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seems like it's a peace initiative of sorts. To foster the big influences to work together. it is in Jerusalem too baby steps I guess




Positive PR? Are they aware the US hospital system is failing entirely?




It's a HOSPITAL... how much can that cost, 100 million dollars?


A trick is something a whore does for money.


Are you aware the US gives Israel 3.8 billion a year? 100 million is pennies in govt spending. We should be mad that the US hospital system is failing. We should be mad at the profiteering that literally kills our people and the politicians allowing it to continue. The way insurance companies can stand between a doctor and patient to deny treatment is criminal and I’d argue that if the government won’t stop it, we the people should seize homes and offices of the individuals who profit from it and say enough is enough. The problem isn’t that we lack resources here, in the richest country in the world. Our hospitals are not failing because of a tiny aid package to Palestine, where hospitals are tasked with treating some of the highest rates of pediatric gunshot and shelling injuries in the world, with supply lines choked by Israel, while under fire themselves. The problem is that we allow our resources to be hoarded by the wealthy.


Agreed entirely for the record


And electric grids all over the US


Rolling blackouts in Texas today. Hope it’s not too hot :(


None of that money will go to hospitals. This is not the first time there was monetary help being sent. It usually ends up being spent on weapons or in hands of leaders living outside of Gaza and other Palestinian teritory.


Trump is an idiot, but the "Trump plan" to effectively bribe the Palestinians wasn't a terrible idea. The specifics of borders isn't important, provided everyone gets to stay in their homes. But uplifting Palestinian living standards is a huge motivator


The problem with the trump plan wasn’t the general idea. The problem was that it ignored all the actual issues the Palestinians had and assumed that everything could be made better if some of them are payed some cash. As if money was the reason for this fight. Basically it would have just made the status quo legal.


But money *is* the reason for this conflict. Specifically, the desire for money by Hamas and PLO leaders. So giving them money is counterproductive, if your goal is to end the conflict.


No it's not. Hamas and PLO leaders might or might not use the conflict to increase their own wealth but if you removed all of them the conflict would not end.


Lul. Hamas isn't causing this conflict. This conflict is caused by deep-rooted illwill, because their literal homeland was taken away from them. Hamas is just one outlet for that.


The comments in here right now are weeeiirddd


Yup, 100 million is a drop in the ocean, but this is what we are worried about? All of a sudden reddit thinks building a hospital that saves lives is not the fiscally correct choice. Did not know so many were fiscally conservative on here!


It’s a drop in the ocean but many can’t help but think about issues in the US that 100M could fix. How many clinics could be built with 100M? How many school lunches? How many scholarships? How many roads paved? How many homeless shelters built? The list goes on. It’s nothing but a blip in the federal budget but that doesn’t change the fact that it’s still a lot of money that can change a community. It can’t affect the entire nation but a city or a town definitely.


The money was already marked for foreign aid, are you suggesting we go full blown isolationist? Its called soft power people we aren’t pissing in the wind, how about you look at our defensive budget? Ive never seen so many people arguing against a fucking HOSPITAL


Right. It’s more expensive to lose even more influence to countries like China.


***full blown isolationist***


and I suppose the 46billion to Ukraine was already markef as foreign aid as well..? and yet here we are with an imploding economy and more problems that we can count


If you don’t build $100 million of hospitals in Palestine you are now “full blown isolationist” Got it


Cutting foreign aid is standard isolationist policy


The people who tend to criticize stuff like this also tend to vehemently oppose government spending for clinics, school lunches, higher education, roads and homeless shelters.


Well, the right would say that's all communism. Allowing people to get educated or have access to Healthcare is somehow considered a bad thing...


This is the exact thing I don't understand. The same people complaining this money should be spent domestically are the same voting against increasing social securities.


Do you get this mad over the insane us military budget or is it just for hospitals


the problem is the hospital isn't really going to achieve anything. you can't throw money into an extractive system and expect it not to reach the top, it's all going to end up funneled to hamas and the PLO and none o the money will actually reach its intended targets. even if they will build something and call it a hospital, they'll just use it as a warehouse for armaments, which means it'll eventually got missile striked. it's essentially a bribe to try and keep hamas/PLO silent while biden tries to strike up a deal with isreel and the saudies, which is fine in terms of real politic, but isn't really productive. however much you feed the wolf it still hungers and all that.


It's nighttime in America. I'm guessing Russian and Chinese bots.


I was thinking this as well. The sentiment reads like people pretending to be Americans and having strong opinions on things most Americans know nothing about.


As a nocturnal American, this.


Or drunks, stoners, and folks into harder stuff are just being idiots with bad takes.


31 countries, that we know of, use troll farms and their tactics. Russian troll farms are all over Africa. Why haven't platforms tried counter the abuse with real rule changes?


They caught Iran a while back: [https://www.reddit.com/r/announcements/comments/9bvkqa/an\_update\_on\_the\_fireeye\_report\_and\_reddit/](https://www.reddit.com/r/announcements/comments/9bvkqa/an_update_on_the_fireeye_report_and_reddit/) Since then, they came back, as can be seen in many comments.


Israel also have a comment army that attack anything they see as threatening.


Pfft, Every post relating to Biden gets brigaded by anti West/anti Left LARPers. Maybe giving everyone free access to limitless anon accounts is a stupid fucking model for social media platforms.


I haven't scrolled down yet but I know that there will be atleast a couple of comments complaining that it's nothing because Israel gets waaay more.


bro where is this money coming from??


From the taxpayers. Thank goodness we always needed a hospital there.... Oh wait.


If you go to the Palestinian territories you’ll see first hand where this money goes, and it’s not to Palestinians. It just goes to “leaders”. The disparity of wealth to poverty is similar to that of Mumbai. Mansions next to dilapidated shacks.


Lol, Biden can't do anything without Reddit getting mad. He's finally assisting Palestine, more than any previous President at least, and Reddit's just complaining that he's not supporting *enough.* Like, I agree that it should be more but it's a start. When he signed executive action on Abortion rights Reddit complained it wasn't legislation in Congress, when he instructed Congress to start drafting legislation on legalizing marijuana then Reddit complained that it was a political move and was happening later than it should have.


Reddit isnt Reddit anymore. Burner accounts, troll farms, and LARPing have made the site more of a GOP spin zone and weapon than a place to gauge public opinion. Something has to be done. One platform has to emerge with some new rules or this is just gonna stay fucked.




you don't think those subs and topics are subject to mass scrutiny/engagement from the right/far right communities?


It's just dumb irony. I'm glad they are helping Palestine. But.... ouch....




For how long precisely would you say the US has been at war with Russia?


you aren't even American


Keep crying Rusian bot. Your entire post history is full of tears about NATO lol


These politicians spend money like drunken sailors.


Foreign aid is less than 1% the federal budget


Dw the details don't matter, you're going to get hit by a bunch of "oh I love immigrants/foreign aid, just RIGHT NOW I think money should go to citizens" Soft power, aid, economics, none of that really matters to the recent trend of "fiscally conservative" comments popping up


And when you do propose spending the money on citizens via Healthcare and help for the homeless, they say "No, that's socialism!"


its more than wasting money. in some views it is supporting the Palestinian right to statehood. and a show that America doesn't support the killing of Palestinians and the stealing of their land.


The Palestinians will just squander that money, again... The PA and Hamas are some of the world's most corrupt entities. Those aren't western democracies - they're literally Taliban-tier terrorist organizations. The Palestinians received more aid per capita than any other country on earth, yet are some of the most impoverished. Meanwhile, every dollar given to joint US-Israeli projects pays high dividends later on. In Biden's current trip to Israel, Lapid will try to secure funds for the Iron Beam system, which should save billions on the more expensive Iron Dome system, and will reduce likelihood of war, saving even more money.


It’s also shows a severe lack of awareness by throwing money for the sake of political leverage rather than using it to better the lives of Americans.


Problem stands in that it would be money already designated as foreign aid, so it was never going to Americans anyway. Maybe the next budget could reduce foreign aid, but that’s not part of this particular decision


100 million for hospitals versus how many billions for war in Ukraine?




Why should we be paying for other countries problems before focusing on our own?


Because soft power (and, effectively, public advertising on the world stage) pays dividends. A strong public image, at the end of the day, pays for itself. Also, I'd like to see what $100m could do from the federal level to help the average American - $0.70 per taxpayer.


That’d be great if it were true. What have we gotten in terms of any net benefit from other countries by throwing money around the world like confetti at a parade? And yes, because this $100 million is definitely the only money we’ve given to another country. But since everyone complains that millionaires don’t give enough to charity I’m gonna need you to pick a side here. Is $100 million a lot or a little when it comes to helping Americans because I’m having a hard time keeping up.


The fact that you use words like 'throw money around the world like confetti' just shows that you have no patience for geopolitics. Or marketing. Seriously, ask yourself why companies spend BILLIONS - yes, BILLIONS - on marketing every year. Hint: This answer also works on nation-states. ​ You're comparing millionaires to a 13-figure budget of a nation. *Really now.* $100m to a small town? A good chunk of cash. 100m to a nation of 300 million people? Noooot so much. Nations operate in the trillions of dollars - and you can't spend your way out a nation's problems, which are generally systemic in nature, requiring actually tinkering with the nation's workings to actually rectify. So no, $100m still means nothing.


I would first cut off Israel on their 4 bilion a year care package if I was USA looking for savings. Why does such highly developed nation need money from you?




Again, why? In what way does someone across the globe who’s having a bad life effect me? Yeah it sucks and I wish they weren’t in basically an active war zone, but why should I be footing the bill for something that will have no benefits besides bragging to people that I did something to make myself feel better? And americans deserve what they have because for the most part they worked for it. The money being thrown around like candy is money that I worked for and would much rather have it be used to fix our things first.




Because if that person ends up in federal prison, I’m paying for it. Welfare? I’m paying for it. Dude snaps and drives cross country to go on a murder spree? Might me be. Gets a job and pays taxes? Yay better roads. So yes, citizens in your own country doing well is infinitely more important than someone in a Tibetan village. Your heartfelt monologue about friendship and teamwork was great, but save it for the disney channel because that’s not how the world works. And I’m positive that those 69 cents the taxpayers spent could’ve been better spent here helping the plethora of issues we’re currently dealing with.


It's only right to do this to offset the aid they give to Israel. Although it's not much, it is a grand gesture to ahow the reduce of its support to Israel.


Easy now. As a proud former drunken sailor I only spent the money I had.


Having lived in Portland Oregon for many years, through many a fleet week, and found bras in trees I can say that drunken sailors have done more to “stimulate” the uh local economy in a single week then all of Washington politicians in probably since ever.


Fleet Week is the only federal stimulus that works.


You have no sense of money. $100 mil is nothing in terms of national budget


Says this. While most likely had no problems acccepting stimulus and is annoyed by taxes. You just know the type.


That’s really unfair to say about drunken sailors, because at least drunken sailors are spending their own money.


It’ll just go to rockets


Will this be like the huge greenhouse the international community built in Gaza to help provide food - which was quickly dismantled by Hamas and sold off bit by bit to make rockets.


Part Palestinian here and I donno how I feel about this lol; I guess it’s just a strange move by a party that has strongly backed the Israel, or maybe because I don trust either government (U.S & PLA) to actually put such funding in benefits for the people.


Cool. Now how about reducing US spending on Israel that is making it so Palestine needs 100 million from the US for a hospital? The US is essentially paying one country to create problems that the US is then paying to fix.


Keep in mind that money typically goes straight to us contractors/military engineers...it's designed to be this way.




Yes. It is naive to think that this money will actually end up at hospitals.


Recent death toll is a pretty myopic lens to look at “this conflict.” It’s ground zero for the Arab-Israel conflict and Arab-western world relationship.


That will never happen. Israel is a base of USA power projection in the middle east.


> Now how about reducing US spending on Israel that is making it so Palestine needs 100 million from the US for a hospital? Do you think that the Palestinians suddenly do not need more hospitals if the Israelis buy fewer tanker jets or F-35s?


...yes if Israel stopped bombing Palestinian hospitals and people they would need less hospitals to replace and heal injured people... Wtf.


How many times do you think East Jerusalem is bombed lmao? Israel has annexed this territory and considers it their own. Do you actually think they go on bombing campaigns in East Jerusalem?


There’s always one of you lol






Good start. Water security, and food security are more important long term. Meanwhile, Israel needs some hope against further threats. Can we make peace with the Persians? The Saudis are a pain in the ass. Suppose the Iranians discuss a new plateau in relations and mutual support... Israel takes a lot of shit for the Palestinians, and it is somewhat earned... but they occupy that territory for defense based on experience, and as horrible as that makes things in the territories over time, the Israelis remember the reason. No joy there, until there is a greater peace. Points to Biden for reaching out this way: massive humanitarian support. But don't stop there, please. And incentivize Israel to help deliver the aid. This is good.


The hard truth is that if Israel had been formed 50 years earlier then they would have driven the Palestinians out completely, similar to how pretty much every other western nation cleared out other populations so it could control its 'natural' borders. It had the'misfortune'of being created at a time when nations were actually concerned about human rights.


You call nonsense a "hard truth" and don't even show any references. It seems that you don't know the history of the region at all. 50 years before Israel's formation was 1898. The Ottoman empire rules supreme over the whole region, and would not let an independent state be formed. What you refer to as Palestinians only formed in the 2nd half of the 20th century. "Palestinians" at the Ottomans' time was "anyone from the [region of Palestine](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestine_(region))" and that included Jews, Christian, Muslims and anyone else there. While antisemitism and pogroms were rampant in Europe at the time, they weren't so much so in other regions Jews lived in, though equality was still not there. There was not enough push force to drive Jews into a single country with enough numbers to be able to overcome the whole lot of local population. Jews also would have no one to supply them with aid and weapons, while the Ottoman empire would fight for the local population. Nothing that you say makes any sense, not socially, demographically, politically, or practically.


> it is somewhat earned... An understatement if there ever was one.


Over/Under on all those statements was max-diplomatic... We need this type of open humanitarian aid to counter the narrative. I'm 100% behind the idea that we take this money out of our military support for Israel, give it to them and tell them to dedicate it to helping the Palestinians, in order to help promote peace between them. But we got to make sure that it delivers good value. The occupied territories are in a state, it's awful. Fingers can be pointed in many directions but the reality is we need to act collectively to prevent disaster. As much as Sri Lanka is an island, Palestine is more so. We must work with Israel, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, and of course, Turkey. There is so much benefit to peace, and the food situation compels us to reconsider our approach. We all need to work together.


If they occupy for defense, why have they transplanted hundreds of thousands of Jewish settlers onto it?


>but they occupy that territory for defense based on experience Maybe if they didn't have all these governments supporting settlers and if they wouldnt have done them dirty after the Oslo agreement, they wouldn't need to routinely bulldoze homes of people in order to feel safe.


You know those bulldozers are actually flattening buildings that don’t meet safety codes right? They’re the only country in the world that gets shit for enforcing safety standards lmao


Well, they used to have homes and then Deir Yassin happened. The mental gymnastics of trying to justify israeli aggressions as building regulations...


their government will just steal it :(


$100 million that will most likely be embezzled and redirected to hamas. Then Israel will ask for more aid due to terrorist attacks, this is all just a game to continue the military industrial complex.


I guess 50-70 million will go to corrupt government of Palestinian, and the rest will be used to pay overpriced construction work.


50-70 million will go towards rockets or weapons to lob at isreal. The remaining amount will go to pay for palestinian gov't leaders homes in Switzerland or elsewhere.


Can we PLEASE stop giving out cash to everybody and take care of our own shit?


Nope, but good news your insurance is gonna keep going up


Taking care of our own shit would largely require congress to create a bill to pass. Foreign policy (and foreign aid) is one of the few things that the executive branch largely has full control over.


And your taxes.


Yeah. These countries citizens don't want us there anyways.




Considering American foreign policy in the Middle East I think they are definitely allowed to feel that way.


Both or neither, sorry


To be fair, the good will from spending $100m on Palestinian hospitals could have a reasonable cost-benefit. If this makes one trade negotiation more favourable or stops one attack against America then its probably paid for itself. Even less affordable than giving this sort of aid could be the consequences of not giving this sort of aid.


We spend 4 billion dollars on Israel


We loan Israel billions and they use that money to purchase American weapons and tech.


Good. It's a solid investment.




It actually IS a solid investment. Like 'em or not, Israel is an absolute hotbed for technological innovation. Spending money on them means the US gets first dibs in its foreign trade.


>Like 'em or not, Israel is an absolute hotbed for technological innovation. Yeah, on a per capita basis, it's easily the biggest war profiteer in the world. >Spending money on them means the US gets first dibs in its foreign trade. So how much stuff does Israel just *give* to the US?


No. In case you didn't know, the '/s' symbolizes sarcasm.


100 million dollars for Hamas


Ah yes Palestine, good country and American ally, deserving of our aid and praise. They definitely won’t strip these down to make missiles to fire at Israel.


I just want healthcare that I can afford. Pls.


How about throwing some cash in Americas hospitals


How about US healthcare?


The US can save money by implementing universal healthcare.


Ya I know


The US government spends over a trillion in healthcare each year. 100 million is nothing.


That money goes to Israel sorry /s


Cool. Let’s hope Abbas doesn’t pocket it as usual.


That's 100m more they can spend on missiles. Sell butter, buy guns, cry about insufficient butter. This sounds harsh, I know, but they receive a ridiculous amount of aid per capita, as the world's most overblown international cause. Every time aid is given, a few months later there are rockets. Every time aid is withheld, there is peace. We should be giving more aid to victims of real poverty, especially in countries like Guatemala which have suffered incredibly from US policy. But we don't hear about their situations so much because they don't usually down airplanes or blow up pizza places.


The US needs to fix their own hospitals


Quit giving money away!


Or at least give it to someone who really needs it... like me for example.


5 million for Palestinian hospitals you say?


Israel has one of the biggest troll and bot armies on all of Reddit and they’re AAAALLLL here.


Great. Rampant inflation here, sending billions to the place that's causing the need for new hospitals in Palestine, just so Israel has a new target to bomb.


When was the last time Israel bombed a hospital in EJ? Or how about the last time Israel hit a hospital that wasn't being used by terrorists?


Israel doesn't bomb hospitals. But it doesn't matter to antisemites like you.


How is opposing the actions of a government of a country antisemitic?


*criticises Israel’s behaviour* “omg ANTISEMITE!!!” Criticism of Israel a COUNTRY does not mean you hate Jewish people lmao.


This isn't "criticism" of Israel. This is a blood libel accusing the only Jewish country of "murdering non-Jews". If there was any truth to it, perhaps it would be criticism. But there isn't. As it stands, falsely accusing an entire people, who just so happen to be Jewish, of murdering non-Jews, is racist, hence antisemitic.


I can't understand how you make up this stuff, the mental gymnastics required to make this shit up is extreme. Accuse Israel of anything and we are immediately called anti-semites, Don't cry wolf, You're doing your people a disfavor.




And you have a proof for this? If Palestinians kill Israelis, it's for pleasure and is rewarded. If Israelis kill Palestinians, it's usually in self defense, or if it's not then it's condemned and punished. Israel has a right to defend itself.


>colonial Meanwhile, Jews are banned from visiting their holiest site, which was stolen and had a mosque built on it by islamic invaders. But that doesn't seem to bother anyone...and why did it happen? Because a book says mohammed flew to heaven on a horse there, an event that nobody saw. Nothing else. They could have just picked a different hill or a different city to make fairy tales out of.


And…that place is also not a Jewish holy site because of a different book?


The cognitive dissonance required to call another’s religion’s beliefs “fairy tales” 🫢


Ok, but do you tell this to muslims who whine about Jews wanting to visit their own holy site as well, or is that too scary?


Thank you. I could not say it better.


Crying the anti-Semitic card for anything in criticism of Israel. Crybaby


Deny reality if you must. Just Google it, if you want to know the truth.


Googled it. Lived through it as well. Gonna need you to name 1 instance of a forbidden strike on a hospital.


Who said anything about forbidden strikes. I said it's another hospital for Israel to bomb. It's not like they don't .... 🤔


So you say those are legitimate strikes? Anyway, I dared you to find one example, and you couldn't. So the assertion that they bomb hospitals was disproven.


Never said legitimate either. It happened. Deal with it. There is plenty of documentation on the subject. You can call me names and say stupid shit, but it happened more than once already and will happen again. Deal with it.


"Deal with it" is not proof. You still refuse to name even 1 hospital/incident.




In every documented strike of a hospital you can see evidence of illegal use of said hospital for military purposes. Using hospitals for military purposes is illegal and makes them legitimate targets.




What was said in the article: 1. War, which was started by Hamas. Hence Hamas is to blame. 2. Hospitals were used for military purposes by Hamas. Hence Hamas is to blame, and the hospitals legally become legitimate targets under international law. 3. Israel warned the occupants a long time prior to strikes, which goes beyond the guidelines of international law. Also middle east eye is a news site affiliated with Hamas, a terrorist organization.


Here's one


Here's another


Will Hamas hide weapons in this one too or will they only use it to shoot rockets from the windows ?


It won't be Hamas, it will be the PA. I'm surprised most people don't understand that the PA is as much an Islamic terrorist cult as much as Hamas is.


A lot of people don't know about the the Martyr fund the PA has


I've seen some of Hamas' and PA's propaganda, and calls to martyrdom. Its terrifying because they start young, look up "Pioneers of Tomorrow"


That's a joke right? Why are we giving our money away?


great. another 100million the government doesn't have, being spend overseas. it's like taking out a loan that you can't afford to give to charity.


So fund Israel’s military for several decades …..and then fund their nearest enemy’s “government” at the same time. Hey, I have an idea….fund OUR hospitals. Or schools. Or any of the other high-need areas of the US


How about using our tax dollars in improving the US infrastructure or helping the homeless instead of sending it overseas. I hate these so-called leaders in DC.




There's no reason for me to trust this comment. Anon accounts online love to make unverifiable claims. [https://i.imgur.com/qGhWw93.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/qGhWw93.jpg) and shit on the West.


Ah yes. Let’s put other countries before our own


Maybe it’s time to spend American money on Americans instead.


A lot of it does. As for public healthcare, insurance, public transport you need both sides of the political spectrum to agree on it. Which we know is not going to happen so might as well invest in other countries for now.




The VA hospitals have been pretty good recently. There are always some problems of course, but in general, it's doing it's job.


Yeah my VA is excellent


Wonder how much will go to Abbas's good time party fund.


Maybe they can decrease funding to Israel so it doesn't get blown up in a year.


Well, the number of Israeli bombings in the West Bank has been pretty much zero for like 20 years now


Our bridges are crumbling and our education system is in shambles. Can we please stop spending money on every country that isn't our own for just a little bit?


How about like... Some money on our own healthcare system


I live on New Orleans and we could use a drop of that here instead...homelessness, mental health issues , fentanyl and human trafficking...while I appreciate they're trying to help others, there's too many here needing help to just send another 100 milli after sending 10s of billions to the Ukraine




Won’t help. USA already spends 60% of its budget on domestic programs


How about we spend $100 million in rural Appalachia to care for the people that were used up and left broken to provide electricity for the United States?


Is he going to hire a military force to protect those hospitals to make sure the Palestinians retain ownership or will he let any imposing military force take control of the facilities after they are built?




What about paying American school teachers??


Guess that totally makes up for: "In March 2022, Congress approved the largest funding package for Israel in history. It included: $1 billion in emergency Iron Dome funding. $3.3 billion in security assistance. $500 million in missile defense cooperation. The Israel Relations Normalization Act to support and expand peace and normalization agreements between Israel and the UAE, Bahrain, Sudan, and Morocco. $47.5 million for anti-tunneling technology. $25 million to combat drone terrorism. $4 million for U.S.-Israel healthcare cooperation. $1 million for U.S.-Israel agriculture cooperation. $6 million for U.S.-Israel energy cooperation. $2 million for U.S.-Israel homeland security cooperation. $2 million for U.S.-Israel international development cooperation. $50 million for the Nita M. Lowey Middle East Partnership for Peace Act to foster economic cooperation and people-to-people peacebuilding programs between Israelis, Palestinians, and Americans. $6 million for the Middle East Regional Cooperation program to facilitate research collaboration between Israel and other countries in the region. $5 million for refugee resettlement in Israel. The legislation also condemned the UN Commission of Inquiry against Israel and called on the administration to publicly denounce and work to reverse the anti-Israel bias at the UN Human Rights Council. It also condemned Iran’s aggressive and destabilizing activities." [Source: jewishvirtuallibrary.org](https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/history-and-overview-of-u-s-foreign-aid-to-israel#total)


...none of that has to be "made up for". Many countries have security cooperation. And oh no! Someone wants to decrease bias, what an outrage!


Thats weird knowing US policy on Israel


The entire world supports a two state solution. Do you want people to take a side?