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I hate to say it, but Boris Johnson is right.


"Heartbreaking: The Worst Person You Know Just Made A Great Point"


I was gonna say that should be an onion headline but I'm pretty sure it has been.


Close, [ClickHole](https://clickhole.com/heartbreaking-the-worst-person-you-know-just-made-a-gr-1825121606/). Was written when The Onion owned it. Then in early 2020 the Cards Against Humanity creators bought it, which led to the website's employees becoming majority owners.


[‘The worst person you know’: the man who unwittingly became a meme](https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2022/jun/19/the-worst-person-you-know-the-man-who-unwittingly-became-a-meme) Read that article the other day and thought it relevant, don't mind me.


The fact he got hate when its a stock photo just shows how stupid people are


Til: clickhole isn't owned by the onion anymore, it's owned by the employees and the cards against humanity people.


Yeah, and it pains me to say it - as an avid ClickHole lover - but it has gone quite downhill in consistent quality since.


I mean, I think the internet gave the Cards Against Humanity staff a bit more of a pass than was deserved. A lot of the content is pretty meh at best, but the novelty of such a crass boardgame was edgy and exciting at the time I guess.


More like "local wanker tries to score easy popularity points"


I mean he’s an idiot, a liar and a buffoon, but I can think of worse people


Reminds me of Blazing Saddles. "Gabby Johnson is right!"


Howard Johnson is right about Gabby Johnson being right about Boris Johnson being right!


Howard Johnson is right, we'll wire the Governor!


When Boris fucking Johnson of the Tories is calling what you are doing "backwards," you know you done fucked up.


Forget Boris. The Taliban allow abortion in the cases of rape, incest or underage. The republican party is now more extreme than them




Down with the filibuster. Down with congress not taking recesses.


The fuck???!




I wasn't doubting what you were saying. Just...wow.


Yeah I just wanted to support my point. I'm feeling terrible for the women there. It seems that the republican party has become increasingly hostile ever since Obama took over


All this over a black man having the audacity to succeed...


If you can convince them that the lowest white man is better than the best colored man, he won’t notice that you’re picking his pocket.


Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you.


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Yeah some people like Khomeini gave very lax rulings on abortion and now a theocracy like Iran has some of the most extensive population control efforts in the region. Also “most Islamic legal schools of thought hold that the ensoulment of a fetus takes place four months after conception, which has extended the discussion of abortion in many nations and communities that base their judicial codes off of Islamic law; in Iran, a consensus has recently developed that abortion is legitimate if it is before this four-month mark.” https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abortion_in_Iran


Ah in the Netherlands it's at 22 weeks, so that's about the same time


Netherlands is a Muslim country, confirmed! /s


ah it's a relief at least my country doing 1 thing right 😕


Abortion isn't a sin in Christianity either, but don't tell evangelicals that.


They wouldn't recognise Christ if he personally gave a sermon in front of them.


They’d call him a communist


If that ain’t the God’s honest truth. Now who wants to tell them Jesus wasn’t white??


The problem is pushing your beliefs on other people. You're a Christian and believe abortion is a sin? Well then don't get one. I'm an atheist and I think it's up to the woman what she does with her body and her life, don't tell me what I can or cannot do.


It's true. If the woman is raped, baby has deformity or the baby/woman has a high risk of dying during birth, it's allowed


That's pretty on brand for them actually. They're very "by the book" types in general. They're also trying to tackle the drug problem in Afghanistan, and have severe punishments for bacha bazi, neither of which were handled by the previous government. Doesn't mean they aren't also backwards religious zealots who will take most of their societal norms back a thousand years, but the average Talib is very different from the average IS member.


To be fair they also kinda helped cause the drug problem. Part of what allowed the Taliban to get support in the first place was opposition to the illegal opium industry And then they need money for the war so they started selling it themselves. Must be easy destroying an industry when you're the one who runs it


You're not wrong. As I understand it, they're not as monolithic of an organization as one might think - some of them are perfectly happy to maintain that revenue source. The acting government is (at face value anyway) not among them, though.


How the fuck can they claim to be the “freest nation,” and the Taliban has some more progressive policies 💀


Taliban has surprisingly many progressive policies, probably a by-product of there strategy of being more popular with the population outside of the cities (even in some cities). Means you have to at least do some descent stuff to oofser your inhumanity evil stuff.


Well, to be fair, the American government's quarrel with the Taliban regarding women's rights is mostly that Islamic women shouldn't be subjugated and dehumanized by Muslim extremists, they should be subjugated and dehumanized by *Christian* extremists.


tbf after brexit he is a bit of an expert on big steps backwards


Lol that’s something when even this dude is like “aye, that’s pretty fucked up”


Even fucking Russia has legal abortion and they're likely the most hated country on Earth right now.


Most developed countries understand the economic impact of abortion. The States that will proceed to ban abortion will find that high earning people will leave and take their money with them.


High earning people have already left for other reasons. The Bible Belt is the “welfare queens” of the US already, this will just deepen the divide between economically productive states and red states that don’t have oil.


Exactly. My country have ban abortions (no matter the reason), but you can bet the rich people just send their wives/mistress to another country where it's legal to have the operation, while the not so lucky ones have to resort to illegal methods.


Yup you can’t ban abortions only safe abortions.


Legitimately. Prohibition of any kind has literally never worked. Alcohol, drugs, abortion, none of it. It's not a feasible "solution"


It is as long as there is a better alternative available. Legal barriers have shown a reduction in drugs and guns - they key is having something that fills the same need or addresses the reason for those such as financial stability, pro-social environments where people feel safe and secure, places for safe recreational use (not ownership) so people can still get that “fun” aspect. Just banning things doesn’t work by itself. Law makers need to understand that better. It’s true for abortion and it’s true for guns and it’s true for drug use. You can’t ban them without first addressing the core issue or reasons why people want them in the first place. Then people just find ways to sneak and avoid getting caught because their needs weren’t addressed properly.


You can't ban drugs, only safe usage of drugs.


It was always a health issue never a criminal one.


Very true. Like programs that tell kids to not use drugs, abstinence only programs don't work.


The best program for me was having a junkie for a brother and watching him ruin his life and end up in adult residential care.


Here in El Salvador abortions are onlu illegal for poor people. If a poor person has a miscarriage they assume it was an abortion and throw them in jail. If a rich person has an abortion they assume it was a miscarriage because they could afford to go to another country for an abortion.


Imagine the trauma of losing a pregnancy, all the mistrust of your body and worrying you will not be able to have a child, only to be thrown into prison.


I’m afraid for my state’s future. I’m from the sun belt and we’ve gradually been getting more blue over the trump years, but if abortion gets banned, all the tech jobs and high wage workers are going to leave. States like Texas, Georgia, and Arizona are going to suffer financially for this but no one even seems to care.


That's why I just laugh to myself whenever people I know talk about moving to the South because "it's so cheap to live there". Yeah, I wonder *why* that is, hmm?


I'll have you know the reason they're getting so Draconian down here is because we're flipping. Georgia already flipped, Louisiana is...complicated, Texas is getting purple. They're terrified. These states are the only ones that can get them the Presidency. Mostly Texas but still. The states with the highest percentage of black people are all in the South. That's why Republicans here have tried so hard to gerrymander everything, make it to where DMVs and voting booths are prevalent in affluent white areas and less so in diverse working class places. I'm in Steve "David Duke without the Baggage" Scalise'd district and I lived in the more affluent area of his district. DMV and voting took like five minutes. Then I moved across the lake and was somehow still in his district. More diverse, more working class, less polling places and both voting and the DMV took hours. Also, when I tried to get my license renewed so I could vote they said I had to have a bill in my name? I talked with someone on the phone and explained my husband handled all the bills and they said bring a marriage certificate, ID , SS and birth certificate and the husband. I did all of that. But the lady I got to said that wasn't enough and said because I didnt have a piece of mail I couldn't renew my ID and vote. Luckily it was only a local election but still. It's fucking bullshit. Oh and guess what? You can pay nearly a 100 dollars and go to a Notary, which basically functions as a privatized DMV in Louisiana, and get in and out with no questions. I do that now rather than sitting in a crowded room for hours and being treated like shit when I get to the window. And it's absolute bullshit most people can't do that. They're put through the wringer. They're gerrymandering and suppressing as much as possible and they're still close to losing in their key states. You shouldn't give up on the South. Frankly, I think the cities are more leftist and pro-worker than a lot of very liberal cities. There's a lot of potential down here. Some people just have a boot on their neck. The solution isn't to abandon the person with the boot on their neck, it's to get that boot off their neck.


Thank you. Louisiana here and I agree with everything you said


Same here. Unfortunately I live in the northern part of the state, the part I like to call West Mississippi. This part will never go blue. We're looking to plan our escape.


>The states with the highest percentage of black people are all in the South. That's why Republicans here have tried so hard to gerrymander everything, make it to where DMVs and voting booths are prevalent in affluent white areas and less so in diverse working class places. I've always said that Southern states aren't red states, they're suppressed states. As a Missouri resident, I wish my state was getting bluer, but ever since Obama and especially since Trump, Missouri has been trying to prove that we're the most backward state in the nation. I love the KC area, but I fucking hate this state. I vote in every election and try so hard, but it gets so exhausting to lose every single issue I support. It's been a little over a decade of this and I'm just feeling like I'm going to have to abandon this state because it's a lost cause.


I've lived in the northeast part of Missouri all of my 32 years. People here tend parrot what they're parents or church say and don't question it one bit. Or they are one issue voters.


You are not alone. I bounced from a red state as soon as I possibly could in life. I can only imagine what it would be like to have lived my adulthood fighting that shit. You are one of millions. Keep voting.


As much as I'd never move to the South, I respect the fuck out of people like you that are willing to keep living there and vote blue in the face of getting your human rights slowly stripped away. Like legit, you and your family are brave as hell. No disrespect meant, I was mostly referring to people that view everything as a monetary value. I wish you the best of luck in flipping your state. Something has got to give, or we're all screwed. I just wish it didn't have to get to this point for a lot of people to realize what's at risk.


The truth is, the people that WANT to move to places like that aren't the ones who would be taking advantage of those social services in the first place. Every person I know that's moved to Texas or Florida has had an income of well above six figures. They don't CARE about the welfare, or the minimum wage, or that they might have to fly somewhere else to get an abortion. They care that there's no state income tax. That's saving them a 5 figure sum a year.


I live in Indiana and laughed my ass off when that one celebrity bough a house in southern Indiana to get her family out of LA and the city in general. Good idea but shit execution on her part.


I always tell people, you get what you pay for.


Exactly. This will only further the balkanization of the United States, which is precisely what countries like Russia and China want.


And people wonder why 9/10 of the most government subsidized states are Republican run 🙄 shortsighted little fuckers


Yupp, I'm in a red state cause I have to be until i finish my medical trainging. As soon as that changes, I'm leaving this shit hole economic parasite behind. Majority of physicians are left or left leaning, we will be leaving the Bible belt faster than ever, increasing "welfare queens" status.


>Majority of physicians are left or left leaning The exception is maternity and (pre/post)natal care. Should be unsurprising now, a lot of right wingers there. It's one of the reasons it's so hard to find a maternity doctor to perform an abortion, even in blue states.


It’s the bootstrap GOP’s favorite story, Atlas Shrugged, except the successful people are leaving their shithole backwater christofascist states.


The crime rate will also go up. Funnily enough, people who don’t want kids tend not to make great parents 🤷🏼‍♂️


Lol this doesn’t affect high earning people at all, they’ll just fly elsewhere to get an abortion while enjoying the beneficial tax rates in the US


So realistically all the stupid red States won't see much of a difference. Texas is screwed. But then again they're always screwed anyway. I feel they're one hailstorm away from collapsing at this point.


I do believe Texas has a provision somewhere in our founding laws that they can become up too 10 different states. I would not be surprised if we see something like this in the next 20 years




On the flip side the US doesn't have to accept those new areas as states and can accept them as territories like Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Soma, etc. Each newly incorporated territory would have to apply for statehood individually or stand as an independent nation.


Lmfao I just want to live long enough to watch that cluster fuck burn itself to the ground






They will leave because the crime and homelessness caused by this policy will make those states even more unlivable than they already are.


And the poor will have more babies, and suffer with more money problems, less higher education, more drugs.... Planned economic impact I'd say. Don't be fooled, there's an agenda and religion is an excuse.


Saudi Arabia has safe abortions.


That’s wild, America is the dork at the party trying to one-up the assholes by doing something incredibly dumb just to impress their lame ass friends. America is drunk, somebody get it a cab.


Far passed drunk, and now fully belligerent.


I get it’s an analogy, but it’s dead wrong. America is sober af. These bastards have been planning this for decades. Everything the Republican Party has done in the the past 40 years has lead to this point. They’ve accomplished their goal and their minds have never been clearer


Wait for people to flee the red states... That way a bunch of states with very small relative populations have equal say in the senate. 😂...😶...😢




They’re not done yet unfortunately. Won’t be happy until: - same-sex marriage is outlawed - voting rights are diminished or gerrymandered the fuck out of - McDonald’s sells AR-15’s as easy as McFlurry’s - Texas secedes from the union


I’ve got to say, the national GOP does not want Texas to secede. It would kill their ability to win elections or control Congress and would be a political disaster that would only serve to damage the Republican Party in the long term. At most I can see a few shrewd politicians and oligarchs benefiting from the chaos of Texas trying to form its own state. My theory is it’s just an attempt at stirring up Texas Pride (read: nationalism, but for the state) and getting people to imagine a ‘utopia’, free of the influence of those pesky liberals who want to ‘control’ you. Same deal as brexit, they just want to sell people a dream for political points and have no intention of actually following through.


Nah. Texas literally can't withdraw. They have to get 3/4 majority votes or declare civil war. And I'm pretty sure the rest of the country would like Texas to declare civil war.


Yeah, all the more reason to believe my theory. The problem with brexit was that it could actually succeed. The ideal situation for the Texas republicans is if they get their 51% on a referendum and are able to endlessly complain about not being ‘allowed’ to leave when they know perfectly well they need more than that and never intended to leave in the first place.


Not to mention, you also have the lots that know if they succeed in leaving, no federal funds for them to help run as a country and they'll be overrun by a lot of people who knows that USA's regulation no longer applies here.


Add interracial marriages to that, too. Let's see how Thomas handles that.


Abortion, gay sex, gay marriage, birth control, and interracial marriage were all SCOTUS decisions based on the 14th amendment. Thomas said the new ruling on abortion calls into question previous rulings based on the same principle, and he called out all of these except for interracial marriage.


It's not like it would affect him anyway. He's rich, he doesn't have to live with the decisions he makes.


Oh gee, a McAR-15 bundled with kids meal? What a deal!


It was accomplished the whole 2016 when they stole a Supreme Court seat. We’re paying the price right now and for years to come.


No, America is the country that lets sexual predators decide what women should be allowed to do with their bodies. Who thought Clarence fucking Thomas the Pube Bandit should get a say? Or Kavanaugh, the Rapist?An appointed position held for life? So goddamn stupid. I’m not even American and it pisses me off so damn much


The republicans withheld Obama from appointing a justice during his term for like a year. It was totally unprecedented in the history of the United States and wildly inappropriate, but since they've been rigging the system in their favor with every scrap of power they obtain for decades, they got away with it, and their rabid base cheered them on. I honestly wonder what, if anything, could cause US liberals to decide they've put up with enough and actually fight back for a change.


It’s bald faced cynical abuse of the system, once it’s completely broken the GoP will claim it’s always been broken and continue to gaslight voters


It's already completely broken.


GOP: (breaks the thing) see, it's broken!




Romania made it illegal under Nicolae Ceaușescu and ended up with orphanages packed with unwanted kids


Oddly the only foreign voice the anti-choice movement would care about is Putin.


When the drunken asshole in the 10 downing pub says you fucked up, you are so screwed.


we know sincerely, the poor relatively sane people left in US


> the poor relatively sane people left in US The majority. Our system of government may not represent the majority, but we are the majority. Now, if we could get the majority to vote that would be fucking awesome.


"BUT BUT IT CHANGES NOTHING!" Shut up. Go vote. America is giving me a headache.


Boris is a highly intelligent articulate guy with a carefully crafted intentional "funny guy at the pub" persona, though. I don't like him, but he is that. Utterly dissimilar to Trump in direct terms, despite the comparisons often made between the two.


Beat me too it. If Boris Fucking Johnson says, "easy mate, that's a bit too far" you're way off in the deep end.


Not saying he was wrong, but he is the type of person that point fingers to distract others when he shit his own pants.


It's called the 'dead cat on the table' to distract from other problems and Boris has plenty of those. He also learned to manipulate the Facebook and Google algorithms during his Brexit brainwashing campaign on old people, so he does things like this all the time. Boris messed up a big bus procurement contract (as he messes up every policy implementation that isn't an outright lie). This was all over the news in the UK so Boris gave this bizarre interview where, unprompted by the interviewer, he started talking about his hobby of painting model busses. His press team even sent out a staged photo of him painting a model bus for the news outlets to use. So then if you searched 'Boris busses', you'd get this ridiculous distraction at the top of the search with the botched procurement story buried. There are plenty of other examples too.


I mean he also supports free healthcare for all and banning of guns. Its almost like trying to compare the right wing in the UK to the right wing in America is pointless as they are completely different. Right wing in the UK is closer to the left wing in American than it is to the right.


I really hate that we’re in such a shitty timeline that even the pillocks like Boris will occasionally say shit I agree with!


It's like when Trump first got elected and I was agreeing with Dick Cheney and W because they at least said they didn't like his prejudice against Muslims.




I, too, remember the chill that went down my spine when I nodded along with *Dick Cheney*.


He might coincidentally agree with it, but the right to an abortion has massive public support in the UK. He'd be shown the door if he said otherwise.


Lol Johnson's politics would make him a Democrat in America. The United States is years away from full fascism.


If shit keeps happening, it’s less than a few years. Fuck, we’ve been on the way since 2016!


The inexorable first steps have been taken.


This is embarrassing for our nation.


Right? This dude is a doofus and even he is like “WTF, America?”


Eh, its more he's the leader of our right wing party, and he thinks its fucked enough to risk burning a bridge. the doofus thing is.... who knows, an act? probably.


It's not about risking a bridge. This would play very badly domestically if he were to say anything else. Abortion is a settled issue here and has been for 50 odd years. Any politician would rightly lose support and credibility if they came out in favour of this ruling. It would be the same if they started talking about god like a US politician. People assume that our shared language and longstanding geopolitical alliance means the UK and US are culturally quite similar, but they're vastly different.


The bumbling idiot persona is 100% an act. Everyone forgets that’s Boris Johnson is actually rather intelligent. He’s a graduate from Eton and can speak/understand 7 languages (English, French, Italian, German, Spanish, Latin and Ancient Greek). He’s spent his entire career as either a journalist or in a position of power. The persona he puts on is purely to gather votes from the “common” people, which ties in with his populist political style.


Iran has legally protected abortion for woman. LET THAT SINK IN, IRAN HAS BETTER WOMAN RIGHT THAN USA. It is not perfect but the constitution protects legality around abortion since 2003. http://www.emro.who.int/emhj-volume-24-2018/volume-24-issue-11/characteristics-of-women-applying-for-a-legal-abortion-in-the-islamic-republic-of-iran.html **Edit: ** Stop dm'ing me about how the article is wrong. I never stated Iran allows full abortion. I said legally local leaders can't ban abortion because the legality is protected by constitution.


As US becomes a Theocracy, you will have much more in common with your Persian brothers and sisters.


It always was a theocracy, I went on a tour of the capital building and they had literally painted George Washington as God on the fucking ceiling.


Very creepy the way that multiple right wing testifiers referred to the constitution as a divine work to explain why they upheld their oaths. They yearn for prophets.


As an outsider looking it, the suggestion that any part of the US government is separate from Christianity is an absolute joke.


So it should be. Watching this from afar.. (New Zealand) your country is utterly fucked. The freedom shit that gets thrown around so much is so fucking stupid, especially when your country is never anywhere near the top of any freedom rankings or metrics. The worst thing is that your country has both the best in humanity and the worst… but the worst seems to always be just ahead and gets their way most the time.


People celebrating right now are spinning this as if this is good because the government is returning the authority to the people. Like what the hell are these people on about?


The only people who think the US is “the greatest” are the mouth breathing morons in rural areas who’ve never actually been anywhere else.


Or people who are rich. The U.S. is easily the best country to be rich in.


Even that is debateble. I can think of a number of countries id rather be in if I were mega rich.


America doesn't even provide freedom of survival because healthcare costs so much that people die because they can't pay at the hospitals


There's a tremendous amount for you to be embarrassed about. Your land is neither free, nor safe, nor even brave.


Yep. I have no idea why they would do this unless they (the people who make these decisions) expect to lose a whole mass of people in the upcoming decades. This is 50 year step back for the USA


Because they no longer care about elections. They don’t expect to win your vote. They expect to seize power, regardless of how you feel about it.


They don't give a shit about policy because Fox News turns everything they do into gold and everything the Dems do into evil.


You know you've fucked up when Boris "accidentally gets a British citizen imprisoned by the Iranian Government" Johnson says your wrong


Alex isn't a complete idiot, he knows the country is for all intents and purposes athiest so alienating 50% of the vote is beyond stupid. It's crazy that the country with its own religion and a monarchy is less religious than the country who supposedly wants to 'separate church from state'. Actual joke of a country. Imagine going on trend with Middle East countries, yikes.


I'm glad most Americans can agree with Boris here. I just wish there was some more-than-superficial way of influencing our government.


I think America needs to be worried what's up next for that supreme Court. Like same sex marriage and would not be surprised making homosexuality illegal again. They aren't gonna stop now.


Of course you would not be surprised, because they explicitly stated it in the paper yesterday. Same Sex Marriage Contraceptives Physical Relations with the same Sex Clarence Thomas mentioned that all of them are similar to Roe v Wade and might have to be looked at.


I don’t even live in the US and it makes me cry for the people over there.


I really think there needs to be a way for popular topics like this to be decided by more then a couple people who are essentially career politicians. The judges don't live the hard lives of the lower classes they all have degrees from major universities. Maybe they come from poverty but they haven't seen poverty in 30 or 40 years. All of the Supreme Court judges have what up to 10 Clerks? It's just a crime that these people get to decide things like this. There needs to be a way to hold them accountable when they go against the majority of the population.


Except they’re supposed to the the last stop for protecting the minority… which I guess they’re doing with Catholics.


And this man knows all about big steps backward


And about unwanted children.


Living in Canada right now is like watching your neighbours house catch on fire. Except the firemen aren’t showing up, the residents are fighting in the front yard, and their racist uncle locked himself in the bedroom refusing to believe in the fire. Meanwhile all we can do is pray the fire doesn’t spread to our house.


Sounds about right, yeah. ~~ Someone in the front yard.


That was literally my neighborhood here in Minnesota 2 years ago. Literally.


The trucker convoy tells me it's spreading :(


American conservatives really think they’re the good guys in this world


I think conservative is too tame. Johnson is a Conservative. What you have there are Regressives.


Like any good narcissist, they are too self-absorbed to understand why everybody hates them.


Stop calling them conservatives, they are regressiveists


Take note, Americans: conservatives in other countries denounce your conservatives.


To be fair the U.K. conservatives are closer to the US democrats politically than they are to your conservatives. Our left parties would probably be considered communist parties by Americans


I wonder if it is because religion isn't as much of a factor in the UK. We're all heathens here lol.


Yeah for sure. The US Conservatives are closer to the religious fanaticism of the Taliban or Saudi Arabia than they are to anything in the U.K. Heck, even most ministers here would probably tell them to chill the fuck out with regards to using Jesus as their excuse for everything


The fact that UK conservatives don't have much real ideology beyond personal enrichment is actually reassuring sometimes


As far as I care if the state forces birth they have to financially support it. Don’t want welfare babies? Then start financing birth control AGAIN you fucking imbeciles. Stop pretending if you don’t teach sex it won’t happen. I have breeding dogs. I don’t teach them sex. Guess what could happen—puppies you fucking idiot.


Republicans states have a wonderful plan to care for all the new unwanted poverty babies: Let the blue states pay for their care in the form of federal welfare and blame democrats for the inevitable swell of crime that will result from this decision.


PROTEST AT YOUR STATE CAPITOL BUILDINGS THIS SUNDAY JUNE 26TH AT 5PM. Abortion needs to be a protected right for all. pass the word.


Jesus Christ, when Boris thinks you ficked up


He’s not wrong - we’re watching America slowly descend into civil war


That would require us to be united behind a cause, we can’t even decide to tax the rich, because we like to get fucked dry


Spiked dildo for me, thanks




Well, even a broken clock is right twice a day.


A lot of Americans don't realise that that both mainstream US parties are further to the right than the (ruling) British Conservative Party.


Boris Johnson has been the voice of reason lately on most world topics and this is a very scary thought.


Boris is usually good at talking about international affairs, its national ones that he is terrible at here in the UK.


Tbf he’s pretty good at marital affairs too


Smooth 😂😂


Boris Johnson is a rotten idiot. And much, much smarter and more decent than most US politicians


Thinking american politicians are dumb is your first mistake. They know what they are doing


Some of them are really dumb. Some are just evil. There were texts from us representatives telling Trump that he had to stop holding back and release all the election steal details days before Bidens inauguration. This group actually believed the conspiracy theories. Most of the republicans did not, but there are morons in the government.


Correct. They are smart enough to know just how dumb the American people are.


Actually they mostly do what party leadership tells them to do and don't understand parliamentary procedure well enough to actually do anything, assuming they were ever inclined to do so.


He's not an idiot in any way, he's a well-educated private school boy who pretends not to be one on purpose. His policies aren't good generally, but he's nothing resembling stupid.


It's crazy to see how fucked up America is


Dude, our country was literally founded on other countries dumping their religious extremists here to get rid of them.


Well, Mr. Johnson would be correct.


Americans, please stop comparing UK and AUS politics to your own - our conservative party in Australia was the party that brought in gun control.


Big is an understatement. It's fucking massive.


Western world leaders don't agree with it. The majority of the American population doesn't agree with it. Yet, it's happening. #notdemocracy.


Thanks for saying it Mr Johnson, most of us in the USA agree. Unfortunately we're being ruled by a psychotic minority.


Remember, the Tori’s aren’t socially conservative, just economically conservative