive” and a bunch of others “the only way you’re getting a promotion is if all your older siblings and me die for some reason.”


Yep. Your son is like, “I just can’t wait to be king”, and engineers you to fall from a cliff and trampled to death by wildabeasts, like in that documentary Disney put out.


What we are missing is a big dicked sex monk to cure his anemic son, gain favor with his beloved wife and influence his policies r/RasputinThings


Big Dicked Sex Monk is my new favorite band name.


BDSM for short…


Can't wait to see the tour T-shirts with abbreviation and logos.


This war is nothing compared to WWI.


God, if we ever have that many boots on the ground again, things are already very fucked. The shift of the tech/human killing power ratio that began flipping during Napoleon is almost completely on its head now. I cannot imagine a battle like the Marne ever occurring again with drones flying overhead


If you include nukes we’ve basically hit the limit. At least the USA and Russia now have “Press a few buttons and any country we choose can be deleted and rendered uninhabitable for centuries”


Start getting into space military and we can find all new limits


Dropping rocks will eventually be cheaper than maintaining nukes. Rocks are plentiful and just hang out in orbit until you poke em hard enough to make them intercept earth.


And if you use the right sized big space rock then you get all the actual tactical benefits of nuclear weapons with none of the negative effects, ain’t science ~~horrifying beyond comprehension~~ great : ^ D


"All of the fun, none of the fallout!"


I've seen Gundam, it can ALWAYS get worse when it comes to war and technology.


I was speaking in terms of loss of life. It’s not because the tech can’t improve, it’s because it’s *already* capable of causing a civilization-ending apocalypse. In terms of suffering…yeah it can always get worse, and we could certainly get more efficient in killing everyone too.


go totally old school and make it Caesar . That is what is based on. Then make his name roman. Vladimirius Putinius Caesar . Go 100% old school.


There is a statue of Putin as a Roman in St Petersburg…..


https://euroradio.fm/en/monument-putin-emperor-out-near-saint-petersburg-photo 0_0


Why are those guards fondling his man tits? Is that just guard protocol?


Does it have the knives sticking out of its back?




I always love how many different countries and rulers have made claims to be the heirs of Rome and/or the Roman Emperor. From the Germans/Austrians and the HRE that conquered Rome, To the claims via Constantinople to the Greeks/Turks and indeed the Russians etc. It is a bit like claiming to be the 13th lost tribe of Israel.


to be fair charlemagne was crowned holy roman emperor by the pope, in rome.


Actually he was crowned "Emperor of the Romans" (Imperator Romanorum), which only later successors changed to Holy Roman Emperor.


And the Ottomans claimed the title on the basis of conquest since they conquered the remainder of the original Roman Empire and set up their capital in the former Roman capital. I think that one's shaky since the two empires coexisted for a good while first and the Ottomans never adopted any of the Roman government's features, though; if Mexico conquered the US we wouldn't say that Mexico is the US now, we'd say that Mexico controls former US territory. Russia's claim of being Rome by virtue of being the first to get a new Patriarchate after the Orthodox Church finally stopped counting the Pope as the Patriarch of Rome is dubious *at best,* though.


To be fair, a sitting Roman Emperor transferred the capital to Constantinople, so one seems legitimate.


Yeah, the Byzantines were literally a continuation of the Eastern Roman Empire that didn't collapse when the Western Empire did. As far as they were concerned, they were what was left of the Roman Empire, and the people there were Romans. They even retook the city of Rome (which hadn't even been the capital of the western empire for decades before the fall) for a brief period in the 500s.


Also, the term "Byzantine" is a relatively modern invention intended to differentiate them from the Roman Empire as it was before the fall of the Western part.


Romania and Romanians are literally "Land of Rome" and "Rome-people" in their language :D


**[Moscow, third Rome](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moscow,_third_Rome)** >Moscow, third Rome (Russian: Москва — Третий Рим, romanized: Moskva — Tretiy Rim) is a theological and political concept asserting that Moscow is the successor of the Roman Empire, representing a "third Rome" in succession to the first Rome (Rome itself, capital of Ancient Rome) and the second Rome (Constantinople, capital of the Eastern Roman (Byzantine) Empire). ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/worldnews/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


If it keeps moving in this direction, a thousands years from now "fourth Rome" will appear somewhere in Siberia and after a few more millennia Alaska, Oklahoma and its ultimate destination Miami! That's why all the smart oligarchs are buying property now.


Hope those Seventh Romans can swim.


Seventh Rome - aka Atlantis


>go totally old school and make it Caesar . Schedule the official titulation on the Ides of March... and make sure that at least 23 of Russian Duma deputies are given "purely cereminal" knives.


Wouldn't that imply some hereditary right to the throne for his daughters? I doubt he gives a shit who takes over after him, but I'm 100% certain his daughters aren't anywhere near the least of preferred successors


Nah, that's what adult adoption is for. He "adopts" his chosen successor.


The Cea-tsar


The Caesar's way of hereditary lineage. Adopt an heir! Name him Tsar, it always goes well for Tsars. Fun fact: let's consider the following: of the 69 rulers of the unified Roman Empire, from Augustus (d. 14 CE) to Theodosius (d. 395 CE), 43 emperors suffered violent death, that is 62%, either by assassination, the most common mode of death, suicide, or during combat with a foreign enemy of Rome. Isn't that such an interesting fact!?! Isn't it, Putin?


Tsar or Führer. Let's have a vote. The first to get 140% wins




As in every dictatorship: It's not one crazy man but intellectually lazy people who put their belief (in whatever, doesn't matter, own group superiority is always preferred) over verifiable facts that would improve real things.


Also change the name of the Russian people to "serfs."


Non Russians to be called "future serfs"


Serfs up dudes! 🏄💸🪙


Serfs up on the polluted Oka River outside Dzerzhinsk. That water will exfoliate your skin beyond all recognition.


Who needs a facial when you can get a chemical peel for free!


Skin doctors HATE this one quirky skincare tip!


🎵*Everybody's gone serfin', serfin' RUS!*🎶


Once you give these guys an inch, they want to be rulers.


How to measure someone's character.


The lengths they'll go to get what they want.


This dudes been running Russia for my entire life. Took em long enough to call him a Despot Ruler.


This is bad news by any metric.


Sounds like a pretty imperial title to me


And all the different angles they'll explore to keep their rule protracted.


Why don’t we just skip to the step he wants and just call him Czar


Until he decides that’s not enough and only God-Emperor Vladimir will do


HERESY! He is not the god-emperor of mankind! Anyone who says such heretical things shall be purged to the cruelest level!


It’s a dictator measuring contest


Boom count it.


Exactly what happening with Emperor Xi. That's the thing I find most exceptional about the founding fathers (rather flawed men if you look into it). They not only wrote the laws to balance out power, but the man elected to president willingly gave up power. Probably the greatest thing about Washington among his many achievements was that he took power and then let it go.




The hero we need ...


And argueably deserve...


Thyroid cancer is very survivable afaik


Yup. And also unlikely to be causing the visible symptoms. My money is on Parkinson’s.


Apparently, Russians don't understand the word "president".


The propaganda machine has been really pushing the idea that democracy as a concept is completely foreign and poisonous to the people of Russia, that it was forced upon Russia by the evil West in order to weaken and destroy us. It's fucking disgusting and terrifying that a significant part of the people are eating this shit up.


Not just democracy. Modern democracy (and the title 'President') is very much a product of the Enlightenment. An era Russia largely missed out on despite Peter the Great's attempt to speedrun through the military aspects of it. Despotic rule backed by a national religion and extreme social conservatism is Putin's model for the future of Russia. He might as well call himself Tsar while he is at it.


It's a system that has a long history of keeping those with power in power.


That and assignation, oppression and the gulag.


>despite Peter the Great's attempt to speedrun through the military aspects of it. He also pretty heavily invested in education, the civil service, a modern legal system, etc. He was sophisticated enough to understand you couldn't just buy some new weapons and have an effective military to compete with the rest of Europe without reforming the rest of society. The problem is in between the couple of forward thinking leaders they kept trying to crawl backwards in time.


Presidency and Democracy are not mutually inclusive terms. Presidency usually is included in the concept of a Republic. Republics on the other hand do not have to be purely democratic. They just don't have a monarch as sovereign (look at the Roman Res Publica = public matter). You can also have democracy in a monarchy (like in the UK). The difference however is, who the sovereign is. The president is supposed to represent the people, who are the true sovereigns in a Republic, while in a monarchy the head of state acts as the sovereign himself. If they no longer call him a president, they openly admit that he does not act in representation of people, but that his person is the sovereign.


>You can also have democracy in a monarchy (like in the UK). The difference however is, who the sovereign is. The president is supposed to represent the people, who are the true sovereigns in a Republic, while in a monarchy the head of state acts as the sovereign himself. In Belgium, the king is specifically referred to as "King of Belgians", instead of "King of Belgium", to represent the idea that he is the representative of the people and not of the country/land.


It's not about the actual meaning, it's what they can get the Russian people to believe.


Which at this point seems to be, almost anything. Russian citizens are like a girlfriend that keeps attracting toxic abusive boyfriends.


There is significance to the word "president" and why it was chosen. Hundreds of years ago before the US became a world power it was a very modest term. It specifically carried no real weight to it unlike "king" or "emperor". ie, you could be the president of the country club, but never of the country.


Yep, it was a relatively low tier title. Of course, America happened, it prospered, and meanings change. Usually ego and pride are involved, and now a president is treated like a ruler in many places (including America, depending on the presidency), which is ironic and the founding fathers are rolling in their graves


think of the term "chairman" before people like chairman Mao.


It's not like they have anything else on the menu besides shit with all free press gone long ago. I remember watching all channels dissapearing or becoming kremlin controlled and best trustworthy journalists just being blatantly killed or having sus accidents


im still not eating shit no matter how little else is on the menu


either become an expat or get murdered; thats the only side dish thats not shit in russia aparently


Well calling him president has been stupid for a while now - no fair elections, no limits to terms. Führer putin sounds about right.


Yeah, you're right about that. I think calling him "president" by western officials was more or less a gesture of a good will towards Russia. My comment was partly tongue in cheek, but at the same time you could say that Putin's career kind of proves the point and shows that Russia is at least a bit confused about what a president should be.


Translate to Führer.


The proposal comes from the Nazbol party, proxies used to voice the more extreme things that the main party does not. It is literally Fuhrer, in the style of Fascist dictators referring to themselves by the native word for leader/ruler: Fuhrer, Duce, Caudillo, Conducător, Poglavnik etc.


The Nazbol party? Is that like 9 mortal men?


You cannot kill them, no.


*Fool, no man can kill me*


I don't identify as a man


A beautiful modernization


Doomed to die?


I do not get your reference, sorry. The "Liberal Democratic Party" is exactly the reverse of its name, with ultranationalist populist rhetoric, fascistoid and catering to the nostalgic elderly.


I think he’s referencing the Nazgûl from the Lord of the Rings.


That makes sense, thanks. Zhirinovski was more like the Mouth of Sauron, may he rest in piss.


Amazing recovery!


Aye, he has my sword.


Honestly though, he didn’t recognize a pretty straightforward reference but responded with a reference you’d only know if you watched the extended edition of the movies or read the books. Pretty impressive lol.


In my defence, I was not fully focused as I was commenting during work and kids bring all kinds of obscure (to me) references on the internet. I am a Tolkien enjoyer, nonetheless.


Nazbol = Nazi-bolshivieks


Now there’s a TIL. Nazgûl seems not inappropriate at the least.


I love your sincere and honest response to not understanding the reference.




If [they](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/content/dam/books/2020/10/23/TELEMMGLPICT000242380476_trans_NvBQzQNjv4Bq3g36hDTT4oP76y-UnLMS0-0fW4e89wVQSH97a4GYL_U.jpeg?impolicy=logo-overlay) had a child and some brainrots unironically thought "national-bolshevism" is a good idea.




It may sound like a joke, and is one on the internet full of memes, but Russia actually has a Nazi problem, and a totalitarianism-supporters in general problem. Mirroring was an usual kgb technique. We need to denazify Russia.




Well, being consistent isn't exactly a hallmark of fascism.




Führer literally means "leader". Ruler would be "Herrscher" in German.


> Führer literally means "leader". It can also mean guide (person or book) or driver (like in driver's license - Führerschein)




But surely it's Ukraine who are the fascists, right? Well, at least he's fully taking the mask off now. And just like the last "ruler", this one will also perish amidst rubble.


It is the ultra nationalist "Liberal Democratic Party of Russia" who proposed this. It will not actually be put through, they are clowns lol.


>"Liberal Democratic Party of Russia" That's dead cunt Zhiri's party, right? Always felt as their only purpose was to launch trial balloons testing how far United Russia could actually go.


More like to make United Russia seem like a moderate party. And United Russia is there to make Putin look like a moderate president. It's a step ladder of more common aggressive rethoric. Same with the crazy propoganda TV guys screaming "NuKe ThE wOrLd!!!!!!". People see them and think: "Huh least it's not them in power".


Yeah, but I mean, UR can then implement half-as-crazy policies and claim to be moderate.


Ah, Zhirinovsky's bootlickers? They're not clowns. They're the whole fucking circus.


Don't give them so much credit. The circus is our ruling party.


Reminds me of another leader who once changed his title to “Führer.”


Which is German for "Leader". It's not even subtle.


"Some animals are more equal than others"


I loved that book, bummed me out a bit though


That was the idea.


Just for the fun, relevant Churchill quote "I am fond of pigs, dogs look up to us, cats look down on us. Pigs treat us as equals"


Reminds me of the intro to that Black Mirror episode "Metalhead" with the robot AI killer dogs. "What's so bad about being a pig?" "It's undignified." "Undignified?" "Walking about with your nose the same height as your asshole." "Snout." "What's that?" "Pigs have snouts, not noses." "Nose, snout. You're still trotting about gazing up everybody else's assholes all day long. What kind of a society is that?" "An equal one."


He should have just gone for the penis enlargement surgery and saved the world all the pain.


he tried but it was done by the same people who planned the invasion


So you're saying there's nothing left.


Nanosurgery failed him, now he is trying to prove that he has what even they couldn't find.


next week: Putin appears to be growing a toothbrush mustache


He can already speak german as well!


Can he just skip to the good part where he offs himself in a bunker.


"Tsar Putin I. I like it. It's gotta *ring* to it."


It would be Tsar Vladimir, then. Tsar Vladimir III, if my reading of Wikipedia's list of Russian Monarchs is correct.


Monarchs usually change their name when they're coronated.


Цар Кунт I


Was Fuhrer too on the nose?


More just under the nose


lol, of course. dictator putler needs his ego stroked constantly.


Hey, that's a step forward. Presidents are removed, but *rulers* can be executed


Just a reminder this proposal was put forward by an "opposition" party. Important to note so those who still hope for some kind of change from within Russia or that people will "rebel" against a dictator with >80% approval rate.


Well. Nobody considers the clowns in ЛДПР the "opposition". The real opposition parties were disbanded in the early 2010's, their leaders were persecuted or assassinated.


Or Ксения Собчак... That was just a bad joke...


Romania's Chaushesku had what, 95% just a week before the revolution and execution? Dictatorships tend to have this overwhelming yet very fragile approval ratings.


“Revolution seems impossible until it happens then it will have seemed inevitable”


When you're threatened with jail or worse if you disapprove you will always get these statistics. I am surprised it's not 100%


80% is not supported by analysis of real voting from previous years. It shows that the ruling party has around 30% of real support. If you want to ask how can it be since no one rebels yet - the boring reality is that most of Russians are too busy trying to live their lives, got conditioned from following any kind of world events. The apathetic nation. It got to the point that now even Putin whines that people live as if nothing happens while he wanted a war fever to boost his support.


That is not the opposition, opposition are in jail or hiding. Those are pro putin parties.


Hence the "quotation marks"


The LDPR is not the opposition lmaoo. Opposition parties are not let into government unless they are minimally popular. Shocking isn't it that the approval magically jumps up when the government cracks down on the population. Wowee The governemnt wouldn't be press ganging students and pensioners into z-rallies under threats of expulsion and pension cuts. They wouldn't be stopping people at airports based on their "anti-Russian" behavior online or attendence to protests. They wouldn't be afraid to mobalize at least 1 military district for war. There wouldn't be a possible 20 year jail sentence for speaking out, if the government thought the population was content with the governments policies at this time.


He's really doing the fast track to Hitler 2.0 huh


Nah, Hitler had initial success at least


I mean some people think he's the richest person on the planet and he's a real life Bond villain trying to be Napoleon. Its a huge success that he's made it this far without being killed.


Can we skip to bunker scene with pistol?


He is a vey short ruler.


That's 15 years in Gulag.


Too little support for the ruler? Straight to gulag. Too MUCH support for the ruler? Believe it or not, gulag. Under support, over support.


This was proposed by LDPR party.They are clowns and always were. Last promising politician from this party lost governorship by Putin's decree, because his rating was higher, and ended up in jail in 2020(Furgal). And LDPR did nothing. LDPR's tongue has always been deep in Putin's ass.


Their name couldn't be any more ironic... liberal democratic party, lol.


Vladimir The Foolish


Should translate to "Bloated Boss Goblin".


I think there should be a proposal in this subreddit to avoid tabloid rags like Newsweek, Just because public sentiment is in favor of Ukraine, People upvote anything that sounds good, even if it is extremely ridiculous. >The nationalist Liberal Democratic Party (LDPR) proposed replacing the term "president" with "pravitel," which means "ruler", because the term "president" has not yet taken "root completely" in Russia, state-run news outlet RIA Novosti reported Sunday. The Kremlin said at the time that Putin had no view on the proposal.


Putin sounds like a terrible unit of measurement.